Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 324:
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 324

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


Pyo Wol thought there was no longer any value in observing the Golden Heavenly Hall’s meeting.

Such gatherings, where people boasted about their wealth and status, did not appeal to his taste.

Pyo Wol was about to get up from his seat and head downstairs when suddenly Eum Yujeong spoke to him.

"Just a moment."

Suddenly, Eum Yujeong spoke to Pyo Wol. All eyes of the Golden Heavenly Hall members were focused on her as it was highly unusual for her to speak to someone who was not a high-ranking member.

When Pyo Wol turned his head slightly to look at her, Eum Yujeong approached him with her trademark smile.

Just her approaching made the men jealous.

As Eum Yujeong approached Pyo Wol, a strong scent emanated from her. It was not a pleasant scent, especially to someone like Pyo Wol, who had a very sensitive sense of smell.

Pyo Wol said nothing and just looked at Eum Yujung.

Despite Pyo Wol's lack of response, Eum Yujeong did not lose her smile.

"I'm sorry for grabbing you without manners."


"Do you happen to be a master?"

"What about it?"

"I thought you might have mastered martial arts. I wondered if you'd like to join us. As you can see, the Golden Heavenly Hall is a gathering of young martial artists."

It was a genuine smile, different from the fake smiles she'd shown to the members of the Golden Heavenly hall and to Tang Ik-gi.

Jo Ik-gwang and others' eyes seemed to spark at her sight.

Pyo Wol didn't give them any attention and simply said, "I'm not interested."

"Why? It's a perfect opportunity to establish a connection with the masters of Kangho"

"There's no reason to establish a connection with them."

"That's unexpected. Usually, when a proposal like this is made, everyone accepts it gladly."

Eum Yujeong raised her eyebrows.

It was a naive expression that seemed to indicate she didn't understand why.

But Pyo Wolcould already see that her expression was false.

Eum Yujeong glanced sideways to see the reaction of the members of the Golden Heavenly Hall Society.

She was enjoying their reaction.

Pyo Wol quickly saw the position that Eum Yujeong held in this group.

"She's like a queen bee."

In a group with many women, a man may feel uncomfortable standing alone. But in a group dominated by men, a woman receives special attention.

Some women find this attention burdensome, but others know how to manipulate men subtly and get what they want.

Eum Yujeong belonged to the latter category.

She was aware that her beauty was enough to captivate men, and she knew exactly how to manipulate them.

It was not a calculated move for her to talk to Pyo Wol and arouse the jealousy of the Golden Heavenly Hall Society men and make them focus on her.

It was a habit that was deeply ingrained in her.

The first to react was Tang Ik-gi.

"How dare you refuse lady Eum's proposal? You must not realize how great an opportunity this is."

He approached Pyo Wol and berated him.

Pyo Wol didn't miss the young smile that appeared on Eum Yujeong's lips at that moment.

As she had intended, she was enjoying this situation.

Tang Ik-gi blocked Eum Yujeong's path and shouted, "Apologize to lady Eum."

"Why should I?"

"Didn't you disrespect her? Apologize now."

Everyone knew his words were forced, but no one stopped him.

Instead, they looked on with expressions that indicated they were enjoying the spectacle.

Pyo Wol was a man who rarely got excited about anything.

He always kept his rationality ahead of his emotions and knew how to control himself in any situation.

However, the scene unfolding before him was so disgusting that he felt nauseous.

The people here were the most outstanding talents in Kangho, and no young warriors could compare to them.

If nothing unexpected happened, they would lead Kangho in the future.

They had a solid foundation and superior martial arts skills compared to others.

As strong as they were now, it would be difficult for anyone to break the iron fortress they would build in the future. At least not here.

Jin Geum-Woo didn't organize the Golden Heavenly Hall just for this kind of result.

He wanted the young talents of Kangho to come together to counter the invisible group called Guryongsalmak.

That's why he made the entrance requirements for the Golden Heavenly Hall strict.

He wanted to verify and accept only the properly trained warriors. But his good intentions were being abused by people like Jo Ik-gwang, leading to the ossification of power.

The actions of these people now were an insult to the late Jin Geum-Woo.

Pyo Wol's gaze suddenly changed.

The coolness in his eyes was replaced by a red light that had never been seen before.

It was the same red light that disappeared when he gained a new enlightenment on Mount Tianzhong. Its reappearance now meant that Pyo Wol was very uncomfortable


At the moment Pyo Wol saw the red light, Tang Ik-gi unconsciously swallowed his saliva. He felt a strange and eerie feeling. But now, he couldn't just back down.

Everyone was watching.

If he retreated now, he might lose the temporary membership he had worked so hard to gain.

"What are you staring at? Look them in the eye and apologize to lady Eum."

"Let me ask you one thing."

"What do you want to ask?"

"Do you really want to be a part of Golden Heavenly Hall that much? They're just toys to them."

"What nonsense are you spouting?"

Tang Ik-gi let out a sharp cry.

He was so focused on staring at Pyo Wol that he didn't notice Eum Yujeong smiling behind him.

As Pyo Wol had intended, she was enjoying this situation.

More precisely, she was enjoying her own power.

She felt a sense of superiority as she watched him struggle to make himself look good in front of her, the queen bee who had not yet fully established her power.

And it wasn't just Tang Ik-gi who felt that way.

The other officials were also jumping at any opportunity to show off.

Only Jo Ik-gwang and Bok Ho-jin were watching calmly.


Tang Ik-gi, whose face had become stern, suddenly slapped his palm. His palm was now stained red.

This was the Three Yang Divine Palm, a martial art of the Tang Clan.

However, it was now just a shell of its former self, having lost its true power.

Therefore, it could not unleash even a third of its original strength.

Nonetheless, it was difficult to find its opponent in Taeho's territory.

Of course, Tang Ik-gi believed that he could inflict a great deal of damage on Pyo Wol.

But when he felt the fiery pain in his shoulder and arm, he realized that something was wrong.


A groan escaped his lips.

Pyo Wol's index finger was deeply embedded in Tang Ik-gi's shoulder.

Her finger had dug into his shoulder like a dagger.

Tang Ik-gi could not even think of continuing theThree Yang Divine Palm technique, and he opened his eyes wide. He felt as if his head and body were both paralyzed by the pain.


For a moment, silence descended on the room.

Especially the young officials of the Golden Heavenly Hall Society, they stared at Pyo Wol's finger with their mouths shut.

He didn't expect Pyo Wol to be such a skilled martial artist.

It was not easy to completely penetrate a person's muscles with a sharp sword, let alone penetrate muscles like tofu with blunt fingers.

No one present could do such a thing. It was a difficult task, but a man who looked like a woman did it easily with a nonchalant face.

The opponent was a master beyond their expectations.


Tang Ik-gi couldn't bear the pain and screamed miserably.His screams were so pitiful that they could be heard throughout the room.


Pyo Wol applied pressure to the finger that pierced Tang Ik-gi's shoulder and pushed it in.

Then, Tang Ik-gi collapsed, with his eyes rolling back and his knees bent.

The pain of messing with his muscles and nerves was something he couldn't bear.

He had never even imagined such pain.

Tang Ik-gi knelt down helplessly, tears and snot running down his face. But Pyo Wol didn't even glance at him.

Pyo Wol's gaze was fixed on Eum Yujeong, who collided with Tang Ik-gifrom behind.

Eum Yujeong's eyebrows trembled.

"What an amazing master."

She never expected Pyo Wol to be such a powerful martial artist. She thought he would be at their level at best, so she played this prank. If he was at their level, they could handle it.

But contrary to her expectations, Pyo Wol was a tremendous master.

Eum Yujeong's pupils spun wildly as she tried to figure out how to get out of this situation.

Quickly taking advantage of the situation, Eum Yujeong introduced herself.

"I didn't even recognize the deceased in front of me. May I know your name, master?"

"Are you finally asking for my name now?"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid the girl didn’t know any better, and I hope you'll be generous enough to forgive me, and I'll certainly make amends for my rudeness today if you'll give me your respectful name."

Eum Yujeong bowed deeply, as if to apologize excessively.

She realized that she wasn't going to be able to play queen bee like the others.

To survive in Kangho, she had to be able to read the situation.

At that moment, Jo Ik-gwang and Bok Ho-jin, who had been silent until then, stepped forward.

Jo Ik-gwang stood next to Eum Yujeong and spoke.

"Brother Tang is probably feeling remorseful by now, so why don't we take matters into our own hands?"

Jo Ik-gwang's eyes were filled with tension.

Even though he was the king of this place, he couldn't afford to treat Pyo Wol so casually.

Kangho was a place where power came first, and it was not uncommon to be killed for committing a breach of etiquette because you didn't know the opponent's level.

Jo Ik-gwang was no exception.

He was now feeling a strong sense of crisis.

Depending on how he handles this situation, his status in Kangho province could change.

If he fails to handle the situation well, the reputation he has built up so far will crumble, but if he handles it well, he will become even more firmly established as the young master of
Kangho province.

Pyo Wol looked at Jo Ik-gwang intently.

The moment their eyes met, Jo Ik-gwang felt his heart sink.

"What kind of look is this...?"

This was the first time he had seen such deep and emotionless eyes.

It felt like looking at a doll without emotions.

Jo Ik-gwang tried to maintain a calm expression as he spoke.

"I will apologize on behalf of my brother for his rudeness. I will put my honor on the line and make sure that such a thing will never happen again. Please forgive us this one time."

His voice and attitude were very polite.

If Pyo Wol hadn't taken this opportunity, he would have just become a narrow-minded person.

Pyo Wol asked Tang Ik-gi, "Is your father's name Tang Cheolsan?"

"Well, yes."

"And he's also the head of the Tang family's branch, right?"

"Wh-who said he's the head of the branch? We're the direct line."

"Anyway, it's true that he's a branch of the Tang family."

"Why are you asking that? Just pull out your finger. It hurts too much."

Tang Ik-gi begged with tears.


As Pyo Wol pulled out his finger, blood surged along with a scream from Tang Ik-gi. He couldn't even cry out and only trembled in pain.

His pants had a clear stain from where he had wet himself.


Bok Ho-jin quickly stopped the bleeding.

Jo Ik-gwang surrounded Pyo Wol and said, "Thank you. I will never forget your kindness."

"We'll see if it was kindness or not later."

"By the way, I haven't heard your honorific yet. If you tell me, I'll remember it so I don't make the same mistake."

"Pyo Wol!"

"Pyo Wol? The reaper?"

Jo Ik-gwang's eyes widened.

"Really, the reaper?"

"Oh my goodness!"

The turmoil spread among the warriors.


Hey guys, 😔

So, I've got something on my mind and I really need your help. I just found out that this random guy on Reddit has copied 20 of my posts and pasted them on his Buy Me a Coffee page. 🤯

The worst part is, he's posting later chapters at a super low-quality MTL, like something you'd get from Google Translate. And guess what? he's charging $10-20 and already have some paying members. 😠 Here's the link if you wanna check out:

I'm feeling pretty down about this and I don't know what to do. 😞 I mean, I've been working so hard to edit each chapter to make sure you guys can enjoy reading them. I even had plans to translate more novels with your support. But now, seeing this happen, it's making me second-guess everything.

Do any of you have suggestions on how to handle this? I'm at a loss, and it's honestly just making me really sad. 😢 If you could leave your thoughts in the comment section below, I'd really appreciate it. This whole situation is just bumming me out, and I could use your advice. 🙏

P.S - You know, I was planning to add 4-5 more chapters today as a way to apologize for not uploading recently. But this whole thing has left me disheartened and depressed. 😔 I'll still try to upload those chapters, though. And hey, if you're into reading decent quality novels, just be careful – you might stumble upon some spoilers on his page. 🚨

- If you guys want to read how Pyo Wol 🦸‍♂️ fucks everyone one up in this arc, just buy me a cup of coffee (or several if you are feeling extra generous) at ☕️. Once you buy me a cup of coffee you will instantly get access to a doc link containing pre-released chapters all the way up to chapter 343 with 2 chapter updates everyday for a whole month! 📚. Link to the locked posts

Thanks! 😊 And keep being awesome! 🌟