Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 295
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 295

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

Pyo Wol looked at So Geoksan with an expressionless face.

He found it difficult to look him in the eye.

So Geoksan had thought that there was already a significant difference in their abilities before, but now it seemed like an insurmountable gap that he could hardly fathom.

Even after being appointed as the leader of the theatre troupe, So Geoksan had continued to practice and take on simple assignments, believing that his skills would not rust. However, he could not compare to Pyo Wol, not even at that level.

When he first heard the title "Reaper," So Geoksan instinctively thought of Pyo Wol. This was because the first place he heard the title "Reaper" was in Chengdu of Sichuan Province.

Chengdu and Sichuan Province were places that had given So Geoksan an unforgettable nightmare. Because of this, even after leaving Sichuan, he always paid close attention to its movements.

That's why as soon as he heard the title "Reaper" he immediately investigated Pyo Wol's whereabouts.

Looking at Pyo Wol's beautiful face, which could not be called masculine, along with his harsh hands and violent actions that didn't match his appearance, So Geoksan was certain that Pyo Wol was the same person he knew.

He had already become a being that was on a different level from him.

He could tell just by looking at Pyo Wol's gaze towards him.

Although So Geoksan's type, the assassins, were used to hiding their thoughts, they could read each other's emotions to some extent.

This was through the series of actions they did unconsciously, such as eye contact, body language, and other behaviors.

Assassins can quickly understand what is commonly referred to as the language, but no body language was caught from Pyo Wol. On the other hand, Pyo Wol could read all the restlessness and thoughts that So Geoksan was feeling.

So Geoksan did his best to hide his thoughts, but he could not deceive Pyo Wol's eyes. He was currently in a very restless state, and although the reason was unknown, it was clear that he was in a considerable predicament.

"It's a request...."

"Yeah! A request."

"I'm going to decline."

"Without even listening?"

"I don't think there's any need to listen. It's the kind of request that is bothersome to handle, but if you don't handle it, there will be repercussions."

"What a devilish bastard."

So Geoksan unknowingly made a frustrated expression. He had clearly come to Pyo Wol for that reason.

If he could use Pyo Wol well, he thought he could resolve the issue without even getting his hands dirty. However, since Pyo Wol saw through his intentions, they were as good as gone.

"In any case, you are a guy who doesn't have a shred of friendliness."

"I will take that as a compliment."

"Nevermind. Let's drink."

Just then, Lee Ok-ran came in with a tray of alcohol.

"I was in a hurry to prepare the snacks, so I'm sorry for the mess. Next time, I'll treat you properly."

With an apologetic expression, Lee Ok-ran placed the drinks and appetizers on the table and sat down next to So Geoksan.

So Geoksan hugged Lee Ok-ran's waist as if it was natural.

Lee Ok-ran poured a full glass of alcohol into So Geoksan's glass.

"You said you weren't going to drink, right? Then I'll drink alone."

"Do as you please."

"Well, I can't find any human kindness in you anyway."

So Geoksan downed the glass in one gulp.

"Wow! That's good."

"Drink slowly."

"Drinking quickly and getting drunk quickly saves time. You have to drink slowly and a lot to get your money's worth."

He drank another three glasses in a row.

It was like he was being chased by something.

So Geoksan, who Pyo Wol knew, was never someone who revealed his inner thoughts in any situation.

The fact that he was unconsciously revealing his impatience was evidence that he was pushed into a corner.

But Pyo Wol didn't ask for the reason.

He knew that if he crossed a line, he would have to be deeply involved.

After breaking through their lowly status, they each lived their own lives without any contact whatsoever.

To be honest, until today's meeting, Pyo Wol didn't pay much attention to whether So Geoksan was alive or not.

Their relationship was not so close that they were dear to each other, nor did they promise to do anything together in the future.

Their relationship was no better than that of strangers, who didn't even know each other's faces. They knew each other's bottom so well that they couldn't trust each other.


So Geoksan put down his glass and asked, "How long do you plan to stay here in Yeonnam?"

"Well, I won't stay here for too long. I could leave as soon as tomorrow."

"You're damn busy. So where are you going?"

"We're not close enough to keep track of each other's movements like that."

"So in other words, you're telling me to stop caring and leave."



"If you're done talking, I'm going to leave."

"What? Already? We haven't seen each other in a long time, why are you acting like this? Let's talk."

"When we haven't seen each other in a long time, there's nothing left to say. We weren't interested in each other in the first place. We don't have anything to talk about, and we don't share any common interests. Is there any reason to continue this conversation?"

Pyo Wol's cold words made So Geoksan's expression stiff.

Usually, even if the relationship wasn't good, people hide their true feelings with a fake smile and keep even the weakest ties of a relationship. This was the way of the world.

Humans are social creatures who confirm their existence through relationships with others.

Everyone who met So Geoksan did this. And So Geoksan himself couldn't escape that category.

He needed a reason to exist in the world, so he formed a theater troupe to create his own reason for being. But Pyo Wol was different.

He wasn't interested in being recognized by others. What was important to him wasn't gaining recognition or forming relationships with others.

Even in the underground cave, Pyo Wol was like that.

He only cared about his own survival and didn't pay attention to anything else. That personality had not changed and had been passed down to the present.

"A self-centered bastard."

Even with So Geoksan's curse, Pyo Wol didn't change his expression and left the room.

He watched Pyo Wol climb the stairs, but nothing changed.

At that moment, a white hand wrapped around So Geoksan's neck like a snake.

"Oh my! Calm down."

"I'm not angry."

"You're lying. You're really angry. You look like a child who lost his toy."

"What did you say?"

"Hehe! You're cute."

Lee Ok-ran smiled and kissed So Geoksan on the cheek.

"What are you doing?"

"It's a cute gesture that came to mind."

"If you do that one more time, I might kill you first."

"Hehe! I'm always welcome to die in bed."

"You're like a courtesan."

"You're the one who made me like this."


"Don't act like that. It's not like you're really hurt by it."

She climbed onto So Geoksan's thigh.

Without realizing it, So Geoksan felt around Lee Ok-ran's breasts. Lee Ok-ran enjoyed his touch and said, "You can't just pull something towards you because you want it so badly."

"Well, then what should I do?"

"You also need to know how to push it away. And you should know how to subtly stimulate your partner."

"How do you stimulate someone?"

"I'll teach you now."

Lee Ok-ran pressed her lips against So Geoksan's.



The mornings in the Heavenly Flower troupe were always bustling.

They woke up early in the morning to have breakfast.

Breakfast was just as noisy as dinner the night before.

"Can you pass me that over here?"

"What, the persimmon?"


"Pass me the bowl. I'll scoop it for you."


They served each other food and chatted while sharing plates. Despite talking so much the night before, they still had a lot to say and conversation continued during breakfast.

At that time, the leader of the theater troupe, So Geoksan, and the assistant leader, Lee Ok-ran, came down the stairs.

"Did you sleep well?"

"You look good. What happened last night?"

"Something good?"

"What kind of good thing?"

"A very good thing."

"Hehe! Did you sweat and feel good for your health?"


The members teased the two of them.

Usually, if it were a woman, they would have blushed at the suggestive talk, but Lee Ok-ran answered calmly without batting an eye.

"That's right! It’s been a while since I put in some effort, and I feel very good.”


The members burst into laughter together.

The women poked each other's sides with their elbows and enjoyed themselves.

Lee Ok-ran chuckled and spoke.

"Well, the performance is tomorrow, but we have a lot to do starting today. Do you all know what to do first?"


"Don't worry, we can do this in a day or two."

The members replied vigorously.

Usually, theatre troupes are invited to perform at festivals and other occasions where they want to lighten the mood.

This time, it was the same for the Jin family.

They wanted to mend the public sentiment of Jin manor, which had been devastated by the fight with Snow Sword Manor, so they went out of their way to invite the troupe. They hoped that the troupe would revive the depressed mood of Jin Manor.

The Heavenly Flower Troupe had an obligation to meet their expectations.

After breakfast, they would all pour out onto the streets together. They would play their instruments and sing, attracting people's attention.

They had only one day to work with.

So Geoksan said, "We need to grab the attention of people both men and women within a day and make them truly interested in us."

"Everyone, eat up. We'll be moving all day today," he added.

"Yes, sir!"

"Don't worry, leader!"

So Geoksan nodded at the member's answer.

The members didn't know So Geoksan's true identity. To them, he was a dependable leader they could trust.

Without him, the actors of the heavenly flower troupe would have scattered and pursued other things.

To them, So Geoksan was more than just a simple leader.

"Let's eat quickly and get to work."

"Alright, let's work!" The members resumed their chattering.

A man came down the stairs.

The first to react were the female members.


“What kind of man's face is that?”

The person coming down the stairs was Pyo Wol.

The faces of the female members who checked his face turned red like persimmons.

So Geoksan's face twisted.

"That jerk always shows up at these moments and ruins everything."

So Geoksan lacked confidence in his own appearance.

As he felt compared to Pyo Wol, he couldn't help but feel a drop in self-esteem.

Gritting his teeth, he couldn't help but want to cut Pyo Wol's beautiful face with a knife right away. But he had to bear it because Pyo Wol wouldn't just take it without a fight.

So Geoksan approached Pyo Wol.

"Did you come down to eat? Aren't you going to sleep more?"

"I can't sleep because of the noise."

“Are our kids a bit noisy? I understand! Everyone is excited about the performance, so that’s why.”

Pyo Wol nodded at So Geoksan's words.

Then the members of the group shouted loudly.

"Leader! Do you know who he is?"


"Please introduce us to him."

"He's friends with such a handsome guy? Our leader is talented."

So Geoksan's face twisted even more at the members' words.

He shouted, "It's noisy! You guys, get to work."

"Haha! The leader is angry."

"Let's leave quickly."

"Let's work, work."

The members quickly left the guests like melting snow.

Pyo Wol asked So Geoksan, "Aren't you going out?"

"I am the leader. And I have other things to do."

Editor's Note: 

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I understand that it may seem repetitive to see this request, but please know that I am not earning anything from the website and I need tools to edit the MTL's which aren't cheap. So your support can help me a lot to keep the MTL's coming.

Also as a token of my appreciation, I'll be sending my supporters 5-6 chapters before their scheduled releases +1 chapter update everyday for a whole month. That means you'll get to read the latest chapters before anyone else and be my hero all at the same time.


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