Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 300
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 300

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


In the end, Pyo Wol left the Hao Clan with no results.

It was impossible to gain anything from the Hao Clan, where the system had already collapsed and there was no Hong Yushin.

It was a waste of time to wait for Hong Yushin and spend two days for nothing.

It was pointless to search for Eom Soso ana or So Geoksan now that they were gone. It was better to conserve his mental energy by not chasing after them and moving alone.

If he still had a connection with them, they would surely meet again someday.

After buying the necessities for his journey, Pyo Wol got on his horse and rode towards Mount Tianzhong. He was going east, passing by the foothills of Mount Tianzhong.

He didn't have a specific destination in mind.

He wanted to track down the Guryongsalmak, but he had no information about them at the moment, so it was impossible.

Rather than wasting his mental energy on something he had no information about, it seemed better to move as he pleased for the time being.

Pyo Wol's heart was set on the sea.


He had never seen the sea in his entire life, not even when he wandered the world as an orphan. 

When he was kidnapped and raised as an assassin by the Blood Shadow Group, he had only lived in Sichuan Province, surrounded by high plateaus.

Although he had experienced a large river on his way here, he had never been near the sea.

He had a feeling that if not now, when would he ever see the sea? That's why his footsteps naturally headed towards the shore.

He didn't know much, but he knew that if he went east for a while, he would come across the vast sea. So he headed east without any plan.

To go east from the southern part of the country, he had to cross the foothills of Mount Tianzhong.

Mount Tianzhong was by no means a small mountain. As vast as its grandiose name, the mountain was high and covered a vast area. 

That's why many people chose to take a detour and ride the river to the south when going east from the southern part of the country.

But Pyo Wol chose to cross Mount Tianzhong.

He thought it was worth crossing the mountain path, even though it was difficult.

There was a path for people to cross Mount Tianzhong. However, it was not well-traveled because the mountain path was so rugged.


Pyo Wol rode his horse up the mountain path.

Although it wasn't flat land where he could run freely, the horse seemed happy just to be able to walk and leave the stuffy atmosphere behind.

The trail coiled like a snake up the side of Mount Tianzhong.

Pyo Wol did not rush at all.

No matter how much he was riding a horse, it was not a mountain that he could cross in just one day.

He could have fallen off the edge of the cliff if he rushed unnecessarily.

Pyo Wol could survive somehow, but the horse he was riding could not.

So he was cautious, and soon the darkness began to descend on Mount Tianzhong, and he could hardly see a few steps ahead.

Walking the night path where he couldn't see a step ahead was even more dangerous. 

Pyo Wol found a place to stay before the sun went down.

It was a small plain off the mountain path. Pyo Wol prepared to stay, tying his horse in a lush grassy area.

As for the preparations for his stay, it was just about making a fire and choosing a place to sleep. He could satisfy his hunger with the jerky he had prepared in advance.


He  quickly started a fire and cleared a spot to rest. Then, he sat near the fire and chewed on his dried meat.

That's when it happened.

Gwia, who had been hanging quietly on Pyo Wol's arm suddenly wriggled and crawled down.

Once on the ground, Gwia gave Pyo Wol a quick glance before disappearing into the tall grass.

Pyo Wol wasn't particularly worried about Gwia's disappearance, he was strangely unconcerned. He had faith that Gwia would return.

Pyo Wol stopped worrying about Gwia

Although small in size, Gwia was extremely agile and had poison that he could use.

It was safe to say that he would not be harmed by the other animals.

After finishing his meal, Pyo Wol began practicing his martial arts, specifically the Four Hearts Method

During his practice, he realized that his internal energy had grown stronger, likely due to his past battles and the insights he had gained.

This was a good thing for Pyo Wol because his other martial arts techniques required strong internal energy to perform well.

To maintain the longevity of the soul reaping thread, a strong internal energy that connects every part of the body was necessary.

The threaded serpent qi , which is one level higher than the soul reaping thread, was even more demanding.

It was a martial art that couldn't be used frequently because the intense inner strength it required was quickly depleted in a short period of time.

While there may be elixirs that can significantly enhance one's inner strength, without such tools, the only solution was to steadily accumulate inner strength through consistent training.

Pyo Wol devoted himself solely to training.

For someone without a proper background or influence, seeking out a famous elixir was almost impossible.

Pyo Wol was not the type to cling to hopeless pursuits. He had a strong tendency to focus on what he could do and what had the greatest potential for success. Therefore, he focused even more on his training.

But today, he was able to concentrate surprisingly well.

Perhaps it was because of Mount Tianzhong.

Mount Tianzhong has been known as a famous mountain since ancient times.

Ironically, its name might come from the fact that it means "center of the sky."

As befitting its name, Mount Tianzhong was filled with a unique spiritual energy.

Pyo Wol immersed himself in this energy and practiced the Four Hearts Method.



It felt like lightning striking inside his body.

Although there was no actual lightning, Pyo Wol felt that sensation.

His nerves were constantly being stimulated, making him feel as if he had been struck by lightning.

As he continued to practice his martial arts, the sensations became more intense.

Eventually, the stimulation became so strong that Pyo Wol's body trembled uncontrollably.

Nevertheless, he did not stop his training.

No one had taught him this, but he instinctively knew that he couldn't stop now.

Pyo Wol practiced even more vigorously, completely forgetting the passage of time and even the fact that he was training.

Eventually, his training became so intense that it was as if his internal energy was moving on its own, following a predetermined path without him having to lead it.

With a thud, Pyo Wol's internal energy exploded from within his body, causing his blood vessels to widen and making a loud sound.

His internal energy expanded beyond its usual path, spreading out into the smaller vessels connected to the major arteries.


Unlike the large veins, it was difficult to train the small veins perfectly. Due to their vast number and limited space, it was impossible to individually perceive and train each one.


Therefore, most martial artists only trained the major veins and didn't even pay attention to the small veins.

The same was true for Pyo Wol.

He had created and cultivated the Divine Fire Soul Technique on his own, without a teacher, and as a result, his knowledge was vastly inadequate, so he hadn't even considered expanding to the small veins.

But now, he was sure.

"It's like filling a container until it overflows. The overflowing energy is low and fills even narrow spaces...."

Pyo Wol realized that he had received a unique opportunity.

At first, he didn't understand why this was happening to him, but now he did.

It was because the time had come.

During his journey from Chengdu  to this place, Pyo Wol fought many battles.

Through these battles, Pyo Wol had grown a lot. However, the rate of growth of his mind and body was different, and he couldn't achieve harmony between the two.

Furthermore, Pyo Wol didn't have enough time to reflect and calm his mind because there were too many things he needed to be aware of. 

But, he had accumulated many experiences and realizations without realizing it. 

And now, everything that had been building up inside him had finally burst out like water from a broken dam.

Pyo Wol didn't try to control what was happening inside him. He just observed it, thinking that it would be okay.


Actually, he was right.


Everything was falling into place and moving on its own.

The amplified brainpower stimulated nerve bundles to become thicker and stronger, and even the blocked meridians were activated, ensuring smooth flow of inner energy.

Pyo Wol spent the night in a state of emptiness.

He woke up to the feeling of the morning sun's warmth.


A light sigh was dispersed by the refreshing breeze.

Pyo Wol could feel it - a great change had taken place within his body.

Although there was no change in his appearance, there was a profound transformation within him, akin to the opening of heaven and earth.

Everything had changed.

The speed of his thoughts.

The speed of his nerve reactions.

His perspective on the world.

Even the flow of his inner energy.

He couldn't accurately gauge his level as there was no comparison, but it was a fact that he had become significantly stronger than he was yesterday.

Some might call it a miracle, but Pyo Wol didn't see it that way.

His achievement was a natural reward for his hard work and experience.

It wasn't something that was obtained without any effort.

The most satisfying thing was the mental power that was naturally accumulated while mastering the Four Hearts Method.

It was not just at the level of stimulating the nervous system with mental power.

It felt like he could do more if he set his mind to it. However, Pyo Wol did not attempt to think rashly.

The process was to realize enlightenment at the most dangerous moment and then make up for it.

Rapid changes inevitably lead to defects.

Now, it was important to restore his weakened body to the best possible condition.

"I should stay here for a while."

Fortunately, he had enough jerky. Even if there was a shortage of food, he could hunt to make up for it.

That's when it happened.


Something crawled up his foot.


It was Gwia

Its bulging belly looked like he had eaten something.

Because of that, the speed of Gwia climbing up his body was slow. Still, Pyo Wol patiently waited for Gwia to climb up.

Finally, Gwia climbed up to his shoulder and tilted its head as if something was strange.

Gwia pretended to smell Pyo Wol's neck with its nose.

Pyo Wol found Gwia's behavior fascinating and cute, so he just watched.

After a while, Gwia climbed down his body and crawled back into the bushes. But it stopped and looked back at Pyo Wol without completely hiding its appearance.

It seemed as if Gwia was telling Pyo Wol to follow it.

Pyo Wol looked at Gwia for a moment and then grabbed the reins of his horse. Gwia then quickly moved forward.

Gwia stopped in the middle and checked if Pyo Wol and his horse were following. If they were following well, Gwia would continue to move forward, working hard to move through the bushes.

Gwia gradually went deeper into Mount Tianzhong.

They were already far away from the homeless shelter near the mountain path.

Pyo Wol didn't know how Gwia found its way to this far place, but he silently followed behind Gwia.

Gwia was a spirit animal.


It was clear that there was a purpose behind this behavior, as he acted with intention.

The place where Gwia and Pyo Wol arrived following Gwia's lead was a secret space with a small natural spring.

The spring was surrounded by a forest, and clear water was flowing endlessly from it.

Pyo Wol looked around the area.

Wild flowers were blooming in the forest around the spring, and bees were flying around them to collect honey.

However, the appearance of the bees was different from the typical ones that Pyo Wol knew.

They were over twice the size of regular bees, and their colors were particularly vibrant. Their stingers, especially, were particularly prominent.

It was clear at a glance that they were not typical bees.

They were bees that carried a particularly lethal poison that could lead to death with just one sting.

Given the number of killer bees flying around, it was clear that there was a beehive nearby.

Pyo Wol looked at Gwia.

He was curious as to why Gwia had led him to such a place.


And then, it happened.


Suddenly, Gwia caught the venomous bee flying over his head.

The bee struggled fiercely, but Gwia swallowed it without hesitation.

The venom's deadly power seemed to be of no use to Gwia.

In an instant, Gwia caught and ate the venomous bee, and then settled down as if taking a comfortable rest.

Pyo Wol understood the meaning Gwia was trying to convey.

"We'll stay here for a while."

There was water nearby that Pyo Wol could drink, and grasses that could be food for his horse were spread along the stream. 

And there were so many venomous bees  flying around that they could serve as food for Gwia.

There seemed to be no better place than this to train his body after undergoing such a rapid change.

Pyo Wol accepted the proposal of his non-speaking friend.


Editor's Note:-

Hey Folks,

I'm here to make an announcement. But hey, don't worry, I promise not to bore you with a long and serious message. Instead, I'll keep it short and sweet, just like my coffee order.

If you want to read my MTL chapters before anyone else, all you have to do is buy me a coffee (or several, if you're feeling extra generous) here In return, I'll give you access to 10 chapters right away, and two updates every day for a whole month. How cool is that?

Now, I know what you're thinking - "Why can't this guy just upload 2 chapters per day like he promised?" Well at first, I thought, I will just edit the MTL's and post them, but now I have realised that I can't do everything alone. Editing the MTL's is not easy. It takes time, effort, and a lot of caffeine (hint, hint).

That's why I started this whole support me campaign, so that I can keep bringing more free chapters to you all. Every penny of the support amount will be used to make sure that I can bring more chapters to the entire fanbase.

But don't worry, I'm not asking you to spend your hard-earned money for nothing. You'll be supporting my efforts to bring quality MTLs to the entire community.

Oh, and if you have any issues with payments or questions, just shoot me an email at I'll respond faster than you can say "MTL".

And lastly, leave me some comments! Your words of encouragement keep me going, just like a strong cup of coffee in the morning.

Cheers, and thanks for reading!
