Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 299
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 299

Type- Light Novel, Web Novel

Manhwa- N/A


The performance by Heavenly Flower Troupe ended safely.

As the performance ended, those who gathered in awe returned to their places.

"That was truly amazing."

"It was called the Heavenly Flower Troupe, right? It was the best I've ever seen. I hope Jin Manor invites them again next time."

"That's for sure. Thanks to them, the anger that had been building up inside me seems to have dissipated."

The faces of those leaving Jin Manor still seemed to be deeply affected by the performance.

"Everyone worked hard. Thanks to you, the event went well."

The elder of Jin Manor expressed gratitude to the hardworking members of the Heavenly Flower Troupe.

"It's a job that deserves payment, isn't it?"

Lee Ok-ran, the representative, came out to have a conversation.

"Thanks to the Heavenly Flower Troupe, things have been going well. I'll call on the Heavenly Flower Troupe  again next year."

"Sure, we would be grateful if you do."

"Here, take this."

The elder threw a bag to Lee Ok-ran.

The bag was filled with silver. It was the payment for today's performance.

Lee Ok-ran's mouth naturally curved up at an unexpectedly large amount.

"Thank you."

"I put in some extra for you. Have a safe trip home."

"Yes! Please call us again next year."

Lee Ok-ran bowed deeply as she spoke.

When she looked up again, the elder was nowhere to be seen.

Lee Ok-ran said to her troupe members,

"Let's go back to our lodgings. Let's eat and drink everything we want today and all die together."


The members of the group all cheered in unison at her declaration.

For the members who had just finished their performance, it was the sweetest reward.

The Heavenly Flower Troupe immediately left Jin Manor.

Next was the Golden Heavenly Hall.

Starting with Jang Mugak, the Golden Heavenly Hall martial artists marched out of Jin Manor.

Jin Si-Woo saw them off as their host.

Although it was uncomfortable, it was still something he couldn't entrust to others.

Finally, Pyo Wol and Nam Gung-Wol left Jin Manor.

"Brothers, thank you, it's only because you came that I was able to remain unshaken."

"Well done."

"Please come and visit us again next time."

Jin Si-Woo's face showed a hint of disappointment.

He had relied heavily on Pyo Wol and Nam Gung-Wol during their time together, and now that they were leaving, he felt a sense of emptiness.

Nam Gung-Wol comforted Jin Si-Woo for a long time. 

During their stay together, the two had become close like blood relatives. Jin Si-Woo trusted and relied on Nam Gung-Wol, and Nam Gung-Wol treated Jin Si-Woo like his own younger brother.

"Next time, I will definitely come to visit you at the thousand kingdom school."

"I’ll wait."

"Please come and visit us again next time, brother Pyo Wol."

"If I have the chance, I will come back."

"I will”

Jin Si-Woo looked at Pyo Wol with a sad expression.

Pyo Wol nodded his head and turned around.

After today's event, Jin Manor would lock the doors for a while and focus on replenishing their resources.

They didn't have the energy to focus on external matters.

Jin Si-Woo couldn't go outside for a while either. That's why he looked disappointed.

Pyo Wol and Nam Gung-Wol left Jin Manor together, holding the reins of their horses.

Standing at the crossroads, Namgung Wol said to Pyo Wol, "We must part ways now. If you happen to pass by the vicinity of the thousand kingdom's school later, please make sure to visit me at least once."

"Sure thing," Pyo Wol replied, and Namgung Wol smiled in response.

After a moment of looking at Pyo Wol, Namgung Wol got on his horse and rode towards the southern road where the thousand kingdom's school was located.

Pyo Wol said goodbye and returned to Yeonnam street. Many people on the street looked excited, probably after watching the play of the  Heavenly Flower Troupe and were still talking about it.

As Pyo Wol headed towards the inn, suddenly, there were screams from the alleyway.

People were running out of the street, shouting that there was a fire. Flames shot up from the back alley, and chaos ensued.

Pyo Wol rode his horse towards the place where the fire was blazing.

When Pyo Wol arrived at the scene of the fire, his face hardened. 

The place that was now spewing thick smoke and blazing flames was the same place he had visited this morning - Jang Noya's gambling den.

"What should we do?" someone asked.

"Quick, bring some water!" another shouted.

"How do we put out the fire?"

People could only stand there, too afraid to attempt to put out the fire. The heat was too intense, making it impossible for them to get close.

Pyo Wol tied his horse nearby and jumped into Jang Noya's gambling den, which was now engulfed in flames.

If he had not used his inner strength to protect himself, the heat inside the gambling den would have made it difficult for him to even breathe. 

He could not sense any signs of life among those trapped in the flames. All he could see were lifeless bodies.

One of the partially burned bodies still had clear wounds on it - wounds inflicted by a single sword stroke.

Pyo Wol searched for other bodies to examine.

All the corpses looked the same. They were all killed with a single sword.

From the wounds, it was clear that it was the work of one person.

It was a chillingly terrifying skill.

It felt as if they had killed people without any emotional involvement, purely out of inertia.


To completely exclude human emotions and end a life in this way was by no means an easy task.

It was something that could only be done by those who lacked human emotions, like sociopaths. 

So the person who killed the people in the gambling den must have been of the same kind as himself.

Pyo Wol went deeper into the gambling den.

There were more corpses in the depths of the gambling den.

Like the other corpses, they were all killed with a single sword.

Pyo Wol found the body of Jang Noya among them.

Unlike the other corpses killed with a single sword, Jang Noya's corpse was brutally mutilated.

The body was covered in deep wounds, evidence of torture that had been inflicted on him.

Jang Noya's eyes were wide open, as if he had suffered intense pain until his last breath.

Pyo Wol silently looked at Jang Noya's body.

His eyes were filled with a deep, mournful light.

After carefully examining the scars on his body, Pyo Wol stood up.

The fire had already reached this place. If he delayed any longer, even Pyo Wol would be in danger.

Pyo Wol left Jang Noya's body and flew out, breaking through the ceiling and landing on the roof of a nearby mansion. 

Fortunately, the towering flames and thick smoke protected him from the sight of the people below.

Pyo Wol looked at the people gathered near the gambling den from the roof.

They still hesitated to approach the gambling den.

Suddenly, Pyo Wol's gaze was fixed on a woman who stood out among the crowd.

She was a strikingly beautiful woman with blue eyes that radiated a blue energy.

It was Eom Soso, the woman who had caused this tragedy.

Suddenly, Eom So So looked in Pyo Wol's direction.

Between the two, the billowing smoke and flames blocked their view. However, just like how Pyo Wol had seen Eom Soso, she was also staring directly at him.

Eom Soso looked at Pyo Wol fiercely, as if issuing a warning, before turning her back on him. Her figure quickly disappeared into the crowd.



Pyo Wol frowned as he looked at the empty Four Seas Pavilion, a building where the members of the Golden Heavenly Hall stayed until morning. Only the innkeeper and his assistant were there, cleaning up.

When the owner saw Pyo Wol, he approached him and asked, "Why did you come here?"

"Where did the guests go?" Pyo Wol asked.

"They left because their schedule was over," the owner replied.

"Did everyone leave?"

"Yes," the owner answered, while observing Pyo Wol's expression. He felt that Pyo Wol's mood was somewhat suspicious.

"Where did they say they were going?" Pyo Wol asked.


“Isn't it inappropriate to tell such stories to someone like me, a mere innkeeper?"

The innkeeper's words made sense.

The martial artists of the Golden Heavenly Hall  were all talented individuals who had already gained recognition in their respective clans and the surrounding areas. 

They were so proud that they wouldn't  bother sharing their destination with a simple innkeeper.

Eom Soso must have left Dokgo Hwang for sure.

The problem was that he didn't know which direction Dokgo Hwang had gone.

Yeonam was the center of four major waterways and land routes. There were roads connected in all directions, so he couldn't pinpoint where Eom Soso had gone.

He could have tracked them, but by the time Pyo Wol figured out their direction, they would have already been far away.

Pyo Wol returned to the inn with a disappointed heart.

He had naturally assumed that the members of the Heavenly Flower Troupe  would gather and drink after the performance. After all, Lee Ok-ran had clearly said so.

But this time, the inn was empty.


Pyo Wol asked the innkeeper who was cleaning up, "What about the Theatre Troupe?"

"Oh! As soon as they came in, they packed their things and left," the innkeeper  replied.

"They left without even talking to you?"

"Yes! The leader of the troupe talked for a while and then left in a hurry."

"Did the leader come back?"

"Yes! You know, the one who is short and has a slightly hunched back? He came back."

"Did he come back alone?"

"He seemed to have brought a wagon with him."

"A wagon?"

"Yes! It was a wagon with a big box inside..."

"You don't know what was inside?"

"How could I know? I'm not allowed to snoop around the guests' luggage."

Pyo Wol didn't ask any more questions.

The Golden Heavenly Hall and the Heavenly Flower Troupe.

The two largest groups that had come to Yeonnam had disappeared on the same day at the same time.

Pyo Wol did not believe that this was a mere coincidence.


Moreover, both Jang Noya and his followers, who were ordered to monitor the Golden Heavenly Hall, were all killed.

It was clear that the Golden Heavenly Hall, particularly Dokgo Hwang and Eom Soso, were involved in this incident. 

And perhaps the Heavenly Flower Troupe, specifically So Geoksan, was also involved in some sort of transaction.

No evidence had yet emerged connecting the two, but the circumstances suggested it.

"What kind of transaction did they make?" wondered Pyo Wol.

He recalled his conversation with So Geoksan.

So Geoksan had clearly felt a great burden from this request. So he tried to pass it on to Pyo Wol.

"It must be related to the box that was brought in on the cart."

There had been no such box when Pyo Wol first saw the Heavenly Flower Troupe.

It was clear that So Geoksan had brought it from somewhere else.

"So Geoksan has been away for only about a day. If he's planning to go, he can travel a maximum of half a day's distance."

Having organized his thoughts, Pyo Wol left the inn.

He headed straight to the brothel  that served as the Hao Clan’s branch.

If it was a Hao Clan branch, he could find out what had happened within half a day's distance, centered around Yeonnam.


As soon as he entered the headquarters, the chief greeted him.

"Have you come?" the chief asked.

"What about Hong Yushin?" he asked.

"He went out for urgent business during the day," the chief replied.

"Urgent business?"


"Do you not know what it is about?"

"We don’t know that."

The chief had an apologetic expression.

It was not his fault to blame.


The branch of Hao Clan was not functioning properly at the moment. They had suffered great damage from enemy attacks, with many people dead and the system in ruins.

 It was so difficult to gather information about Yeonnam due to the loss of all the talented 


That’s why Hong Yushin remained in Yeonnam to reorganize the system, but it would take a long time for everything to be completely restored.

The chief spoke cautiously to Pyo Wol.

"The Lord will come back by tomorrow at the latest. Would you like to wait here until then?"


"If there is any news from the Lord, we will inform you first."

Finally, Pyo Wol nodded his head.

Waiting here would save his time compared to waiting for Hong Yushin somewhere else.

Pyo Wol waited for Hong Yushin in the brothel, but even after a day had passed, and two days had passed, Hong Yushin had not returned.


Editor's Note:-

Hey Folks,

I'm here to make an announcement. But hey, don't worry, I promise not to bore you with a long and serious message. Instead, I'll keep it short and sweet, just like my coffee order.

If you want to read my MTL chapters before anyone else, all you have to do is buy me a coffee (or several, if you're feeling extra generous) here In return, I'll give you access to 10 chapters right away, and two updates every day for a whole month. How cool is that?

Now, I know what you're thinking - "Why can't this guy just upload 2 chapters per day like he promised?" Well at first, I thought, I will just edit the MTL's and post them, but now I have realised that I can't do everything alone. Editing the MTL's is not easy. It takes time, effort, and a lot of caffeine (hint, hint).

That's why I started this whole support me campaign, so that I can keep bringing more free chapters to you all. Every penny of the support amount will be used to make sure that I can bring more chapters to the entire fanbase.

But don't worry, I'm not asking you to spend your hard-earned money for nothing. You'll be supporting my efforts to bring quality MTLs to the entire community.

Oh, and if you have any issues with payments or questions, just shoot me an email at I'll respond faster than you can say "MTL".

And lastly, leave me some comments! Your words of encouragement keep me going, just like a strong cup of coffee in the morning.

Cheers, and thanks for reading!
