Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 298
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 298

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

The gazes of Pyo Wol and Dokgo Hwang met in the air. Dokgo Hwang's gaze towards Pyo Wol was not kind. His eyes were like sharp blades, as if he could easily pierce through someone's chest.

He was someone who had a strong desire to recruit talented individuals.

On the other hand, if someone wasn't going to be his, he would rather destroy them to satisfy his sense of justice.

Pyo Wol rejected both Dokgo Hwang and Jang Mugak’s offer without hesitation. He refused to be on the same side as him.

If it were his usual self, Dokgo Hwang would have immediately subdued Pyo Wol and made him kneel. And he would have judged him. But now there were too many eyes watching him.

Even someone like Dokgo Hwang, who had a reckless personality, couldn't completely ignore the eyes of the people.

In Kangho, reputation was very important, and those who plotted big things had to pay special attention.

Dokgo Hwang was no different.

He had come to the Golden Heavenly Hall and this place to manage his reputation. There was no need to clash with Pyo Wol now and tarnish his reputation.

Dokgo Hwang tried to ignore Pyo Wol. Then, Jang Mugak grinned and said, "You did well to hold back. There are many ways to deal with that guy. Right now, just focus on managing your reputation."

"Don't worry. I'm not stupid enough to let my emotions get the better of me and make a mistake in my dialogue."

"Heh! I trust you."

Jang Mugak grinned. But his true feelings were different."

"Pyo Wol was someone who should be removed someday."

He was an untamable hunting dog.

No, from what we've seen of his movements up until now, he could never be dismissed as just a mere dog.

Pyo Wol was a wolf that held onto its wildness.

The time to tame him had long since passed. It was now impossible to tame him.

"If you leave a wolf alone, it will eat the livestock in the house."

Jang Mugak was a man who was strongly attached to what was his. Allowing the wolf to eat his property was not acceptable to his pride.

But now was not the time to hunt.

There were more important things than Pyo Wol , and he had to deal with them first in order to draw the big picture.

Jang Mugak said to Dokgo Hwang and the Golden Heavenly Hall, "Go and greet lord Jin Wolmyeong."


Dokgo Hwang and the Golden Heavenly Hall followed Jang Mugak to Jin Wolmyeong's residence.

Pyo Wol silently watched them move away.

He felt their hostile gaze towards him.

Especially Dokgo Hwang was emitting fierce hostility beyond simple resentment.

He may have concealed it well from others, but he could not deceive the senses of Pyo Wol.

Although he didn't know about other things, Pyo Wol could feel hostility towards himself from others like a ghost.

At that moment, someone quietly approached Pyo Wol.

"Are you okay?"

The person who spoke to Pyo Wol was Nam Gung-Wol.

"What's wrong?"

"You just seem uncomfortable."

"I'm not really."

"Is that so?"

Nam Gung-Wol stood beside Pyo Wol.

They stood side by side and looked at the back of the Golden Heavenly Hall.

Pyo Wol said to Nam Gung-Wol,

"Don't you have to go too?"

"I joined the Golden Heavenly Hall in the first place because of Geom-Woo, not because of any special relationship with them."

"Is that so?"

"I especially don't want to work with Jang Mugak's author because our personalities don't match."

Nam Gung-Wol's voice showed a sign of displeasure.

Even when you meet someone for the first time, there are people who instinctively feel a sense of rejection.

For Nam Gung-Wol, Jang Mugak was that kind of person.

The first time he met Jang Mugak was at the Heavenly Armory while he was following his father, Namgung Yugeom.

From the moment he saw him, Nam Gung-Wol felt an inexplicable hostility towards Jang Mugak.

It wasn't just a simple bad feeling or dislike.

The feeling was so strong that he felt a surge of anger just by looking at him.

He didn't know the exact reason why, but everything about Jang Mugak and Heavenly Armory irritated him.

At the time, he thought it was just because he was tired from the long journey. However, even after returning thousands of times, the feeling didn't go away.

From then on, Nam Gung-Wol thought carefully about why he felt that way. And he figured out the reason.

The cause was the atmosphere of Heavenly Armory and Jang Mugak..

There was a peculiarly arrogant attitude that saw everything in the world as beneath them.

It was a serious problem not only among the leadership or core members, but throughout the Heavenly Armory.

Namgung Yugeom, his father, asked what the problem was.

In his opinion, such an atmosphere was natural for a sect that was one of the strongest alongside the Heavenly Martial Gate. But Nam Gung-Wol couldn't accept his father's words.

He had been to Heavenly Martial Gate as well.

The Heavenly Martial Gate he saw was different from Heavenly Armory.

They had pride, but there was no trace of an arrogant atmosphere anywhere.

Instead, the relaxed atmosphere typical of the strong made those who entered envy them.

"I don't know what was in the mind of Jang Mugak, but one thing is for sure. I will never work with him again."

"You seem very certain."

"It's not a feeling that just came about overnight. From the moment I first saw that man, I knew I could never work with him. And I still feel the same way."

"So are you warning me to be careful?"

"You already seem more cautious than me, so what's there to warn you about?"

Without realizing it, Pyo Wol smiled at the sarcasm in Nam Gung-Wol's voice.

Suddenly, Nam Gung-Wol's gaze turned to the Heavenly Flower Troupe performing on the stage.

"By the way, their skills are truly amazing. They're able to capture the attention of the audience and not let go."

He showed a genuine expression of admiration.


"They're the best!"

The audience kept cheering for the troupe.

It seemed that theHeavenly Flower Troupe knew well how to make people ecstatic.

They could captivate people's souls with their beautiful performances of music and singing, and also make the audience burst into laughter with their plays.

People were fully immersed in theHeavenly Flower Troupe's performance, focusing on every move they made.

Nam Gung-Wol said "Jin Manor really knows how to use his head. I never knew that they could attract people's hearts like this. If someday we become like Jin Manor, we have to invite them,"

The Heavenly Flower Troupe's performance was remarkable. They deserve respect just for being able to captivate the hearts of so many people.

Pyo Wol also admired their performance.

The singing skills of Gahyang, who had been subtly teasing him the night before, were excellent, and the ability of the lead performer, Lee Ok-ran, leading the whole show was also impressive. However, he didn't see So Geoksan anywhere.

Although So Geoksan didn't need to perform, the fact that he had not been seen for so long piqued Pyo Wol's curiosity.

They had lived together for a long time in the underground cave when they were children, but So Geoksan did not have any special affection for Pyo Wol.

Children raised as assassins by the Blood Shadow Group saw each other as competitors rather than comrades.

Only Soyeowol had gathered them together, but Pyo Wol was not included.

Pyo Wol was always a borderlander who wandered around his surroundings.

That tendency has not changed even after a long time has passed.

Because of that, rather than being pleased to see So Geoksan after a long time, he felt more cautious.

The heavenly flower troupe performed tirelessly until late afternoon.

They alternated breaks or meals to keep the flow of the performance uninterrupted.

Their efforts were worthy of respect.

When their performance reached its climax, the Martial Artists of the Golden Heavenly Hall who had come to meet Jin Wolmyeong revealed themselves.

There was a satisfied smile on the lips of the actors, indicating that they had achieved the desired results.

Jin Wolmyeong said that Jang Mugak was a person who could become the successor of Golden Heavenly Hall after his son.

It was not an official statement, but Jang Mugak was satisfied enough.

He had now acquired the justification he desired.

All that remained was to enjoy the performance.

Jang Mugak and the martial artists of the Golden Heavenly Hall enjoyed the performance of the heavenly flower troupe, taking their seats on one side of the stage.

Pyo Wol 's gaze scanned the martial artists of the Golden Heavenly Hall one by one.

Suddenly, Pyo Wol's eyes lit up.

All the important figures he had seen at the Four Seas Pavilion were present, except for one.

"Eom Soso!"

The subordinate of Dokgo Hwang was nowhere to be seen.

As he searched his memory, he realized that Eom Soso had never come here from the beginning.

His eyebrows furrowed involuntarily.

Even though she was a subordinate of Dokgo Hwang, her martial arts skills were no less than those of other members of the Golden Heavenly Hall.

She was keeping her true abilities hidden, but Pyo Wol already knew that she was very strong.

Apart from Jang Mugak or Dokgo Hwang, there was no member of the Golden Heavenly Hall who could defeat her. Even Jang Hoyeon of Rain Mountain Manor couldn't confidently say that he could beat her.

"Did she deliberately not come, or was she unable to come?"


Abok was a mute who worked at Jang Noya's gambling den.

His martial arts were nothing special.

While he could be a threat to those who entered gambling houses, he was no match for a proper martial artist.

He used to dream of entering the ranks of the martial arts elite, but after realizing his limits, he gave up on such useless thoughts.

Instead, he found contentment working at Jang Noya's gambling house.

Jang Noya was cruel to gamblers, but at least he was a good boss to those who followed him. Thanks to him, there was no problem making a living.

The more loyal his subordinates were, the better he treated them, and as a result, servants such as Abok blindly served him.

"Oh, that woman is definitely from the Golden Heavenly Hall"

Suddenly, Abok's eyes lit up.

He had seen a familiar woman in the alleyway.

She had a beautiful appearance and mysterious blue eyes.

She was none other than Eom Soso, the subordinate of Dokgo Hwang.

While monitoring the Golden Heavenly Hall, Abok recognized Eom Soso's identity at a glance.

"What's going on?"

This was a fairly backwater alleyway, even for a man.

It was dirty and foul-smelling, no place for a woman as beautiful as Eom Soso.

"There's something going on."

As someone who had lived in the underworld for a long time, Abok was extremely alert. He sensed that something big was happening and hid himself.

Fortunately, it seemed that Eom Soso didn't notice Abok's presence.

Abok tried to sneak a peek at Eom Soso as stealthily as possible.

He didn't know how much time had passed.

After squatting over for a long time, his legs began to feel numb. It felt like they were about to give out, but Abok gritted his teeth and endured it.

It was when his patience was reaching its limit.


Someone appeared across from Eom Soso, accompanied by the sound of wagon wheels rolling.

The person who appeared pulling a cart was slightly hunched with a slightly curved back.

His whole body was covered in the marks of rough experiences.

The cart carried a fairly large box.

As soon as the hunched person appeared, Eom Soso approached him.

The hunched person opened the entrance of the box and showed its contents to Eom Soso, who smiled as if pleased.

"What's inside?"

Abok raised his head slightly, but he couldn't see what was inside the box from his position.

However, judging by the two people's attitudes, he could tell that something important was inside.

After confirming the item with Eom Soso, the hunched person disappeared with the cart to the other side of the alley.

"I need to let Noya know first."

Abok thought his role was done here.

As he was about to quietly leave the alley, Eom Soso's chilly voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey, you little thief."

His body stiffened like ice the moment he realized.

"He's caught."

Abok's heart raced like crazy.

There was no need to think any further.

He ran like crazy towards the opposite side of the alley.

He had to get out of the alley first.

He thought that there were many people on the main road, so she wouldn't be able to harm him recklessly.

He ran as fast as he could since he was born.

Now he wasn't far from the main road.

It was a moment of ecstasy on Abok's face.


With a sharp cutting sound, his left leg was cut off from the calf by Eom Soso's sword.

She had swung her sword.


Eom Soso approached Abok, who was screaming and writhing on the ground.

"Why are you watching me? Sneaky cat," said Eom Soso in a cold voice that sent shivers down Abok's spine.

Urgent Updates for Tomorrow-
I wanted to give you a heads up about a few changes happening with the chapter updates. First things first, I'm taking Sundays off to rest and recharge, so there won't be any chapter updates on those days. But don't worry, my supporters will still get their usual two chapters each day.

Also I want to be transparent with you guys that this website is shit and it’s a pain in the butt to post chapters in this website and I’ve been working extra hard to add 2 chapters per day. But it’s starting to give me a major headache.

As a result, I've decided to scale things back a bit and post only one chapter update per day for now.

I know that might be disappointing, but I promise I'm working on fixing things. However, I understand your excitement to read more, so I will try to mix things up and surprise you with extra chapter updates on certain days.

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I am starting this thing since I have to buy tools and other things to edit the MTL chapters better, also I don't want you guys to think that you are spending your money for nothing.

So think of it as supporting my effort to bring in quality MTL’s for the entire fanbase. I've already sent the first set of chapters to my 2 lovely supporters, and I can't wait to share more with you.

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