Reaper of The Drifting Moon mtl, chapter 289
Reaper of The Drifting Moon mtl, chapter 289

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

"The apology from Unsong was honestly unexpected.

It was enough to make even Jin Wol-Myeong, known for his composure, blink in surprise.

The Shaolin monk he knew was a proud and venerable scholar, detached from worldly affairs and having ruled over as the strongest of the strong his pride soared to the heavens.

Because of this, he never apologized for even minor mistakes, let alone admitting to an error.

Perhaps it was the pride of a prestigious and long-standing orthodox faction?

Shaolin was particularly notorious for this.

The scene of Unsong, who was rumoured to have an unusually strong pride even among the Shaolin, apologizing to Pyo Wol was a huge shock to Jin Wol-Myeong.

He couldn't speak up yet since he was still leaning from Unsong, but he had a lot to say.

Unsong told Pyo Wol, "I've learned a lot since coming to Jin Manor. Frankly, the disciples in the sect only caused harm and didn't do anything right. If we had made a quick judgment, we could have prevented many deaths."

Above all, Seongam was the problem.

Due to his impulsive personality, he caused problems and ruined the reputation of Shaolin by failing one after another with Pyo Wol and Nam Gung-Wol.

As soon as he returned to Shaolin, he would reflect and train in the hall of repentance. It was unknown how long that period would be."

Pyo Wol replied.

"When you finish speaking, I'll leave."

"Just a moment!"


"What do you plan to do from now on?"

"I don't think I have any reason to tell you that."

"I genuinely worry about this, so I hope you can listen without getting defensive. Your body emits a strong smell of blood. It probably means that you have killed many people. I hope you can refrain from further killing. The more you kill others, the more it will corrupt you. Eventually, time will catch up with you, and you will become consumed by your own violence. I hope you can exercise self-restraint before that happens."

Unsong was sincere.

From the moment Pyo Wol entered the room, the nauseating smell of blood was overwhelming. It was hard to imagine how many people had to be killed for such a potent blood scent to linger in the body. Perhaps it was the emergence of an unprecedented killer, but Pyo Wol's gaze was too deep to be dismissed as just that.

It wasn't clear whether he was completely consumed by evil, but there was no sign of him being corrupted. However, that didn't guarantee that he would remain uncorrupted.

"If you become consumed by your violence and start killing, I will be the first to act. I will stop your violence with my own hands. Do you understand?"

"Are you finished speaking?"


"If you're done talking, I will leave now."

Pyo Wol stood up from his seat.


Unsong looked at his back as he opened the door and left without hesitation, wearing a disappointed expression. He wanted to grab Pyo Wol's hand right away but couldn't move because he had to give internal energy to Jin Wol-Myeong.

Even Jin Siwoo, who had guided Pyo Wol, followed him out, leaving only Unsong and Jin Wol-Myeong in the room.


Unsong eventually sighed.

What he originally intended to say was different, but he ended up saying something irrelevant again.

It was all because of the smell of blood emanating from Pyo Wol's body, which he had never experienced before. The scent instantly paralyzed his senses. He even thought that if he, who had undergone long training, could be affected like this, what about others?

That's when it happened.


Jin Wol-Myeong exhaled deeply.

Unsong stopped giving inner energy as his mind and body calmed down.

With a calm expression, Jin Wol-Myeong asked Unsong, "Why did you let him go? If you leave him be, many people will surely die."

"I didn't have the confidence to subdue him."

Jin Wol-Myeong was incredulous. "What...?"

"It's true. I didn't have the confidence to subdue that kid. If I tried to subdue him, it would have been a life-or-death struggle, and I didn't want to risk it."

Unsong smiled bitterly.

True to the reputation of being the strongest in Shaolin Temple, Unsong possessed formidable martial arts skills, but fundamentally he was a Buddhist monk who revered the Buddha.

He didn't have Pyo Wol's fighting spirit or willingness to risk any injury.

In a way, he might have been oppressed by Pyo Wol's energy.

Unsong cautiously spoke to Lord Jin, "That kid has already exceeded the level of a late-stage Martial Artist. So please be careful in dealing with him, Lord Jin."

"I cannot accept that."

"I am Jin Wol-Myeong, the Falling Sun God Sword. Even though I suffered shame from that poison, I will never lose to such a young kid once I recover my true strength."

Jin Wol-Myeong gritted his teeth.

At the most critical moment for Jin Manor, he lay like a corpse and could not do anything. That fact made him feel ashamed.

He intentionally raised his voice to Pyo Wol to conceal his shame.

It was a psychological state that young people could not understand, but Unsong understood Jin Wol-Myeong's mindset. It was the struggle of an old man who wanted to maintain his dignity.

Jin Wol-Myeong continued to struggle after that.

Unsong waited for Jin Wol-myeong to calm down before asking, "Now, please tell me. Who did this to you? Who dared to harm the leader of Jin Manor?"

"He called himself the Poison King," Jin Wol-myeong replied.

"The Poison King?"



The horse neighed happily upon seeing Pyo Wol as if greeting him.

Most of Jin Manor had been reduced to ruins, but Masa was fine.

He was lucky to have avoided the catastrophe.

Pyo Wol communicated with the horse by tapping its neck for a moment.

Jin Si-Woo silently watched Pyo Wol's interaction with the horse.

At that moment, a young man entered Masa's stable.

"Ah! You're here."

The man who looked at them and pondered for a moment was none other than Nam Gung-Wol.


Jin Si-woo quickly surrounded him.

Nam Gung-Wol smiled and patted Jin Si-woo's shoulder.

"You've been through a lot."

"It was all thanks to you. We were able to survive because of you."

When the Snow Sword Manor's army invaded, Nam Gung-Wol stepped forward and fought them off. The damages would have been even greater if it weren't for him.

That's why Jin Siwoo thought of Nam Gung-Wol as his saviour.

Nam Gung-Wol's gaze turned to Pyo Wol.

"Are you leaving?"

"I have to."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know."

"You don't have a specific destination?"

"That's right."

"Then stay here in Yeonnam a few more days. I think there will be interesting things to see."

"Interesting things...?"

"Aren't you curious about what will happen to Kangho in the future? You'll probably find out if you stay in Yeonnam a little longer."

Nam Gung-Wol looked at him meaningfully.


Pyo Wol returned to his lodging after leaving Jin Manor.

He ordered the innkeeper to give the horses plenty of good food. Jin family was in such a crisis that they had no energy to take care of the horse properly, and as a result, the horse was weak and skinny.

Even if he was not in a hurry to leave Yeonnam, he still needed to stay there for a few more days to allow the horse to recover his strength.

After entrusting the horse to the innkeeper's care, Pyo Wol returned to his room.

Since he had to stay a few more days, he focused on completely healing his injuries.

Pyo Wol sat down in a meditative posture and began to practice the "Mind and Body Unification Method." For a master like him, examining his own body at this level was not difficult.

As he practiced the technique, the heat rose from his body. His internal energy became more and more concentrated.

One thousand, two thousand...

Pyo Wol spent nearly two days in meditation, and when he emerged from his room on the third day, his injuries had been completely healed. However, he had neglected to eat or drink for two days and looked emaciated.

He asked the innkeeper to bring him some food, and he happily delivered it to his room in exchange for a tip.

As he had abstained from food and drink for two days, he needed to eat a large amount to regain his strength.

Pyo Wol chewed every last bite of the abundant food that the innkeeper had brought him.

Once his stomach was full, his complexion returned to normal, and his skin regained its lustre.

Pyo Wol pushed his empty plates aside and contemplated.

"Transfiguration (이형환위)."

As he regained some of his strength, memories of his battle with the Black Cloud Corps came flooding back.

Pyo Wol had used the "Transfiguration" technique to deceive Jang Muryang and take his life.

It was an improvised technique at the time, but upon reflection, Pyo Wol realized it was a brilliant move.

"If I can further develop the 'transfiguration', it will undoubtedly become a secret weapon."

The key to "transfiguration" was to deceive the human eye.

It involved moving quickly, mesmerizing the opponent with afterimages, and attacking when they were off-guard.

Jang Muryang was also a victim of this technique.

Although his martial arts were undoubtedly exceptional, the deaths of his subordinates had shaken his composure, making it impossible for him to make proper judgments. Thus, he was lethargically killed.

The problem was when he would face real masters.

Masters with the skill level of at least Pyo Wol are not easily swayed or mesmerized by ordinary psychological warfare.

Deceiving their eyes required more than just typical techniques.

Pyo Wol sat down in a cross-legged position and focused on transfiguration.

Once he grabbed onto a topic, Pyo Wol's method was to see it through.

He was a martial artist born that way.

Pyo Wol continued to ponder on how to further develop transfiguration.

"I need to strengthen the residual image to make it feel more tangible."

The first method that came to mind was, of course, inner qi.

It was an unrealistic method to impart inner qi into the residual image to give it a tangible presence, to the extent that if others knew of Pyo Wol's thoughts, they would have thought he was crazy and told him to stop immediately.

The Taoists speak of a "primordial deity" (원신) that Pyo Wol considered.

Those who have attained the Divine Realm can cultivate the primordial deity, a condensed form of qi or yin. Initially, it is about the size of a six-year-old child, but it grows larger as one advance in training.

Pyo Wol didn't even want to cultivate the Primordial deity of the Taoists

He only wanted enough subtlety to deceive his opponent for a moment.

Pyo Wol used his internal energy and released it outward.


In an instant, the objects in the room exploded as if struck by lightning.

He had released too much internal energy, causing a shockwave.

"Oh my goodness! What happened?"

Suddenly, the innkeeper's urgent voice could be heard from outside.

He was startled by the loud noise and ran in.

Pyo Wol told him, "It's nothing."


"I'll compensate for the broken objects later, so don't come in."

"I understand."

The innkeeper stepped back with a response.

Pyo Wol emitted his inner strength again as his presence disappeared, weaker than before but still flowing steadily.

Pyo Wol thought this method was similar to how the Soul reaping thread released its inner strength. When he thought about it, the Soul reaping thread was also an extraordinary martial art that no longer existed.

He had never seen anyone use martial arts in this way before.

"If I can extract Soul reaping thread even more finely and compress it together?"

It wouldn't matter if the form didn't last long. As long as it stayed together for a moment, it would be powerful enough.

Pyo Wol tried to release his inner strength in a way that extracted Soul reaping thread and created the same form as himself.


In the process, the bed broke.

Nevertheless, Pyo Wol did not give up and continued to attempt the method he had thought of.


This time, the window shattered and burst open.

However, Pyo Wol's attempts continued.

"One more time!"

His attempt naturally ended in failure.

And he tried again.

Editor's Happy Moment Share:

Hey folks,

Guess what? Last night, I received a virtual coffee from a complete stranger, and it totally made my day! This is my first time getting a surprise caffeine fix from someone I don't know, and boy, does it feel good. (Screenshot here, incase you want to check)

Why am I so stoked, you ask? Well, for starters, I've been stuck using a busted mouse to edit the MTL’ s, and it's been a real pain in the rear. But thanks to the generous donation, I might be able to finally retire my current mouse and get my hands on a new one that won't make me feel like I'm working out at the gym.

Seriously though, I am beyond grateful for any support I receive, big or small. Without your support, guys, I can't do anything. It's thanks to people like you that I can keep churning out these MTL’s. So, a massive thank you to the mystery donor who made my day! You rock!

Oh, and @someone(username), you especially rock! Your donation has inspired me to put out not one, not two, but three or four chapters today as a token of my appreciation. I hope they're good enough to repay you for your kindness. I was thinking of adding even more chapters, but it takes time to edit quality MTLs, so I will do my best to bring as many chapters as I can.

P.S. If any generous soul out there wants to support my editing journey, I would be eternally grateful for your help in funding a new mouse that won't leave my hands feeling like I've been through a boxing match. Additionally, if you'd like to contribute to the cost of editing my MTL translations, it would be a huge help and allow me to keep bringing you quality content. Every little bit helps, and I truly appreciate any support you can provide. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity! 

Thanks again and Cheers!!(❁´◡`❁)