Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 292
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 292

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

"There was a big fight, but surprisingly, it looks like everything is okay now."

"Jin Manor probably put all their efforts into recovering from the damage."

"Do you think so too?"


Two young martial artists were conversing while looking around at their surroundings.

They all exuded a youthful and exceptional aura.

They were not the only ones, as more and more young warriors were entering the premises.

Some came in groups of three or five, while others came alone.

Their entry times and points of departure varied, but their destination was the same.

The four seas pavilion is the largest inn in the area and also the most luxurious.

Before the fight between Snow Sword Manor and Jin Manor broke out, it was mainly the influential figures of Yeonnam who used to visit the place. 

However, as the conflict between the two factions intensified, customers stopped coming, and the doors were closed for a while.

The sight of the Four Seas Pavillion opening its doors to welcome young warriors caught the attention of many.

"What's going on?"

"Why are so many warriors gathering at the Four Seas Pavilion?"

People feared that another clash like the one between Snow Sword Manor and Jin Manor would occur.

Especially at this time, the fact that young warriors were gathering made them even more afraid.

Among them, the one who reacted most sensitively was Jin Manor, the war winner in Yeonnam.

For Jin Manor, it was a natural reaction.

When they were starting to recover from the damage, the situation where many warriors entered without any message was intolerable.

Jin Si-Woo took action himself.

Jin Si-Woo left Jin Manor alone and headed towards the Four Seas Pavilion.
Then, Jin Si-Woo's eyes caught a familiar face.

"Older Brother!"

Jin Si-Woo recognized him instantly and ran toward him.

The man who was visible even from afar was none other than Pyo Wol.

Pyo Wol had now fully recovered his physical condition.

As the color returned to his face, his already beautiful face looked even more enchanting.

"Older brother seems to be getting more beautiful somehow."

Jin Si-Woo clicked his tongue.

Now even a sense of elegance emanated from Pyo Wol's face.

Anyone would be enchanted in front of Pyo Wol's face. Still, he greeted Pyo Wol warmly.

"You haven't left Yeonnam yet."

"Where are you going?"

"To Four Seas Pavilion."

"Four Seas Pavilion?"


"Because of the warriors coming into Yeonnam."

"That's right. How did you know?"

"I'm also on my way there."

"What? You too, Older brother?"

Jin Si-Woo's eyes widened at the unexpected words.

Pyo Wol spoke as he walked.

"I was invited."


"By a woman named Eom Soso, who travels with Dokgo Hwang."

"Wait, did you say Dokgo Hwang? The wielder of the Unsheathed Dragon Sword of the Mu-Geom clan?"

"Did you not know he was coming in?"

"Yes! It's the first time I've heard of it from you, older brother."

Jin Si-Woo's face was suddenly stiff.

Dokgo Hwang was a giant.

Although he was young, he had already been confirmed as the next leader of the Mu-Geom clan. It was disrespectful that such a big man came in and gave no message.

"What was he thinking..."

"You'll find out when you see him. Let's go together."


The two of them headed towards Four Seas Pavilion, side by side.

The fact that Pyo Wol was going with him made Jin Si-Woo feel secure.

The two of them soon arrived at Four Seas Pavilion.

At the entrance, three unarmed guards were standing guard.

Pyo Wol immediately recognized their identity at once.

They were none other than Namhae's three swords, the loyal followers of Dokgo Hwang.

Namhae's three swords were checking the identities of the young warriors trying to enter the entrance of the Four Seas Pavillion one by one.

When Pyo Wol and Jin Si-Woo arrived, Namhae three swords raised his hand to stop them.

"Stop. Are you spies?"


"Yes! Those without proper identification cannot enter here."

"What are you talking about? Are you accusing me of being a spy? In this place..."

Jin Si-Woo looked bewildered.

Only then did Namhae's three swords sense that something was wrong.

It was their first time seeing Jin Si-Woo, so they hadn't recognized his identity.

At that moment, Pyo Wol, behind Jin Si-Woo, stepped forward.


The Namhae's three swords recognized Pyo Wol and let out a sigh of admiration.

"It's better just to let them in. If we want to start the meeting today."

"What meeting?"

"This guy's name is Jin Si-Woo. He practically leads the Jin Manor."


For a moment, Namhae three swords' eyes trembled.

Although they couldn't recognize his face, they knew Jin Si-Woo's name.

Namhae's three swords looked at each other.

Their faces showed embarrassment.

They knew how unreasonable it was to ignore Jin Si-Woo while holding an event in Yeonnam.

The eldest member of Namhae's three swords, Il-geom, spoke on behalf of the group.

"We apologize for not recognizing you earlier. Please come in."

Pyo Wol was a guest of Dokgo Hwang, and they couldn't stop Jin Si-Woo. So, It was an inevitable choice.

Pyo Wol and Jin Si-Woo entered the Four Seas Pavilion.

Many people had already gathered inside the Four Seas Pavilion.

Most were around the same age as Pyo Wol and Jin Si-Woo, but many looked much younger.

Most people in the room were men, and women were a minority.

They sat around several tables, chatting and conversing with each other.

As soon as Jin Si-Woo caught sight of their faces, his expression hardened.
"Golden Heavenly Hall."

Jin Si-Woo had attended several meetings of the Golden Heavenly Hall with his brother, Jin Geom-Woo, so he recognized a significant portion of the attendees.
"How is this possible?"

These were the same people who hadn't shown themselves when the leader of the Golden Heavenly Hall, Jin Geom-Woo, lost his life.

Of course, Nam Gung-Wol and a few other people had come to Jin Manor to help out and support their friendship with Jin Geom-Woo. However, none of the people gathered in the four seas pavilion had come to Jin Manor.

They laughed and chatted happily, not even realizing that Jin Si-Woo had arrived. Their carefree demeanor made Jin Si-Woo feel deeply betrayed.

His eyes were now bloodshot from his anger, and he bit his lip to keep himself from losing control.

Pyo Wol silently watched Jin Si-Woo.

He couldn't even imagine how great the sense of betrayal Jin Si-Woo must have felt. Pyo-wol knew that any hasty words of comfort would only make Jin Si-Woo feel worse.

"Was Kangho's kindness so fleeting? How could they do this to our brother?"

Jin Geom-Woo was the one who convinced the officials of the country and created the Golden Heavenly Hall. If one thinks about his relationship with them, they should never have acted this way.

That's when it happened.


A heavy footstep was heard on the stairs.

The eyes of the warriors who were chattering among themselves focused on the stairs.

Three people were coming down the stair

Jang Mugak, Dokgo Hwang, and finally, an unexpected person were with them.
It was Jang Hoyeon, who had come to Yeonnam chasing after Gongbo.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the appearance of the three.

As soon as Jang Mugak and Dokgo Hwang appeared, the atmosphere in the room became heavy. The martial artists were oppressed by the force they emanated.

Jang Mugak stopped in the middle of the stairs and spoke.

"I would like to express my gratitude to all of you who have come to Yeonnam for this gathering. The reason we invited you all here is none other than the issue of the Golden Heavenly Hall. After the death of the head of the society, Jin Geom-Woo, the Golden Heavenly Hall lost its center and failed to fulfill its role."

There was a power in Jang Mugak's voice that made people focus on him.

The young men unknowingly focused on Jang Mugak.

"If the Golden Heavenly Hall had been strong, the situation in Yeonnam wouldn't have deteriorated to this point. That's why I propose that we strengthen the unity of the Golden Heavenly Hall so that this kind of thing doesn't happen again and elect a Grand Master to deal with this kind of thing actively."


"We agree with master Jang's proposal."


People cheered at Jang Mugak's words.

Pyo Wol looked at Jang Mugak with narrowed eyes. In a way, it was a very irritating act.

Jang Mugak had said to choose a new leader, but it sounded like he was declaring himself as the new leader to Pyo Wol. And many people echoed his statement with cheers.

"Please make master Jang our new leader."

"If master Jang becomes the leader, he will be able to lead the Golden Heavenly Hall excellently, following master Jin's footsteps."

"Make master Jang the leader..."


People burst into cheers.

To anyone who saw it, it seemed like a crazed appearance.


Jin Si-Woo stared at Jang Mugak with clenched fists, full of hostility.

Jang Mugak wandered busily among the young officials, whether he knew or didn't know Jin Si-Woo's hostile gaze.

What happened next proceeded in an instant.

Jang Mugak naturally became the head of the Golden Heavenly Hall.

The series of events seemed so natural, like watching a well-crafted play.

Jin Si-Woo felt a great sense of betrayal. 
He couldn't understand how they could do this.

He wondered if Jin Geom-Woo still existed in their memories.

That was when Jang Mugak and Dokgo Hwang approached Jin Si-Woo.


"The man is...."

Finally, the warriors recognized Jin Si-Woo and looked embarrassed.

Even those with thick skin couldn't help but feel ashamed. However, the one who led all of this, Jang Mugak, was surprisingly calm.

He pretended to know Jin Si-Woo first.

"Long time no see."


Jin Si-Woo stared straight at Jang Mugak.

The two had met once before. At that time, Jin Geom-Woo was with him.
"I didn't know you were coming."

"I didn't know either. Did you not contact me when you came to Yeonnam? Did you not make a call to me even once? You came to my front yard and said that."

"You misunderstand."

"What kind of misunderstanding is it? I saw it with my own eyes."

"You seemed busy, so I tried to have the meeting first and contact you later."
"Do you think that makes sense?"

"I regret not actively helping when you were in a crisis. But don't you know that it's impossible?"

"Is that because you are the owner of the Heavenly Armory?"

"That's right. My decision is also Heavenly Armory's decision. If Heavenly Armory moves, it won't end with a simple power struggle among the Yeonnam factions."

Heavenly Armory was undoubtedly one of the strongest forces in the world.
Even the Shaolin Temple, the traditional powerhouse of the Great Northern Mountain, paled in comparison(전통의 강호이자 태산북두인 소림사마저도 천무장에 비하면 한 수 아래로 평가받는다.)

In the current powerhouses, the only one who could stand up to them was the Heavenly Martial Gate, and none of the other sects dared to match its power.

All the factions in the world were keeping an eye on Heavenly Armory's
movements. If Heavenly Armory showed any sign of moving, all factions would respond sensitively.

Especially if they had intervened in Yeonnam's affairs, Shaolin would have been the first to react.

The words of Jang Mugak were theoretically correct. However, whether he needed to convene the Golden Heavenly Hall at this time and place was questionable.

Smiling, Jang Mugak said, "Did I read your mind, Jin Si-Woo?"

"I was planning to lead everyone to Jin Manor as soon as today's meeting ended. Now that the fight with Snow Sword Manor is over, no one can stop me."
"Are you expecting me to believe that?"

"If you don't believe me, I can do nothing. But what I'm saying is true. Why would I need to lie to you?"

Jang Mugak's gaze toward Jin Si-Woo was chilling. Jin Si-Woo couldn't bear to meet his eyes.


Jin Si-Woo's face twisted unpleasantly.

Jang Mugak turned his gaze to Pyo Wol.

"You're here too."

"I wouldn't have come if I knew this would happen."

"Of course. I didn't know she had invited you either. Anyway, now that you're here, let's eat before you leave. The food here is quite good."

"Did you initially come to the Yeonam for this purpose?"

"What purpose?"

"To monopolize Jin Geom-Woo's legacy."

"If it's not me, the Golden Heavenly Hall will scatter. I should become the focal point and help Kangho rather than let it scatter. That's the only way to honor Jin Geom-Woo's will."

"I don't know if Jin Geom-Woo would think that way."

"What can the dead think? All decisions and actions are up to the living. Since it's come to this, why don't you join the Golden Heavenly Hall?"

Jang Mugak's smile toward Pyo Wol was cold.

Editor's Note- I'm so sorry for the delay in the chapter update. Unfortunately, a power outage has struck our area and my trusty PC was rendered powerless. As a result, the release of the second chapter might be delayed too. I know it's frustrating, but I hope you can understand the situation.

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Also as a token of my appreciation, I'll be sending my supporters 5-6 chapters before their scheduled releases. This means you'll get to enjoy the latest chapters before anyone else, and you'll be helping me out at the same time.

So, to all of you wonderful readers out there, please consider supporting me and this website. It's a win-win situation for all of us, and I promise to keep working hard to provide you with the best MTL's possible.

P.S. To the kind soul who bought me a coffee yesterday, thank you so much! I'll do my best to send you the chapters as soon as possible. Also the emailer, I will contact you too.


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