Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 328
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 328

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


"Sh*t! Am I really his son? I wouldn't do something like that even if I were someone else."


Tang ig-ki hit a nearby tree with his fist in anger. He didn't think and just hit the tree, but the impact caused him pain.


Tang ig-ki groaned with his mouth open.

It was so painful that tears came to his eyes.

He crouched down and waited for the pain to subside.

He felt sad, unjust, and angry. And tears streamed down his face.

Tang ig-ki wiped away his tears with his head down.

"Son of a b*tch!"

He looked around.

Fortunately, there was no one there.

If anyone had seen him, he would have been so embarrassed that he would have wanted to die.

Tang ig-ki tried to keep a calm expression and headed to the blacksmith shop.

The Cheolsan blacksmith shop was located far from the Iron Mountain Manor, so Tang Cheolsan himself rarely visited unless it was for something important.


For Tang Ik-gi, the workshop was the only refuge. As soon as he arrived at the Cheolsan Workshop, he began to criticize.

"Why is it so dirty here?"

"Why haven't you organized the iron properly?"

Tang Ik-gi nagged at the craftsmen and apprentices.

"Yes! We'll clean it up right away."

"We're sorry."

The craftsmen and apprentices quickly cleaned up the workshop, watching Tang Ik-gi closely.

"Tch, these damn bastards!"

Tang Ik-gi cursed them in his mind. He felt like the workshop would fall apart if he didn't keep an eye on them.

Suddenly, he realized that one person was missing.

"Hey, where did he go?"


"Do Yeonsan. Why can't I see him?"


"He went on vacation."

"Vacation? But he should have returned by now, shouldn't you?"

The sun had long since set.

At Cheolsan Workshop, the vacation was strictly from sunrise to sunset. Going beyond that was not allowed.

The master craftsman looked perplexed as he spoke.

"Well, sometimes there are cases where they return a little later, so if you could just wait a bit..."

"Why are you showing consideration to an apprentice like that?"


"An apprentice, right? Not a master craftsman, just an apprentice!"

"But his talent is so exceptional..."

"Damn it! Talent, talent! That damn talent! It's so noisy I could die. Whatever. Call a few of the boys. I'll go catch him myself."

He needed something to vent his anger right now. Otherwise, he felt like he would go crazy.

Tang ig-ki immediately called a few of the workers and went to find Do Yeonsan.

It wasn't difficult to find Do Yeonsan's house. They had already identified it in advance.

"Do Yeonsan!"Bam!

Tang ig-ki kicked open the door of the gate. 

He saw Do Yeonsan sitting on one side of the courtyard.

"Hey! You, why haven't you come back?"

Despite Tang Ik-gi's yelling, Do Yeonsan didn't answer. This made Tang ig-ki even angrier.

"You, don't people speak when spoken to?"

Only then did Do Yeonsan raise his head and look atTang Ik-gi.

His eyes were unfocused.

The sight made Tang ig-ki even more furious.

"This guy doesn't even respond when people speak to him."

With that, he kicked Do Yeonsan.


Do Yeonsan couldn't even scream and rolled on the ground as Tang Ik-gi kicked and hit him with whatever he could find.

"Why aren't you coming back? Do you think I'm a joke? Is that it?"

Whack! Smack!

Tang Ik-gi not only kicked Do Yeonsan, but also beat him with a stick whenever he found one.

Do Yeonsan couldn't even scream and was beaten like a stray dog.

"You bastard! You damn son of a bitch! You're even worse than a maggot!"

In Tang Ik-gi's eyes, Do Yeonsan's beaten figure overlapped with his own, who used to be beaten by his father without even resisting.


Do Yeonsan tried to make an excuse, but Tang Ik-gi didn't allow him to do so.

"Shut up! You son of a bitch! You're even worse than a dog!"

Smack! Whack!

Tang Ik-gi's face was filled with madness as he swung the stick.



"Please stop for a moment."

The subordinates who had been watching stepped in and stopped him.

"What? Damn it!"

"Oh, you need to come inside and take a look."


"Something big happened."


"Damn it! What are you talking about again?"

Tang Ik-gi threw down his club and looked around the interior of the house.

In an instant, the color drained from his face.

"What is this?"

"It's the parents of Do Yeonsan."

"I know! But why are they all dead?"

Inside the house, Yeonsan's parents were lying there, covered in blood.

Despite being someone who would go as far as to kill Yeonsan, Tang Ik-gi was still scared when he saw someone else's dead body.

One of his subordinates examined the bodies and said, "It seems like they were murdered."

"By who?"

"We don't know."

"Damn it!"

"After finding his parents' bodies, Yeonsan seems to have lost his mind."

"Then, he should have said something! Goddamn it!"

Tang Ik-gi knew that he was the one who had resorted to violence before Yeonsan had a chance to say anything. He had interrupted Yeonsan's attempts to speak with violence.


There was no room for excuses, but he never admitted his mistake.

"Take that bastard and gag him."

"What about the body?"

"Why are you asking me? Let that bastard figure it out."

Tang Ik-gi burst out in anger.

He thought it was an unlucky day for him.

Nothing was going right.

His reputation was already bad, and if this fact were to be known, his reputation would hit rock bottom.

Above all, he was afraid of his father's scornful gaze


"I can't do this. Just burn the place down."


"I said, burn it down. That way we can cremate the body and kill two birds with one stone."

"But Yeonsan has to handle the body..."

"How can he handle it in that condition? Do you think he can?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Then stop talking and start the fire. I'll take full responsibility."

"Yes, sir."

In the end, the martial artist weakly answered and started the fire in the house.


Do Yeonsan shed tears as he watched his house burning.

"No, this can't be happening!"

He wanted to scream, but his voice wouldn't come out due to shock.

Her family's home, their safe haven, was on fire.

Inside, her father and mother's bodies were burning.

"This can't be happening. You bastards!"

He couldn't even find a clue to her younger brother's whereabouts, and everything was being consumed by the flames, reduced to a handful of ashes.


Pyo Wol looked up and gazed at the distant hill.

He saw black smoke rising from it.

"It looks like there's another fire."

"Tsk! Those warriorsprobably set something on fire again."

"If they wanted to burn something, they should have burned down the entire slum. It looks like it will burn for a while and then go out."

People nearby made comments one by one.

They all knew that the place where the fire broke out was in the slums, where the locals lived.

They didn't care about what happened to the slums.

They only looked forward to the possibility of building good houses in its place if the slums burned down completely.

Luckily, the fire was soon under control.

The black smoke that had been billowing out wildly subsided.

People dispersed, relieved that the fire had not spread too much.

Pyo Wol lost interest in the slums.

He never paid much attention to things that didn't concern him.

He walked along Taeho street.

An endless expanse of lake stretched out before him, with dozens or hundreds of boats floating on it and people laughing and chatting animatedly.

All of it was spread out before him on Taeho street. But Pyo Wol didn't even glance at it.

He hadn't come to Taeho street to enjoy the scenery or idle his time away.


What Pyo Wol was looking for was Hao Clan's branch.

He had something to investigate.

In a bustling city like Taeho, there was always a Hao Clan’s branch. The problem was that finding the Hao Clan's branch was not easy.

Some branches were exposed, but important ones were always hidden. It seemed that Taeho's branch was the latter.

That's why Pyo Wol had to struggle to find Taeho's branch. If Hong Yushin hadn't told him how to find the branch, he might have wasted several more days trying to find it.

Taeho's branch was located in a peculiar place, on the outskirts of Taeho's slaughterhouse.


All the meat that entered Taeho and the surrounding neighborhoods was captured there.

Even approaching the slaughterhouse caused a strong stench of blood. That's why ordinary people hardly ever approached it.

"Who are you?"

As soon as Pyo Wol entered, the men in charge looked at him with wary eyes.

He didn't fit in with this place at all.

An old man holding a large knife used for slaughtering cows and pigs approached Pyo Wol.

"We don't sell meat directly to customers here. We only supply stores and inns, so don't waste your time and go back."

"Is this Hao Clan's Taeho branch?"

"How did you know that?"

The old man's gaze changed.

Some men gathered around him.

The smell of blood became even stronger as they approached.

Ordinary people felt immense pressure just by facing them. Most of the people who had come here before had a depressed expression, and the men in charge thought it would be the same this time.

However, contrary to their expectations, Pyo Wol's expression was not depressed at all.

The old man realized that the man in front of him was not an ordinary person.

"Who are you? Not many people know that this is the Hao Clan's branch."

"Pyo Wol!"

"Hmm! An important guest has arrived."


The old man immediately recognized the identity of Pyo Wol.

When he waved his hand, the men around him scattered.

The old man put down the sword he was holding and said, "I am Seobok, the head of the Hao Clan’s Taeho branch. It is an honor to meet the famous master Pyo."

"I didn't know the Hao Clan’s Taeho branch was a slaughterhouse."

"Hao Clan was originally created by the lower-class people to protect themselves. Nowadays, we use a lot of convenience, but in the past, there were quite a few branches even in the slaughterhouses like this. This is the oldest among the branches of  Hao Clan, so we are just using the slaughterhouse here."

"I didn't know that."

"Well, it's not something outsiders can know. It's not important either. So, why did lord Pyo come here?"

"There is only one reason to find the  Hao Clan branch."

"Well, that's a silly question. Even without that, there was an order from above to cooperate with master Pyo’s work. What do you want to know?"

"Cheolsan workshop."

"Are you talking about the workshop operated by Tang Cheolsan? Can you tell me the reason you want to know?"

"Do I have to tell you the reason to get the information?"

"Well, not necessarily...ugh! This old man was too presumptuous."

Seobok let out a sigh.

The order from the surveillance chief was to cooperate with Pyo Wol no matter what.

As the gatekeeper of the Hao Clan, he could never resist.

"I'm sorry. This old man has become more sensitive since the surveillance chief disappeared."

"Disappeared? Hong Yushin?"

"You didn't know? There has been no contact for the past ten months. Because of that,  the Hao Clan has been turned upside down."

"About four months ago?"


It was around the time when Pyo Wol had entered Mt Tianzong, leaving the city and the woman behind. 

It was when Hong Yushin had disappeared while Pyo Wol was practicing on the mountain.

"Do you know why he disappeared?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be carrying this worry around. We sent our elites to investigate Lord Hong's whereabouts, but we found nothing. He disappeared without a trace."

All the members of Hao Clan were mobilized to find Hong Yushin, but his whereabouts remained unknown, and there was no trace of him found anywhere.



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