Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 310
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 310

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


Geom Yeong and Taemu Sang looked on in disbelief at what was happening in front of them.

Suddenly appearing behind the man and taking control, was none other than Pyo Wol.

He seemed like a ghost.

No matter how fast the man spun, he could not shake Pyo Wol off his back. 

Eventually, the man could not even see his face until he was subdued by Pyo Wol.

Since they were far away from the man, Geom Yeong and Taemu Sang could see clearly what was happening. 

But even seeing it with their own eyes, they could not believe it. It was such an unreal sight.

Even in a state of shock, they were covered in goosebumps.

"Is that even possible?"

"This is crazy...."

Taemu Sang realized how reckless his own determination was to threaten such a man.

It was amazing that the man spared his life.

Pyo Wol appeared in front of the man who was now kneeling.

Finally, the man could see Pyo Wol's face, the one who had rendered him powerless, for the first time.


Even in the pitch-black darkness, the snow-white face that stood out distinctly felt strange.

The man asked, "Who are you? Who do you think you are..."


At that moment, a ghost blade struck the back of the man's hand.


The man opened his eyes without finishing his sentence.

Looking the man in the eye, Pyo Wol spoke.

"I ask the questions, you give the answers. That's the rule."



At that moment, another ghost blade pierced his thigh.



The man screamed once again, but his scream didn't echo through the night sky. This was because Pyo Wol had covered his mouth with his hand.

"What's your affiliation?"

"Ugh! I'll tell you... ugh!"

The man groaned again.

A ghost blade had already pierced his shoulder.

There was no need to use the torture techniques he had recently learned. 

Pyo Wol himself was accustomed to pain, so he knew how to inflict maximum pain on his opponent and break their spirit.

Pyo Wol asked again.

"What's your affiliation?"

"I...I am..."

Pyo Wol suddenly moved the ghost blade that had been piercing the man's thigh to the side.

The wound opened wider, and blood poured out.

Taemu Sang and Geom Yeong were surprised and widened their eyes at Pyo Wol, who teared at the wound without even blinking.

Although they were both proud of their own self-centeredness, they realized they couldn't even come close to Pyo Wol's level.

The man had become a bloody mess in an instant.

A normal man would have died after losing this much blood. But Pyo Wol had wounded him just enough to keep him breathing.

The man's mind was dazed from losing so much blood.

Pyo Wol asked again.

"What's your affiliation?"

"The...The Ghost Squad."

"The Ghost Squad?"




"What's the Ghost Squad?"




The man's eyes widened as he suddenly realized something. It was a halo effect.

He realized his mistake and immediately bit his tongue.


A fountain of blood poured out of the severed tongue.

The man was instantly dead.

Pyo Wol quietly looked at the man's corpse.


If he had regained his senses just a little bit later, he could have learned more, which was regrettable.


Pyo Wol's gaze turned to Geom Yeong and Taemu Sang.


The two of them looked at Pyo Wol, unable to catch their breath.


After gazing at them for a moment, Pyo Wol waved his hand.




A faint sound of calcination erupted from their bodies. The two of them had drawn qi from the air. The blood flowing from their bodies immediately stopped.


Finally, Geom Yeong breathed a sigh of relief.


The place where he and Taemu Sang desperately fled to was the inn where he worked.


He had lured the man there, thinking of the fact that there were experts like Tarha at the inn.


He had almost been caught and killed by the man near the inn, but his gamble had ultimately succeeded.


That's why Pyo Wol appeared, sensing the commotion outside.






As the tension relaxed, a terrible feeling of pain washed over them.

Pyo Wol approached them.

"What happened?"



Tae Musang told him everything that had happened at the harbor.

How the stranger and his men had sneaked into the harbor on a small fishing boat, how they had tracked him down and killed his brothers.

 Pyo Wol listened silently to his story.

"So, it was a coincidence that this child was chased by the warriors from the Ghost Squad. The Ghost Squad's boats themselves were extremely confidential. So they had to kill the child to keep the secret safe...."

There was a suspicious smell in the air.

From the masters of the West, Tarha and Yul Ayeon, to the unheard organization known as the Ghost Squad.

It was truly an unpredictable flow.

"You said there were twenty people in all?"

"It seemed to be about that many."

"So there's still nineteen more in here."

"That's right."

"What do they look like?"

"I couldn't see their faces because they were too far away."

Taemu Sang answered, grinding his teeth.

Three younger siblings he loved had died because of them. They were all young children who hadn't even had a chance to bloom.

Taemu Sang felt deep guilt for their deaths.

If he had not escaped to his hiding place, the children would not have died.


Taemu Sang gritted his teeth.

The broken tooth powder flowed out as if it had been finely crushed.

Pyo Wol looked at him and said, "Hide with the children after you dispose of the corpses."

"I can't do that. I can't..."

Taemu Sang jerked his head and looked at Pyo Wol.


His eyes were completely bloodshot, as if bursting with veins, and his appearance, which looked like he could start dripping blood any moment, caused everyone to feel a sense of dread.

"Taemu Sang...ugh!"

Geom Yeon grabbed Taemu Sang's hand, but Taemu Sang didn't calm down and instead looked straight at Pyo Wol.

"I have to get revenge. I can't just hide and live without taking revenge for the children."

"Do you have the ability?"

"That's... "

"Think about what's more important. The lives of the children you protect, or your revenge?


Which one is more important?"

At Pyo Wol's cold words, Taemu Sang tightly sealed his lips.

He also knew that logically the safety of the children should come first. However, logic didn't always come first for him.

"Still, I can't just retreat so helplessly. If I retreat like this, who will comfort the unjust souls of those children? Even if I die, it doesn't matter. I will definitely get revenge no matter what."

Taemu Sang said, spitting out blood.

Although Geom Yeon held his hand tighter, his anger didn't seem to subside.

"Please help me."

"Why me?"

"You have the strength, don't you?"

"Just because I have the strength doesn't mean I have to help."

"I know. To ask for any favor, you have to pay the price."

Taemu Sang, who had learnt the law of the streets, already knew how to get the other person's help.

"I'll dedicate my soul to you. I'll become your dog until I die and do whatever you say, so please help me get revenge."

"I don't need a dog."

"It doesn't have to be a dog. Even if I become a slave, please help me."


Taemu Sang hit his head on the ground.

Blood flowed from his forehead, but he still didn't move.


Until he heard Pyo Wol's response, he was determined not to move at all.

Pyo Wol looked at Taemu Sang for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Let's make a deal."

"A deal?"

Only then did Taemu Sang raise his head to look at Pyo Wol.

"Yes, a deal!"


Jin Yugeon was born with white hair and was often teased as a child.

His peers called him grandfather or old man and made fun of him. At that time, he cried a lot because he was weak-hearted. But now, no one talks about him like that in front of him.

Occasionally, a few would make fun of his white hair without realizing it, but those people without exception regretted it.

When he was young, he was naive and weak, but now that he had grown up, things were different.

He was no longer naive or weak.

At least there was no one he had set his mind to kill who still existed.

Jin Yugeon sat in the courtyard of a small manor far from the harbor, surrounded by the warriors who had traveled with him.

It had been a day since Jin Yugeon moved.

As he rose to his feet, he muttered.

"Hwapyung still hasn't returned. It looks like there's a problem."

Hwapyung was the name of the man who had tracked down the quirky kid who had been spying on them at the harbor.

He was one of the few people whom Jin Yugeon trusted with his work.

Hwapyung was a man who was so reliable that he had never failed to carry out Jin Yugeon's orders even once.

But the man hadn't returned for nearly three hours.

This fact meant one of two things.


"Either he's dead, or he's injured and unable to move."

Either way, it was not good news for Jin Yugeon.

He gave an order to his subordinate who was right beside him.

"There must be a trace left by Hwapyung. Follow them. Find out everything you can about who was involved, and report back."


"If Hwapyung is really dead, it'll be hard for you to handle. Just report to me. I'll take care of it."


His subordinate bowed his head and replied.

His name was Doyeop, a person with experience in pursuit and assassination.

He had the ability to extract himself from any situation.

Jin Yugeon trusted Doyeop's abilities.

Doyeop disappeared into the darkness in no time.

Jin Yugeon's gaze turned to his other subordinates.

"What about him?"

"He is currently in the Sea Dragon Pavillion."

"Are you sure?"

"When he escaped, a Sea Dragon Pavillion merchant ship happened to be passing by in the vicinity."


“Isn't it a stretch to determine that just by that, he is in Sea Dragon Pavillion?"

"When the Sea Dragon Pavillion's merchant ship arrived at Sea Gate, it is reported that Lee Seong-HakSeong-hak's party moved a large box."


"The accounting team of the Red Guild Association tried to record the item in their ledger but was refused confirmation."

"They couldn't confirm what was inside?"

"That's right. Above all, the surveillance in Sea Dragon Pavillion has become several times stricter after the box was brought in. It is certain that the prisoner is inside the Sea Dragon Pavillion."


Jin Yugeon's gaze grew colder.

Sea Dragon Pavillion was undoubtedly a strong faction of the Sea Gate.

Their military power was not something to be feared, but their influence and connections spread like a spider web around the Sea Gate City.


They could cause a big problem if touched even slightly wrong.

It wasn't out of fear, but laziness. That's why he’ve avoided getting involved with the Sea Dragon Pavillion as much as possible until now. But now, it is impossible to do so.

The one who escaped was a very important presence.

Even if he had escaped alone, the Ghost Squad would have put all their resources into tracking him down, but he even stole a valuable treasure that was being kept secure.

It was an item that had to be retrieved at all costs.

No matter what the cost.

That was the reason Jin Yugeon came to the Sea Gate city.


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