Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 304
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 304

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


Yoo Il-seok was wearing a red hood and reading a yellow booklet. The booklet contained a list of cargos that came into the port today.

With this booklet, he could easily find out what goods were shipped on which ships and where they were going to be sold.

It was a treasure that no one else had.

Thanks to this booklet, the small gang of workers, Red Guild Association, was able to stand on equal ground with the giant harbor faction of Sea Dragon Hall.

Every day, Yoo Il-seok analyzed the booklet and predicted which trade would benefit the most, and invested accordingly.

As a result, the Red Guild Association had grown at least five times larger in the twenty years since he became its owner.

With the money he had earned, Yoo Il-seok trained his own warriors. As a result, the Red Guild Association was now boasting a presence that was no less than that of Sea Dragon Hall.

That was the position of the Red Guild Association as seen by the world. 

However, Yoo Il-seok knew that they were actually far inferior to Sea Dragon Hall. That's why he was thinking about how to increase his power even more today.


Then an urgent voice interrupted Yoo Il-seok's peace.

He sensed that something had happened. Otherwise, they would not have come to him at this crucial moment.

"What's going on?"

"Something big happened."

"What happened?"

Only then did Yoo Il-seok get up from his seat and go outside.

His servants were standing outside, bowing their heads.

"What happened?"

"The Third Master has been severely injured."

"Third Master?"


Yoo Il-seok frowned.

Although he had heard that his child had been injured, his reaction was not as emotional as most parents' reactions would be. It was clearly different.

Yoo Il-seok asked his servant,

"What's the condition?"

"He's in critical condition. And one arm is completely broken and the nerves are severed, it seems like it won't recover."



"Is it because of indecency again?"

"I'm sorry."

"He’s a disgrace to the family”


Yoo Il-seok's face turned red.

His eyes were full of anger.

The fact that his child had been hurt was not what made him angry, but rather the fact that he had been humiliated while trying to do something indecent.

"Who did he touch again this time?"

"He didn't even touch anyone."


"He was about to, but an old man stopped him and humiliated him."

"An old man?"

"He seemed to be from out of town."

"Did a stranger from a remote area dare to make my son look bad in our territory?"

Although he had taken his son's humiliation calmly, the fact that a stranger from somewhere had caused trouble in the territory of the Red Guild Association, which was evaluated as a powerful organization that divided the power with Sea Dragon Hall, hurt his pride.

"Let's go!"

"Where to?"

"To where he is."


"I understand."

"Call the eldest and the second son."


The eldest son Yoo Gun-Sang and the second son Yoo Sang-Gyeong were both recognized as strong men in the Red Guild Association. 

They were even sitting in important positions in the Association.

When this kind of thing happened, the only people who could be trusted were those who shared the same blood.

The servants quickly informed Yoo Gun-Sang and Yoo Sang-Gyeong that Yoo Il-seok had summoned them. They immediately led their followers and joined Yoo Il-seok's procession.

As Yoo Il-seok moved, nearly a hundred Red Guild Association warriors moved with him.

"What's going on?"

"Oh my! Looks like something big is happening."

People murmured as they saw Yoo Il-seok move. It was rare for him to move himself. But once he did, something big would always happen.

A bloodbath would erupt.

Thus, Yoo Il-seok protected his territory and the Red Guild Association.

His only flaw was his third child, Yoo Cheol-Gwang. Other than that, he was a perfect man.

Now that he had moved, people thought that whatever the problem was, it would be solved soon.


Yoo Il-seok was a man with the power to befitting the leader of the Red Guild Association. Moreover, his subordinates followed him in the hundreds.

They were the true military force of the Red Guild Association.

All of them were born and raised in Sea Gate and were known for their roughness and refusal to back down until they die once a war breaks out.

They were so rough and wicked that even Sea Dragon Hall respected the Red Guild Association's territory because of them.

Yoo Geon-Sang, the eldest son, asked, "What happened this time?"

He still didn't know why they were called together on this late night.

"Cheol-Gwang came back as a laughing stock."


"Yes! He tried to cause trouble again and met his match this time."

"How long do we have to clean up after that bastard?"

Eventually, Yoo Geon-Sang erupted in anger.

Yoo Sang-Gyeong, the second son, couldn't hold his anger either.

"Fuck! How can we call such trash our brother...!"



At that moment, Yoo Il-seok's palm struck Yoo Sang-Gyeong's cheek.

Yoo Sang-Gyeong's cheek swelled up in an instant.

"Be careful what you say."


"That trash is my bloodline. Insulting him is the same as insulting me for creating that trash."

"I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention."

"I know. But still, be careful."

"Yes, sir!"

Yoo Il-seok looked ahead.

He saw a large guesthouse.

It was the same guesthouse where Yoo Cheol-Gwang had caused a commotion.

Yoo Il-seok spoke to his subordinates.

"Everyone, get ready!"



In response, the warriors drew their weapons in unison.


They kicked the door of the guesthouse just like Yoo Cheol-Gwang had done. The door, which had already been damaged by Yoo Cheol-Gwang, completely broke apart and fell.

Yoo Il-seok looked around inside the guesthouse.

Finding the person who turned his son into a corpse wasn't difficult at all. Most of the customers had already fled due to the uneasy atmosphere.

Only three people remained on the first floor, all sitting at the same table.

The first person who caught his eye was a man named Pyo Wol, who was more beautiful than any woman. Yoo Cheol-Gwang's eyes seemed to roll back when he saw him. 

With such looks, it wouldn't be strange if a man fell for him instead of a woman.

Yoo Il-seok raised his head and looked at the old man sitting across from Pyo Wol.


Instinctively, he realized that this old man was the one who had turned his son into a corpse.

Yoo Il-seok walked up to the old man, and Tarha turned his body to face him.


In an instant, Yoo Il-seok felt a shocking blow to his heart. He felt a tremendous strength in Tarha's sunken eyes.

Tarha smiled as if he found the current situation amusing and looked at Yoo Il-seok.

"Who are you?"

"I, I am Yoo Il-seok. I am the father of the child you wounded and the leader of the Red Guild Association."

Yoo Il-seok tried to answer with courage, but Tarha's response pierced his heart like a knife.

"Ah! You are the father of that wretched brat? Your parenting skills are so poor that you can't even find basic manners."

"So, did you turn that child into a corpse?"

"Is that why you crippled him?"

"Crippled? I said I'd take it easy on him......."


"What is the identity of the old man?"


"Is that important?"

Tarha smiled as he spoke.

Although there were about a hundred men filling the inn, he did not appear intimidated at all.

His granddaughter, Yul Ayeon, was the same way. She didn't even glance at You Il-seok and just sipped her drink.

Yul Ayeon put down her glass and asked Pyo Wol.

"You said that the best way to get information is from the locals of that region, right?"

"That's right."

"Now we can get information."

Yul Ayeon smiled, revealing her white teeth.

Pyo Wol looked at Yul Ayeon with a deeply sunken gaze.

Tarha had not tampered with Yoo Cheol-Gwang because he was worried about Pyo Wol. It was simply because he knew the simple fact that when a child is defeated, their parents come running. It was just that the parent was a powerful person in the Sea Gate.


Tarha pushed his chair back and stood up from his seat.


He spread his arms wide and spoke to Yoo Il-seok.

"The one who made your son a victim is me. What are you going to do about it?"

Yoo Il-seok's jaw muscles tightened for a moment.

A dangerous scent emanated from the old man in front of him. Just smelling it was enough to send shivers down his spine.

He regretted coming here without any prior information.

If he had known the opponent was such a being, he would never have come here, even if it meant that his son was never found in the first place. But regrets, no matter how fast, are always too late.

He couldn't back down now, with so many subordinates and people from Sea Gate watching his every move through the window.

If he did nothing and retreated here, everyone would look down on him. He knew all too well what happened to those who were looked down upon once in a city.

Yoo Il-seok ordered his subordinates.



As soon as his command was issued, his subordinates rushed towards Tarha.


They swung their weapons at Tarha without hesitation.


A large axe sliced through the air, and a metal rod jabbed forward. However, the weapons miraculously did not touch Tarha's body.


With a sound like an explosion, the attackers were all knocked back.

The state of the thrown-back warriors was pitiful.

All of them were screaming with their arms and legs twisted in grotesque directions.


"P-please spare me!"

Among them was Yoo Geon-Sang, the eldest son of Yoo Il-seok.

He was the first to charge forward, vowing to take down Tarha, but he ended up being seriously injured.

“Anti-shock qi" (反彈罡氣)."

Pyo Wol recognized the nature of the move Tarha had just used.

It was a rare technique that only a few absolute warriors in Kangho were capable of using.

This move, which added a rebounding force to the attack of the opponent, was the ultimate skill of the Kangho martial arts.

"My goodness!"

Only then did Yoo Il-seok realize with astonishment what technique his opponent had used.


The opponent was a master with a gap as wide as the sky and the earth. It was not a target to be challenged.

"Everyone, step back."

He shouted late, but it was already too late.

Tarha had infiltrated among the crowd.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A continuous loud noise echoed.

Each time, his subordinates flew back, screaming.

Everyone had their arms and legs grotesquely twisted or their chests sunken.

Yoo Il-seok felt like he was having a nightmare.

He never imagined the situation would turn so desperate.



In an instant, the room turned into a hellish scene.

The hundred or so subordinates all fell down, groaning.

Tarha walked straight towards him.


"Please Spare Me!"

Yoo Il-seok unknowingly kneeled down. He had no sense of pride, no concern for others opinions or criticisms. He threw everything away and kneeled before Tarha.

Tarha looked at Yoo Il-seok and his eyes lit up. "You do have some awareness after all. I have some questions to ask you."

"Oh, please ask me anything. I'll answer with sincerity. If there's anything I don't know, I'll find out somehow," Yoo Il-seok replied.

"Oh, really?" Tarha smiled as if pleased.

Meanwhile, Yul Ayeon poured herself a drink and murmured, "Those guys couldn't handle the power of the Mara Law Sect."

Another One:)


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