Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 292
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 293

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

The gaze of Jang Mugak was ordinary. He didn't put too much effort into his eyes like others did, nor did he pressure or intimidate with his energy.

However, when Jin Si-Woo, who was standing next to Pyo Wol, saw his gaze, he froze instantly.

It was like a rock was pressing on his chest, making it difficult for him to even breathe properly. Jin Si-Woo's face turned pale in an instant.

Jin Si-Woo's elder brother Jin Geom-Woo, was one of the highest-ranking warriors in the country. 

Naturally, his standard for evaluating the warriors was also Jin Geom-Woo.

The criteria for evaluation were whether they were higher or lower than Jin Geom-Woo.

There were not many people who he thought were clearly superior to Jin Geom-Woo, and Pyo Wol was one of them.

He couldn't confirm how much power Pyo Wol had with his abilities. So he vaguely guessed that Pyo Wol would be superior to Jin Geom-Woo.

But today, at the moment of watching Jang Mugak, he was hit with a different kind of shock than Pyo Wol.

He felt a force like a mountain in a person's body.

The force was so powerful that it couldn't be resisted.

Jin Si-Woo raised his power and faced Jang Mugak's gaze.

'What on earth is this...'

The world was judging Jang Mugak by placing him in the same league as Jin Geom-Woo. However, the strength that Jin Si-Woo saw with his own eyes was not a mere existence that could be associated with a late-stage expert.

It was expected that Pyo Wol would also feel some pressure to some extent.

However, contrary to his expectations, Pyo Wol did not seem to feel any pressure even when facing the gaze of a Jang Mugak head on.

On the contrary, it seemed that those who were watching were feeling suffocated.

Not only Jin Geom-Woo but also all the members of the Golden Heavenly Hall kept their mouths shut and watched the confrontation between the two.

They all thought that Pyo Wol would accept the proposal of Jang Mugak, just like they themselves did.

They were amazed when they saw Jin Geom-Woo before, but Jang Mugak was even more overwhelming.

They all felt that it was only natural for Jang Mugak to become the next Grand Master of the Golden Heavenly Hall.
Jang Mugak had both the skill and character along with the tremendous background of being a Heavenly Armory member. He  had all the conditions that even the proud and capable would acknowledge.

However, contrary to their expectations, Pyo Wol did not overwhelm Jang Mugak, nor did he give the answer they wanted.

"I decline."


Jang Mugak showed no signs of surprise at Pyo Wol's words.

This was because he had never thought Pyo Wol would accept his proposal.

His question was provocative, meant to show to Dokgo Hwang right next to him.

As expected, Dokgo Hwang had a disappointed expression.

He said to Pyo Wol, "How about reconsidering?"

"No matter how many times I think about it, my answer will be the same."

"Meaning you decline."

Dokgo Hwang's expression hardened like a rock.

There was no more kindness in his eyes as he looked at Pyo Wol.

"Too bad! We could have been good friends."

"I guess you see me as a tool, not a friend."


"Isn't that right?"


Dokgo Hwang couldn't give a proper answer. He had never expected Pyo Wol to see through his thoughts.

Dokgo Hwang glared at Pyo Wol for a moment.

If Jang Mugak's eyes were like a mountain, his  eyes were like a stormy sea. Like fierce waves, his gaze was also intimidatingly rolling.

"I hope you don't regret today's decision."

“That will never happen.”

"There's nothing as meaningless as the word 'never' in this world. That's what life has taught me."

"Maybe so. But I don't think I'll regret today's decision."

Pyo Wol's voice was very dry, devoid of any emotion. Even Dokgo Hwang and Jang Mugak felt a creepy emotion from his dry voice.

Jang Mugak spoke in a low voice so that others couldn't hear.

"It was a mistake for Eom Soso to invite you here. She shouldn't have called you here in the first place."

"Is it because it can't be done in front of everyone?"

"That's right!"

"Is it regrettable?"

"It's regrettable! But since this friend has given up on dragging you in, it's not a complete failure. I'll have to be satisfied with this for today."

"Are you trying to absorb the Golden Heavenly Hall  to expand your power?"
"I don't know."

Jang Mugak neither affirmed nor denied it. But it was almost the same as giving an answer.

Even if their capabilities were a bit lacking now, it was clear that the people present here would be able to lead Kangho in the future.

After five or ten years, their status would be significantly different from now.

Even then, if they all supported Jang Mugak, it wouldn't be difficult to take over Kangho.

You didn't have to dominate Kangho by force alone.

If you could obtain the agreement and support of those who would lead a generation, it could be even easier to rule.
Pyo Wol thought that Kangho was changing.

In the past, they tried to solve everything with force.

The previous generation of Divine Masters  was like that, and even before them, the Martial Artists of the previous era tried to dominate Kangho with force. But they all failed, and Kangho also changed greatly during the turmoil.

Now, Kangho people do not simply obey just because they have great power or strong military force.

They were more exclusive to those who did not feel emotional empathy than anyone else. That's why Jang Mugak knew he needed to take over the Golden Heavenly Hall.

It was clear that he wanted to take over the Golden Heavenly Hall, which was created as a great ideal by Jin Geum-Woo, and spread his own ideals to them.
Pyo Wol thought Jang Mugak was a more dangerous existence than any great master.

Jang Mugak already had a strong ally, Dokgo Hwang. If the Golden Heavenly Hall was added to that, it was like growing a big wing.

Jang Mugak and Pyo Wol stared at each other for a while.

Pyo Wol was the first to back down.

He said to Jin Si-Woo.

"Let's go back."

"older brother!"

"Right now, it's best to retreat."

Jin Si-Woo's face twisted at Pyo Wol's words, but he soon nodded his head.

"I understand."

In his heart, he wanted to grab Jang Mugak by the neck and argue with him right then and there. But confronting Jang Mugak now would not be a wise decision.

No matter what he said, the people here would not listen. Jang Mugak had already completely dominated their minds.

It was frustrating, but they had to retreat for now.

That was the way to protect their true power.

When Jin Si-Woo retreated with Pyo Wol. Jang Mugak spoke to him.

"After the meeting is over, I'll visit Jin Manor to pay my respects to Geom-Woo.

Let's meet again then."


Jin Si-Woo didn't answer, gritting his teeth.

Because he didn't think any good words would come out if he opened his mouth now, He followed Pyo Wol outside. As they were leaving, Jang Hoyeon approached them.

"Thank you!"


"Thanks to you chasing after me, I was able to meet these people. They're good friends to talk to. I'll cherish the connection we made because of you."

"I am lucky."

"Where are you going now? Take care until we meet again. You won't be able to walk out of here unscathed next time."

"I have some advice too. It's not a good idea to get too close to them. You might end up getting hit by a blind sword being by that stern guy's side."



At that moment, Pyo Wol closed the door of the Four Seas Pavilion and walked outside.

Pyo Wol and Jin Si-Woo walked down Yeonnam Street without saying a word.

Since Pyo Wol had anticipated that it would be like this, he didn't feel any particular shock, but Jin Si-Woo was different.

He walked around as if he were in a daze.

Understanding Jin Si-Woo's feelings, Pyo Wol didn't offer any hasty comfort.

After a while, Jin Si-Woo finally spoke with difficulty, "Kangho is a really heartless place."


"At least I thought some of them would argue against Jang Mugak's words. But not even one person did."

When there was a fight with Snow Sword Manor, it couldn't be helped, but even so, he should have come to Jin Manor first, thinking about his connection with Jin Geom-Woo. If he had done that, Jin Si-Woo would have accepted whatever route they had chosen.

Today's events seemed like they would leave a big scar on his heart for the rest of his life.

Suddenly, Pyo Wol said, "It might be better that this is actually a good thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Instead of traveling with people who are neither this nor that, it might be better to split up from the beginning. It's unavoidable to feel upset right now, but someday you'll think that breaking up with them today was actually a good thing."

"Do you really think so?"

"I do." 

“Understood. I will also think that way,” Jin Si-Woo replied with a relieved expression.

As he led the charge in the fight against Snow Sword Manor, Jin Si-Woo had grown even stronger.

He clenched his fists and made a vow to himself.

"I will make them regret the decision they made today."

To do that, he needed to strengthen Jin Manor's power, to the point where no one could ignore it.

He had become financially prosperous by entering into numerous transactions with top organizations, and Lord Jin Wol-Myeong was gradually recovering his martial arts skills.

If Jin Wol-Myeong returned to normal, Jin Manor would have an unparalleled prestige that no one could ignore.

"I will definitely grow Jin Manor with my own hands. I will ensure that we never have to go through such a catastrophe again."

His determination was conveyed even to Pyo Wol.

"Siwoo will continue to grow."

Trials could make people feel defeated, but they could also help them grow.
While many people fell, some rose with even greater strength.
Jin Si-Woo was the latter.

Pyo Wol believed without a doubt that he would grow even bigger.

Suddenly, Jin Si-Woo spoke up.

"Hmph! If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have called the theater troupe”

"Theater troupe?"

"Yes! I called them to celebrate our victory and boost morale, but if we're not careful, we might end up putting on a performance for them."

Jin Si-Woo forced a bitter smile.

Calling the theater troupe wasn't his idea.

It was the opinion of the elders in Jin Manor.

They believed that after going through a difficult time, they should throw a big feast to show their prosperity.

Jin Si-Woo's grandfather, Jin Wol-Myeong, accepted the elders' opinion.

Coincidentally, news came that a famous theater troupe was visiting the area, and Jin Manor successfully sent someone to invite them. 

However, the date they were coming to Jin Manor  coincided with the arrival of the martial artists, Jang Mugak and the Golden Heavenly Hall.

It was as if they had mobilized the theater troupe to welcome Jang Mugak and the Golden Heavenly Hall. 

"Well, I don't understand the ways of the world. I'm going back to Jin Manor now."

Jin Si-Woo took a deep breath and walked towards Jin Manor.

His retreating figure looked particularly lonely.

He felt like he would have been better off fighting against Snow Sword Manor with a sword. At least then, he wouldn't have to worry about these kinds of human relationships.

In some ways, this type of human relationship was more exhausting and draining than life and death situations.

Pyo Wol moved towards his own room, slightly nodding his head.
When he arrived at the inn, it was already late at night.

After a simple meal, Pyo Wol went to his room.

As he entered the empty room, Gwia, who had been coiled around his arm, began to wriggle and move.

Gwia climbed up Pyo Wol's body and emerged from between his collar and his neck.

Slip, slide!

Gwia happily frolicked all over Pyo Wol's body.

The smooth sensation of his skin brushing against his was pleasant.

Pyo Wol opened the window.

Cool wind blew in and enveloped his body.

Then he saw a procession of carriages entering Yeonnam.

There were carts full of cargo and carriages carrying people, all lined up and entering the city.

People passing by looked at the procession with curious eyes.

The lead carriage had a large red flag attached to it.

On the flag was written the words "Heavenly Flower Troupe".

It seemed to be the same troupe that Jin Si-Woo had mentioned.

"It's a theater troupe."


The people on the street erupted in cheers.

Editor's Sorry Note: Guys I am extremely sorry. The fucking power outage destroyed my schedules to release the chapters. 

I always try to upload the chapters in a fixed time interval. But I am managing everything by myself from editing to uploading the chapters to the website, so sometimes I might miss the schedules. The biggest reason is that this website isn't dynamic and I have to update everything manually so it takes time. Hope you understand. And I apologise again, sorry.

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