Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 323
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 323

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


As they were talking, two men came up to the floor.

One of them was a young man, dressed in a blue robe, with a fine appearance. His eyes and jawline were sharp and intimidating.

The other was a fierce-looking young man in a sleeveless robe that exposed his shoulders. His copper-colored skin and stone-like muscles gave him an imposing appearance.

People around Pyo Wol began to murmur at their arrival.

"It's master Jo Ik-gwang from the Namgyeong Clan. He looks as extraordinary as rumored."

"The one coming with him is Bok Ho-jin of the Long River Fortress, right?"

"They say that Jo Ik-gwang and Bok Ho-jin are close friends, and they certainly look good together."

The man in the blue military uniform was Jo Ik-gwang, who had a prominent reputation as the prince of the Namgyeong clan.

The Namgyeong Clan referred to the Jo clan, was located in the southern capital close to Taeho.

The Namgyeong clan had been a prestigious family with influence in the southern capital for centuries.

As the family had a long history, they had extensive power and connections, and were recognized as the de facto ruler of Kangho.

Jo Ik-gwang inherited his father's influence and connections as the eldest son of the Namgyeong Clan.

He was known for his good looks and excellent character, which made many people want to form ties with him.

On the other hand, Bok Ho-jin, who was rising shoulder to shoulder with Jo Ik-gwang, was a figure from Green Forest.

Originally, Green Forest was united under Heaven High Castle.

However, as time passed, the Heaven High Castle was divided into two valleys Jade Valley and Crystal valley and four fortresses including Fiery Blossom Fortress, High Mountain Fortress, White Tiger Fortress, and Long River Fortress.

Long River Fortress barely held the last position among the two valleys and four fortresses, but its influence was the greatest. This was because the Long River, a powerful river, was its main stage.

Due to the collection of tolls at various points along the Long River, Long River Fortress was known to be more prosperous than most merchant groups.

Originally, the noble families and Noklim were at odds, but the Namgyeong Clan and Long River Fortress had maintained a steady relationship for over a decade.

As a result, Jo Ik-gwang and Bok Ho-jin, the eldest sons of the two factions, boasted a close relationship.

As if to prove that fact, they came up and sat down together in a friendly manner, ignoring the gaze of others.

Pointing to the floor he recommended to Pyo Wol earlier, the innkeeper quickly came up and bowed to the two men.

"Did the nobles come?"

"Are we the first ones to arrive?"


"Bring out the drinks and food first."


With his reply, the innkeeper ran down.

Jo Ik-gwang, who had finished placing the order, looked around the tavern while fanning himself. He noticed people watching him.

A cold smile crept up on Jo Ik-gwang's lips.

"These rat-like creatures."

He felt like a rat in a slum, constantly being watched. But he couldn't reveal his true feelings.

With a masked expression, Jo Ik-gwang looked at the people on this floor one by one.

At that moment, he noticed a man who stood out.

He was Pyo Wol, a man with a face as white as snow and features more beautiful than a woman's.

Pyo Wol's beauty was so stunning that one could mistake him for a woman at first glance.

Although Jo Ik-gwang was also confident in his appearance, compared to Pyo Wol, he felt as insignificant as a firefly before a full moon.

"Was someone like him in Taeho?"

For a moment, a spark of jealousy flickered in Jo Ik-gwang's eyes.

Whenever he saw someone with better looks than himself, he felt an urge to make a face.

But he had to control himself now. There were too many eyes watching him.

Bok Ho-jin closely observed Jo Ik-gwang's face.

After knowing him for so long, Bok Ho-jin could tell what he was thinking just by looking at his expression.

"Looks like that bad habit of his hasn't changed."

Bok Ho-jin smirked.

Bok Ho-jin was the only person who knew about Jo Ik-gwang's eccentricity.

If Bok Ho-jin kept his mouth shut, there was no way rumors about it would spread.

Thud! Thud!

Suddenly, footsteps echoed through the stairs again.

Both men turned to face the stairs.

The person who came up the stairs this time was an incredibly beautiful woman. She shone like a blooming rose with her dazzling beauty.

The two men greeted her with delight.


"Morning, Sirs!"

"I'm a little late, I'm sorry."

The woman looked apologetic. Then the two men waved their hands together and said.

"No, not at all. We just came a little early, while you arrived right on time."

"You seem to have become even more beautiful."

"Hoho! You two gentlemen seem to have become more handsome too."

The woman giggled.

Her name was Eum Yujeong.

Eum Yujeong was a member from Sword Flower Pavillion.

It was a female-led sect located in the nearby city of Taheung.

The master, Go Yeon-soo, was a formidable fighter in her prime.

For some unknown reason, Go Yeon-soo despised men to the extreme, refusing to accept a single male disciple and building a sect composed solely of women.

With only women present, men blinded by desire would swarm in like moths to a flame, but none of them survived.

Eum Yujeong was one of Go Yeon-soo's disciples who inherited her progress, but her temperament was different from Go Yeon-soo's.

Eum Yujeong was beautiful and had a lot of charm, and many men liked her, including Jo Ik-gwang and Bok Ho-jin.

It seemed that Eum Yujeong was aware of the attention from these two men, and she led the conversation with a smile.

The conversation continued until others joined them, and a total of seven people gathered, drinking and chatting without any specific purpose.

They were just having a gathering to socialize with fellow members of the Golden Heavenly Hall, but those on the same floor looked at them with envious eyes.

They were the future leaders of the Kangho, and their success was something that others could not easily achieve.

People on the same floor were hoping to get involved in their conversation, and their intentions were evident to Pyo Wol. It was almost too obvious to miss.

The reason they had gathered in a place where others could watch was to show off their power and status.

Pyo Wol had seen this kind of scene before, and it seemed that human psychology was the same everywhere.

Pyo Wol found the situation to be quite ridiculous and lost his appetite.

As he was about to leave his seat with his unfinished food, someone came up the stairs.

A man who looked somewhat nervous, watching the leading figures.

It was a face he had seen just a few hours ago.

'Tang Ik-gi, was it?'

The man with a weasel-like appearance was none other than Tang Ik-gi from the Cheolsan Workshop.

Tang Ik-gi walked straight to where Jo Ik-gwang was.

"Master Jo! "It's me, Tang Ik-gi."

"Oh! What brings you here, Brother Tang?"

Jo Ik-gwang pretended to be surprised, and Tang Ik-gi spoke with a somewhat servile expression.

"I-I was passing by and heard that Master Jo was here, so I came to pay my respects."

"Oh! Is that so?"

Jo Ik-gwang widened his eyes.

Tang Ik-gi cursed inwardly, looking at Jo Ik-gwang.

'You cunning jerk! What more do you want?'

Tang Ik-gi's visit was no coincidence.

He had heard in advance about the Golden Heavenly Hall gathering and prepared for it.

Tang Ik-gi had not yet joined Golden Heavenly Hall.

To join the Golden Heavenly Hall, he needed the consent of existing members, and Jo Ik-gwang wielded the most influence in Kangho province.

Only when he caught Jo Ik-gwang's eye would other members agree to let him join.

Tang Ik-gi had tried his best to gain Jo Ik-gwang's favor, even pretending to die for him.

By this point, he should have been accepted as a member, but Jo Ik-gwang still maintained his ambiguous attitude.

If he had just said that it couldn't be done, Tang Ik-gi would have given up his futile hope. But Jo Ik-gwang maintained a vague attitude, which made Tang Ik-gi even more insane.

Tang Ik-gi's thinking was that he could only enter mainstream society by joining the Golden Heavenly Hall.

As long as he could join Golden Heavenly Hall, he didn't care what kind of humiliation he would face today.

Tang Ik-gi carefully spoke while watching Jo Ik-gwang's reaction.

"Since we've met, can I join you here?"

"Well, I'm not sure. We need to hear what other members think. If anyone is uncomfortable with you, we can't let you join. That's our policy, do you understand, Tang Hyung?"

"Of course. If even one person feels uncomfortable, how can I stay here?"

"Haha! I knew you would understand. Okay, let me ask my members."

Jo Ik-gwang smiled and looked at the members, ignoring Tang Ik-gi who was right in front of them, and chatting among themselves.

"Attention, please. We have a new friend who wants to join our club today. Please speak your mind about this without hesitation," Jo Ik-gwang said.

Only then did everyone's attention turn to Tang Ik-gi, who blushed with embarrassment.

As a prominent member of Iron Mountain Manor, a large force, Tang Ik-gi was well known in the region.

However, receiving this kind of treatment made him feel ashamed.

But there was nothing he could do if he didn't receive everyone's permission, he couldn't join the Golden Heavenly Hall.

After Jang Mugak became the head of the club, the status of the Golden Heavenly Hall became even more significant.

Even before, it was difficult to become a member, but after Jang Mugak became the head, the process became even more stringent, and it was impossible for ordinary members to even apply for membership.

If you were a member of Kangho's faction, you had to be a member of the Golden Heavenly Hall to be treated with respect.

Tang Ik-gi regretted not joining the club earlier. If he had joined earlier, he would not have had to go through such a rigorous process.

"There are already a lot of people here. Should we accept new members? I have a bad feeling about this," someone said.

"Shouldn't we stabilize the existing members first before accepting new ones?" said another.

Immediately, negative sentiment began to flow.

When Tang Ik-gi's face turned black, Eum Yujeong unexpectedly spoke up.

"Hey hey! Isn't it too much to reject someone who came here like this? Why don't we do this? Accept him as a temporary member first and see how he behaves before we accept him as a formal member. Of course, if we judge that he is not suitable, we don't have to accept him."

"Oh! The thoughts of Eum Yujeong are reasonable."

"She's truly a beautiful person with deep thoughts. I agree with Eum Yujeong's opinion."

"I also think it's better to do as Eum Yujeong suggests."

Other members sympathized with Eum Yujeong's opinion. However, Jo Ik-gwang was frowning, as if there was something he didn't like.

Tang Ik-gi was unable to move while watching Jo Ik-gwang's reaction.

Even if Eum Yujeong showed kindness to him, Tang Ik-gi knew that it would all be over if Jo Ik-gwang refused.

Eum Yujeong also knew that fact.

Eum Yujeong whispered something to Jo Ik-gwang, perhaps coming up with a good idea.

A smile appeared on Jo Ik-gwang's lips as he listened to Eum Yujeong's words in silence.

"Well, what about this?"

Everyone's attention turned to Jo Ik-gwang.

Jo Ik-gwang spoke with pleasure under everyone's attention.

"For now, let's accept brother Tang as a temporary member. However, to become a full member, brother Tang must accomplish something noteworthy."

"Something noteworthy?"

"Something that will really contribute to the Kangho. If he makes a contribution that everyone can acknowledge, we'll accept him as one of us without question."

"Ha ha! That's a clever idea. It's true that there have been talks about our group forming factions, but if we accept someone who has made a contribution to the martial arts world as a new member, those talks will surely disappear."

"I agree. Eum Yujeong really has deep thoughts. I'm truly impressed."

The members agreed with a look of admiration.

On the other hand, Tang Ik-gi's expression twisted unpleasantly.

While it sounded good to achieve something noteworthy, there was nothing that he could do at the moment.

Above all, Tang Ik-gi didn't have the desire to throw himself into dangerous situations. If he had that kind of personality, he wouldn't have had to go to such lengths to join the Golden Heavenly Hall.

"If everyone agrees, we will accept brother Tang as a temporary member."

"Congratulations on becoming a temporary member."


Each member congratulated Tang Ik-gi. Tang Ik-gi had to force a smile for them.

"Damn it!"

He had to maintain his smile, for if he showed his anger here, even his temporary membership might slip away.

At that moment, he caught sight of a man eating alone.

It was the man he had seen at the workshop earlier in the day.

The man was so handsome that his appearance was deeply engraved in his memory even after just one look.

Even the haughty Eum Yujeong couldn't help but steal glances at him.

Right now, Tang Ik-gi needed something to vent his anger on.

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