Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 301
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 301

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


Sea gate was a city that lived up to its name, acting as a gateway to the sea. It was Located where the winding Yangtze River flowed into the ocean, bringing with it an enormous amount of nutrients that had passed through the continent. 

Many fish gathered there to eat the nutrients, and fishermen set out to catch them.

Naturally, a large port was built in Sea Gate, and trading ships from overseas came and went. Merchants came to trade, and laborers came to find work.

Thus, Sea Gate grew and prospered into a great city.

Today, dozens of ships were anchored in the port. Most came from overseas, but some came from the southern part of the Yangtze River.

Unintelligible languages echoed through the streets of Sea Gate. 

Since people from various backgrounds came from overseas, they spoke different languages. 

Nevertheless, they somehow managed to communicate with each other.

People with different skin colors and eye colors could be seen eating and drinking in inns near the beach, creating a scene that was not at all awkward in Sea Gate.

At the port, young men wearing headbands pulled carts while sweating profusely.


One of the young men holding a thick booklet asked a middle-aged man, "Where is this thing going?"

"You know the warehouse in Pearl Room, right? Go there," replied the middle-aged man.

"Pearl Room? Got it."

"Time is money. Move quickly."

"Yes, sir!"

The young men, with bandanas tied around their heads, ran pulling a cart full of luggage.

Heat was emanating from the bodies of the young men, who moved tirelessly like ants.

The sun was shining strongly, and the wind blowing from the sea was full of hot heat and saltiness. The young men were working with their shirts off.

"There's another boat coming in over there."

"Where is it coming from this time?"

The middle-aged man frowned and looked out to sea.

In the distance, a large ship was seen entering this harbor, much larger than any other ship.

One of the young men with a bandana shouted, "There's a blue dragon engraved on the flag."


It's the Sea Dragon Pavillion. Call more laborers."


"How many more?"


"Don't you know? Call every last one of them. You know that we can't afford to let any of the Sea Dragon Pavillion's men get a hold of any of our people."


A middle-aged man said nervously.

His name was Bang Du-Yeol.

Bang Du-Yeol was a mid-level manager of the Red Guild Association, an organization created to protect the rights of workers working in the port.

When the port was first established, the workers were exploited at low wages. Therefore, someone who had mastered martial arts among the workers created the Red Guild Association.

The Red Guild Association protected the workers from the exploitation of merchants and assigned workers to ships entering the port.

Since most of the workers in the port were members of the Red Guild Association, no one dared to ignore it.

Furthermore, for the past several decades, the Red Guild Association has selected smart workers and sent them to nearby martial arts schools  to teach them martial arts. It was also a measure to protect themselves.

Thanks to this, the Red Guild Association has grown beyond a mere gathering of workers to a powerful organization. 

Workers affiliated with the Red Guild Association all wore red hoods on their heads.

Their status in the Red Guild Association was so great that no one dared to ignore them as mere workers.

If the Red Guild Association did not dispatch workers, the port's work would not continue.

However, there was a place that even the Red Guild Association could not afford to ignore, and that was the Sea Dragon Pavillion.


The Sea Dragon Pavillion was founded a long time ago at the Sea Gate city. 

But as time went on, they began to encroach on the territory of the merchants, and soon enough they had their own ships. They realized they could make a much bigger profit.


The Sea Dragon Pavillion and the Red Guild Association  have coexisted for many years, sometimes at odds, sometimes working together.

There were times when there were fierce conflicts, but currently, they were on relatively good terms, recognizing each other's territories to some extent.

Whenever a ship from the Sea Dragon Pavillion  returned, the red guild association gathered all their workers, in order to prevent any potential conflicts.

After a while, the workers gathered around Bang Du-Yeol.

There were over a hundred workers in total, including those who were not working at the time.

"This should be enough, right?" Bang Du-Yeol wrinkled his nose.

After a while, the Sea Dragon Pavillion's ship slowly sailed into the harbor.

As it had sailed through rough seas, the ship was incredibly large, almost feeling like a small island floating on the sea.


Finally, the ship docked with a dull sound.

Immediately, a gangway was lowered, and a middle-aged man dressed in splendid clothing descended from the front of the ship.

Bang Du-Yeol recognized the man's identity and approached him.

"You've had a long journey, master."


"The man's name was Lee Seong-Hak, and he was in charge of the transportation of goods for the Sea Dragon Pavillion, as well as being highly valued for his martial arts skills. 

However, he had a peculiar personality and a tendency towards authoritarianism, which made his  relationships with others difficult. 

He only listened to the words of Jang Ha-Moon, the owner of Sea Dragon Pavillion.

Lee Seong-Hak looked over the warehouse and said, "It seems like you're in charge of the harbor today."

"Yes! If you need anything, just let me know."

"These are goods brought from Yu-gu country far away. Most of them are valuable, so be careful not to handle them roughly. Make sure to inform your subordinates of this fact."

"Understood. Should we move the goods to the Sea Dragon Pavillion's warehouse?"

"Of course."

"Then please hand me the list of items. I will personally check and distribute them."

"Very well."

As Lee Seong-Hak gestured, a young man in a gatekeeper's outfit approached and handed him a yellowed booklet.

It was a booklet containing a list of items shipped from the Yu-gu country.

Bang Du-Yeol cautiously accepted the booklet.

It was his job to confirm each item on the list and distribute them to the workers. A servant of Lee Seong-Hakwould be there to check.

Bang Du-Yeol shouted to the workers of the dock."

"Come on, slowpokes, move it! We have to move all these items to the Sea Dragon Pavillion’s warehouse by tonight."


"Don't worry."

Over a hundred workers replied in unison.

Under the command of Bang Du-Yeol, the workers boarded Sea Dragon Pavillion's ship. 

As if to prove that they had been sailing for a long time, there was a strong scent of salt on the deck.

At that moment, several warriors from the Sea Dragon Pavillion came out carrying large boxes.

Bang Du-Yeol spoke to them.

"Oh, you don't need to move those yourselves. We'll do it."

"We'll move it ourselves, so don't worry about it."

Lee Seong-Hak spoke from below the ship.

Bang Du-Yeol looked slightly annoyed. This was almost unheard of. Even if it was a heavy item, it was customary for the Sea Dragon Pavillion to move all the items on board.

Seong Hak's words were enough to give the impression that he did not trust the red guild association. 

Bang Du-Yeol could have confronted him, but he decided to let it go.

He didn't want to cause any unnecessary conflict or hurt the relationship between the Red Guild Association and the Sea Dragon Pavillion.

"Well, then we'll exclude that item from the list."

"We didn't even write it down. Don't worry about it."

"I understand."

After raising his head, Bang Du-Yeol began to inspect other items one by one. And he started to distribute the luggage to the workers.

"You carry this on the cart."

"It's an important item, so be careful with it."

"What are you doing? Hurry up and come here."

His voice echoed loudly on the ship.

Lee Seong-Hak smiled coldly and moved his steps.

Although he was ordered to be careful, he wasn't worried about the items being damaged. This was because he knew Bang Du-Yeol's meticulous nature.

His appearance was very rough, but unlike his appearance, he was a meticulous man. That's why he was sent as the supervisor of the workers at the port.


The large crates carried by the warriors were loaded onto the cart.

For a moment, a faint movement was felt inside the box. However, no one noticed.

Lee Seong-Hak spoke to the workers.

"Let's go straight back to Sea Dragon Pavillion like this. Everyone, move quickly."


The warriors answered and followed behind Lee Seong-Hak, pulling the cart.

There were many inns and brothels around the road leading to the Sea Dragon Pavillion.

"Ho ho! Come this way."

"I guess you just came back from your trip. How about relaxing here today? I'll take good care of you."

Prostitutes who smelled the money reached out their white hands and tempted Lee Seong-Hak and the warriors.

Those who had just returned from their trip received a lot of money, so their pockets were full. The prostitutes were targeting their pockets. However, Lee Seong-Hak and the warriors didn't even give them a second glance.


"Tsk! You don't have to act so seriously..."

The prostitutes insulted and sneered at Lee Seong-Hak's group.

The prostitutes in this place were different from those in other places. They had to deal with rough seaside people, which made them stronger and less easily intimidated than most men. 


Knowing the fact, Lee Seong-Hak and his companions didn't pay any attention to the giggling of the prostitutes. Engaging in a verbal fight with them would only be detrimental to themselves.

Ignoring the prostitutes' giggling was the best option.

As they walked past the brothel, Lee Seong-Hak's steps stopped dead in their tracks. 

Ignoring their insults, they were stopped by a man approaching from the front.


"That man’s face is..."

A man on horseback was approaching from the opposite direction.

There was no doubt that he was a man. The biceps visible between his bulging shoulders and sleeves were much thicker and stronger than those of a delicate woman.

The problem was the man's face.

He had a more beautiful face with captivating pupils than the prostitutes they had just passed by in the Brothel.

Although he was the same man, he possessed the kind of appearance that would make one fall in love with him.


Rather, if it were a woman, he would easily be able to take his eyes off, but because the man was so beautiful, He couldn't take his eyes off.

The man's hair and shoulders were covered in dust, as if he had come a long way. However, even that level of dirt couldn't detract from the man's beauty.

The man passed by them without a care.

For a moment, Lee Seong-Hak felt a creepy sensation and unconsciously hunched his shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

He looked at the man's back with a puzzled expression.

"Why are you acting like that?"


The warriors looked at Lee Seong-Hak with a puzzled expression.

They couldn't detect the creepy feeling that Lee Seong-Hak had felt at all, so they didn't understand his reaction at all.

Lee Seong-Hak shook his head.

"It's nothing. I think I was a little too sensitive."

"Well, it's understandable. I've never seen such a pretty man like that before."

“That bastard is going to be in trouble.”


They were not relaxed enough to consider the well-being of others.

Ignoring the man who had just passed by, Lee Seong-Hak continued on his way to the Sea Dragon Pavillion. As he arrived, the leaders were already waiting for him outside.

Approaching the middle-aged man who emitted an unusual aura of power, Lee Seong-Hak greeted him.

"I, Lee Seong-hak, greet the leader of Sea Dragon Pavillion."

"You've been through a lot. Is this your return after six months?"

The middle-aged man smiled as he accepted Lee Seong-hak's greeting. He was Jang Ha-moon, the leader of the Sea Dragon Pavillion, and his impressive presence made him seem like a dragon.

"Yes, it seems like it."

"How did it go? Did you achieve anything?"

"I have something to tell you about that."

Lee Seong-hak's voice became even lower. As a result, Jang Ha-Moon's gaze became sharper.

Pointing to the box he had brought, Lee Seong-Hak whispered to Jang Ha-Moon, and the leader's pupils shook.


Jang Ha-Moon found himself raising his voice.


"Is that true?"

Editor's Note:-

Hello there!

I'm excited to share some news with you, but don't worry, I'll keep it short and sweet, just like my coffee order.

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Now, I know what you're thinking - "Why can't this guy just upload 2 chapters per day like he promised?" Well at first, I thought, I will just edit the MTL's and post them, but now I have realised that I can't do everything alone. Editing the MTL's is not easy. It takes time, effort, and a lot of caffeine (hint, hint).

That's why I started this whole support me campaign, so that I can keep bringing more free chapters to you all. Every penny of the support amount will be used to make sure that I can bring more chapters to the entire fanbase.

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