Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 296
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 296

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

Rumor spread throughout the whole region that the Heavenly Flower Troupe group has arrived. 

The performers sang and played instruments while showing off their skills.


"This is the best!"

The crowd cheered and the atmosphere, which had been dampened by the fight between Jin Manor and the Snow Sword Manor, was lifted by the appearance of the performers.

There was also news of a gathering of the Golden Heaven Society, a social organization of young martial artists.

These two pieces of news became a source of energy for the people of the region.

Whenever two or more people gathered, they talked about these two topics.

"I wonder if the Golden Heavenly Hall's meeting in Yeonnam is because of Jin Geom-Woo?"

"Isn't it obvious? He's the one who founded the Golden Heavenly Hall."

"How great would it have been if he were still alive?"

"If he were alive, Snow Sword Manor wouldn't have dared to challenge Jin Manor."

"But it's a relief that Jin Manor won. The Golden Heavenly Hall must have gathered from all over to honor Jin Geom-Woo, the master swordsman."

"That's right. And Jin Manor probably knew they would come and even invited the troupe performers to create a festive atmosphere."

"People misunderstood that the Heavenly Flower Troupe came to welcome the Golden Heavenly Hall. Their misunderstanding only grew deeper, and the cheers grew louder."

"Hmph! Foolish people."

So Geoksan sneered at the people.

He walked alone down the street, clenching his fists.

While the entertainers under his command attracted people's attention, So Geoksan moved alone somewhere.

The place So Geoksan headed towards was a back alley in Yeonnam.

After looking around for a moment, So Geoksan soon approached a shabby mansion.

It was a house with a small black flag next to a red gate. The flag was so small that it was difficult to notice without paying close attention.

Tap, tap!

So Geoksan knocked on the gate, and then the door opened silently.

After gazing at the wide-open gate for a moment, So Geoksan entered the mansion.

The mansion he entered had a typical northern-style structure with a courtyard in the center and the house surrounding it, which completely blocked the view from the outside.

It was a structure that had to be chosen to block the harsh cold of the north, but there was no better structure to maintain secrecy.

So Geoksan stood in the middle of the courtyard and looked around.

That's when it happened.

"Are you the Blood Phantom?"

A muffled voice was heard from the main hall, connected to the courtyard.

So Geoksan boosted his aura and looked towards the main hall.

He saw a man sitting in a chair, looking at him.

The man was also wearing a bamboo hat like So Geoksan, so he couldn't recognize his true identity.

Nodding his head, So Geoksan said, "That's right! I am the blood phantom."

The blood phantom was So Geoksan's other identity. Whenever he received a request as an assassin or handled underworld affairs, he used the alias blood phantom.

His involvement in such affairs was a secret even to his fellow members. Only Lee Ok-ran knew about it.

So Geoksan tried to use his aura to see the man's face more clearly, but even with his aura, he couldn't see through the bamboo hat.

Suddenly, the man threw something under So Geoksan's feet.


It was an envelope containing a letter.

"Your task is simple. Just take the person written inside to the 'Unreturnable Prison'."

"Does the Unreturnable Prison actually exist?"

Sogoksan looked at the man in surprise. But the voice of the man who had returned was icy and indifferent.

"It exists, so that's why I'm asking you to do it."

"Oh my goodness!"

"There's a map inside that shows the way to the Unreturnable Prison. Memorize it and burn it."

"Oh, I understand."

Although So Geoksan replied, he couldn't relax his stiff expression.

"I got the wrong person. The Unreturnable Prison... "

There has been a rumor circulating in Kangho for a long time.

It was about a prison from which there was no escape.

No one knew who built it, and when it was built.

They also did not know why the prison called "Unreturnable Prison " was created.

The only thing that was known was that such a place existed.

Unreturnable Prison was a place even doubtful of its existence.

The scariest rumor about Unreturnable Prison was that once you entered, you could never leave. That's why it was named Unreturnable Prison .

In Kangho, there were occasional people who mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

They disappeared perfectly, as if their existence had been completely erased.

Some people used to say that they were all taken to the returnable prison, but there was no evidence to support this tale, and it was simply a legend that circulated.

So Geoksan bit his lip.

"Somehow it doesn’t feel good…”

Especially about coming all the way here for the request.

The client's identity was unclear.

And above all, he had a bad feeling.

Because of this, he had initially tried to refuse the request. But it was a request he couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to accept.

As a result, he had attempted to pass the request onto Pyo Wol as an alternative. However, this attempt failed, and he found himself in a situation where he had to perform the request himself.

The secret of the unreturnable prison was kept secret until now.

And there must have been a good reason why this secret had been kept so thoroughly.

A killing machine, perhaps, or a shackle that could never be broken.

Either way it was not a good thing for So Geoksan, no matter which one it was.

In the worst case, he could lose his life. But now it was impossible to refuse the request.

He gritted his teeth, thinking he'd hit the nail on the head.

He picked up the envelope that had fallen to the floor.

As he opened the envelope, he saw someone's name written on it.

The moment he saw the name, he unintentionally cursed.

"Son of a b****!"

He looked up at the client.

But suddenly, the client had disappeared and was nowhere to be seen.


Taking advantage of the distracted state of So Geoksan’s mind, the client escaped from the mansion.

It was a mansion rented for only one day under a different person's name.

Even if an investigation were conducted, there would be nothing revealing the client's identity.

As he moved away from the mansion, he threw away his hat and coat onto a nearby house's fence.

He was a man in his early forties.

He had well-toned muscles on his dark skin and had a strong impression.

He walked briskly without hesitation.

He was heading towards the largest inn in Yeonnam, which had a sign that read"Four Seas Pavilion."

As he arrived in front of the Four Seas Pavilion, a woman came out to greet him.

Upon seeing the woman with beautiful looks and a hint of blue in her eyes, the man made his move and said:

"I'm back."

"What about the request?"

"I entrusted it to someone trustworthy. You don't have to worry."

"Are you sure?"

"Would I dare to be careless with someone's name?"

"I trust you."

Only then did the woman's expression soften.

For a moment, a sense of relief washed over the man's face.

Some might criticize him for looking the woman over the top, , but if they knew even a little about her true nature, they would never speak such words.

Em Soso, the Witch of the South Sea.

She was the terror of Namhae(south sea).

All the men who knew how Eom Soso had raised Dokgo Hwang to be the sure successor of the Mugeom clan, had a fear of her deep in their bones.

The man was Ilgum, one of the Three Swords of Namhae (South Sea), the Emperor's henchmen.

At that moment, Dokgo Hwang opened the door to the inn and came in.

"What are you talking about so interestingly?"

"Have you come in?"

"What are you two talking about without me?"

"We were talking about the third master’s story."

"Oh, that? Did you catch the hunting dog?"

"Yes, fortunately, we were able to catch the hunting dog."

"How capable is it?"

"It doesn't have a bad reputation."

"That's a relief."

Dokgo Hwang chuckled.


Pyo Wol left the guesthouse and headed towards Jang Noya's gambling den.

"Have you arrived?" Jang Noya ran out barefoot as soon as Pyo Wol entered the gambling den. There was a faint light of fear in Jang Noya's face as he looked at Pyo Wol.

After Pyo Wol fought with the Black Cloud Corps and the bloodshed was over, it was Jang Noya and his subordinates who handled the aftermath.

They either buried the bodies in a swamp or in a desolate area outside Yeonnam to erase any trace. While they were handling the bodies, they realized how terrifying of an existence Pyo Wol was.

The dead bodies were all warriors who could have received the highest level of treatment in Kangho. Such incredible warriors were slaughtered in the hundreds. Jang Noya and his subordinates trembled in fear.

Although it had been several days since they handled the bodies, the fear had not yet dissipated and remained deep in their hearts.

When Pyo Wol sat down, Jang Noya quickly reported, "There haven't been any unusual movements in Yeonnam yet. Most of the warriors who stood on the side of the Snow Sword Manor have left Yeonnam, and Jin Manor is too busy dealing with the aftermath to have spare attention."

Pyo Wol silently listened to Jang Noya's report.

If he wanted to, now he could get information from Hong Yushin of Hao Clan.

However, Pyo Wol never relied on getting information from just one source.

The more paths to obtain information, the better.

Although the vastness of the information could never match that of the Hao Clan, instead Jang Noya and his subordinates had established a more detailed information network than anyone else in Yeonnam.

At the very least, their information-gathering abilities in Yeonnam surpassed those of the Hao Clan.

By utilizing Jang Noya and his subordinates, Pyo Wol could thoroughly investigate places that the Hao Clan could not see.

That was the reason Pyo Wol had come to the gambling den.

After hearing all of Jang Noya's report, Pyo Wol spoke.

"From now on, let's focus on the Golden Heavenly Hall."

"Are you referring to the martial artists who are staying at the four seas pavillion if you say Golden Heavenly Hall?"


"But we don't have enough personnel to monitor all of them."

"We don't need to monitor everyone. Focus on monitoring Jang Mugak, Dokgo Hwang, and Jang Hoyeon."


Jang Noya replied with a deep bow.

Pyo Wol was soon to leave Yeonnam, but the Golden Heavenly Hall and So Geoksan were hindering his plans.

"Could it be a coincidence?"

Coincidentally, their arrival in Yeonnam coincided with each other.

It could be a coincidence, but Pyo Wol believed that there was no such thing as a coincidence in the world.

Even events that seem like coincidences must have a deeper reason that inevitably intertwines.

Moreover, So Geoksan had been deeply intertwined with him since his childhood.

To make matters worse, So Geoksan and the Golden Heavenly Hall had entered at the same time, becoming involved with Pyo Wol.

Even seemingly random events have underlying reasons that inevitably become intertwined and complex when you delve deeply enough.

Moreover, So Geoksan and Pyo Wol had a deeply interconnected relationship since their youth.

The fact that So Geoksan and Golden Heavenly Hall arrived in the area at the same time and became involved with Pyo Wol was like a thorn under his fingernail, constantly poking at his heart.

While others may not think much of it, Pyo Wol saw any sense of unease as a danger signal. One of the secrets to Pyo Wol's survival thus far was that he never ignored even the smallest sense of discomfort.

Pyo Wol thought back to Jang Mugak.

"The GrandMaster"

When he first saw him, it was hard to define, but now it was clear.

His eyes were filled with intense desire.

For someone with such a longing in his eyes, the peace and quiet of the current Kangho would have been unbearably boring.

He might have felt like a fish out of water, slowly drying up and dying.

For him, the battle between the two factions in Yeonam would have been a breath of fresh air.

A golden opportunity to see the cracks in the unbreakable order of the great powers, and to make them bigger with his own strength.

Seeing him convene the Golden Heavenly Assembly and become the Grandmaster deepened Pyo Yol's confidence.

It didn't matter to him if Grandmaster Jang’'s ambitions ran wild, or if the world became muddled because of it.

If it has nothing to do with oneself, then there is no need to speak about it.

So he tried not to pay attention. However, at that time, and So Geoksan entered Yeonam..

Pyo Wol didn't think it was a coincidence.

There must have been some invisible force at work.

The power of fate.......

Important Update- 

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