Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 315
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 315

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


There wasn't anything Taemu Sang hadn't done to survive.

He'd begged, he'd pickpocketed, and he'd sailed.

None of these jobs were kind to the orphan, and the worst of them was sailing.

The captain and crew were intent on exploiting orphans who had nothing. They made Taemu Sang do all the work they needed to do.

Thanks to them, Taemu Sang was treated like a slave during his time on the ship. 

Every day was like hell, and he lived with muscle pain and various illnesses. So he wanted to quit after only a few months on the ship.

He felt like he was going to die if he continued like this. But leaving the ship wasn't easy either.

The captain didn't want to release a slave he could easily exploit. 

He thought it would be foolish to let someone go who could work for free for the rest of their life.

He even tried to shackle Taemu's feet.

Taemu Sang  eventually realized that he couldn't leave the ship by normal means. 

So he secretly stole a fisherman's knife and hid it. When the captain let his guard down, Taemu Sang used the opportunity to stab him.

As a result of this incident, the captain was severely injured and Taemu Sang  was branded as a rebellious person who couldn't be controlled by the crew.

He was able to gain his freedom, but Taemu Sang  could never board the ship again. He didn't receive a single penny for all the work he had done during that time.


He didn't want to experience being exploited on a ship again. It remained as a memory he wanted to forget.

But one good thing came out of the dreadful exploitation he suffered - he became skilled enough to navigate a ship on his own, having learned all the ways to do so.

Taemu Sang was at the helm of a ship that belonged to a captain who had cruelly exploited him. 

Of course, he did not have permission to do so  he had stolen it. 

The cost of his exploitation was enough to buy a ship like this.

He adjusted the sails to catch the wind and looked ahead.

Two men stood at the bow of the small ship.

It was Pyo Wol and Yul Ayeon.

When Yul Ayeon recovered Geom Yeong's condition to some extent, she instructed Taemu Sang to find a boat.

At the time, he didn't know why she said that, but Taemu Sang, who had fallen for Yul Ayeon, stole the captain's ship without hesitation.

While they waited on the ship, the group of Jin Yugeon appeared in the harbor. 

Taemu Sang recognized Jin Yugeon at a glance. There was only one man with white hair that shone faintly under the moonlight in Hae-mun.

Jin Yugeon and his companions stole a boat just like Taemu Sang did and set out to sea.

When Taemu Sang was wondering what to do, Pyo Wol appeared. He got on the ship as if he had expected Taemu Sang to be waiting for him. 

To Taemu Sang, neither Yul Aayeon, who told him to find a boat and wait, nor Pyo Wol, who ordered the chase in a boat as if he knew this would happen, seemed like ordinary people.

"But then again, they were never ordinary humans." Taemu Sang had already confirmed Pyo Wol's power with his own eyes, but he never knew that Yul Ayeon was just as exceptional.


Yet he had acted recklessly, like a frog in a well, not knowing just how vast the world was. How ridiculous he must have looked in their eyes.

The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to bury his head in a mouse hole.

Then Yul Ayeon's voice came through.

"We're falling behind. Increase our speed."


Taemu Sang snapped back to attention and answered.

This was not the time to wallow in self-pity.

It was important to keep up with the receding ship.

Taemu Sang carefully adjusted the sail and increased their speed. As a result, they were able to close the distance and pursue Jin Yugeon's ship.

The boat they were on carried three people and headed out to the open sea.

Everything visible was a deep blue.

The dark ocean that descended brought an indescribable terror. No one knew what kind of danger lurked in the deep darkness. 

That's why even seasoned fishermen feared going out to sea at night.

Taemu Sang didn't have much experience sailing on the open sea at night. He had even less experience steering a boat himself. That's why he was even more nervous.


With his eyes wide open, Taemu Sang pursued Jin Yugeon's ship. 

Fortunately, the ship Jin Yugeon was on was sailing with a lantern on the bow. This made it easy to pursue them.

Pyo Wol stood at the bow and watched Jin Yugeon's ship.

Jin Yugeon's ship continued to move straight ahead without changing direction. 

It was heading directly towards its destination. This was evidence that Jin Yugeon's ship hadn't yet realized they were being pursued by Pyo Wol's ship.


Yul Ayeon silently gazed at Pyo Wol's profile.

"What a strange person."

She had made a rational judgment that they might return to the harbor. After all, the only place they could escape from was the harbor.

On the other hand, Pyo Wol had tracked them all the way to Sea Dragon Pavilion and hadn't had time to think about it.

His maternal grandfather, Tarha, was unable to join them, but Pyo Yol casually boarded the ship, as if he knew she would be waiting.

Such behavior by Pyo Wol was strange to Yul Ayeon.

There had never been anyone like Pyo Wol among the people she knew.

Pyo Wol turned her head and looked at Yul Ayeon as if he felt her gaze.


"It's nothing."

Yul Ayeon slightly lowered her head.

Then, it happened.

"Oh, the boat they boarded is slowing down. Looks like they've reached their destination."

Taemu Sang said in a loud voice.

Pyo Wol and Yul Ayeon hurriedly looked at the boat Jin Yugeon boarded.

As Taemu Sang said, the boat's speed was noticeably slowing down.

A small island appeared in the direction Jin Yugeon's boat was heading. The island, which had been hidden in the darkness, revealed its faint appearance.

Pyo Wol said, "From now on, approach the island slowly."


Taemu Sang answered and slowed down the speed of the boat.


The boat carrying Jin Yugeon was seen returning behind the island.

Taemu Sang also sailed the boat following their wake.

As they approached the island, the waves became quite rough. The small boat rocked as if it could overturn at any moment.

Taemu Sang had to exert all his strength to stabilize the boat. They finally managed to navigate through the waves and approach the back of the island.



As they arrived behind the island, Yul Ayeon and Taemy Sang both let out an exclamation of surprise.

It was because a large ship was moored there.


She had traveled here by a boat from the West Province.

After sailing thousands of miles across the sea, it was only natural that the ships would be large, but the one in front of her now was at least twice as big.

She had never seen a ship of this size before, not even in the harbor of Sea Gate, where so many ships gathered.

It was like a small mountain floating on the sea.

Compared to that boat, the boat they were riding on seemed like a tiny leaf.

Jin Yoo-geon's group switched to a small fishing boat next to the huge boat.


As they switched boats, the fishing boat, which had lost its owner, briefly floated on the sea before being swept away by the violent waves and crashing into the rocks, breaking apart.

In an instant, the fishing boat disappeared into the sea.

Pyo Wol asked Taemu Sang, "Can we get close to that boat?"

"No, we can't. The waves are too strong. If we get too close, we'll be swept away and crash into the rocks," Taemu Sang replied.

Taemu Sang was confident in his sailing skills, but approaching a ship surrounded by such rough waves at night was not easy. And they had to do it without being noticed.


Pyo Wol spoke to Taemu Sang.

"Then you wait here."


As Taemu Sang looked puzzled, Pyo Wol flew to the island.

The small boat staggered in shock.

At that moment, Yul Ayeon flew after Pyo Wol.

"Oh! Let's go together."

The two of them flew on a night air and landed on the island.

They spread their qigong and crossed the island.

When they arrived at the cliff, they saw a huge ship anchored below.

They simultaneously launched themselves toward the ship.


Jin Yugeon's ship was truly massive.

It was like a fortress floating on the sea, able to safely navigate for a long time even in the midst of fierce waves.

As if to prove that fact, the ship remained stable even in the midst of huge waves that fiercely crashed against the island.

"Have you returned, my lord?"

As soon as Jin Yugeon boarded the ship, a middle-aged sailor approached him and asked.

He was the deck manager responsible for the boundary of the deck.

Jin Yugeon nodded and asked.

"Where is the captain?"

"He's waiting inside."

"I'll go see him myself. And set up a boundary on the deck."


"There was a collision at the Sea Gate. Just in case, set up a strict monitoring boundary."

"I understand."

The deck manager bowed his head and replied.

Jin Yugeon passed him and entered the cabin.

From behind, the sound of the deck officer giving orders to the crew was heard.

"Hurry up and move."

"Keep a close eye out for any suspicious approaching ships."

All the sailors on this ship were trained warriors, highly skilled and elite, trained to perform at their maximum potential both at sea and on land.

There were over two hundred of these trained warriors on board.

Jin Yugeon walked down the narrow corridor inside the ship.

There were many cabins on either side of the cramped corridor. And in the deepest part was the captain's quarters.

Knock, knock!

"This is subordinate Jin Yugeon. May I come in?"

Jin Yugeon spoke as he knocked on the door.

After a moment, a rough and hoarse voice was heard.

"Come in!"

It was a spine-chilling voice that sounded like scratching metal with fingernails.

Jin Yugeon cautiously opened the door and walked in.

In the center of the room, which was at least three times larger than any other cabin, was a large table, and in front of it sat a man.

The man's face was wrapped entirely in white cloth. Only his eyes and mouth were visible, but he exuded a creepy aura.

He was the captain of this ship.

As soon as Jin Yugeon saw the captain, he kneeled and greeted him.

"Subordinate Jin Yugeon, I have returned from my mission with the requested items."

"And the goods?"

"I have retrieved them all."

Jin Yugeon took out the Mahondo from his waist and placed it on the table.


"The captain grabbed the Mahondo with his hands wrapped in a white cloth and looked around. He said, 'Good job.'

'A victim has been sacrificed during the recovery process.'

'A victim?'

'I encountered an old freak. Judging from what he knew about Mahondo, he seems to have come from the Mara Law Sect.'

'Did they track us down?'

'It seems so.'

'Are they capable of tracking us all the way here? Or was there a leak of information from this side?'

'I'll check it out.'

Jin Yugeon felt cold sweat running down his spine.

He had always been a sturdy warrior on the battlefield, but in front of the captain, he could not even move like a mouse standing in front of a snake.

He didn't even know the captain's name, let alone his face. But he knew how terrifying he was.

No one had ever survived being the captain's target.

He was called the 'Invisible Assassin' because he killed without leaving a trace.

No one in Kangho knew his name, but he was infamous for leaving no trace where he went.

Jin Yugeon was also infamous in his own right, but he dared not compare to the Invisible Assassin.


"I will keep the Mahondo  until I send it to the headquarters."


The safest place on this ship was the residence of the 'Invisible Assassin. If he had kept it here the last time, the escapee would not have dared to steal it.

"What should we do with him?"

"Feed him to the sharks."

"Will do."

The reason Jin Yugeon worked hard to catch the escapee was to make him pay for his actions.

There were plenty of sharks nearby.

He had to suffer a miserable death, being eaten alive by the sharks.

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