Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 317
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 317

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A



A strong rumble traveled down the hull and into every corner of the ship.

‘It has started’

Pyo Wol knew what this echoing through the soles of his feet meant.

"What's going on?"

"A fight."

The cabin doors burst open in unison, and a group of men in sailor's robes poured out.

Every single one of them had a glint in their eyes.

Normally, they would have scrambled in such a situation, but they moved in unison, their behavior alone indicating a well-trained elite.

Leaving their cabins, the warriors ran straight for the source of the strong vibrations.

They rushed, but they were orderly and never excited.

They reacted calmly, as if they knew this was coming.

This level of elite doesn't come easy.

It's not something that comes easy, and it's not something that's achieved by cutting through a lot of crap and crossing a lot of lines.

Pyo Wol hung from the ceiling of the corridor, watching the crowd pass beneath his feet.

Numerous warriors passed beneath the ceiling where Pyo Wol was hiding, but no one noticed his presence as he had not only concealed his breathing and movements but also his very existence.

Those with a keen sense can often feel the presence of things that cannot be seen.


Moreover, the senses of those who have mastered martial arts are so sensitive that it is almost unimaginable to deceive them completely. 

However, Pyo Wol had erased his presence so perfectly that people only recognized him as part of the environment.

Like a spider, Pyo Wol moved upside down on the ceiling. His exceptional sense of balance, strength, and the martial arts he had honed to perfection allowed him to perform such techniques.


His destination was the captain's quarters, located at the deepest part of the cabin.

No one was visible in the hallway now. They had all gone down to the lower deck.

Pyo Wol had no reason to crawl on the ceiling anymore, but he didn't come down to the ground either. He remained stuck to the ceiling, facing forward.

At first glance, there was nothing there, not even guards at the entrance.


Perhaps because they did not expect intruders on a ship in the middle of the sea.

He could have easily entered the captain's quarters by opening the door, but Pyo Wol didn't do so.

Something caught his senses, even though he couldn't see it.

Four people were hiding there.

Even those who were on the ship with them were unlikely to have noticed their presence, as their hiding techniques were at an impressive level.

Their concealment skills were so high that only someone likePyo Wol , a skilled martial artist and assassin, could detect them.

Their hiding techniques were as impressive as those of the assassins of the Hundred Wraith Union.

Pyo Wol pulled out a strand of Soul Reaping Thread and directed it toward the room where the men were hiding.


The thread twisted and turned like a snake, sliding into the room where the men were hiding.

Six feet, five feet...... four feet.

For a moment, he felt a flinching reaction from the other side.

It wasn't a definite movement, but it was clear that they sensed something foreign.

If so, that meant that four zhang was the radius their senses could detect.

'Four feet.......'

Not bad.

This level of sensing was comparable to the Hundred Wraith Union’s assassins that Pyo Wol had dealt with.

"Were assassins who had reached this level so common?"

Training a proper assassin was not an easy task.

To create one assassin, at least a hundred sacrificial lambs were needed.

Just looking at the Blood Moon Sect that raised Pyo Wol, one could see that fact.

To raise Pyo Wol and a few other assassins, they sacrificed several times more people.

 It was a difficult process to create assassins, and thinking that it would be effective in battle was a mistake.

Assassins were completed through countless missions.

To have one assassin complete a proper mission, they needed a lot of support.

In addition to information and equipment, they needed numerous personnel support.

That was why it cost so much to hire a proper assassin. 

With so many people moving at the same time, an enormous amount of money was spent.

That was why even the Hundred Wraith Union always maintained a hundred assassins at most. 

If they increased the scale any further, it would be difficult to bear the cost.

It was even more challenging to cultivate proper assassins elsewhere.

It would require more than double the funding and time compared to the Hundred Wraith Union.

In reality, it was an impossible task.

There were assassins like Pyo Wol, but they were exceptions.

The assassins hiding here were clearly inferior to Pyo Wol. However, they were at a level that was impossible to raise elsewhere other than the Hundred Wraith Union.


However, it could not be said that they belonged to the Hundred Wraith Union.

This was because there was no reason for the Hundred Wraith Union's assassins to guard the captain on a ship floating in the middle of the sea.

"Then, did the person inside raise the assassins to guard him?"

It was a ridiculous speculation, but Pyo Wol strangely had that feeling.


The vibrations were more intense downstairs.

It meant that Yul Ayeon was fighting harder.

It was unknown how much longer she could endure.

Pyo Wol did not distrust Yul Ayeon, but he felt a sense of war expertise from the people on the ship that made it necessary to deal with them while Yul Ayeon was still holding on.


Pyo Wol suddenly descended from the ceiling.

It was the moment he revealed himself.



Suddenly, a secret space hidden around the door opened, and four men jumped out.

They were assassins who were guarding the captain's residence.

Without hesitation, they attacked Pyo Wol.

A sword was thrown and flew the shortest distance towards Pyo Wol 's vital points, such as the neck, heart, and head.


The sword and dagger struck Pyo Wol 's body.

The Assassins opened their eyes for a moment.

It was because they felt nothing in their hands, even though they were sure they had succeeded in their attack.

At that moment, Pyo Wol 's body, which had been pierced by their weapons, disappeared like an illusion.

"What's going on?"

"What the hell?"

They were so surprised that they broke the code of conduct for Assassins and shouted in surprise.


At that moment, a soul reaping thread descended from the air and wrapped his arms around their necks, pulling them up into the air.



Groans of pain flowed from the Assassins' mouths.

Their bodies were instantly lifted into the air.

The Assassins struggled, trying to break free from the soul reaping thread's's grip on their necks. 

But the soul reaping thread's's grip only tightened and dug deeper into their necks.

As the Assassins were about to die, they looked up at the ceiling. There was Pyo Wol hanging there.

"How is this possible?"

It was a sight that they couldn't understand with their common sense.


They couldn't understand how the same Pyo Wool who had successfully attacked them had suddenly disappeared, let alone how he was hanging above them from the ceiling.


They had no time to solve the mystery, as Pyo Wool tightened his grip on the soul reaping thread's with even greater force.


Eventually, the soul reaping thread's cut deep into their throats and strangled them to death, rather than suffocating them.


Blood gushed from their necks and dripped onto the floor as Pyo Wool finally brought the soul reaping thread's under control.


As he sat down on the floor, Pyo Wool muttered, "Not bad."


The technique he had just used was inspired by Phantom Exchange, but Pyo Wol's version, called Demonic Shadow Exchange, was several times more sophisticated.


It was designed solely to deceive an opponent's eyes in a single moment, and Pyo Wol had spent the last four months perfecting it at Mount Tianzhong.


Although this was the first time he had used it in combat, it worked well against the other assassins.


If he could deceive the eyes of the assassins, he could easily deceive the other martial artists as well.


Pyo Wool opened the door to the captain's cabin and went inside.



At that moment, a sharp sword was aimed at his neck.

The sword pierced through his neck and shattered the wall behind him, but there was no impact on Pyo Wol.

He had once again unfolded the Demonic Shadow Exchange.

Although the constant use of Demonic Shadow Exchange had depleted his energy, it had saved his life.

The one who attacked Pyo Wol was the captain.

The captain, with a white cloth tied around his face, was not even surprised by the uselessness of his own sword.

His eyes were fixed on Pyo Wol 's true form behind him.


He charged towards Pyo Wol .

The captain's sword plunged into Pyo Wol’s neck like a flash of lightning.


Just before it hit his neck, Pyo Wol struck the captain's sword with his ghost blade. 

The captain's sword seemed to bounce back, but then changed its trajectory to aim for Pyo Wol 's vital point again.


The captain's sword and Pyo Wol 's ghost blade clashed dozens of times in an instant.

Defenses are bouncing off and counter attacks continue.

The actions of the two were as smooth as flowing water.

It was as if they knew in advance what attacks they would launch and responded accordingly.

Even while facing the unfamiliar intruder, the captain did not utter any clichΓ©d phrases such as "Who are you?" or "Reveal your identity."

He devoted himself solely to attacking the intruder.


He attacked the intruder, pushing him against the wall.

This was to block off any escape routes and was the optimal way to deal with an intruder who had invaded his space. 

It was a response that was impossible if it wasn't deeply ingrained in his body.

During the attack, the captain never opened his mouth.

His lips, exposed between the white cloth, were tightly closed, and his eyes followed the movements of the intruder.

Meanwhile, the intruder unleashed another attack.

The captain's sword once again futilely cut through the air.


He'd been fooled once before.

That's how powerful the Demonic Shadow Exchange was. 

It steals the opponent's breath and allows him to gain the upper hand in the counterattack.

Pyo Wol  thought that he had already verified the power of the Demonic Shadow Exchange enough, and now it was time to subdue his opponent, not to verify it.

Before he knew it, Pyo Wol  had another ghost blade in his hand. The counterattack of Pyo Wol, who held two ghost blades in reverse grip, began.

A continuous clash of metal echoed between the two.

The sword and ghost blades clashed without pause. They lunged at each other, crossing the wide captain's cabin. 

However, the furniture such as the desk and chair remained unscathed.

 It was quite different from the usual situation where everything around them would be destroyed in a collision between fighters.

The captain was of the same kind as Pyo Wol . He was a being whose nature as a killer was ingrained deep in his bones.

As the clash continued, Pyo Wol 's eyes sank deeper and deeper. He had become familiar with the captain's gaze, actions, and breathing. 

At first, it was just a simple guess, but as the battle continued, he became more and more certain.

The captain was someone Pyo Wol  knew. He didn't know why he was dressed in white from head to toe, but he knew him nonetheless."


Pyo Wol  unleashed the black lightning.

In an instant, his world changed.

His mental power brought his physical reactions to the highest level, even expanding his field of vision.


Pyo Wol  passed by the captain.

A deep cut appeared on the captain's cheek, and the white cloth covering his face was sliced off.

The captain stood still, looking down at the cloth falling to the ground. The once white cloth was now covered in red bloodstains.

If the cut had gone any deeper, it would have sliced through his bones.

The captain's face, revealed through the torn white cloth, was gruesome, as if it had been gnawed by ants. It was a horrific sight that was too terrifying to even imagine.

The captain's face turned towards Pyo Wol .

"Long time no see, Pyo Wol!"

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