Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 327
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 327

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


The red silk dress that Eum Yujeong was wearing highlighted her beauty. The guests in the room were staring at her with expressions as if they were bewitched by a fox.

Eum Yujeong was well aware of their stares and expressions.

Of course she was.

Her goal was to captivate people.

She intentionally dressed up as brightly as possible to captivate her audience.

The problem was that the man she was trying to captivate looked at her with eyes devoid of any emotions, which caused a commotion among the people around them.

The eyes of the man named Pyo Wol, who was looking at her, were devoid of any emotions, as if he was looking at a stone.

Eum Yujeong felt a great sense of disappointment towards him.

However, she was not weak enough to be discouraged by this.

She was the owner of a strong heart that could hide her true feelings. 

If not, she would not have been able to hold the reins of power in the Golden Heavenly Hall.

She spoke as if nothing had happened.


"When the sun rises like this, the scenery that Taeho looks at is truly breathtaking. That's why many literary people come here to leave great works. What do you think? Do you also find it so beautiful?"

"It's definitely an uncommon view."

"That's right!


Eum Yujeong naturally sat down on the opposite side of Pyo Wol, nodding her head.

She gazed at Pyo Wol, resting her chin on her hands.

With a radiant smile on her face, it was evident to anyone that she held a favorable opinion of Pyo Wol.

Eum Yujeong was like a flower that was out of reach.

It shone even more beautifully because it could not be plucked by anyone's hands, and all men admired her.

Knowing this, Eum Yujeong maintained an ambiguous attitude and did not give her heart to anyone, knowing that it was the best way to elevate her worth.

Eum Yujeong's apparent affection for Pyo Wol was a deliberate act.

Pyo Wol was a giant incomparable to any other men around her, including Jo Ik-gwang or Bok Ho-jin.

It was a flaw that Pyo Wol had no background or power to support him, but it was precisely why Eum Yujeong liked him.

Eum Yujeong was a member of the Sword Flower Pavilion..


Although they may not be as great as Namgyeong Clan or the long river fortress, they were still a well-organized sect.

 If they could recruit Pyo Wol, no one in the world would dare to ignore the Sword Flower Pavillion.

Eum Yujeong gave her most beautiful smile and looked at Pyo Wol with a deep gaze.

A faint rose scent emanated from her body.

She had bathed in rose water since dawn, and the scent had clung to her body.

All of this was to seduce Pyo Wol.

As long as she could seduce him and keep him under the hem of her skirt, she didn't care what else happened.

Eum Yujeong whispered in a low voice.

"How about we move to Sword Flower Pavillion instead of staying here? The skills of the Sword Flower Pavillion masters are probably the best in Taeho."

"I've already placed my order."

"Just let those people eat it. If you leave them behind, they'll come running after you."

Eum Yujeong looked around at the people who were stealing glances at them.

Her face expressed disdain towards them.

"If that's all you're here for, I'd like you to leave."


"Don't disturb my mealtime and just leave me alone."

"What do you mean?"

In an instant, Eum Yujeong's face turned red with contempt.

She didn't expect to be refused so easily.

She was not used to being rejected.

Everyone she had met so far had willingly fulfilled her requests and treated her with care, and no one had ever spoken harshly to her like Pyo Wol.

"What did you say? Did you say something wrong?"


"Did you really tell me to leave you alone? How could you say that..."

Eum Yujeong trembled with anger.

"Your face is fine, but your head is not."

"What do you mean?"

"Did you think I would gladly accept your invitation when I had already refused Jo Ik-gwang's invitation yesterday? If you had a brain, you wouldn't have thought that way."


"Are you thinking of me as being on the same level as that person right now?"

"No, I think you're less than that. More lowly, more cowardly."


At Pyo Wol's sharp words, she could no longer contain herself and stood up abruptly.

She glared at Pyo Wol as if she were going to devour him.

It was said that when a woman harbors a grudge, frost falls on the Five Elements, and her anger seems as though a blizzard was blowing throughout the area.

Her hand reached for the sword at her waist.

It had been forged by a master smith.

It was a famous sword with the power to cut through precious stones like tofu.

She wanted to draw the sword and cut off Pyo Wol's tongue for insulting her. But she couldn't draw her sword hastily.

Pyo Wol was staring at her.

At that moment, she had an intuition.

"If I draw my sword, I'll die."

The intense gaze of the young men she had faced before was nothing compared to Pyo Wol's gaze.

It was the cold, calm gaze of a ruthless warrior who had fought numerous battles and killed countless people.

The weight and fear she felt was incomparable to anything she had ever experienced.

Her whole body went cold.

The hot anger that had filled her head disappeared in an instant, replaced by a cool, rational mind.

She put down her sword and forced a smile.

"I guess I was too hasty. Sorry for interrupting a good time. Let's have a meal next time."

Eum Yujeong slowly got up from her seat.

There were many people in the room, watching the two of them. But since they had spoken in low voices, no one else could have heard them.

If she acted calmly, they would never know that Eum Yujeong had been humiliated by Pyo Wol.

Thinking that way, Eum Yujeong surrounded Pyo Wol and spoke in a loud voice.

"I had a pleasant conversation. Please invite me to a better place next time, rather than this shabby inn. See you next time."

She left the inn without waiting for Pyo Wol's response.

Pyo Wol, who was left alone, looked in the direction she had disappeared.

Eum Yujeong was self-centered and relentless, but also intelligent.

Pyo Wol knew from experience that people like her would always cause big problems.

At that moment, a strong voice calling out for the innkeeper was heard.


"Meal's ready."

As he turned his head, he saw the innkeeper standing with a middle-aged man who had a warm and gentle appearance.

The innkeeper  introduced the man, "He's the head chef of our inn. He came to see master Pyo directly."

"Hello. I am Master Bang Seung-gwan of Taeho First Pavillion (太湖第一館)."

Master Bang held a large tray in his hand.

"Pyo Wol."

"I know who you are. It's an honor to meet you like this."

"Do you know me?"

"Well, you wouldn't have come to see me in person if you didn't know who I am, right? Haha!"

Master Bang chuckled and placed the tray on the table.

When he opened the lid of the tray, a plate full of flower-shaped fried food was revealed.

"This is a dish called '"Exploding Squid Blossoms",' made with squid and fried in oil. It's delicious."

""Exploding Squid Blossoms"?"

"It's a dish that has been passed down through generations of the Bang family. It was created by Bang Jin-bo, and established by Bang Ye-in, who was the next generation..."

Master Bang was excited and explained the origins of the dish.

Pyo Wol listened to his story and used her chopsticks to taste the dish.

The Exploding Squid Blossoms were really delicious.

Pyo Wol felt as if flowers were blooming in his mouth.

If he had followed Eum Yujeong, he would have never tasted such food. He couldn't help but think that it was a good thing she had been kicked out.

As Master Bang continued to talk about Bang Jin-bo and Bang Ye-in, Pyo Wol didn't hear a word he said.





With a sharp sound, the impact made Tang ik-gi grab his cheek and roll on the ground. His swollen cheek quickly became puffy from the blow.

"Oh, father?"

Tang ik-gi looked up at her father, Tang Cheolsan, while holding his cheek with his  hand.

Tang Cheolsan was a six-foot-tall man with hands as large as saucepan lids.

 It was only natural that his blow would tear apart her mouth and make his cheek swell up like that.

"You idiot! I told you to go to the Golden Heavenly Hall, and you came back looking like that?"

"It's all because of that man. Who knew he would show up?"

"That man? Are you talking about the guy named Pyo Wol?"

"Yes! Everyone was afraid of that person. Look, my shoulder is also pierced like this.”

Tang ik-gi pulled apart his clothes to show the wound on his shoulder.

The finger marks where he had been pierced were still visible on his shoulder.

"So, you came back in such a terrible state just from those wounds?"

"I almost died, Father. If you had seen that person, you wouldn't say such things."

"Hmph! You're just a weakling who's scared, do you think I'm someone who would blink an eye in fear?"

Tang Cheolsan sniffled.

He looked down at his son with a pitiful expression.

The fact that his grandfather had created this workshop was entirely due to his skill.

When they first moved here, his grandfather was a beggar. All he had was some rough skills he had learned by stealing from the market.

It was unclear why his grandfather had left the Tang Clan and settled in this far-off place.

 It was only speculation that he had fled the gate because he had committed some kind of crime.

In any case, his grandfather built the workshop and took care of the family.

The workshop had been fairly small until his father took over. His father was a great craftsman.

He thought that his grandfather's rough skills alone were not enough to establish the vision of the Cheolsan workshop, so he recruited nearby artisans and established the unique vision of the Cheolsan workshop.

All of that was inherited by Tang Cheolsan.

Tang Cheolsan was an even greater craftsman than his father. He went around talking about how he had inherited the vision of the Tang Clan to promote the Cheolsan workshop.

Although the Tang Clan had fallen, their reputation, which had once made them famous, remained in people's memories.

Especially since he was the best at memorizing, people were willing to go out of their way to find the things they had made, despite the collapse of the Tang Clan.

Tang Cheolsan made good use of the afterglow of the Tang Clan, and as a result, the Cheolsan workshop was able to grow into the best in the area.

Although the weapons made by the Cheolsan workshop were only slightly better than those made by other workshops, the rumor that they inherited the vision of the Tang Clan added value to them. 

However, Tang Cheolsan was not satisfied with just that.

"If only you had joined the Golden Heavenly Hall, our position in Taeho would have been even stronger."

"But what can I do if they won't accept me?"

"That's why I told you to bribe them with whatever you have. Is that such a difficult thing to do?"

"I did my best."

"If you did your best, why is it like this? If you did your best, why did it turn out like this?"

“How is it? He's a god of death. Ordinary people might not know, but those who know, know how terrifying he is.”

“Hmph! Even so, he's still human. If you offer him money, he'll waver.”


“Still, if that doesn't work, we'll use other means. You don't have to worry about it.”

Tang Cheolsan listened to Tang Ik-gi's words in one ear.

Seeing his father's attitude, Tang Ik-gi was infuriated, but he suppressed his anger.

"Damn it! It's always like this. He never listens to me."

He looked at his father with eyes full of resentment and anger, then went outside.

Left alone, Tang Cheolsan starred in the direction his son had gone with cold eyes.

“Useless fool! He has no backbone. How did he become so helpless and pathetic?...If only we could get our hands on the vision of Tang Clan, we wouldn't have to suffer like this because of him. Come to think of it, why haven't I heard anything from the hundred wraith union? When did I place the request?”

Suddenly, he remembered a fact he had been forgetting.

He had heard through the upper ranks that there was a great boy craftsman in Sichuan.

Tang Cheolsan was sure that the young craftsman had inherited the vision of Tang Clan.

Otherwise, he could not have had such a skill at such a young age.

Tang Cheolsan had greedily commissioned the hundred wraith union to kill the young craftsman and bring him the vision of Tang Clan. But it had already been a year since the assassination request, and there was no news from the hundred wraith union.

"I should contact the hundred wraith union."


Looks like someone's gonna get fucked up pretty bad and there will be a blood bath soon in Taeho lake. Can't wait to find out what's gonna happen next?

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I can hear some of you asking: "Why not just upload the free chapters on the website?" 🤔 Trust me, I'd love to! But to keep the free chapters flowing, I need some source of income 💰 or else I'll end up broke, just from buying raws and the necessary editing tools.

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In conclusion, I just want to say that without you guys, I wouldn't be able to continue doing what I love (and believe me, I really enjoy sharing this novel with you all! 📚). So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! 🙏

Stay awesome, and happy reading! 🥳📚

P.S- Tomorrow's Sunday so I am planning to go and touch some grass but I maybe doing some edits in the names of the two major factions in this novel. So watch out for new updates on

Thanks and See you on Monday:)