Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 305
Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 305

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


“Mara Law Sect."

It was a name he had never heard before.

None of the martial arts sects that Pyo Wol knew used that name.

"Could it be a sect from the western region?" Since the two said they came from the west, it was possible.

Even Pyo Wol didn’t know all the sects. And the sects from the outer regions with limited information were even more unknown to him.

Tarha's martial arts were shocking.

It wasn't just because of his Anti-shock qi technique.

Everything that exists has a purpose.

Martial arts were no different.

Every martial art has its own purpose and develops in the direction that suits it.

In the case of the Buddhist martial arts, especially the martial arts of the Shaolin Temple, have developed in a direction that subdues people without hurting them. That doesn't mean they don't have any killing power, but at least they showed some mercy.

This was why the staff and defense techniques were the mainstay of Shaolin martial arts.


They tried to avoid using techniques that relied heavily on deadly strikes with a sword.

On the other hand, some martial arts focused on maximizing their killing power. This was true for the martial arts of the Martial Artists who mainly pursued the grappling and supernatural techniques.

Thus, martial arts naturally developed in different directions.

The martial arts that Tarha had shown Pyo Wol seemed to have only one purpose - destruction.

It was a martial art created solely to thoroughly destroy the human body.

Pyo Wol had fought many Martial Artists in his life, but he had never encountered a martial art that was created for only one purpose like this.

Although Yu Il seok dreamed of becoming the King of Sea Gate, he was just a small provincial leader.

In contrast, Tarha was a skilled practitioner who had the ability to aspire to rule the world.

He seemed to be on an equal footing with the Eight Constellations, or even surpassed them in terms of destructive power.

Pyo Wol realized how vast the world was.

Kangho was not the whole world. There was a wider world out there, with countless powerful people.

Tarha was proof of that.

At that moment, Yul Ayeon looked at Pyo Wol and spoke.

"Are you surprised?"

"To some extent..."

"It doesn't seem like it at all. Usually when I see my grandfather's martial arts, I freeze up."

Yul Ayeon looked at Pyo Wol with a meaningful expression.

Pyo Wol also thought that Yul Ayeon was a skilled practitioner.

It was because of her refined aura and the occasional glint of intelligence in her eyes. It wasn't easy to have such an intense gaze without practicing martial arts.

Similarly, Yul Ayeon  also thought that Pyo Wol was a master who had learned martial arts.

This was because there was no hesitation even when seeing Tarha's martial arts up close.

It was impossible for someone who had not learned martial arts to maintain composure in such a situation.

Yul Ayeon  felt curious about the handsome man in front of her.

"How long will lord Pyo stay here?"

"I don't know."

"It sounds like nothing has been decided yet."

"That's right."

"Of course, it's good that way."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means that there is no predetermined plan, so it could be extended depending on the situation."

"It could also mean that I can leave this place as early as tomorrow."

"That's possible, but it might not be. I'm satisfied just knowing that there is unpredictability."

Yul Ayeon  smiled brightly.

Her appearance was quite seductive.

Perhaps because it was mixed with the wilderness, she had a different charm that the women of the central plains did not have.


The allure of her was so deadly that any man who saw her couldn't help but fall for her instantly.

Pyo Wol glanced at her for a moment before turning his gaze to Tarha.

Tarha was giving some sort of instruction to Yoo Il-seok, who was nodding with his head bowed.

It seemed impossible for any variables to arise in this situation.

Pyo Wol stood up from his seat. At that moment, Yul Ayeon glanced at him with a slightly surprised expression.

"Are you going in already?"

"I'm tired."

"Well, I guess you could be. Go ahead. Grandfather seems to still have things to discuss with them. I'll wait a little longer."


Pyo Wol left for the inn, leaving Yul Ayeon  behind.

As she watched Pyo Wol's figure grow smaller in the distance,Yul Ayeon murmured to herself.

"What an interesting man."

Her blue eyes sparkled in a peculiar way.

Yul Ayeon smiled and drank continuously, but she didn't feel drunk at all.

"The alcohol in central plains is definitely weak."

The taste of central plains's alcohol was superior to the west. However, it couldn't match the West's alcohol strength.

To Yul Ayeon, who was accustomed to western province’s alcohol, central plains' alcohol was too weak.


Yul Ayeon slammed down her glass repeatedly.

"What's wrong?"

Tarha approached her.

"It's nothing."

"The alcohol is weak, isn't it?"

"Sort of."

"No one in Mara Law Sect could match you in drinking anyway."

"Why are you bringing that up again?"

"Just saying."

"Anyway, did things go well with the conversation?"

"Fortunately, they agreed to move as we wanted. Central plains people are really kind. They came to help us on their own."

Tarha replied cheerfully.

Yul Ayeon burst out laughing.

In fact, they were in a very difficult situation when they first arrived here. They needed to find something, but they didn't know where to start.

So they asked Pyo Wol for an easy way to get information.

Pyo Wol gave them not one but two ways to get what they wanted. And on top of that, he even arranged for the liquor for the meeting. 

To the two of them, Pyo Wol was nothing less than a great benefactor.

"Do they know anything?"

"I don't know. But I told them to find out, so we'll soon hear good news."

"I see."

Yul Ayeon looked at Yu Il-seok, who was standing up with his subordinates. They all had fearful expressions on their faces.

There was no need to worry about betrayal anymore.

Now they would act as Tarha's subordinates.

As if Tarha suddenly remembered something, she asked Yul Ayeon, "What about him?"

"He's gone in."

"Is that so?"

Tarha's eyes narrowed.



Pyo Wol returned to the detached building.


He hung the Black Dragon Robe on the wall first.

The Black Dragon Robe, which Tang Sochu had made for him, hadn't been damaged in the countless battles he'd fought, and it still retained its original shape.

After removing the Black Dragon Robe, Gwia, which had been perched on Pyo Wol's forearm, stirred.

He was once a silvery-white, almost transparent creature, but now his appearance was as red as blood.

While eating the poisonous bees at Mount Tianzhong, he began to turn red gradually, and by the time he left Mount Tianzhong, he had completely turned red.

With his glossy red scales, Gwia, lying on his back, looked like a well-crafted bracelet on his forearm.

Pyo Wol laid Gwia down on the bed.

"I'll go take a bath, so rest here," he said.

Gwia flicked his tiny tongue as if he understood.

Pyo Wol headed to the well in the detached building’s courtyard.

He stripped off all his clothes and became completely naked.

During his journey to this place, Pyo Wol had fought in countless battles, and of course, he had suffered quite a few injuries. However, there was no trace of any injuries left on his body now.


It's like he had never been wounded from the beginning.

It wasn't like that from the beginning.

Pyo Wol was also a human.

When injured, humans have scars that remain.

But the four months spent on Mount Tianzhong brought about a great change in Pyo Wol's mind and body.

The scars that remained on Pyo Wol's body disappeared completely.

He stared at his snake-like body for a moment before drawing a long stream of water and pouring it over his head.

Ice-cold water flowed down his skin.

Pyo Wol kept pouring water and cleaned his body.

Only after he had wiped away all the dirt that had accumulated on his body on the way here did he stop.


Pyo Wol breathed a sigh and looked at his own hand.

It was a hand that was whiter and more beautiful than a woman's hand.


His hands were covered in the blood of countless people.

Although the traces may have disappeared, the scent of blood still lingered. While others might not have noticed it, Pyo Wol could smell it. It was a karma he would carry with him for the rest of his life.

He couldn't know how many more people's blood he would have to spill in the future.

He wanted to live without spilling any more blood, but he knew it was impossible.

Whether he liked it or not, Pyo Wol was already a part of Kangho’s silver circle, a circle of powerful martial artists.

Until he died, he couldn't escape from it.

He used his inner energy to dry the moisture on his body, and put his clothes back on.

As he entered the room, Gwia climbed up his body as if he had been waiting for him. He looked like he was trying to be cute.

Pyo Wol didn't mind his behavior.

Gwia slipped in and out between his fingers or twirled around, playing with Pyo Wol.

He spent some time playing with Gwia.

It was something that he couldn't have imagined before.

He was always on edge and didn't have the mental space to be aware of changes in his surroundings. But now, it is different.

He definitely had more mental space than before, but that didn't mean he was letting his guard down. The two coexisted in a delicate balance.

Pyo Wol thought while playing with Gwia.

"Mara Law Sect...."

It was a name he had never heard before.

If there were more people like Tarha in the Mara Law Sect, they would have a high chance of ruling at the top in the Western Province.

The problem was why Tarha and Yul Ayeon  came to the central plains.

Even at a glance, their status seemed unusual. They wouldn't have come all this way just for sightseeing.

They had clearly come all the way here for a purpose, and they had used Pyo Wol to lure the Red Guild Association in.

It was clear that they were improvising, but the fact that the situation progressed so naturally showed how much experience they had.

Taking down the sole leader of the enemy guild and giving orders seemed like something they had always done, as natural as breathing.

Pyo Wol thought that he should look into Mara Law Sect separately and fell asleep.



Pyo Wol woke up only when the sun was already high in the sky.

It was something that could never happen to the usual Pyo Wol.

He always only got the minimum amount of sleep and rest. But yesterday was different. He had slept deeply in a soft bed after a long time, and as a result, his body felt very good.

After a quick wash, Pyo Wol left the detached building.

He headed to the first-floor restaurant of the inn. Perhaps because it was past mealtime, the restaurant was very quiet.

Pyo Wol sat by the window with a view of the port. Then, the innkeeper quickly ran up to him.

"Did you sleep well yesterday?"

"I slept well."

"That's good to hear."

Unlike yesterday, there was a look of fear in the innkeeper’s eyes as he looked at Pyo Wol.


Pyo Wol immediately realized the reason.

It was because of Tarha and his grandchild.

Their display of power and influence yesterday had intimidated the innkeeper.

To the innkeeper, Pyo Wol probably appeared as part of their entourage.

Pyo Wol asked the innkeeper, "What about them?"

"They had breakfast early and went outside."

"Is that so?"

"Yes! I don't know their exact destination. Shall I find out?"


"Hehe! I have many friends around here. If I ask around, I can quickly find out what's going on at Sea Gate."

"Are your friends locals here?"

"Yes! We were all born and raised here."

"Is that so?"

Pyo Wol showed interest.

That's four surprise chapters for today:) Enjoy Reading

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