Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 313
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 313

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


Doyeop sped down the street.

"There you are, hiding.

He was a master of tracking and following honed through years of experience. 

He was skilled at finding even the faintest traces, which made him invaluable to Jin Yugeon.

Tracking the boys who had left faint traces was not a difficult task for him.

Although it did take some time.

Along the way, he also found Hwapyung's body.

 The boys had tied Hwapyung's body to a rock and thrown it into the sea, but it had floated back up because it wasn't securely bound. 

Although it was difficult to recognize the shape of the body that had swollen in the water, Doyeop immediately recognized it as Hwapyung's.

After roughly handling Hwapyung's body, he resumed his pursuit and finally found the inn where Pyo Wol was staying.

Although he was excited to have found his target, he made a mistake and was caught by the Geom Yeong. 

As soon as he had injured him, he escaped the inn.

His mission was to find the boy he had seen at the port. Now that he knew this fact, Jin Yugeon would take care of the rest.

Doyeop ran as fast as he could.

Those who learned the art of tracking were excellent in Qigong.


Doyeop was the same.

When he exerted his full power in Qigong, not even Jin Yugeon could keep up with him. So he was somewhat relieved.

He didn't think anyone would dare to follow him. However, less than half a minute later, his pride was shattered.


He felt a presence approaching from behind.

Someone was fiercely tracking him.

The one tracking him was Tarha.

Tarha was running towards him with a frightening momentum, his eyes glaring like a lion.

"Damn it!"

Doyeop felt a chill run down his spine.

He didn't even know Tarha's true identity, but he could be sure that he was not an ordinary person.


Tarha let out a lion's roar and charged.

He felt his chest tremble from Tarha's roar.


The Lion’s roar was enough to tell that Tarha was a martial artist of very high caliber.


He was a martial artist whom he could not dare to confront.

Escape was the only answer.

Doyeop exerted all his strength to use his Qigong.


As a result, the distance between him and Tarha continued to widen.

"You! Can't you stop?"

Tarha's angry voice could be heard, but it couldn't stop Doyeop.

"That old man must have killed Hwapyung”.

He realized that he had to tell Jin Yugeon about this as soon as possible.

Luckily, it wasn't too difficult to get Tarha off of him.

Tarha might be much stronger than him in martial arts, but not as skilled as him in pursuit and evasion techniques.

He could relax a bit now.

Doyeop deliberately didn't head straight to the residential area where his hideout was located, but went around to strange places. 

This was also a tactic to confuse anyone who might be following him.

As a master of tracking and pursuit, he always prepared for others to follow his trail.

After successfully concealing his trail, Doyeop finally returned to the residential area where his colleagues were waiting.

"Come on in."

As soon as he entered, his colleagues welcomed him. However, strangely, no one else was around.

"Where are the others?"

"The captain had a bad feeling, so he went to retrieve the goods first."


"Did he go ahead without me? Without waiting for me?"

"He’s waiting for you. He said to bring you to the operation site when you arrive."

"I see."

Finally, Doyeop's expression relaxed. He had misunderstood, thinking that he had been abandoned.

"Let's go quickly."


The two of them hurried to leave the mansion. But at that moment, the expression of their companion changed.

"Someone's following us."

"What? That's impossible."

Doyeop turned back with an expression of disbelief.

He saw a black figure standing on the wall, looking down at them. A jet-black coat fluttered in the wind, and above it, a strikingly white face.

It was Pyo Wol.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Doyeop and his companion both shouted, but Pyo Wol didn't answer and just looked around the mansion.

"So this is it."

The mansion they had chosen as their hideout had particularly thick walls. The owner had built them thicker than the walls of other mansions, to make them sturdy. 

That's why Pyo Wol couldn't sense the movements of the people inside, even with his keen senses.

Doyeop couldn't believe that they had been followed.

"It wasn't just one person. Was the old man there to distract us?"

He ground his teeth in frustration at the thought of being taken advantage of by Pyo Wol.

Doyeop's comrade shouted, "Attack!"

He rushed towards Pyo Wol at a frightening speed.

Doyeop joined him belatedly, having regained his composure.

In the blink of an eye, they reached Pyo Wol's proximity.

Swish, swish, swish!

Their swords covered the air with a chaotic flurry.

Their swordsmanship was simple but efficient, aimed at the vital points of their opponent with minimal movement.

It was a frighteningly practical combat technique, but their opponent was not easy.

Pyo Wol evaded all of their attacks with minimal movement.

"He's a master," they exchanged glances, and their movements changed.

They transitioned to group combat as soon as they recognized their opponent's level, which indicated their remarkable organizational skills.

Swish, swish, swish!

Their swords attacked Pyo Wol with even more ferocity.

The joint attack of the two was executed flawlessly without any room for error.

Their attacks were precise like a machine, filling in each other's gaps seamlessly. 

However, despite their synchronization, they couldn't even graze a corner of Pyo Wol's clothing.

"Where did this monster come from...?"

"Two of us won't do it. We need more to take down this guy."

They realized they were outmatched.

At that moment, Doyeop made a decision.


He left his companion behind and flew forward.

Even though Doyeop betrayed his comrade, his comrade didn't show any resentment towards him. It was their rule.

When facing an overwhelming enemy, one of them must survive to pass on information to their comrades. 

Doyeop's role was to inform his teammates with his excellent Qigong, while the rest of them were to stall the enemy as long as possible.


His comrade attacked Pyo Wol with a shout.

But he couldn't handle Pyo Wol alone, who hadn't been able to do anything when they joined forces.


Something pierced his forehead.

It was a tiny silver needle, the Soul reaping thread, which was almost invisible to the naked eye.

The fallen warrior who was struck by the Soul reaping thread collapsed and died.


Pyo Wol threw his body back, leaving his corpse behind.

Although Doyeop thought he left almost no trace of himself, his tracks were clearly visible to Pyo Wol's eyes.

That was when it happened.

"Let's go together."

Tarha, who had arrived late, joined forces with him.

He had followed them while Pyo Wol was fighting Doyeop's colleague.

The two of them ran shoulder to shoulder through the night streets.


Tara marveled at Pyo Wol as he unleashed his martial arts with all his might, yet he could barely keep up with Pyo Wol's running speed, even though he wasn't using all his power.

"I never thought I'd become someone's deadweight."

This was his first experience, so he couldn't help feeling embarrassed. However, he couldn't continue to blame himself forever.

Right now, keeping up with Doyeop was the top priority.

Doyeop had already disappeared into the darkness and could not be seen.

Even with Tarha's abilities, he couldn't tell where Doyeop had gone. But Pyo Wol's movements were smooth and without hesitation.

It seemed as though Pyo Wol could see something that Tara couldn't.

"What on earth?"

That was when it happened.


Suddenly, in the distance in the direction they were running, flames burst forth with a loud explosion.

The explosion was so intense that the area was instantly illuminated as if it were daytime.


"I see it over there."

Pyo Wol realized that the place where the flames were soaring was Doyeop's escape route.

Tara, who was running alongside, spoke.

"Isn't that the Sea Dragon Pavillion over there?"



The flames, soaring high into the sky, fiercely engulfed the Sea Dragon Pavilion.

"What is this?"

The head of the Sea Dragon Pavillion, Jang Ha-Moon, looked back at the place that had turned into an inferno in a matter of hours.

The pavilion, which had been intact just a moment ago, was now engulfed in flames. Inside the hall, gold was stored separately.

Naturally, they were more vigilant than other places, and they didn't leave anything that could catch fire, but to be engulfed in flames like that was unbelievable.

"Put the fire out. Come on!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs.

The workers and men who had come to their senses grabbed buckets of water.

"Move fast."

"We have to put it out before it spreads!"

They tried to put out the fire with water from the well, but it was useless. 

As time passed, the flames only grew stronger. At this rate, the entire Sea Dragon Pavilion would be engulfed in flames.

"Who the hell did this?"

Jang Ha-Moon didn't think it was a real fire. It was clear that someone had intentionally started the fire.

"What the hell for?"

There were countless people who held grudges against the Sea Dragon Pavilion.

It was impossible to accumulate this much wealth without causing harm to others. 

However, it was not easy to think of someone who had the audacity to act like this among those who held grudges against him.


"If it weren't for them..."

Suddenly, his thoughts drifted to the warehouse of the patron.

For the past few days, the only things that caught people's attention in the Sea Dragon Pavilion were the articles brought by Lee Seong-Hak and the men.

He urgently called for Woo Gun-chang, "Governor!"

"Yes, lord."

"Summon the troops immediately. We have to go to the warehouse of the patron. I don't know who did it, but it's clear that the person who set the fire was after the items in the warehouse."


Only then did Woo Gun-chang realize the seriousness of the situation and his expression hardened. He quickly gathered the elite soldiers and followed behind Jang Ha-Moon.

It didn't take long for Jang Ha-Moon and his entourage to arrive in front of warehouse of the patron.


"This is unbelievable!"

Jang Ha-Moon and Woo Gun-chang exclaimed at the same time.

The guards in front of the warehouse were lying on the ground, covered in blood. It was clear that they had been killed as they showed no signs of breathing.

At that moment, about twenty men rushed out of the warehouse door.

At the forefront was a white-haired man holding the article that the unconscious man had held. 

The men behind him were supporting the unconscious man, who had taken the Sleeping Pill and lost consciousness.


It was the moment when Jang Ha-Moon's guess was confirmed as a fact.

"Who are these people? How dare they invade the Sea Dragon Pavilion."

Jin Yugeon murmured with a slight sneer at the tip of his nose in response to Jang Ha-Moon's anger.

"I was just trying to go about my business quietly......."

The reason for setting the fire was to go quietly without being seen. But there was no point in that since Jang Ha-Moon and his men had seen them.

Jin Yugeon spun the Mahondo in his hand and gave orders to his subordinates.

"Break through as quickly as possible and return to the convoy."

"Yes, sir!"

The subordinates replied and quickly dashed forward.

Jang Ha-Moon ordered with a glare in his eyes.

"Stop them! Don't let anyone escape."


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