Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 302
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 302

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


The sticky sea breeze blew and tousled the man's hair.


The man, with skin as white as the sandy beach in front of him and lips as red as the sun in the sky, was none other than Pyo Wol.

Pyo Wol squinted his eyes and gazed out at the blue sea.

It took him five long months to arrive at Sea Gate city from Yeonnam. Even Pyo Wol didn't expect it to take this long.

It was all because he had stayed too long on Mount Tianzhong. At first, he planned to stay there for about ten days at most. But as he recovered his body and sorted out his enlightenment one by one, his stay became longer and longer.

He spent a whopping four months there.

Pyo Wol never imagined he would spend that long in the middle of nowhere in the mountains.

When his jerky ran out, Pyo Wol hunted beasts to satisfy his hunger. And then, he became tired of meat and began to drink the honey from the poisonous bees.

Of course, the poisonous bees didn't give up their honey easily. The bees attacked Pyo Wol to protect its beehives. But even that became a part of Pyo Wol's training.

He practiced his cultivation on the bees. As he practiced without realizing the passing time, four months had already passed.

Later, Pyo Wol realized this fact and did not know how astonished he was.

And lastly, It took a month to travel from Mount Tianzhong to the Sea Gate City, and it took a total of five months to see the sea.

He thought he would be very moved when he saw the sea, but even when he saw it right in front of him, his heart did not tremble greatly.

The four months in Mount Tianzhong brought significant changes to his mind and body. He became tougher and gained confidence in himself.

Pyo Wol stood still and looked at the blue sea for a long time.

He did not move like a statue for over half an hour until he finally headed to the harbor with his horse.

The harbor was quite bustling.

"Hurry up and move."

"We have to move all the goods to the warehouse of Sea Dragon Hall today."

The workers of the Red Guild Association rushed through the street with a cart.

Usually, when moving a lot of baggage like this, they loaded it onto a carriage or a big cart and moved slowly. However, the workers of Red Guild Association loaded the baggage onto a small cart and ran barefoot, as if their speed was faster than that of horses.

They tirelessly went back and forth between the harbor and warehouse. Beads of sweat poured down their bare torsos like rain.

"Move! Get out of the way!" One of the laborers shouted at Pyo Wol.

Pyo Wol stepped aside with his horse. A cart full of cargo passed by him.

If he had been a little slower to move, they would have collided.

It wasn't just Pyo Wol. This atmosphere was being created all over the streets.

"Coming through!"

"Move out of the way!"

The laborers ran through the streets shouting.

Passersby watched their frantic movements with indifferent expressions.

Although it was dangerous, not a single person actually collided with anyone else.

To them, it was a familiar scenery of everyday life. That's why the workers didn't get surprised when they quickly ran to the scene. The workers of the Red Guild Association had never caused an accident while moving objects before.

With the reins in hand, Pyo Wol moved to one side of the road. As he walked, he suddenly arrived at a place where inns and inns were crowded together.

"Oh my!"

"What's wrong?"

"Stop, sir!"

The ladies went crazy when they saw Pyo Wol's face. Even though they were strong women at the seaside, they couldn't stay calm when they saw a face like Pyo Wol's.

The ladies gestured for Pyo Wol to come into their own brothels, but Pyo Wol ignored them and headed towards a nearby inn. Many ladies sighed in disappointment.

"Why not?

"He's so Handsome."

The prostitutes were ready to rush out of the brothel and run towards the inn where Pyo Wol was headed.

"Hey, bitches, don't you have a business?"

The yelling of the managers forced the girls to return to their seats with their hands tied behind their backs

Not knowing about the prostitutes' situation, Pyo Wol arrived at the inn.

Fortunately, there was a stable for horses in the inn since many important figures were visiting.

After leaving the horse at the stable, Pyo Wol entered the restaurant on the first floor of the inn.

As it was already late in the evening, there were not many empty seats in the restaurant. If he had hesitated a little longer, even the remaining seats would have been taken.

Pyo Wol quickly took an empty seat.

Soon after he sat down, all the seats were taken.

After a while, the innkeeper approached him and spoke.

“You are in luck, sir!”

"Does it fill up like this every day?"

"Not always, but whenever a big ship comes in, all the inns in Sea Gate get filled up. Today, a trading ship from outside and a cargo ship from Sea Dragon Hall both came in, and since both ships are so large and carry many people, all the inns on this street are likely to be full."

"So, are there any rooms available?"

"There's only a detached building left now."

"Are all the other rooms taken?"

"Yes, they're all gone. The cheaper ones went first, and only the most expensive detached building is left."

There were two detached buildings attached to this inn.

"How much does it cost to stay in a detached building?"

"One silver nyang per day."

"One silver nyang?"

One silver nyang was equivalent to the living expenses of four people for half a month.

It was too expensive to stay for just one night. 

However, there was no other choice now. If he hesitated, the last detached building would surely be taken.

Above all, Pyo Wol's purse was in good shape. Spending a few nyangs of silver was not a big deal for him.

Pyo Wol handed over five nyangs of silver to Jeomsoui.

"Let's stay for at least five days."

"I understand."

"And bring some simple food."

"What about alcohol?"

"Forget the alcohol."

"I understand."

Pyo Wol prepaid the cost of the food and errands to the innkeeper. And the innkeeper happily rushed to the kitchen.

While waiting for the food, Pyo Wol looked around the inn. Every table was packed with people.

About half of them seemed to be from the Central Plains, but the other half appeared to be from the outside. The languages they spoke were different from what Pyo Wol knew, with more than half of them speaking in an unfamiliar language.

Despite this, it did not feel strange, due to the open atmosphere of the place. Not just the inn, but the whole city of Sea Gate itself felt this way. Landscapes that would have felt strange in other cities were natural here.

Pyo Wol thought it was an amazing sight.


It was then.

Someone approached and stood in front of the table where Pyo Wol was sitting.

When Pyo Wol raised his head, he saw an old man with a yellow beard and a blonde woman with blue eyes, who looked like his granddaughter, were staring at him.

As their eyes met, the old man spoke in awkward Chinese.

"Can we join you? We arrived late and there's no space left."


The woman also spoke in awkward Chinese.

Pyo Wol looked at them for a moment before saying, "Sit down!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you very much."

As they expressed their gratitude to Pyo Wol and took their seats, the waiter came running over.

Like Pyo Wol, the two had rented one of the remaining detached houses.


Finally, the old man let out a relieved sigh.

"Phew! I almost had to sleep on the street."

"That's why I told you to hurry."

"Who would have thought we'd be so late? But at least we got a room, that's lucky."

Despite the woman's nagging, the old man smiled happily.

But then he realized his mistake.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself after you gave up your seat. I'm Tarha from Western Province."


"It's not an easy name to pronounce. This is my granddaughter Yul Ayeon, her father is from the Central Plains. Her name is from that region. What's your name?"

"Pyo Wol!"

"I see."

“You said you came from the Western Province?”


"Are you here to do business too?"

"Business? No, we came to collect our debt."


"That's all you need to know. I don't think we should go into details."

Tarha's words made Pyo Wol nod his head. They were just passing acquaintances. There was no need for them to know each other's detailed circumstances. 

Pyo Wol's question was just a customary response, not an attempt to learn about their situation.

There was a moment of silence among the three. Yul Ayeon broke the awkward atmosphere.

“Does master Pyo know the Sea Gate city?”

"No, it's my first time here."

"Then you don't know the geography of this place well?"


"So where should we go to get information about this place?"



"Yes! I think we will be here for a while. It's better to know a little bit about the surroundings."

"If you want information, Hao Clan is probably the most accurate and fast."

"Hao Clan?"

Yul Ayeon's eyes widened.

"It's an organization made up of the poor. There's nowhere better than the Hao Clan for gathering extensive information. But if you just want information on a certain area, it's best to find the locals in that area and ask for their cooperation."

"Ask for cooperation? How?"

"You'll figure it out."


Yul Ayeon blinked her big eyes.

Her features were prominent, making her expressions quite diverse.

Yul Ayeon and Tarha exchanged words with each other in Western language, so Pyo Wol couldn't understand what they were saying. However, he could roughly guess the meaning.

"Are they discussing whether my words are reliable or not?"

It didn't matter whether they believed him or not.

Pyo Wol spoke the truth, and it was up to them whether to accept it or not.

At that moment, the innkeeper brought out the food.

The conversation naturally came to an end, and they all focused on their meal.

Pyo Wol observed them while eating.

Tarha seemed like an ordinary merchant on the surface. He was wearing the same clothes as the other merchants he had seen here. However, he was definitely not a merchant.

His callused knuckles, like those of a master, proved it.

He was a skilled martial artist.

And a very special one at that.

It wasn't just that his hardened flesh was like a nail, but his skin color on both hands was different from the rest of his body and had a faint reddish hue, which seemed somewhat suspicious.

Yul Ayeon was the same.

Her blue eyes were full of clarity, and her slender body was full of elasticity. Only someone who had mastered martial arts could have such a physique and flexibility.

Martial arts did not only exist in the Kangho.

There were also other warriors who learned martial arts.

They just had different names.

Pyo  Wol thought that the young girl in front of him was one of those people.

Seeing Yul Ayeon reminded him of Eom Soso.

Her eyes also had a blue tinge like Yul Ayeon's. The only difference was that Yul Ayeon's irises were much bluer. It was like a blue gem was embedded in her eyes.

If Yul Ayeon went outside, there would be a commotion. Even now, many people in the restaurant were stealing glances at her.

Her exotic beauty had captivated people's hearts. However, the atmosphere around Tarha, who was with her, seemed uneasy, so people hesitated to approach them rashly.

Then, suddenly, with a loud bang, the door of the inn burst open, and a group of people entered.


"Who are they...?"

The guests inside the inn were frightened by the unexpected intruders.

More than ten sturdy men had entered the inn, and they were all wearing red hoods on their heads, indicating that they were members of the Red Guild Association. 

However, their atmosphere was distinctly different from that of ordinary workers.

Especially the man who stood at the forefront exuded a unique aura.

His huge physique resembling a whale, with tiger-like twitchy eyes and thick lips like a catfish, made a strong impression on people.

They quickly realized who he was.

"It's Yoo Cheol-Gwang of the Red Guild Association."

"Why did Yoo Cheol-Gwang come here?"

"No way?"

People's eyes naturally turned to Pyo Wol.

As if to prove their expectations, Yoo Cheol-Gwang came straight towards Pyo Wol.

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