Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 291
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 291

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

Hong Noya willingly decided to repair the Ghost Blade. 

If it were a different workshop, he would have had to wait at least a day or two, but Hong Noya immediately started repairing it.

"Wow! I don't know who made it, but he has amazing skills," he couldn't help but admire the Ghost Blade. The material, weight, and balance were all perfect.

"Who is the craftsman who made this blade? Who could possess such great skills? Can you introduce me to him? If given a chance, I would like to study the refining method with the person who made this sword."

Hong Noya's expression was one of genuine admiration. He separated the handle from the blade and put it into the furnace to heat it up.

When the blade turned red-hot, he took it out and hammered it. He left the handle as it was.


After being so excited just a moment ago, he didn't say a word as he began to work.

Pyo Wol silently watched Hong Noya working.

Fortunately, Hong Noya's skills were trustworthy.

Despite sweating profusely, his concentration never wavered, and he was fully devoted to his work.

It was truly the focus and skill of a master.

Pyo Wol set aside his worries about the ghost blade and thought about Eom Soso.

More specifically, he thought about Dokgo Hwang, who always accompanied Eom Soso.

Dokgo Hwang's gaze was different from that of an ordinary person.

Although he seemed humble on the surface, his gaze was full of ambition. It was strange that someone with such a gaze was still quiet.

Above all, Dokgo Hwang's temperament made Pyo Wol wary.

It was like looking at a calm sea before a storm. Despite being peaceful, it was a sea that could swallow everything at any moment.

Dokgo Hwang's temperament was clearly something Pyo Wol had never seen before.

Above all, what bothered Pyo Wol was that Dokgo Hwang was not alone but with Jang Mugak.

The Dokgo Hwang that Pyo Wol saw was definitely different from someone who would be under someone else's command. He wanted to do things independently, even if he had to work towards them alone, without relying on anyone else.

It seemed that Dokgo Hwang was an ally of Jang Mugak.

This means that Jang Mugak sees Dokgo Hwang as someone with great potential.

'A dragon waiting for chaos.'

For the dragon to ascend, a storm must first brew. And now, a storm seems to be brewing from Yeonnam.

Pyo Wol thought that chaos would soon reign throughout the land.

"What are you thinking?"

At that moment, Hong Noya's voice interrupted Pyo Wol's thoughts.

Hong Noya looked up and saw Pyo Wol staring at him. He had finished repairing the ghost blade and was now looking at him.

"Is it done?"

"For now, there shouldn't be any problems using it. But it's not perfectly repaired, so it would be better to see the craftsman who made these blades repair it properly."

Hong Noya honestly admitted his lack of skills.

He did his best but couldn't restore it to its original state perfectly. Still, he made it similar enough that it should be usable without any problems for a while.

Pyo Wol received the ghost blade and said:

"That's enough. How much do I owe you?"

"Forget it! You are the lady's guest, so I'll do it for free."

"Do you respect her?"

"No, to be precise, I respect her master. Without him, the current Mu-Geom clan wouldn't exist. Even though he is far away, I always pray for the prosperity of the Mu-Geom clan."

Since then, Hong Noya had been talking about how great the Mu-Geom clan was, how great of a martial arts school it was, and how it had a great reputation in the southern part of the country, including Henan.

Pyo Wol listened to his story half-heartedly before leaving the workshop.

He entered the workshop in the morning, but the sun was already setting. He had spent a whole day in the workshop but didn't feel like it was a waste.

Pyo Wol returned to his inn.

As he was about to open the door, he frowned for a moment but soon opened it and went inside. He saw a woman in a red dress sitting on his bed.

It was Hong Ye-Seol

As Pyo Wol entered, she stood up and spoke.

"Where were you? I waited for a long time."

"What are you doing here?"

"We're lovers. Don't I have to have a reason to come?"

Hong Ye-Seol approached him and wrapped her milky-white arms around Pyo Wol's neck, looking him in the eye.

It was a seductive sight that any man would find irresistible.

"I missed you."

"Don't talk nonsense..."

"Hmph! You're a man with no atmosphere at all."

"What brings you here?"

"I don't think we'll see each other for a while. The recall order has been issued."
"Recall order?"

"All the assassins currently out in Kangho are ordered to return to the Hundred Wraith Union."

"Hundred Wraith Union? You mean all the assassins affiliated with the Hundred Wraith Union are being called back?"


"Does this kind of thing happen often?"

"At least since I joined the Hundred Wraith Union, this is the first time."

"I see."

It's likely because of what happened in Yeonnam recently. Heuk-Ho and the blood demons were killed, and their contract with Lee Yul disappeared. The losses suffered by the Hundred Wraith Union were immense."

After the Hundred Wraith Union gained fame, they suffered such a loss for the first time. It seemed that the Hundred Wraith Union leader had summoned all the assassins to devise a plan.

"If I go now, I probably won't see you for a while."

"Is the Hundred Wraith Union's base far away?"

"Hehe! You probably can't even imagine it."

Hong Ye-Seol gave a meaningful smile.

Suddenly, she pressed her lips against Pyo Wol's.

After a passionate kiss for a while, Hong Ye-Seol pulled back and narrowed one eye.

"Then, see you until we meet again."

"What if I want to see you?"

"Oh my! How touching. Even though I know it's insincere, my heart is still trembling."

Hong Ye-Seol exaggerated her expression.

She understood Pyo Wol better than anyone else.

Pyo Wol was an assassin to the bone.

She could control her personal emotions easily.

The idea that he would come to see her was an impossible one, yet it was something she wanted to believe.

"If something like that happens, then come visit me at the Great Hall in Lake of the Dead.," she said.

"Great Hall?"

"The owner of the Great Hall is a personal friend of mine. He will let me know about your whereabouts."

"I'll remember that."

"Then, I'll see you next time."

Hong Ye-sol smiled and flew out the window, disappearing.

Only the scent of wild chrysanthemums remained in the room where she disappeared.

When Eom Soso opened the door to the guest room and entered, Dokgo Hwang spoke.

"You're late!"

"I met someone unexpected."

"Who was it?"

"I saw Pyo Wol."

"What? You met Pyo Wol?"

"Yes! I met him on Workshop Street."

"How is he? Is he okay?"

"He seemed fine."


Dokgo Hwang looked surprised.

"He looked healthy. He didn't seem to have any injuries."

"Just that? It seemed he must have suffered significant injuries from the marks left behind."

"Maybe he's already been healed."

"Why didn't you fight him once? Then you'd know for sure?"

"He's a formidable opponent. The risk is too great to fight him over something like that."

"Is that so?"

Dokgo Hwang's expression changed to Eom Soso's words.

Although she followed him around like his bodyguard, Eom Soso was a master he could not ignore. Even he would have to use all his strength to subdue her.

Above all, what made Eom Soso so formidable was that her intuition was highly developed. Every opponent she felt this cautious around was invariably a dangerous one.

The reason why Eom Soso was initially on guard when she saw Pyo Wol was also because of this.

"Is it really impossible for him to work for us?"

"He is not someone who can work under others."

"Are you sure?"

"I stake my life on it."

"Whoa! You're willing to stake your life on it. I don't want a dead Eom Soso. I want a living one."

"That's what I'm saying."

"Then I should give up. Too bad!"

Dokgo Hwang finished eating.

"If you're so regretful, why don't you check again?"


"I asked him to come here."

"You mean to let me meet with him?"

"You might think differently if you see it for yourself."

"That's a good idea. But if it doesn't work out..."

"Then you can make a decision when the time comes."

"You're really smart."

"But there's one thing you should keep in mind. You should never underestimate him."

"Huh! How can I underestimate someone who single-handedly wiped out the Black Cloud Troops and razed Snow Sword Manor to the ground? It's ridiculous to think of such a devilish person as weak."

Dokgo Hwang's eyes sank deeply.

The whole world was paying attention only to Jin Si-woo, who led Jin Manor to victory, and only those related to him were mentioned. However, the most threatening presence approaching Dokgo Hwang as he stayed in Yeonnam was Pyo Wol.

While others didn't know, he knew of Pyo Wol's fights with the Black Cloud Corps and assassins like Heuk-Ho and the blood demons.

What was really surprising wasn't that he fought and won against them. It was more frightening that he didn't leave any traces of himself even after winning.

He had met countless martial artists before, but Pyo Wol was the first to hide so thoroughly. His cunning and meticulousness were so intimidating that Dokgo Hwang couldn't help but feel fear.

That was why Dokgo Hwang was obsessed with Pyo Wol.

Eom Soso understood that feeling better than anyone else. She understood why he was so desperate for talent. But something was not right.

The picture of Pyo Wol surrendering and going down to someone wasn't coming to her mind. Her conviction became stronger after meeting at the workshop street. However, Dokgo Hwang wasn't at that level yet.

She thought confronting Pyo Wol once again would be a good idea to clearly break his obsession. That's why she introduced Hong Noya to Pyo Wol with kindness.

"Well, anyway, it's good news. I can see him again."

Dokgo Hwang smiled.

With a dull sound of footsteps, the curtain fell at the guesthouse. However, Jang Mugak's complexion didn't look good.

He seemed pale as if he had received an injury.

Dokgo Hwang asked with a worried expression, "How is it?"

"It's a little better."


"It's fortunate that it only went this far."

"He's impressive to have pushed you this far."

"He's a man with the qualifications to do so."


Dokgo Hwang nodded his head.

A few days ago, he fought a man to the death.

The result was a draw.

Neither could gain a clear advantage, and the fight ended with both sides suffering injuries.

If Dokgo Hwang had intervened in their fight, he would have defeated him.

However, instead of intervening, he only watched from a distance.

Everyone has something they must overcome with their own strength.
For Jang Mugak, it was the man.

It would also have been disrespectful towards Jang Mugak for Dokgo Hwang to intervene in the fight between the two men.

Therefore, Dokgo Hwang had to keep his distance and watch their fight with Eom Soso.

Jang Mugak asked Dokgo Hwang, "Are you prepared?"

"What preparations are there? We just have to wait."


"Isn't the justification good? Everyone will probably follow you."

"Make sure it happens that way."

"Right! He'll come that day too."


"Pyo Wol, I mean."

"Are you serious?"

"Soso invited him. We can deal with him then."

Dokgo Hwang smirked.

Meanwhile, Jang Mugak frowned.

"Are you still obsessed with him?"

"As you know, I tend to hold onto things a bit."


Jang Mugak clicked his tongue at Dokgo Hwang's casual response.

'He keeps trying to tame the untamable. He's a different person from us.'

Editor's Happy Moment Share:

Hey Folks,

As promised, that’s 3 chapters for today but I'm afraid the fourth one needed some work. So, I'm pushing that one to tomorrow. And thanks again to @someone for the coffee and @brion for the mail(both are usernames). It really means a lot to me. 

Without your support guys I might have just thrown my laptop out the window and given up on this whole thing. But seeing how I received the support from a simple request, it made my day and kept me going. 

So please keep supporting me. And If you're enjoying my work, and if you're in a position to do so, please consider making a donation. Your contributions can help me do this work faster and bring you even more chapters every day! Plus, it's a great way to show your appreciation for my efforts.

Of course, I understand that not everyone is in a position to donate, and that's perfectly fine! Your readership alone means the world to me. But for those who are able and willing to support me, I am forever grateful.

Thank you again for all your support, and I look forward to bringing you more MTL chapters soon!


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Thanks again