Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 326
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 326

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


"Take a look at this."

"What is it?"

Without even turning his head, Do Yeonsan replied to his colleague's call.

"Look at this. It's really amazing."

"What's so special about it?"

"Just take a look."

When Do Yeonsan didn't react much, his colleague grabbed his hand and pulled him over.

Do Yeonsan then put down the hammer he had been holding and went to his colleague's workstation.

On his colleague's workstation, there was a large mineral of unknown origin.

"What's so amazing about it? It's just a rock."

"It's not an ordinary rock."

"What's so special about it?"

"Just watch."

His colleague detached the mineral a little with a hammer and chisel.

As he put the mineral torn off, about the size of a child's fingernail, into a crystal box that revealed the inside, something amazing happened when he poured water in.


Suddenly, the mineral melted and spewed out hazy smoke.

His colleague immediately grabbed his hand and said,

"Step back! It's toxic."


Do Yeonsan's eyes widened in surprise.

His colleague threw a prepared rat into the crystal box and hurriedly closed the lid.

At first, the hazy smoke cleared up and turned transparent.

A really amazing thing happened at that moment.

The mouse, which had been fine, suddenly vomited blood and died.

"What the...?"

"You killed it?"

"What happened? How did this happen?"

"I don't know either."

"If you don't know, who will?"

Do Yeonsan asked in a bewildered expression. His colleague shrugged his shoulders and replied.

"That thing there was mixed in with the iron that was imported from the overseas this time. Someone must have left it thinking it was iron ore."

Tang Cheolsan, the owner of the workshop, was a very ambitious man. He wanted to build a workshop that surpassed the old Tang Clan.

Because of this, he imported rare minerals from the central plains as well as from the overseas to use in making weapons.

Some of the minerals imported from the overseas had the effect of increasing the strength of weapons.

The mineral that Do Yeonsan's colleague tested just now was one of those imported minerals.

"It looked different from regular iron ore, so I took a little piece to try it out. But then I forgot and left it by the water while doing something else."


"Well, the dog that we raised in the workshop was playing around and accidentally dropped a piece of the mineral into the water."

"The dog, you mean the black one?"

"Yeah! The one that Goo Deok-Ryong raised."

Goo Deok-Ryong was one of the craftsmen at Cheolsan's ironworks. He was an arrogant person who treated the apprentices like they were nothing, so all the apprentices hated him.

Perhaps because he was like his owner, Goo Deok-Ryong 's dog also had a nasty temper and caused many accidents.

Because of this, all the apprentices wanted to kill the dog, but they couldn't dare to touch him because of Goo Deok-Ryong .

"When the piece of mineral fell into the water, the dog sniffed and whimpered at the smell. Then suddenly smoke rose up."


"Yeah! It died instantly like a mouse. So I tested it."


"Isn't it amazing? It's a mineral that produces extreme toxicity when it comes into contact with water. I've never heard of anything like this before. No craftsman in this workshop would know there is such a thing."

His colleague was excited and talked incessantly about the appearance of this new mineral that he had never seen before. However, to Do Yeonsan, his excitement was very dangerous.

"If you study this thing well, you could create an incredible thing. Like the fake vision created by Tang Clan, you might be able to create a real vision that belongs to Cheolsan's workshop."

"I think it's better to leave it alone."


"It's dangerous. If you mishandle it, you could get poisoned and die before you even create something."

"Oh, come on! You're not serious, are you?"

Do Yeonsan's concern didn't seem to bother his coworker.

He was excited to see what interesting things he could make with the mineral.

Do Yeonsan's mind was filled with ideas of things he could make with the mineral, but he tried to ignore them.

There was a high probability that someone would get angry if he made something with such dangerous material.

It was then.

"Why is Dabok acting like this? Why is this bastard dead?"

Goo Deok-Ryong 's mournful voice could be heard from outside.

Do Yeonsan spoke to his colleague.

"For now, hide it. If we make a mistake, we might end up getting beaten to death by that bastard."


His colleague quickly hid the mineral under the workbench.

"Everyone, assemble!"

Goo Deok-Ryong gathered all the apprentices.

He grilled them to reveal who was responsible for the incident, trying to find the culprit. But no one spoke up.

In the end, the apprentices were harassed by Goo Deok-Ryong all night.


Do Yeonsan sighed while looking in the mirror.

He couldn't sleep properly the night before because of Goo Deok-Ryong , and his eyes were completely bloodshot. He felt sad that he had to go home looking like this.

Today was the day he was finally going home after a long time.

Life as an apprentice in the Cheolsan workshop was so strict that they couldn't roam outside freely.

Cheolsan workshop strictly managed their outings due to the risk of leakage of their technology.

The apprentices had to live inside the Cheolsan workshop and were only allowed to go home on designated days.

It was the only day allowed per month for them to go out, but unfortunately, because of Goo Deok-Ryong 's dead dog the day before, he looked terrible.

Do Yeonsan tried hard to smile.

He couldn't show up at home with a sad face after finally going home after such a long time.

He dressed up in his cleanest clothes and left the Cheolsan workshop.

He had three silver coins in his pocket.

He secretly sold something to Pyo Wol to get the money.

He wanted to see the happy faces of his parents and younger siblings, so he walked faster.

His house was located in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts.

Since the Cheolsan workshop was also located on the outskirts, it didn't take long to get home.

"Mom! Dad! Suyin!"

Do Yeonsan ran into the house, shouting his family's names at the top of his lungs.

But when he entered, the atmosphere was strange. There was a cold chill in the air, and he felt no warmth whatsoever.

"Mom, Dad?"

Do Yeonsan cautiously took a step forward. It was strange that he didn't hear anyone running to greet him, even though his footsteps should have been audible.

A sense of foreboding washed over him, and unfortunately, his instincts were right.

As soon as he entered his parents' room, his eyes widened in shock. "What happened to Mom and Dad...?"

The two of them were lying on the ground, covered in blood.

Do Yeonsan hurriedly hugged their bodies and screamed, "Mom! Dad!" But there was no response or even a slight movement from them.

Their bodies were already cold, indicating that they had been dead for some time.

He held onto their bodies and cried out in despair. After some time, he finally came to his senses and thought of his younger sister, Suyin.

"Where's Suyin?"

He searched the entire house, but there was no sign of his sister.


Meanwhile, Pyo Wol had come to the first-floor restaurant for breakfast. As soon as he appeared, murmurs could be heard throughout the place.

"Isn't that Pyo Wol ?"

"That's him, right?"

The events that took place on this floor the previous night had already spread as rumors.

Until now, only a few people knew Pyo Wol 's name and title, but after his encounter with the young martial artists, his name had become a topic of interest among the common people.

His appearance, which was no less beautiful than a woman's, his strong martial arts skills, and most importantly, his ability to suppress Tang Ik-gi in an instant - all of these elements were enough to capture the interest of the guests.

The customers in the restaurant left after the martial artist’s meeting was over, and they went to various bars to spread the rumors they had heard.

The rumor quickly spread, and in just one night, there was almost no one at Taeho province who didn't know about Pyo Wol.

Some people even came to see Pyo Wol from early in the morning.

They were amazed by Pyo Wol 's beautiful appearance.

"It's more beautiful than a woman...."

"I feel like I could be mesmerized just by looking at it."

The guests shook their heads with a bored expression.

As a town of colorful people, there were many beauties in Taeho, and not a few handsome men, so the standards of the people living around Taeho were quite high.

No one could stand out from the crowd. But Pyo Wol was on a different level.

There was nothing ordinary about its facial features or gaze.

Just looking at it made people feel dizzy.

Compared to Pyo Wol , all the beauties and handsome men they had seen before were far inferior.

"This is crazy! It's really crazy."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with someone's casual remark.

As Pyo Wol sat down, The innkeeper quickly ran over.

"Wasn't the bed uncomfortable?"

"It was fine."

"That's good. Hehe!"

The innkeeper smiled brightly.

He was kind yesterday, but he was even kinder today.

This was because he had watched Pyo Wol defeat Tang ik-gi yesterday.

It was an indelible humiliation for him, but it was a sight he would brag about for the rest of his life.

The sight of Pyo Wol suppressing Tang ik-gi in just a few days and radiating a presence greater than that of the members of the Golden Heavenly Hall was still deeply ingrained in his heart.

Just looking at Pyo Wol made the innkeeper feel a surge of ambition.

"You should eat, shouldn't you?"


"Hehe! Just wait a little. The owner is preparing a special meal to serve you."

"A special meal?"

"Yes! It's a dish the owner serves only to special guests. Everyone who has tasted it says it's heavenly."

The innkeeper's face was full of pride.

Pyo Wol nodded.

He didn't have a particular preference for food or pursue fine dining, but there was no reason to refuse someone's hospitality.

The innkeeper quickly poured warm tea into the cup in front of Pyo Wol.

"Then, please wait while you enjoy your tea. I'll bring it out soon."

The innkeeper placed the tea kettle on the table and quickly ran to the kitchen.

Left alone, Pyo Wol looked out the window.

He knew that the guests inside the inn were stealing glances at him, but he didn't pay much attention.

He was well aware of how his splendid appearance captured people's attention and he was accustomed to such situations.

He was not bothered by the fleeting glances people gave him, nor did he feel burdened by them.

People only looked at him furtively, like a thief.

No one approached Pyo Wol to speak to him.

Thanks to this, Pyo Wol looked out the window at the view of Taeho and waited for his food to arrive.

The surface of Taeho, bathed in morning sunlight, sparkled like a gem. On it, fishermen who had set sail since dawn were casting their nets.

The scene was picture-perfect.

To those who were accustomed to such scenery, it was just a part of everyday life, but for Pyo Wol, it gave him a strange feeling.

Pyo Wol was raised as an assassin and had lost his basic human sensitivity. As a result, he didn't react much to external stimuli.

Pyo Wol was aware of this fact. However, his stay at Mount Tianzhong had brought about significant changes in him.

It was not just limited to the achievement of martial arts or enlightenment, but also changes in his mind.

Thanks to this, he could look at this beautiful scenery not with an insensitive gaze, but with a gaze filled with emotions.

The beautiful scenery led him to a world of contemplation.

For a martial artist at Pyo Wol's level, such moments of contemplation were precious.

Because it could be the beginning of sudden enlightenment.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

It was a soft voice that showed consideration for others, but Pyo Wol 's contemplation
shattered like glass on the ground.

Pyo Wol raised his eyebrows and looked at the owner of the voice.

A woman with brightly decorated hair smiled at him.

She had over ten pieces of jewelry fixed in her hair. The jewelry, which was crafted with great care, was so beautiful that it could not be priced.

But above all, the most beautiful thing was the woman's face itself.

The existence in front of him proved how beautiful a woman could be when she put her heart into her appearance.

She smiled seductively at Pyo Wol …


Hmm, Where's Do Yeonsan's sister? πŸ€”And how's Pyo Wol gonna react to Eum Yujeong? Can't wait to find out?

Well, you can read the later chapters of this arc in advance and discover it for yourself!!

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I can hear some of you asking: "Why not just upload the free chapters on the website?" πŸ€” Trust me, I'd love to! But to keep the free chapters flowing, I need some source of income πŸ’° or else I'll end up broke, just from buying raws and the necessary editing tools.

So, my dear readers, I'm relying on you to help keep this passion project alive ❤️ – not just for me, but for our entire community! And if you can't contribute financially, no worries 😊 – sharing the chapters is a fantastic way to lend a hand! πŸ‘

In conclusion, I just want to say that without you guys, I wouldn't be able to continue doing what I love (and believe me, I really enjoy sharing this novel with you all! πŸ“š). So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! πŸ™

Stay awesome, and happy reading! πŸ₯³πŸ“š

P.S- I will add one more chapter today and the scheduled time will be given at So Join fast.

Thanks Again:)