Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 312
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 312

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


Returning to the inn, Yul Ayeon and Tarha looked at the two people.

Tarha asked, "Who is that young friend?"

"My brother."

"Weren't you new here? How come you have a brother?"

"We happened to meet each other."

"Is that so?"

Tarha's gaze was fixed on Taemu Sang.

His eyes seemed ordinary, but they were not light enough for ordinary people to handle.

Nevertheless, Taemu Sang did not avoid his gaze and bit his lip.

Watching Taemu Sang staring at him, Tarha exclaimed, "Wow! His venom is amazing."

Tarha had met many martial artists in his lifetime, including many children who had venom in them.

However, no one gave him as severe a feeling as Taemu Sang did.

Tarha couldn't take his eyes off Taemu Sang.

He seemed to like Taemu Sang's venomous appearance.

"Have you learned martial arts?" he asked.


Taemu Sang lowered his head.

"Hmm! You haven't learned martial arts, yet you have such a gaze?"

Tarha stood up from his seat and walked over to Taemu Sang and began to fondle his body.


Taemu Sang grimaced and tried to escape Tarha's grip, but he was completely immobilized by an immense pressure that felt like diving into the deep sea.

It was only then that Taemu Sang realized that the elderly foreigner in front of him was a remarkable master.


A suppressed groan burst from his mouth because of the enormous heat that he felt from Tarha's grip.

An ordinary person would have already lost consciousness from the excruciating pain, but Taemu Sang did not lose his mental composure.

Instead, he gritted his teeth and glared at Tarha, which seemed to please him even more.

After removing his hand from Taemu Sang's body, Tarha spoke, "Your muscles are very good. Even though you are a bit old, you'll progress quickly if you master martial arts."

"What the hell are you doing?" Taemu Sang cursed at Tarha, even after experiencing extreme pain.

"Hehe! You really like me," Tarha replied, unfazed by Taemu Sang's rough reaction. He seemed to like Taemu Sang even more.

Taemu Sang was about to charge at Tarha with his fists clenched, but then he noticed Yul Ayeon behind Tarha and widened his eyes.

Taemu Sang had seen many women in this place, but he had never seen a woman as mysteriously beautiful as Yul Ayeon.

The young boy fell in love at first sight.

Tarha noticed Taemu Sang's psychological change and said, "Hehe! My granddaughter seems to have caught your eye."


"Yes! My only granddaughter, to be exact."

"I see."

"What about you?"


"Do you want to become my disciple?"

"I will."


"I said I will become your disciple."

"If you become my disciple, you'll have to go to the western province. Are you willing to go?"

"I'll go to the Western Province!"

Taemu Sang answered without taking a breath.

Tarha looked at Taemu Sang in disbelief.

Taemu Sang also realized what he just said and turned pale.

"To Western Province?"

"Yes! the Western Province."

"The place that is said to be far beyond the sea?”

"That's right! That place."

"I don't want to go. I won't be your disciple."

"It's too late. The vow of a disciple is worth ten million nyang If you retract now, you're denying yourself as a disciple."

Taemu Sang looked at Pyo Wol, unsure of what to do, as Tarha ignored his pleading gaze and talked to Yul Ayeon.

"Are you back now?"

"Yes! I came back just half an hour ago."

"You're moving around busily."

"I don't have a lot of time. But thanks to master Pyo Wol, we were able to shorten the time a lot."

"The Red Guild Association?"

"Yes, that's right. They were very helpful. Very useful."

Yul Ayeon smiled slightly.

The expression on Taemu Sang's face crumbled again when he saw her.

Tarha put his arm on Taemu Sang's shoulder and asked him, "So you're not going to take her as your student?"

"So you're not going to be a student?"

"No, that's......."

"Please give me time. I have to get revenge."


"Yes! I have to avenge my brothers."

Taemu Sang's expression, which had softened, stiffened again.

He had been momentarily entranced by Yul Ayeon, but he had not forgotten the last moments of his brothers who had died miserably because of him. Those moments continued to haunt him.

"What happened?"

Tarha looked at Tae Musang, asking for permission to speak.

Tae Musang nodded silently, giving him the go-ahead.

Tarha listened to Taemu Sang's story, and his expression became serious.

"About twenty martial artists sneaked in secretly?"


"You didn't mistake them for fishermen?"

"No. I've lived here for a long time, and I can tell that no fishermen around here have that kind of ominous atmosphere."


Tarha's gaze turned to Pyo Wol.

"Do you happen to know who they are?"

Pyo Wol remained silent and did not answer.

From his demeanor, Tarha could tell that he didn't trust him.

"Tarha sighed softly.

He didn't fully trust Pyo Wol yet either. But they couldn't stay this way forever.

"Perhaps we should be honest about why we're here. To build trust between us."

"You go ahead."

"Alright. We came to this remote area to retrieve a lost treasure. During the war, we lost one of the treasures of the Mara Law Sect, Mahondo (魔魂刀). At first, we thought it was simply lost, but later we found out that someone had systematically stolen it. So we searched far and wide and found that the trail led here."

"Is Mahondo an important object?"

"On the surface, it's just a beautiful piece of art, nothing more, nothing less. What's more, it's not a normal sword shape, but an extremely curved one, which makes it impossible for someone who isn't used to using it to its full potential."

"You wouldn't come here looking for something that's merely a work of art, would you?"

"That's correct. Mahondo is used during a ritual sacrifice. It has little use as a weapon, but its political and symbolic significance is enormous. After Mahondo went missing, there was chaos within the Mara Law Sect. We must retrieve Mahondo to calm the sect's unrest. That's why my granddaughter and I came all this way. It's your turn now."

"I didn't come here for any particular reason. I just wanted to see the sea. Then I met this guy and got swept up in this whole thing."

"Just a coincidence?"

"That's right!"


Tarha looked puzzled, but Pyo Wol remained unfazed and watched him intently.

"They're called the Ghost Squad."

"What does that mean?"

"The ones who killed his siblings. They're said to be ghostly figures who sneak into ports unnoticed."

"Wait! Did you say the Ghost Squad?"

Suddenly, Tarha's face became stern. Yul Ayeon had the same expression.

"What? / Really?"

"The Ghost Squad?"

The two people looked at each other's faces.

Pyo Wol asked them.

"Do you know about it?"


"I'm not sure if it's the same group, but there was a group called the Ghost Squad in the western province that people talked about."

"Are you sure?"

"I haven't seen it myself. I've heard stories on and off for decades, but I've never seen anyone who claimed to have seen the Ghost Squad themselves. So, I just dismissed it as a legend."

Of course, the stories about theGhost Squad were particularly prevalent along the coast. For people living along the western province’s coast, the Ghost Squad was a terrifying presence.

Just the mention of the name sent shivers down many people's spines. But people who lived inland didn't believe in theGhost Squad.

It was too fantastical a story, and more than anything, there was no opportunity to confirm its existence with their own eyes.

The Mara Law Sect was also deep inland.

So, they just dismissed the Ghost Squad as a fanciful legend or a false existence created by people's imaginations.

The same was true for Yul Ayeon and Tarha.

They had heard of the Ghost Squad many times before, but since most of the stories were fleeting, they didn't pay much attention to it. However, hearing the name again in this place made them think differently.

Even if the Ghost Squad here and the Ghost Squad in the western province were different entities, they had to confirm it for themselves.

"I guess we'll have to check them out for ourselves. If they really are the same group as the Ghost Squad in the western province, then it's no coincidence that the treasure of the Mara Law Sect has flowed here."

Tarha's eyes already had a foreboding aura.

The efforts made by their ancestors to find Mahondo cannot be expressed in words.

They killed all the smugglers, traffickers, and thieves in the western province and tortured them to find out that Mahondo had been exported.

They also found out that the ship carrying Mahondo had left for somewhere in the Central Plains.

At that time, there were dozens of ships that left the western province for the Central Plains

They checked the route of every single ship and eventually found the only remaining one near Sea Gate. However, when they arrived and checked, there was no such ship.

But when he arrived, he realized that there was no such ship, and in his perplexity, he heard the name Ghost Squad.

"Where are they hiding? I'll go and check myself."

Tarha was ready to storm in right away.

"Calm down."

" What am I to calm down? It took me almost a year to get here, a whole year......."

"I know. I was with you all along. But moving forward like this would only lead to disaster. . And there's no guarantee that the Ghost Squad is a reality. We need to investigate more thoroughly."


Tarha couldn't help but calm down at Yul Ayeon's words.

That's when it happened.


Suddenly, someone's scream was heard from outside.

The first to react was Taemu Sang.

"Brother Geom Yeong!"

He jumped up from his seat and ran outside.

He couldn't mistake Geom Yeong's voice, which he had heard since childhood. Although it was just a short scream, Geom Yeong's voice was clear.

Taemu Sang ran outside the inn and looked around, then spotted Geom Yeong leaning against a wall.

"Geom Yeong!"

He rushed to Geom Yeong.


"What happened? Are you okay?"


Suddenly Geom Yeong's face contorted.

Taemu Sang quickly checked his whole body and found a wound on his shoulder.

Blood was pouring out of the long gash on his shoulder.

Taemu Sang quickly covered the wound with a cloth.


"Some... suspicious people were loitering around and then attacked me."

"Then you should have shouted inside."

"Ha! Damn it. I approached and asked who they were, but they attacked me outright. I'm sure I recognized one of them."

"Fuck! I'm pretty sure I covered my tracks......."

Taemu Sang looked around with bloodshot eyes. But there was no sign of the attackers. They seemed to have already fled.

Yul Ayeon, who came out late, said to Taemu Sang,

"Step aside."


"Unless you're going to treat the wound, step aside. because I'm much better at healing people than you are."


Eventually, Taemu Sang stepped back and Yul Ayeon treated the wound of Geom Yeong.

Suddenly, Taemu Sang realized that Pyo Wol and Tarha were nowhere to be seen.

"What about the two of them?"

"They already went to track them down."


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