Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 314
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 314

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


"How dare you!"

Jang Ha-Moon shouted in anger.

Although he was now doing work closer to that of a merchant than a warrior, he was still an undeniable master.

Jang Ha-Moon boasted that he was the best swordsman in the region.

He swung his sword like lightning towards the approaching warriors.


Sword energy scattered, and a powerful sword strike erupted.

The leading warrior staggered from the shock. He had to withstand the full force of Jang Ha-Moon's counterattack.

He felt as if his wrist was broken and his internal organs were crushed, but he gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

The moment he endured the pain, the martial artists on his left and right leapt out and attacked Jang Ha-Moon.


"These guys!"

Jang Ha-Moon swung his sword wildly and blocked the warriors' combined attack.

Their attack was sharp and efficient. They did not waste a single move, every glance, gesture, and breath had a purpose. However, Jang Ha-Moon had not yet grasped this fact.

He didn't know how long it had been since he'd fought with a sword himself, and his sense of practicality had been dulled.

He remembered his master's words, "If your stomach gets greasy, your life as a martial artist is over.

At the time, he had brushed it off as a joke, but now that he found himself in that situation, he realized how careless he had been.

He was clearly better than his opponent in martial arts, but he was being pushed back instead of overwhelming him.

His thick belly fat was affecting his movements and breathing, preventing him from exerting his full power.

It was the same for the general, Woo Gun-chang.

He was also a military man at the peak, but he had neglected martial arts and devoted himself to the duties of the general. The price was severe.

With a loud clang, he was pushed back by his opponent's attack.

He barely managed to defend himself, but if he continued like this, he couldn't avoid getting seriously injured.

"Where did these people come from...?"

The corners of Woo Gun-chang's eyes twitched with a sense of extreme danger.



Woo Gun-chang’s subordinates fell to the ground with desperate screams.

Although they outnumbered Jin Yugeon's subordinates, they couldn't withstand the assault and fell within seconds.

It was like being swept away by a tidal wave.

Jin Yugeon's subordinates were experts in surviving on the battlefield.

Through countless experiences, they knew how to efficiently break through the enemy's front line.

Except for masters like Jang Ha-Moon and Woo Gun-chang, they never engaged in prolonged battles with any opponent.

They constantly changed their positions to confuse their opponents, and in the process, they exploited weaknesses like venomous snakes.

In an instant, the front line of the Sea Dragon Pavilion collapsed.

Jin Yugeon ran through the gap and shouted, "Let's go!"

As soon as he gave the order, his subordinates rushed forward with all their might.

The warriors who were desperately clinging to Jang Ha-Moon and Woo Gun-chang also turned their backs and fled without hesitation.

In this way, they crossed the wall of the Sea Dragon Pavilion and disappeared from sight in an instant.


Jang Ha-Moon stood with his mouth open, looking in the direction where they had disappeared.

Normally, he should have pursued them.

He had to avenge the person who had infiltrated the Sea Dragon Pavilion and caused chaos.

Only then could he restore their damaged authority. But he didn't have the courage.

He had experienced the opponent's strength firsthand and realized how rusty his own skills had become.

He was no longer a warrior.


His sigh was scattered by the wind.


Jin Yugeon and his followers, who had broken through the Sea Dragon Pavilion's defense line, raced through the streets at a frightening speed.

Now was not the time to worry about other people's gaze.

It was the moment when they had to escape Sea Gate with all their might. But their charge was blocked by a man.

"My lord!"

Suddenly, a man appeared in front of them.

It was Doeop, who had been sent to find Hwapyung.

Jin Yugeon's expression hardened at Doeop's appearance.

It was because he had a bad feeling.


"We are being chased right now."


"The ones who killed Hwapyung are chasing us. Their martial arts are not ordinary."

"They're following our tracks?"

"Yes! They're not your average guys."

Doyeop answered quickly. His expression and tone were not usually anxious. If Doyeop was showing this much emotion, it meant that the pursuers were not ordinary.

"I'll listen to the explanation later. For now, we retreat."


Jin Yugeon made a quick decision. In such a situation, swift decision-making was an essential quality for a leader

He led his subordinates on a path different from their original one to shake off the pursuers, but his efforts ended in failure.


Suddenly, with a shout, an old man with a yellow beard appeared.

He was Tarha.

Tarha's gaze fell on the sword stuck to Jin Yugeon's waist.

In an instant, wrinkles appeared in his eyes.

"It's you guys."


The energy in his body exploded like a volcano.

The sword stuck in Jin Yugeon's waist was clearly the Mahondo, a treasure of the Mara Law sect.

"How dare you steal the treasure of the Mara Law Sect. I will never forgive you," his

powerful strike was aimed at Jin Yugeon.

In an instant, two men jumped out from both sides of Jin Yugeon to block Tarha's attack.

As always, they defended themselves with a combined attack and then counterattacked.

It had been their successful method so far. Unfortunately, this time their method didn't work.




Two men who had blocked Tarha's attack were sent flying in a pool of blood. His fists clearly contained the power of a strong martial artist, which was fiery red.

"Give me the Mahondo."

Tarha rushed towards Jin Yugeon. His goal was the Mahondo stuck in Jin Yugeon's waist. Nothing else was visible to him.


Jin Yugeon dodged, thinking that Tarha was like an angry boar.

It was foolish to deal with an angry Tarha here.

There was a chance that Jang Ha-moon, who had regained his composure, could lead his men and come running here. They had to leave before that happened.

"It can't be helped."

Jin Yugeon's gaze towards Tarha turned cold.

Escaping without any confrontation would have been the best option, but it was too late for that.

They had to take an alternative route.

The plan was to quickly take care of the opponent in front of them and escape as soon as possible.

Jin Yugeon flew towards Tarha.

His sword, which was stuck in his waist, was pulled out like a meteor.


Jin Yugeon's sword clashed with Tarha's fist.

Tarha wanted to shatterJin Yugeon's sword in an instant and tried to strike him directly. However, surprisingly, Jin Yugeon's sword remained intact, blocking Tarha's attack.

His sword bent like a willow branch, but it quickly regained its shape.

“What a strange weapon!!”

Tarha was greatly surprised.

If the sword that can withstand a head-on collision with the fist was not a broken piece, it was already an extraordinary weapon.

There weren't many such things in the world.

This seemingly ordinary sword was actually a rare masterpiece.


Jin Yugeon's sword twirled and stabbed Tarha's whole body.

Bloodline Flowing Sword

It was a swordsmanship unknown in Kangho.

Only Jin Yugeon had practical swordsmanship in this entire world.


Tarha exclaimed without even realizing it.

He was not a romantic person who would be impressed by an opponent's moves. However, Jin Yuggeon's swordsmanship was so great that he couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

After the first collision, Jin Yugeon restrained himself from clashing with Tarha's strength and instead aimed for vital points.

The swordsmanship was so fierce and fierce that not even Tarha, the strongest, could dare to underestimate it and flinched.

But that too was short-lived, as Tarha continuously unleashed the Sura Golden Fist(修羅金皇拳), a technique of supreme power.


Thunder roared across the dry sky. Then a blood-red energy blast like lightning was fired at Jin Yugeon.

He narrowly dodged Tarha's energy blast and approached him.


Tarha opened his eyes.


Jin Yugeon's sword grazed his arm.

The wound wasn't deep, but the fact that his skin was cut astonished Tarha.

His body, trained in Sura Golden Fist, was as tough as iron.

Jin Yugeon was also surprised. His sword was so sharp that it could hardly be stopped by any object he encountered. Yet, he barely left a trace on his opponent's skin.

His opponent's martial arts surpassed his expectations.

As he continued to stall for time against this savage, he realized that he was the one at a disadvantage.

"This has become quite difficult."

Even if things went wrong, he never expected it to go this wrong.

Looking back, he felt that things had gone awry since they hid in the Sea Gate harbor.

If he hadn't been discovered by that boy, things might not have escalated to this degree. Thinking this way made him feel angry.

Jin Yugeon tried to suppress his anger and calmly assessed the situation.

"We'll discard what needs to be discarded."


He blew a long whistle, and his subordinates protected Tarha instead.

What he was about to discard was the lives of his subordinates.

It was regrettable to waste their abilities, but it was unavoidable.

A dozen or so warriors attacked Tarha. Meanwhile, Jin Yugeon escaped the battlefield.

The rest of his subordinates followed him, with one carrying the man they had taken from the Sea Dragon Pavillion.

The man was unconscious with his head leaning against the carrier's back. The carrier's face showed signs of exhaustion. Nevertheless, he gritted his teeth and followed Jin Yugeon.

He never expected to suffer such a big loss before entering this place.

"You! Are you trying to escape? How cowardly."

Tarha's angry voice echoed through the streets.

He tried to chase after Jin Yugeon, but every time he did, Jin Yugeon's subordinates grabbed his ankles and tripped him up.

From the very beginning, it was an impossible fight.

If Tarha was a giant grizzly bear, they were nothing more than mere hunting dogs.

The longer they dragged it out, the more certain their deaths became. Yet they fought against Tarha without a hint of fear.

They couldn't defeat Tarha, but they could delay him by holding onto his ankles.

"These people...," Tarha's yellow beard trembled.

It was unbelievable.

No matter who you were, every human being longed to continue living.

It was one of the essential properties of life.

No matter how prepared you were to face death, when faced with it, you couldn't help but falter. But these people didn't show any signs of fear.

It was as if the emotion of fear had been completely overtaken.

"What on earth are these people?" Tarha wondered, as Jin Yugeon and his followers had already disappeared into the distance while he was distracted.

In a fit of rage, Tarha unleashed the full power of his Sura Golden Fist on the men holding onto his ankles.



The warriors of the Ghost Squad fell down screaming.

Even though Jin Yugeon was the owner of an iron will, he could not maintain his composure upon hearing the screams of his subordinates. However, his mission was more important than their lives.

Jin Yugeon tried to maintain an indifferent expression and rushed towards the harbor.

As he arrived at the harbor, he quickly got on the fastest-looking ship that was docked there.

As soon as they boarded the ship, his subordinates raised the anchor and prepared to depart.

"Let's go!"

They quickly left the harbor.


Jin Yugeon breathed a sigh of relief.

At last, his tension was relieved. However, he didn't notice that a small boat was following them from behind.

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