Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 303
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 303

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


Yoo Cheol-Gwang licked his thick lips with his tongue like a catfish. It was his habit when he saw something interesting.

His eyes were fixed on Pyo Wol.

With long white hair down to his shoulders, skin even whiter than a woman's, and lips as red as blood, he had a delicate appearance that could not be considered masculine.

As soon as he saw Pyo Wol, Yoo Cheol-Gwang felt a strong sexual desire.

Yoo Cheol-Gwang was famous for his navy blue clothing.

He had a peculiar preference for men rather than women, and he was more strongly stimulated by men who were as beautiful as women.

If he had a man he liked, he would do anything to get him. The men who were humiliated and killed by him were countless. However, he was still intact because of his special status.

Yoo Cheol-Gwang was the third son of Yoo Il-seok, the owner of the Red Guild Association.

The first and second sons held important positions in the society, and Yoo Il-seok also boasted of his well-being.

Therefore, even though Yoo Cheol-Gwang behaved like a villain, no one stepped up to punish or scold him. So, Yoo Cheol-Gwang acted even more recklessly.

Before long, Yoo Cheol-Gwang heard a rumor that a beautiful man had come to Sea Gate.


Upon hearing this news, he led his subordinates to search and inspect all of the lodgings in Sea Gate. Eventually, he found Pyo Wol.

As the rumor had it, Pyo Wol was truly beautiful. No, he was even more beautiful than that.

He was the most beautiful man that Yoo Cheol-Gwang had ever seen, surpassing any man or woman he had encountered before. This was the first time Yoo Cheol-Gwang had seen such a man.

He approached Pyo Wol, suppressing his gasping breath.

"What's your name?" Yoo Cheol-Gwang asked Pyo Wol abruptly.

Pyo Wol silently looked at Yoo Cheol-Gwang, raising his head for quite some time because of his massive size.

Yoo Cheol-Gwang asked again, revealing his yellow teeth, "What's your name?"

"Why do you ask?" Pyo Wol replied.

"If an adult asks, you should answer politely. Why ask such a question?"


Yoo Cheol-Gwang glared with eyes like marbles.

Pyo Wol silently stared back at him.

Just looking at Yoo Cheol-Gwang's bloodshot pupils seemed to convey what he was thinking.

It was unbelievable.

There were certainly those who had entertained futile desires for themselves. But they all secretly revealed their desires. They didn't blatantly flaunt them like Yoo Cheol-Gwang. 

Even though the people in Kangho had a more open-minded attitude than the average person, not everything was acceptable.

Especially those who had risen to high positions in Kangho were very conscious of others' opinions due to their reputation. 

However, Yoo Cheol-Gwang didn't seem to have any intention of hiding his sexual identity at all.


Yoo Cheol-Gwang slammed the table with his huge hand like a lid on a pot. As a result, the food on the table scattered in all directions.

Food even splattered on Tarha and Yul Ayeon's clothes. Although the two of them were visibly annoyed, Yoo Cheol-Gwang didn't even spare them a glance.

Yoo Cheol-Gwang looked at Pyo Wol and said, "You, come with me."


"I won't accept the refusal."


In an instant, Yoo Cheol-Gwang's subordinates surrounded the table where Pyo Wol was seated. They were all hired mercenaries who worked for the Red Guild Association, strategically trained fighters rather than mere porters.

Yoo Cheol-Gwang had some of these mercenaries under his command, even though it was against the rules. 

However, there was no one in the Red Guild Association who could stop him from his tyrannical ways.

As soon as he laid eyes on Pyo Wol's appearance, Yoo Cheol-Gwang's mind became paralyzed. He could only see Pyo Wol's face, unable to think rationally.

All he could think of was taking Pyo Wol to a quiet place with him.

That's when Tarha intervened.

"Hey there, young friends," Tarha suddenly spoke up, wedging himself between Yoo Cheol-Gwang and Pyo Wol.

"What do you want?" Yoo Cheol-Gwang glared at Tarha, but Tarha spoke in a cold voice.

"What are you planning to do with him?"

"What do you mean, 'what am I planning'? Huh!"

“Because of you, my granddaughter and I got food on our clothes. What are you going to do about it?”

"Damn it! Is this crazy old man out of his mind? What do you want me to do? Just clean it up yourself. Ugh!"

"Because of you, this happened. You should compensate for it."

"Really! This crazy old man can't even read the mood and talks recklessly. Do you want to die? Old man!"

"No, if possible, I want to live long."

"Then just shut up and stay still. You can live until you paint the wall with your feces."

"I don't want to live until I paint the wall with my feces. I'll be satisfied as long as I can resolve my grievances. So I hope you pay for dirtying my clothes."

Yoo Cheol-Gwang's face twisted with anger at Tarha, who couldn't even read the mood and kept going on and on.

He couldn't stand it any longer and swung his fist at Tarha.

It was a fist so large that it would make one's hair stand on end just by looking at it. And if he landed just one solid blow with his martial arts skills, the old man's bones would have shattered like a twig.

But Yoo Cheol-Gwang's swinging fist stopped in the middle.

Unbelievably, Tarha's wrinkled hand had stopped his fist in mid-air.

"What, what is this?" Yoo Cheol-Gwang opened his eyes and Tarha spoke with a cool tongue.

"Did your parents not teach you not to use your strength recklessly?"

"Are you daring to insult me?"

"I am not insulting you, I am insulting your parents for not teaching you properly."

"This old man..."

Yoo Cheol-Gwang shouted and swung his other fist, but this time, it was harder than a rock with his internal energy.

It would have been a cruel method to use on an innocent old man. The moment Tarha's eyes flashed, Pyo Wol did not miss it.

Tarha's hand, which had grabbed Yoo Cheol-Gwang's fist, rotated to the right. At the same time, Yoo Cheol-Gwang's captured hand twisted and turned.



Instead of throwing a punch, Yoo Cheol-Gwang screamed in agony. His scream was so piercing that the people in the inn were all stunned.

"Oh no! Third master."

"This can't be happening!"

The members of the Red Guild Association were astonished.

It was because Yoo Cheol-Gwang's arm suddenly twisted around like a prank by Tarha. But it was not just a matter of his arm twisting.

His muscles were twisted, torn, and shattered, and his bones were broken and jutting out like crushed rocks.

It was a cruel and unimaginable injury.

His muscles and bones had been completely destroyed as if they had been crushed. No matter how many great doctors come, it was impossible to restore Yoo Cheol-Gwang's hand to its original state.

It was only then that the members of the Red Guild Association realized that the old man in front of them was a formidable master.

"Ahhh! This old man!"

In unbearable pain, Yoo Cheol-Gwang screamed and went berserk. He lost his sanity and tried to attack Tarha.


"Damn it!"

The members rushed towards Tarha to save Yoo Cheol-Gwang.


"Tsk! This should be enough for you to understand."




Tarha slammed the table with his palm, and the dishes and chopsticks on the table floated in the air.




At an invisible speed, Tarha flicked the dishes and chopsticks towards the Red Guild Association members.


The dishes and chopsticks were imprinted in their memory as they flew towards the bodies of the Red Guild Association members.






Screams erupted one after another.


The dishes and chopsticks were deeply embedded in the bodies of the Red Guild Association members who were rushing towards Tarha. 

Fortunately, no one lost their life, but everyone was in a critical condition.


Their blood was splattered all over the floor.



Yoo Cheol-Gwang barely regained his senses at the horrific sight in front of him. In an instant, a hellish scene unfolded.

He grabbed his twisted arm and asked.

"Tsk! You should have asked me that earlier."

"Do you know who I am? Do you know who you've just messed with?"

Tarha smiled as if he found Yoo Cheol-Gwang pathetic.

"You must learn to control yourself, even in desperate situations. Your attitude may not affect some people, but it could be a serious threat to others. It's a matter of courtesy."

"Shut up! Do you think I'll just sit here and take it? I'll--"

"What if you don't?"

Tarha's pupils sank deeply in an instant.

At the sight of his gaze, Yoo Cheol-Gwang felt an indescribable fear.


His huge body trembled as if an earthquake had struck.


Tahra asked again, "What if you don't stay still?"


"Well, umm..."


"What do you plan to do?"




Suddenly, foam spewed from Yoo Cheol-Gwang's mouth. His complexion turned as pale as a sheet of paper, and his eyes rolled back, showing only the whites.


He had caused serious harm to his opponent simply by living.




Finally, Yoo Cheol-Gwang knelt down and coughed up blood. It was black and viscous.


Yoo Cheol-Gwang trembled as he looked up at Tahra. His eyes were entirely bloodshot and swollen.


Although Yoo Cheol-Gwang had lived his life without knowing how scary the world could be and had done as he pleased, he could see that the old man sitting in front of him was truly a fearsome master.


"Get lost!"

At Tarha's cold words, Yoo Cheol-Gwang couldn't even retort and went out of the inn, his whale-like body swaying back and forth like a drunkard.

He was followed by the injured members of the Red Guild Association.

Silence filled the inn.

The faces of the customers who were staying on the first floor restaurant showed a faint sense of fear.

Most of the customers were people who made a living through trade with the outside world, and they had seen and heard a lot.

Among them were many martial arts experts, but none of them showed the same level of frightening ability as Tarha right in front of them.

That was why people were only looking at Tarha's movements. However, Tarha, the one who was the center of attention, was looking at Pyo Wol with a calm expression.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stand it when they dirtied my granddaughter's clothes."

"You said you came to collect the debt?"

"That's right."

"This place is going to get noisy."


"That could be the case. But I prefer to handle things quietly. Anyway, it seems like you unnecessarily got involved."

Tarha looked closely at Pyo Wol's face.

There was clearly an excessive side to his attitude.

Tarha's martial arts were destructive, always leading to terrible results.

In his hometown in the western province, he was called a god of destruction and feared.

Pyo Wol, however, showed no change in expression even after seeing Tarha's martial arts.

It was clear that he wasn't affected by it, whether it was because he was skilled at concealing his emotions or he was just showing off.

There were only two possibilities in such a situation, either he knew nothing about the world or he was confident in his own abilities.

It didn't seem like the former, so it had to be the latter.

The handsome man in front of him was a master who was confident in his own abilities.

The problem was that Tarha couldn't guess his opponent's level of martial arts.

If a master like Tarha had reached a certain level, he would be able to clearly see his opponent's level of skill, but he couldn't see anything in Pyo Wol.

Either Pyo Wol was a higher level master than Tarha, or he had learned a martial art specialized in concealing his level.

Tarha thought it was the latter.

"His martial arts are good enough to deceive my eyes..."

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