Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 319
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 319

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


"That face skin could cover this ugly face."

I will definitely take that beautiful face and turn it into a hide. His eyes glowed ugly with such desire.

Devoured by desire, Gosinok became a sura.

"Sh*t! Die!"

His sword flew towards Pyo Wol at a terrifying speed.

The Surah, like a madman from hell, rampaged around.

The killing techniques he had perfected by killing countless people were truly terrifying.

Ignoring his own life, Gosinok charged towards Pyo Wol, a sight that even a skilled fighter would find intimidating.

However, Pyo Wol's face remained unchanged as he watched Gosinok.

"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Stop staring. Before I gouge your eyes out..."

Gosinok attacked with all his might, but Pyo Wol calmly defended against every strike without moving a single step.

This only served to further enrage Gosinok.

Pyo Wol had always been like this.

Looking down at him from on high with that kind of gaze, as if everything in the world was beneath his feet. That was why Gosinok was even angrier.

How could he be so high up that he couldn't care less about the beings beneath him?

When Pyo Wol was in the underground cave all the children had to be aware of him.

He wielded a much stronger influence over them than a lone child in a group.

Gosinok didn't like Pyo Wol, so he acted as if he didn't care.

But now he knows for sure.

He was jealous of Pyo Wol.

He had only acted nonchalant because he didn't want to look ugly.

Losing his face, Gosinok also lost the mask that hid his true feelings.

His face clearly showed jealousy and desire for Pyo Wol.

Gosinok attacked Pyo Wol as if he were crazy.

"Shiak! Shwiik!"

Only his sword light shone in the dark cabin.

Pyo Wol spread out his footsteps and avoided all of his attacks, then opened his mouth.

"Exactly as before."

"What do you mean?"

"Your skills. They're just like before."

"Don't lie. I have improved. I've reached a level you can't even imagine."

"Then why can't you overpower me?"

Pyo Wol's chilly voice awakened Gosinok's mind.

He finally noticed Pyo Wol's state.

While Gosinok was soaked in sweat, Pyo Wol didn't even breathe heavily.

His spine chilled.

"Are you saying you didn't use all your power against me? That I'm not even a match for you? No, that can't be true."

Gosinok tried to deny his thoughts.

If he couldn't reach Pyo Wol's level after spending years honing his skills on a hellish battlefield, he would be too pathetic.

He couldn't bear to have all the rough years he had gone through be denied by Pyo Wol.


Gosinok screamed and swung his sword even more fiercely.

The gaze of Pyo Wol, looking at that figure, sank even deeper.

Gosinok was not a mere assassin anymore.

The greatest virtue of an assassin was their unshakable rationality and composure in any situation, without getting excited or giving up, patiently waiting for the one chance that would come.

Gosinok was such a being.

However, Pyo Wol was jumping around, forgetting the essence of the assassin.

Although Gosinok may have become stronger in martial arts than before, Pyo Wol couldn't sense the sharpness or the cold rationality that he had felt when they were both in the underground cave.

The current Gosinok was just a killing machine born on the battlefield, changed as much as his face had changed.

Pyo Wol did not feel sorry for him.

He didn't have a deep enough relationship with Gosinok to have such thoughts or to be intimate with him.

After all, assassins were creatures who lived alone, hiding in the darkness and killing others.

The idea that they could live comfortably with others was absurd.

He didn't choose to become an assassin on his own. But once he set foot in the world of an assassin, he couldn't go back.

Pyo Wol had never forgotten his true identity, so he developed his martial arts according to his true self.

Gosinok and himself were different.

From now on, he would make that clear.

The martial arts of those who walk the path of an assassin.


Gosinok's sword pierced through Pyo Wol's body, but no blood spilled.

"Is this another illusion?"

Gosinok shouted in frustration.

What his sword pierced was just an illusion created by Pyo Wol's Demonic Shadow Exchange.

If Gosinok still had the cold-bloodedness of an assassin, he would never have been fooled by such an illusion. 

However, blinded by his greed, Gosinok couldn't distinguish such subtle differences.

Pyo Wol, who had repelled Gosinok with the Demonic Shadow Exchange, unleashed the black lightningi.


Brain power traveled through his nerves, penetrating his entire body.

The world expands, the nervous system reacts frantically, and the speed of thought multiplies.
A world that only he could see and react to.

Gosinok was unable to react at an impossible speed.



A destructive fist struck Gosinok's chest with force.

Pyo Wol chased after Gosinok as he flew away, blood splattering everywhere.

His image writhed like a snake's tail.

Gosinok looked at Pyo Wol with wide eyes.

Their eyes met in midair.

In an instant, Gosinok felt a chilling coldness.

"A snake?"

Pyo Wol's eyes, flashing in the darkness, reminded him of a snake.

The ghost blade in Pyo Wol's hand aimed for his carotid artery like a snake's fang.

Gosinok swung his sword to strike down Pyo Wol's ghost blade, but his sword cut through empty air with no effect.
Then a gruesome sound of decapitation burst from his neck.
Like a snake inserting its fangs into its prey's neck, the ghost blade was deeply embedded in his carotid artery.
The scream came out belatedly.
Gosinok grabbed his neck and stepped back.
His footsteps were unsteady as he retreated.
There wasn't much blood flowing from his neck, but it was clear that it would gush out like a waterfall once the ghost blade was removed.
Gosinok slumped onto the chair.
His face was filled with a sense of despair.
The fact that his killing techniques honed on the battlefield could not pose any threat to Pyo Wol made him feel helpless.
"You're really a crazy bastard."
Gosinok looked at Pyo Wol with a dejected expression.
He couldn't even say he was sick of it now.
The madness that had been in his eyes gradually dissipated.
All the evils, anger, and negative emotions that had sustained him until now were withering away.
Gosinok knew what that meant.
His life was fading away.
Gosinok glared at Pyo Wol.
"Hehehe! I still wanted to try out that face leather."
"It may be just a shell, but I still don't want to be robbed."
"Of course. You haven't suffered any damage at all."
"You won't even tell me who the Guryongsalmak, will you?"
"Pfft! Of course. You would have done the same in my situation."
"That's why I'm not telling you. I have to preserve at least some dignity."
Gosinok chuckled.
It made his already grotesque face look even more sinister. Nonetheless, Pyo Wol continued to stare at him without so much as furrowing his brow.
Gosinok spoke again, still looking at Pyo Wol.
"From now on, you won't be able to live in peace, for the Guryonsalmak will be watching you closely. They'll force you to make a choice, just as they did with me: follow them or die. I wonder if you'll hold your head up as stiffly then as you do now."

"I told you. I've already made a deal with Guryongsalmak. And yet, I'm still alive and well."
"You're an asshole. You'll always be an asshole......."
Gosinok's voice trailed off and his eyes lost focus.
Pyo Wol's blurry face became even more indistinct.
"I should have killed you with that sword..."
That was Gosinok's final thought.
Pyo Wol silently gazed at the lifeless body of Gosinok and then pulled out the ghost blade stuck in his neck.
Blood gushed out like a waterfall, splashing Pyo Wol's face.
He stowed the ghost blade  in his leather belt and stood up, feeling no remorse for killing his former comrade. 

He wondered if he was really human, although he looked like one, what was inside him was not human.
It was still the same.
Pyo Wol didn't mourn for the death of Gosinok, whom he killed with his own hands. Instead, he searched the cabin.
If he was the captain of this ship, he would surely be in contact with Guryongsalmak. 

If he found the letters they exchanged, he might be able to learn something about Guryong Salmak's true identity.
Pyo Wol first opened the wooden chest near the table.
He saw the Mahondo inside the chest.
Suddenly, the ship shook violently with a loud noise.
Pyo Wol took the Mahondo and rushed to the window.
He saw the dark sea beyond the window and another ship faintly illuminated by a light across the sea.
Although the distance was too far and the light was too dim to see it clearly, the overall shape of the other ship resembled the one he was on.
At that moment, flames burst out from the distant ship, followed by a loud noise that shook the ship Pyo Wol was on.
Flames swept through the corridor, followed by thick smoke.
"Is it a cannon?"

Pyo Wol's expression hardened.

Cannons were not easy to come by.

A cannon was not something that could be easily obtained.

Especially powerful people despised groups that used cannons or wall bombs.

The reason why the Tang Clan was once considered a great power was because they used mass-killing weapons like explosives and poison.

For this reason, obtaining a cannon was not easy.

At least the more prominent factions in the Kangho would never even think about getting one.

The appearance of a cannon was unexpected even for Pyo Wol.


Once again, a loud noise shook the ship, and the heat and flames inside the ship were gradually corroding it.

Pyo Wol hastily climbed to the deck.

The upper deck was already engulfed in fierce flames.


"Oh no!"

People were screaming and running everywhere. People who had been on the deck had been caught in the fire.

Pyo Wol climbed up to the highest mast. From there, the ship firing the cannons could be seen much more clearly.

Someone was standing on the mast of the ship firing the cannons.

They were too far away to tell if they were a man or a woman, but it was clear that their gaze was fixed on Pyo Wol.

The distance between the ship Pyo Wol was on and the one firing the cannons was over three hundred yards.

And yet, the person on the other ship was looking at Pyo Wol as if he were right in front of him.

It was a power that transcended human limits.

Pyo Wol felt a chill run down their spine.

The tremendous pressure and pain contained in the other person's gaze felt as if it could burn their eyes out.

No one had ever made Pyo Wol feel this much pressure and pain from such a distant range before.

Instinctively, Pyo Wol recognized that they were the leader of the Ghost Squad.


Two more ships appeared, cutting through the rough waves.

The new ship came alongside the one firing the cannons and they both fired together.

Quack, quack, quack!

Pillars of fire and water surged up simultaneously over Pyo Wol's ship.


"Hurry and get out."

The crew members lowered a small boat and jumped onto it.

Some of them landed directly on the boat, but others fell into the sea.

Those who fell into the sea became food for sharks.


"Save me!"

They screamed, but the crew members on the small boat did not look back and rowed away.

The small boats were heading towards the area where there were ships firing cannons.


Debris and flames shot up to the mast where Pyo Wol was standing.

The flames illuminated Pyo Wol's face brightly.

That's when it happened.


Suddenly, something flew towards Pyo Wol, tearing through the air with tremendous force.

It was too late to avoid it.

By the time Pyo Wol sensed it, the object had already reached a critical point.

He instinctively opened his fist.




Pyo Wol let out a frustrated groan as the rupture sounded.

A long object was crashing down the mast, bent over.

It was a spear.

A spear made of steel.

It was accurately thrown at Pyo Wol from a distance of three hundred paces.

The one who threw the spear was none other than the Ghost Squad’s Captain.

He was smiling at Pyo Wol.

Although his face was not visible, Pyo Wol could tell that he was smiling.

"Is this a greeting?"

Pyo Wol looked at his open fist.

A deep scar had formed on the back of his hand.

It was a wound so deep that the bone was visible.

No warrior in the Kangho could throw a spear with such power from three hundred paces.

The Ghost Squad’s Captain's martial arts skills were truly chillingly advanced.

He jumped down from the mast as if he had no regrets.

Kwaang! Kwaang!

Immediately after, cannons were fired one after another on the ship he had been on.

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Super P.S- I will add the second chapter on Monday as promised on the update. So there will be a total two chapter updates on Monday.

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