Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 316
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 316

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A



Pyo Wol and Yul Ayeon landed on the ship simultaneously.

As soon as she landed, Yul Ayeon hid herself behind a large box nearby.

The impact of landing sprained her ankle.

Even though she was skilled in martial arts, jumping from a height of almost twenty feet was not without danger.

Nevertheless, she was able to mitigate the impact by using qigong as much as possible. If it had been someone else, they would have already broken their ankle.

"Everyone, be thoroughly on guard for the enemy."

"In case there are any followers, report anything strange."

Immediately after Yul Ayeon went into hiding, the soldiers poured out onto the deck.

They took positions on the deck and on the masts, squinting their eyes.

"If we'd been any later, we would have been in trouble.

Yul Ayeon let out a sigh of relief, but suddenly realized that Pyo Wol was nowhere to be seen.

Despite the fact that they had jumped from the ship almost simultaneously, she could not see him anywhere.

Come to think of it, the only sound she heard upon landing was her own footsteps.

She did not hear Pyo Wol's footsteps at all.

"Did he sneak in first?"

A shiver ran down her spine.

Despite his exceptional martial arts and stealth skills, they jumped together, yet she didn't even notice his presence.

If he had changed his mind while they were running together, she would have lost her life already.

"What the hell?"

She regretted not showing more interest in him when they first met, thinking it was just a passing acquaintance.

Yul Ayeon decided to learn more about Pyo Wol after this was over.

It was already too late to find Pyo Wol.

Yul Ayeon decided to move alone and infiltrated the corridor of the ship.

Fortunately, there were no guards except on the deck.

She didn't expect anyone to invade the ship while the crew were on board.

Even she couldn't imagine an outsider freely roaming inside an isolated ship in the middle of the ocean.

Yul Ayeon quickly walked to the cabin.

She didn't master infiltration techniques like Pyo Wol did.

Martial arts were strong, but they were not suitable for sneaking around covertly.

She had only one option left.

To find the Mahondo as quickly as possible and escape to the ship where Taemu Sang was waiting.


Just then, she heard the sound of a door in the deepest part of the hallway opening.

Almost instinctively, Yul Ayeon stuck to the wall.

She held her breath and completely suppressed any movements.

Soon, the door opened, and a white-haired man came out. It was Jin Yugeon.

He immediately approached where Yul Ayeon was.

For a moment, her heart pounded so hard that it felt like it would burst.

"What should I do now?"

Although the darkness hid her body, she knew that she would be caught if he came too close.

In a fleeting moment, countless thoughts crossed her mind.

That was when it happened.

Jin Yugeon, who was walking straight towards where Yul Ayeon was, turned left.

She thought it was a dead end, but there were stairs leading downwards.

Yul Ayeon had heard from Pyo Wol that a white-haired man was seen on the street.

"Let's follow him."

She followed Jin Yugeon.

The stairs going down were even darker. And a nauseating stench filled the air, making her head ache.

It smelled like rotting fish mixed with feces.

Just breathing made her want to gag.

Yul Ayeon forced herself to hold back her disgust and cautiously descended the stairs.

The moment she arrived at the unknown space below the stairs, Yul Ayeon's eyes widened without her realizing it.

"Oh my god!"

The basement compartments were filled with large and small cages. The people trapped inside the narrow cages, naked and wounded, looked like animals.

Their nationalities and appearances were diverse, indicating they were captured from various places.

They closed their eyes with despairing expressions as if they had lost all hope.

"I can't believe this!"

Yul Ayeon's shoulders trembled.

She had never seen such a horrible sight before.

The shock was even greater as it was the first time she saw people treating each other like animals.

She felt a strong hatred towards Jin Yugeon and others who had committed such inhumane acts.

She gritted her teeth and walked inward.

As she went deeper, the stench became even worse, and the conditions of the trapped people became more miserable.

Many were crouching, wandering aimlessly, and the floor was covered in their excrement.

Normally, Yul Ayeon would never have come to such a place. But now she was consumed by strong anger, not even realizing that her clothes were getting dirty.


Then, a loud groan was heard from the front.

Yul Ayeon ducked behind a nearby cage and peeked over to where the sound came from.

Jin Yugeon was standing there with the crew, where her gaze was directed.

The crew's clothes were stained with red blood.

Yul Ayeon quickly realized the reason for this.

It was because there was a person who had turned into a lump of flesh in front of them.

He was the man who had stolen the Mahondo and escaped. When he was caught, he was dragged here and tortured mercilessly.

"Kill... Me..."

The man begged, barely lifting his head.

Jin Yugeon crouched down and looked into the man's eyes.

A small dagger was in his hand.


Jin Yugeon struck the man's forearm with the dagger.


"Who said you could escape? And with the Mahondo too."


"I understand! You wanted to take something with you since you had the chance to escape.

But you shouldn't have done that. Do you know why?"

"I, I don't know..."


At that moment, Jin Yugeon deeply pierced the man's backhand with the dagger. The man, who was already battered from torture, couldn't even scream and just trembled."

"More than ten people have died because of you, you know? More than ten. They went up to the field without any preparation to catch someone like you, and they died. Just because of a human like you...."

"Ugh! I'm sorry...."

"Don't apologize. I don't want to hear your apology. Do you think my heart will be relieved by hearing your apology?"

Jin Yugeon's eyes were now bloodshot.

All the people he lost in Sea Gate were his loyal followers.

They had been through countless battlefields together, so they had a deep bond with each other.

If the man had not escaped, they would not have had to go into Sea Gate, and they would not have lost their people.

Everything was because of the man in front of them.

If he was going to escape, he should have done it alone, but he had caused this chaos by escaping with Mahondo.

Jin Yugeon spoke to his followers.

"Open the door."

"Yes, sir!"

The followers answered and opened the side door on the hull. Then the vast sea appeared.

The black sea of unknown depth maximized the man's fear.

He was even more afraid because he knew that giant fish with teeth were swimming in that sea.

"No, no!"

Fear was visible on the man's face.

Jin Yugeon sneered at him.

"Why, you want me to kill you, I'll kill you."

"But not like this...."

"What's wrong? Whether you die from a sword, get eaten by a fish, or die in any other way, it's all the same."

Jin Yugeon laughed hysterically.


The man struggled in vain, trying to resist being taken away, but Jin Yugeon's subordinates easily dragged him along.

"Oh, no! Just kill me with one blow," the man pleaded with tears in his eyes. But Jin Yugeon couldn't afford to consider his request.

It was when Jin Yu-geon's subordinates were about to throw the man's legs into the deep sea.

"What's going on?"

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the opposite side. It was one of Jin Yugeon's subordinates.

Jin Yugeon turned his head with a suspicious expression to where the voice came from.

"What's the matter?"

"A woman has secretly entered."

Yul Ayeon walked out from where the subordinates were pointing their swords.

Her face had a distressed expression.

Jin Yugeon was too focused on his surroundings to notice that someone was approaching from behind.

"Who are you?"

Even when Jin Yugeon asked, Yul Ayeon didn't answer and simply looked at the man who was about to be thrown into the sea.

His face was disfigured from torture, but Yul Ayeon was able to recognize his true identity.

"Are you one of the Three Masters of the Law?" she asked.

The man groaned and shut his eyes, unable to answer.

Yul Ayeon's suspicion was confirmed by his reaction.

Her face filled with sadness. The Mara Law Sect had three leaders, who were like three pillars supporting the sect.

If Yul Ayeon's maternal grandfather, Tarha, represented force, then the Three Masters of the Law represented the organization's mental fortitude.

Recently, the Three Masters of the Law had mysteriously disappeared during a rebellion in the western regions. Many believed that they had died during the rebellion.

However, now one of them had been discovered on a Ghost Ship in the faraway Central Plains.

"Was it your doing that Mahondo disappeared?"


The man, one of three masters of the law, couldn't answer.

But it was enough of an answer for Yul Ayeon.

"Why would someone as respected as you do such a thing?"

Jin Yugeon stepped forward and spoke.

"Respect is only a facade."

"Is that so?"

"If he were that kind of person, he would not have accepted our proposal and stolen Mahondo."

"Did you propose it? Why?"

"Why? Because Mahondo is valuable."

Jin Yugeon smiled coldly.

"Did you really think you could use Mahondo to control the Mara Law Sect? Mahondo is a symbolic treasure, not an emblem of authority."

"Still, it can shake things up depending on how it's used. That's enough."

"Why? What's the point of shaking up the Mara Law Sect?"

"So we can maintain the chaos in the western province for as long as possible."


Yul Ayeon looked confused.

She didn't understand what Jin Yugeon was saying.

"Why the chaos in the West? Why would you people do something like that.......?"

Her words slipped out as her mind raced.

She had a calm demeanor, but at this moment, she was too confused to maintain her composure.

That was what Jin Yugeon wanted.

While he was chatting and killing time, his subordinates had filled the cabin tightly.

They were carrying harpoons used to catch meat and spears used to chop up fish.

Their clothes were shabby, making them look like sailors or fishermen at first glance.

However, the momentum flowing from their entire bodies was incredibly calm.

Even in this situation, they showed how much elite training they had received by not shaking.

"Who are these people?"

Yul Ayeon couldn't hide her confused expression.

At that moment, the three law’s master shouted, "What they want is to keep the rebellion in the west going on for a long time without ending it. This is because they can gain as much profit as possible by using the confusion. I also regretted my betrayal later, Yul Ayeon!"

Tears stained three law’s master's messy face.

He sincerely regretted his actions.

He cursed his foolishness for stealing Mahondo in a moment of greed.

In the end, he was paying the price, but that didn't make his sin disappear.

"Yul Ayeon! I pray that you will regain Mahondo."

With a loud cry, three law’s master threw himself into the sea.

As soon as he entered the cold sea, a school of fish rushed in, as if they had been waiting.


His desperate scream echoed over the sea.

His body was torn to shreds by the giant teeth and disappeared into the belly of the fish.

At the sound of a terrible scream, Yul Ayeon closed her eyes for a moment. She heard Jin Yugeon's sneering voice in her ear.

"You'll end up like that too, woman!"

"No, you'll be the ones paying the price."

Yul Ayeon opened her eyes. Her blue eyes shone brightly in the darkness.

Jin Yugeon shouted, "Subdue her!"

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