Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 321
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 321

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


Pyo Wol left Sea Gate.

To take their place in Sea Gate, Tarha and Yul Ayeon had to destroy the Sea Dragon Pavillion.

The Sea Dragon Pavillion was no pushover, but Tarha didn't seem particularly worried.

He already had the Red Guild Association under his thumb, and he was confident that he could handle the onslaught of the Sea Dragon Pavillions's martial artists.

Even though Pyo Wol did not help, Tarha and Yul Ayeon did not feel disappointed.

Settling in Sea Gate was their responsibility, not Pyo Wol's.

They thought it was too presumptuous to ask for help with just a short-term relationship. If they had decided to settle here, they had to do it on their own.

They had enough skills to handle it.

Yul Ayeon looked at the departing Pyo Wol with regret, but that was all.

There was a lot of work to be done now.

While Tarha taught Taemu Sang and Geom Yeong, she had to firmly grasp the Red Guild Association and fight against the Sea Dragon Pavillion.

She had already proven her worth aboard the Ghost Ship.

Although the unfamiliarity of the swaying ship made her weak, she was unbeatable against Jin Yugeon and his men.

She had enough ability to fight against the Sea Dragon Pavillion.

There was no reason to stay in Sea Gate to help someone who had enough ability to handle it.

Pyo Wol left Sea Gate and headed south.

He didn't have a specific destination in mind.

For the time being, he was just going to roam the land wherever he could.

Although he was at odds with the Guryong Salmak, he had no intention of wasting his youth and all his time chasing after them.

It was urgent for them, not for him.

As long as Pyo Wol acted like a thorn in their side, they would approach him someday to eliminate him.

He planned to wait for that moment and wander the land in the meantime.

As he traveled throughout the world, he thought he might discover unexpected clues and become more familiar with the world.

Pyo Wol arrived at Taeho Lake after leaving Sea Gate.

Taeho was a huge lake located hundreds of miles south of Sea Gate.

When someone first came to Taeho, they would mistake it for the sea, because of its vastness.

Pyo Wol would have made the same mistake if he had not heard about Taeho beforehand.

There were a total of forty-eight islands in Taeho, large and small, and seventy-two mountain peaks surrounded the islands and the lake.

The scenery was beautiful, and the abundance of fish resources made seafood cuisine popular.

Numerous restaurants lined the shores of the lake, and Taeho was a place where visitors seeking gourmet food never stopped coming.

Taeho was also the first place where foreign goods brought in through the port were unloaded. As a result, the people of Taeho wore much more sophisticated clothing and jewelry than people from other regions.

As soon as Pyo Wol entered Taeho, he changed the black dragon robe to a bright red color to make it less noticeable to people.

However, this did not completely block people's attention. His flashy appearance was noticeable wherever he went.

However, because his face and attire were so sophisticated, people didn't dare to approach him casually.

Pyo Wol walked through the bustling streets.

There were countless street vendors lined up on the streets.

Some were selling dried fish, while others were selling jewelry. But the most visible vendors were, of course, the ones selling food.

Freshly cooked dishes made from the fish they had caught in Taeho were absolutely delicious. The tempting aroma of each food stall lured in passersby.

Pyo Wol went to a stall run by an old woman.

Despite the wrinkles covering her face and her crooked back, the old woman had a bright smile on her face.

When Pyo Wol approached and tied his horse to one side, the old woman greeted him.

"Come on in! Have a seat."

As Pyo Wol nodded and sat down, the old woman immediately began preparing the food.

The dish she sold was called Ojomyeon.

It's a dish commonly eaten in the neighboring Kunshan region, and it's a noodle dish with duck as a garnish.

She sold only one type of noodle, so she made the food without asking what he wanted to eat.

Pyo Wol silently looked at the old woman.

In no time, the old woman made a bowl of Ojomyeon.

"You should eat it before the bowl gets cold."

The old woman said with a smile.

Even though she had lost all her front teeth due to her age, she did not look ridiculous at all. On the contrary, her appearance felt more warm and cozy.

Pyo Wol nodded his head and picked up his chopsticks.

After swirling the noodles with the chopsticks, he poured the soup into the bowl and ate it all in one go. 

The rich broth warmed his throat.

The noodles were also incredibly chewy. It felt like each strand of noodle was alive and springy.

Thanks to the dish, his mouth was filled with pleasure.

The food he had eaten in Sea Gate was not bad, but it couldn't give Pyo Wol the same level of satisfaction.

Pyo Wol was cautious about greasy food and tended to eat lightly. But even so, the seemingly roughly-made Ojomyeon had completely captured his taste buds.

It was while Pyo Wol was enjoying the Ojomyeon that something happened.

"Is that tasty?"

Suddenly, a woman's voice was heard from the side.

When Pyo Wol turned his head, a woman in her mid-20s was looking at him.

Her icy expression and gaze were so imposing that it was overwhelming. She was wearing a neck scarf made of otter fur, which added to her imposing presence.

There were several men around the woman who looked like bodyguards.

They were staring at Pyo Wol with expressions that made it clear they would not tolerate any mischief from him.

Pyo Wol didn't even give them a glance and said to the woman,

"It suits my taste."

"Really? Then give me a bowl too."

The woman sat down next to Pyo Wol.

The chair was uncomfortable because it was a street vendor, but the woman didn't seem to care.

Unlike when dealing with Pyo Wol, the vendor made a fuss, probably because she knew the woman's status.

The vendor quickly handed the woman a bowl of noodles.

"Enjoy your meal, miss!"

"Thank you."

The woman used her chopsticks to stir the noodles, just like Pyo Wol did, and then picked up the bowl and drank the soup.

"It's delicious. I suddenly got hungry seeing you eating so deliciously while passing by. I should have bought some and eaten them frequently if I had known they were this tasty."

"You seem to live around here?"

That's when it happened.

"Be careful what you say."

"How dare you speak to the lady."

The bodyguards behind her growled in a fierce voice. The woman's expression slightly twisted at their intervention.


She put down her chopsticks and looked at the bodyguards.

"Who told you to interfere?"

"We're just trying to protect you, miss..."

"Are you harassing the person next to me while trying to protect me?"

"We... apologize."

In the end, the bodyguards closed their mouths. However, their faces showed discontent. They glared at Pyo Wol with a fierce gaze.

It was clear from their eyes that they wouldn't let him get away with anything.

The woman apologized to Pyo Wol, saying, "I'm sorry. The new guards have been causing problems because of their excessive loyalty. I hope you can forgive us with a generous heart."

"That must be hard."

"Well, it'll pass."

The woman vigorously ate her noodles with chopsticks.

Pyo Wol also quickly finished his remaining noodles.

Although they had only eaten one bowl each, their stomachs felt full.

Pyo Wol put two coins on the table and stood up.

"Oh no! I only need one coin......."

She said, but the old woman laughed as she put both coins in her pocket.

As Pyo Wol was about to leave, the woman called him while holding the bowl.

"Excuse me."


"What's your name?"

"Pyo Wol!"

"That's a nice name. My name is Jo Yuseol."


"Just Saying."

Jo Yuseol made a slight bow to Pyo Wol.

He looked at her face for a moment and then left the stall.

After he left, one of the guards cautiously spoke to Jo Yuseol , "He seems like a suspicious character. I'm afraid that the fact that you talked with him might be reported to the prince."

"Hmph! It's not like you're going to report it, are you?"

"That's a mistake"

"We'll find out later whether it's just a mistake or not...."

"The bodyguard remained silent and tightly shut his mouth.

Jo Yuseol paid no attention to the bodyguard and started to enjoy her Ojomyeon again.



Pyo Wol got a room at a large inn right next to Taeho.

As he opened the window, the view of Taeho greeted his eyes.

Countless ships were floating on the vast lake like the sea. Most of them were fishing boats, and some of them were floating around to enjoy the water for sale.

The weather was sunny, and the wind wasn't blowing, making it the perfect environment to sail.

Pyo Wol lay on the bed with the window wide open. Suddenly, the Gwia that had been quietly twirling around his arm slid down onto the bed.

Gwia wandered around the bed for a while and then disappeared into a crevice in the wall. Pyo Wol wasn't worried because he knew Gwia would come back when it was time.

As expected, Gwia came back half an hour later. It seemed like it had caught something to eat.

Gwia scurried between Pyo Wol's fingers. Pyo Wol smiled at the cold feeling of Gwia's scales brushing against his skin.

He raised his hand and looked into Gwia's jewel-like, bright red eyes.

Meeting Gwia was a coincidence, but now they had reached a point where they could communicate with each other's souls.

Even just by looking at each other, they seemed to know what the other was thinking.

After rubbing her cheek against Pyo Wol's for a moment, Gwia returned to twirling around his arm.

Pyo Wol patted Gwia for a while and then left the room.

The sun hadn't set yet, and staying in the room was a waste of time.

Pyo Wol had a habit of exploring the geography of any area he arrived in, so he wandered around every corner of Taeho Street.

After walking for a while, Pyo Wol arrived at a street full of the smell of iron.

The workshop street was located on the outskirts of Taeho.

The smell of iron and the heat were strong, so it was located away from the bustling area where people lived.

There were quite a few people walking around the workshop street.

Most of them were warriors wearing weapons.

The warriors came to the workshops to buy weapons or to have their own weapons repaired.

Since Pyo Wol had already fixed his ghost blade, he had no reason to enter the workshops.

But he couldn't just pass by the workshop street.

Even if he didn't need anything immediately, he didn't know what kind of weapon he would discover if he looked around each workshop.

After all, he had obtained the ghost blade in the same way.

Later, Tang Sochu had made him a new one, but he had still used the one he found in the workshop.

Pyo Wol went into each workshop and looked at the weapons on the left.

The types of weapons were also diverse.

Every weapon in Kangho, from swords and knives to bows and crossbows, seemed to be here. But there was no weapon that satisfied Pyo Wol's standards.

The level of craftsmanship was also mediocre.

If Tang Sochu had been here, he would have criticized the craftsmen harshly. They didn't even have the basics.

Although Pyo Wol was not Tang Sochu, his eye for weapons was even higher than his. Probably because he used them himself.


Pyo Wol sighed and entered the last workshop. But the atmosphere here was different from the others.

It was far larger than other workshops, and the inside was neatly organized.

Not only that, but the level of the weapons displayed on the shelves was also quite high.

The condition of the steel was also excellent, and the balance of the weapons was good.

The price was also relatively cheap

Suddenly, a bundle of small needles caught Pyo Wol's eye.

It was called cow hair needles because it was as thin as a cow's hair.

It was so light that it could be blown away by the wind, but it was difficult to use, so few warriors actually used it.

It was when Pyo Wol was examining the cow hair needle’s closely.

"Do you like it? I made it."

Suddenly, someone's voice came from beside him.

When he turned his head, he saw a teenager in his late teens looking at him.

His sleeves were rolled up, burn marks were evident on his forearms, and part of his face was scorched.

"Did you say that you made it?"

"Yes! It's something I made. You're the first customer who's shown interest in it."

"Is that so?"


"What's your name?"

"My name is Do Yeonsan! I'm a craftsman at Cheolsan Workshop."

"Cheolsan Workshop?"

"Yes! We follow the vision of the Tang Clan."

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