Reaper of The Drifting Moon mtl, chapter 288
Reaper of The Drifting Moon mtl, chapter 288

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

Pyo Wol saw Jin Si-Woo

"Older Brother!"

As soon as he entered, Jin Si-Woo greeted him warmly.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay."

Jin Si-Woo 's complexion was pale.

He had suffered severe injuries while trying to stop ManSlaughter. But fortunately, Han Yucheon intervened just in time to save his life, but he suffered internal injuries for several days.

He wished to focus on practicing martial arts and meditation, but unfortunately, he was not given such a luxury.

He had to negotiate with the enemy and take care of the wounded. He had to rebuild the destroyed houses and reorganize Jin Manor.

A mountain of work was all his responsibility.

That's why he barely managed to get the job done with the minimum amount of martial arts training.

Jin Si-Woo asked Pyo Wol, "How have you been?"

He had no idea what Pyo Wol had been doing outside, as he had been too busy handling internal affairs and had no time to pay attention to external matters.

"I hope you've been well."

"I'm sorry for leaving like that...."

"It's okay. I wasn't planning to stay in this place for long anyway."


And then, at that moment:

"Why are you coming back now?"

A familiar voice was heard.

Turning his head, he saw a small girl looking at him with her arms crossed around her waist and her eyes fixed on Pyo Wol.

It was Jin Seol-Ah, Jin Si-Woo 's younger sister.

There was a hint of resentment in her eyes as she looked at Pyo Wol.

"Are you okay?"

"Chet! Where have you been?"

"Here and there...."

"Why didn't you just come back here instead of going somewhere else?"

Jin Seol-Ah knew Pyo Wol had left because of the conflict with the Shaolin monk.

She knew it was unavoidable, but her heart was still heavy.

She was still at an age where she was more influenced by her emotions than her reasoning.

She asked, "Now that the fight is over, will you stay here again?"

"I came to get my horse."

"You're just leaving again?"

"I have to go now."

"No, I don't want you to."

Suddenly, Jin Seol-Ah ran over and hugged Pyo Wol's waist.

Her eyes were filled with tears.

A young girl's heart was like a reed, reacting subtly to even the slightest changes.

Pyo Wol did not try to comfort Jin Seol-Ah.

There was no need to cling to sentimentality when he had to leave anyway.

Jin Si-Woo looked at Pyo Wol and Jin Seol-Ah with puzzled expressions.

He had not expected his younger sister to be so attached to Pyo Wol.

During the battle with Snow Sword Manor, Jin Seol-Ah had to endure a long night alone without anyone's protection.

The situation in Jin Manor was urgent, and Jin Si-Woo was injured and unable to protect Jin Seol-Ah.

Having survived such hardships, Jin Seol-Ah was exhausted. That's why she instinctively sought someone to rely on and cling to.

Knowing this situation, Jin Si-Woo could not blame Jin Seol-Ah.

Pyo Wol spoke calmly, "I have to go. Don't you know that?"

"Don't you have to stay here?" Jin Seol-Ah asked.

"This isn't my home," Pyo Wol replied.

"Even if it's not your home, you can stay here for a long time, can't you?" Jin Seol-Ah pleaded.

"I've already stayed here long enough," Pyo Wol said.

"But..." Jin Seol-Ah started to protest.

"This is your home. If you don't help, brother, who will?" Pyo Wol calmly persuaded her.

Jin Seol-Ah realized she could never escape Pyo Wol's calm demeanor.

"Will you visit here if you pass by?" Jin Seol-Ah asked.

"I will," Pyo Wol answered.

"Did you promise?" Jin Seol-Ah asked.

"I did," Pyo Wol confirmed.

"Okay. I'll see you off," Jin Seol-Ah said.

Jin Seol-Ah stepped back with a disappointed expression.

Finally, Jin Siwoo stepped forward.

"Oh, by the way, grandfather has woken up. Before you leave, please pay your respects to him. He wants to see you, older brother."


"Yes! Fortunately, he regained some strength by taking the Great Healing Pill of Shaolin Temple. It will take a lot of time to recover his original state of martial arts, but even just regaining his senses is a miracle in itself."

Unsong willingly provided the Great Healing Pill for Jin Wol-myeong's use. 

Making the Great Healing Pill was very complicated, and there were only a few in Shaolin Temple.

Fortunately, Unsong had one of them, and he gave it to Jin Wol-myeong, a respected guest.

Unsong gave the Great Healing Pill to Jin Wol-myeong and helped restore his martial arts.

It was commonly known that Shaolin Temple's rigorous training could strengthen practitioners' bones and muscles and widen their blood vessels to master martial arts. However, the Great Healing Pill also had excellent effects on the practice of internal energy.

Not only for oneself but also for others.

The synergy of strengthening the bones and muscles and taking the Great Healing Pill instantly improved Jin Wol-myeong's condition. As a result, he was able to regain his senses.

Together with Jin Siwoo, Pyo Wol headed towards Jin Wol-myeong's residence.

In the room of Jin Wol-myeong sat a formidable-looking female monk.

Intuitively, Pyo Wol realized that this monk held a high position within Shaolin.

Beside her sat an old man with a beard, barely able to sit up against the wall. He was Jin Si-Woo 's grandfather, Jin Wol-myeong.

Jin Si-Woo introduced Pyo Wol to both of them.

"I have brought older brother Pyo Wol with me."

"Please have a seat."

At Jin Wol-myeong's words, Pyo Wol and Jin Si-Woo took their seats.

Despite his frail appearance, Jin Wol-myeong's eyes were sharp and piercing.
Jin Wol-myeong fixed his gaze on Pyo Wol.

“You said you came from Chengdu? I found out that there was a lot of notoriety there.”

His voice contained a hint of hostility. Jin Si-Woo quickly interjected.


"Quiet. I am speaking to him, not to you. Show some respect."

"He is a benefactor to our family."

"What did he do to make him the benefactor to the our family?"

Jin Wol-myeong's eyes blazed with anger.

Jin Si-Woo looked embarrassed.

Due to being in a long-term coma, Jin Wol-myeong was not aware of the outside world, and he had a stubborn side that made it difficult for him to listen to others.

It was never easy to get Jin Wol-myeong to understand.

Jin Wol-myeong asked Pyo Wol

"Speak with your mouth. Is your notoriety really that great?"

"If it were me...."


"I would stay quiet."

"How dare you!"

In an instant, Jin Woo-myeong's eyebrows shot up in anger, but Pyo Wol continued to speak.

"So what's next? Do you still think you're doing well? Do you think I'll be scared if you get angry like that?"

"How dare you...."

Jin Wol-myeong's shoulders trembled.

He was an absolute master of Kangho.

The nickname "Falling Sun God Sword" was not just something he acquired easily. He gained it by drenching his sword in the blood of countless others.

He didn't become one of the Eight Constellations for nothing.

No one had ever dared to look him straight and say such words.

"Don't fool yourself. I didn't help you because of you. It was because of Jin Geom Woo. I thought he wouldn't be lonely with a younger brother like Si Woo and friends who followed and trusted him. But now I realize he must have been lonely for a man of his family to be so isolated and selfish. He probably never confided in you because you wouldn't listen if he did."

"What if your grandfather was the most famous swordsman in the world? He was so deaf that he wouldn't hear a word anyone said to him. It wouldn't have mattered if he had told you. That's why he carried all the burdens alone. He had no one to share them with."

"Stop, stop!"

Jin Wol-myeong shouted.

His complexion had noticeably paled.

At that moment, Unsong put a hand on Jin Wol-myeong's chest and said.

"Keep it in the heart. Lord Jin!"

A gentle aura arose from his heart, calming Jin Wol-myeong's mind and body.

"You have an impressive spirit. Even though he’s been sick for a long time, you can still encourage Lord Jin with just a few words."

"Who are you, anyway?"

"Who, me?"

"Isn't it better to introduce yourself first if you're meeting someone for the first time?"

"You're a fanatic, aren't you, now that you've earned the title of Reaper?"

"Then I guess you learned nothing in Shaolin except to fight people."


"You and I are seeing each other for the first time here today. So why are you calling me a fanatic?"


Unsong's face showed surprise, but he had no answer because Pyo Wol's statement was entirely accurate.

Although Unsong was a high-ranking monk at Shaolin Temple, that did not give him the authority to oppose Pyo Wol.

"Amitabha! Amitabha!"

Unsong closed his eyes tightly and suppressed his anger. And as a reputable senior monk, he quickly regained his composure.

"I made a mistake because my emotions were overwhelming. I am a messenger from Shaolin Temple. Have you ever heard of my name?"


"Haha! Have you never even heard of me?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not particularly interested in Shaolin Temple."

"Not interested? Haha!"

"I'm too busy dealing with what's in front of me to have the time and energy to care about Shaolin Temple."

"What are you so busy with?"

"If I tell you, will you understand?"


"Don't pretend that you can understand if I tell you. You wouldn't understand or accept it anyway."

Unsong's face turned red as he tried to maintain his composure against Pyo Wol's harsh words.

"He's cutting with his words. No matter what I say, it stabs me painfully."

This wasn't the original plan.

He planned to show his dignity and make Pyo Wol bow his head. However, as he spoke, the situation became more tangled, and he lost his words.

Unsong stared at Pyo Wol, hoping to break through his spirit.

His face was more than just beautiful like a woman's. His pride and confidence surpassed the average person. It seemed like no matter what he and Jin Wol-myeong said; they wouldn't be able to shake Pyo Wol's resolve.

Unsong realized his mistake.

Approaching a man like this with such an intimidating attitude was a mistake.
Numerous thoughts crossed his mind in an instant.

Suddenly, he felt self-loathing.

He had underestimated Pyo Wol, who he had thought was just an assassin, while he was agonizing over making excuses like this.


He let out a sigh.

Numerous emotions were mixed in that short exhale.

After he sighed, he felt a little more at ease.

He spoke politely to Pyo Wol.

"I'm sorry. I apologize for all the mistakes made by Shaolin. Apologize for the wrong judgment of Unhae and Seongam, for driving you out of Jin Manor, and for my inappropriate remarks. Please forgive us."

Jin Si-Woo blinked, thinking he had misheard.

It was impossible in his common sense.

He knew better than anyone how proud Shaolin was.

Furthermore, Unsong was no different from an important figure in the Shaolin Temple. It was a shock to Jin Si-Woo that he was apologizing to Pyo Wol, who was much younger than him.

Even Jin Wol-myeong, who received support from Unsong, was surprised.

"What did that skinny guy say that made Unsong apologize?"

Jin Wol-myeong had been in a coma for a long time, so he only knew Pyo Wol as a skinny guy. That's why he didn't understand Unsong's polite apology.

Even at that moment, Unsong's words continued.

"Honestly, this was a clear mistake on our part. We should have intervened in time but waited and missed the opportunity instead. That's how things got so big. If we were supposed to be the strength of Kang Ho, We should have acted accordingly, but we didn't. I am sorry for you, and I'm sorry for Jin Manor. I know this won't make you feel better, but it will make me feel better."


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