Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 287
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 287

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

The winner of the epic battle in Yeonnam was Jin Manor.

The news spread quickly that Jin Manor had achieved an overwhelming victory.

Many people were surprised, because those who did not know the internal situation thought Snow Sword Manor had the upper hand.

The factions and people who had supported Snow Sword Manor were in a difficult situation.

They thought Snow Sword Manor would win and provided human and material resources. However, with the victory of the Jin family, not only were their investments wasted, but they now had to worry about the revenge of the Jin family.

The factions near Yeonnam were especially worried, as they were under Jin Manor's influence.

No one could have stopped Jin Manor if they had decided to take revenge.

Fortunately, Jin Manor was focused on cleaning up the mess inside, and there were no signs of revenge.

Many people were relieved by this.

Once they found peace of mind, people began to admire the key players who led Jin Manor to victory.

The first name on everyone's lips was Jin Si-Woo, the Lord of Jin Manor.

After leading Jin Manor to victory following the deaths of Jin Geom-Woo and Jin Wol-myeong's sickness, people called him "Meteor Sword" and praised him.

Jin Si-Woo, the Meteor Sword, had now become the most talked-about warrior in Kangho.

Many others also became famous and gained recognition from the people.

However, the name Pyo Wol was rarely mentioned.

Pyo Wol had never officially participated in the fight between Jin Manor and Snow Sword Manor.

Most people thought that he had not played any role in this fight. So, when people talked about the fight between Jin Manor and Snow Sword Manor, they left out Pyo Wol's story.

Pyo Wol was still an obscure person. But he didn't care because he had not come to seek fame.

He sat by the window on the upper floor of the inn and looked at Jin Manor in the distance.

On his desk, there was quite a lot of food laid out, but Pyo Wol didn't even touch the food and just stared at it.

It had only been a few days since the fight with Snow Sword Manor had ended, and Jin Manor seemed to have found a lot of stability.

Even if they suffered the same damage, the atmosphere of the winner and the loser could not be the same. Countless people visited Jin Manor to congratulate them on their victory.

Especially those who were in high positions were lining up to visit.

The fall of Golden Mountain Manor was a hot topic of conversation in Yeonam, overshadowing the defeat of Snow Sword Manor.

Golden Mountain Manor's lord, Geum Shin-Chung, lost his life in an attack by assassins. As a result, Golden Mountain Manor was divided into quarters.

Those who claimed to be Geum Shin-Chung's loyal followers fought among themselves to take control of Golden Mountain Manor's vast wealth.

As a result, Golden Mountain Manor was torn apart.

The fall of Golden Mountain Manor was a great shock in Yeonam. Now, there was no faction left in Yeonnam to check Jin Manor.

Jin Si-Woo was still young and could lead Jin Manor for decades.

That also meant that Jin Manor could dominate Yeonnam for decades to come.

That's why merchants lined up to enter Jin Manor's estate.

They donated large sums of money to Jin Manor and hoped to continue their relationship with them.

Thanks to them, Jin Manor experienced a surge in popularity.

Then it happened.

"Why, are you pleased?"

A curt voice rang in Pyo Wol's ears.

Turning his head, he saw a middle-aged warrior with a sword.

The man, who seemed to be one with his sword even though he stood naturally, was none other than the Sword Saint Han Yucheon.

Han Yucheon sat in the front seat without asking for Pyo Wol's permission.

"I had a visit from ManSlaughter. He seemed to be under someone's orders. Is the person who ordered him the same as the one who killed Won Ga-Young?"

"There is a good chance it is."

"Who? The one who killed my disciple."

Not long ago, Han Yucheon did not believe in Pyo Wol. Despite high praise from his disciple Won Ga-Young, he could not trust Pyo Wol due to the prejudice that he was an assassin.

However, now he had no choice but to believe him because he realized from the battle with ManSlaughter that he was under someone's command.

He tried to subdue ManSlaughter to find out the truth, but ManSlaughter was not an easy opponent. Ultimately, his attempt to subdue ManSlaughter failed, and he did not uncover the truth.

That's why Han Yucheon came to find Pyo Wol.

While people only paid attention to the fact that Jin Manor had won, Han Yucheon knew the hidden truth behind it. Without Pyo Wol, Jin Manor could never have won.

After the battle with ManSlaughter ended, he left Jin Manor and went to the Snow Sword Manor and there he saw the people who had lost their lives to Pyo Wol.

If it weren't for Pyo Wol, they would have also been involved in the battle with Jin Manor, and the damage would have been more significant.

And they would not have been able to enjoy the glory of victory as they do now.

Because he saw it with his eyes, he could now believe Pyo Wol's words.

"Who is it? Who is responsible for my disciple's death?"

"It is the Guryongsalmak." (Kowloon assassins guild)

"Guryongsalmak? I have never heard of it before."

"That is because they're a very secretive group."

"Tell me everything you know."

Han Yucheon spoke, holding back his anger.

Pyo Wol looked at Han Yucheon's face for a moment, wondering if he could trust him.

He thought back to what Han Yucheon had said when they first met.

―If you can find the one who killed that child and help me get revenge, I will stand by your side even if all the people of the Kangho insult you and treat you like a criminal. This is a promise made under the name of Sword Saint.

The emotion Han Yucheon showed at that time was certainly not fake.

"We don't know the origin of Guryongsalmak. One thing is certain, though they are completely different from the existing factions in Kangho. They exist, but like shadows, they have no substance. They hire assassins and mercenaries to create the environment they want and dispatch key personnel to command them."

"Why go to such lengths? With that kind of power, they could reveal themselves confidently."

"I don't know why they work so secretly. However, I do know that they have many enemies, and they need to protect themselves."

"I think it is much better to be in a secluded place than in a crowded one, or maybe they might have been in a great crisis when they were in a crowded place."


"They don't want their existence to be revealed. But they still want to control the flow of the river. That's why they're doing things behind the scenes, like sending exceptional talents like Lee Yul, the general of Snow Sword Manor."

"Such a group exists in the world?"

Han Yucheon looked incredulous.

He would never have believed it if someone other than Pyo Wol had said this. But Pyo Wol was not a liar, and he himself saw that ManSlaughter had been instigated by someone and had invaded the Jin Manor.

There was no reason not to believe it.

"So what is their purpose? What do they gain by doing this? They cannot even gain honor if they can't act openly."

"Honor is not so important to them."

"Honor is not important? How can a Kangho warrior not care about honor...?"

"That's the difference between them and the existing factions and Martial
Artists. What is important to them is the outcome. They can do anything for it."

"It's hard to believe. But now that the evidence is clear, there's no reason not to believe it. Hoo!"

Han Yucheon sighed.

He was an experienced and cunning Martial Artist.

He had the instinct and intuition to quickly detect whether someone was lying. That's why he instinctively realized that Pyo Wol was telling the truth.

"Did you say they have no existence?"

"For now...the aftermath of what happened in Yeonnam is quite significant, so they will restrain themselves for a while. But someday, they will do something like this again. Until then, we have to wait and see..."

Lee Yul and Guryongsalmak disappeared entirely without a trace.

No matter how good Han Yucheon was at tracking, it was only possible to track them when he had something. But someday they would move again.

They had to keep moving to create an environment that was advantageous to them.

"When you figure out who they are, let me know first. I will erase them from this world. Moreover, if you ever need my help, find me anytime. I will gladly assist you."

It was the promise of the great warrior Han Yucheon, who carried the weight of a million nyangs.

When Pyo Wol nodded silently, Han Yu-Cheon stood up from his seat.

"Well then, see you next time."

Han Yucheon jumped out the window and disappeared.

Pyo Wol, who was left alone, briefly looked in the direction where Han Yucheon had disappeared before starting to focus on his meal.

Although he appeared fine on the outside, his current physical state was no joke. He had suffered severe internal and external injuries from consecutive battles.

He somewhat treated his internal injuries with martial arts healing techniques, his stamina had deteriorated. To regain his strength, he had to eat well.

That's why Pyo Wol ordered more dishes than usual.

He started chewing every bite of the numerous dishes he had ordered.


Something wriggled and moved inside his clothes at that moment.

After a moment, a silver snake revealed itself slightly from between the collar and the sleeve. It was a Gwia.

Pyo Wol gently stroked Gwia's head with his left hand, which he didn't use chopsticks with. Gwia closed his eyes and flicked his small tongue as if feeling good.

He touched Gwia with one hand while using chopsticks with the other.

As he kept eating, he felt the heat rising inside his body.

It was a good sign.

Feeling the heat in the body was evidence that physical activity was taking place.

Pyo Wol savored the physical response and gently stroked Gwia. But his peace did not last long.

"Let's talk."

Someone came up the stairs with a familiar voice in their ear. Pyo Wol turned his head to see Hong Yushin approaching.

In an instant, Gwia quietly hid in his clothes.

Gwia hated revealing himself to anyone other than Pyo Wol.

There was a dark shadow in the corner of Hong Yushin's eye.

He sat in the front seat without asking for Pyo Wol's permission. It was highly unusual for him not to show respect to others.

Pyo Wol looked at him for a moment before speaking.

"It must have been hard."


Instead of answering, Hong Yushin let out a deep sigh.

He was someone who didn't usually show real emotions. However, he was mentally exhausted enough to sigh without thinking.

"When Jin Manor was attacked, the branch was attacked too."


"They were like ghosts. They found and killed only key personnel as if they knew everything about the organization's structure, which made it impossible for the sect to respond properly."

"The attackers had a perfect understanding of the structure of the Hao Clan's Yeonam Branch."

"Their lightning-fast attack completely destroyed the command structure of the Hao Clan's Yeonam Branch."

Only Hong Yushin was able to escape and survive.

As a result, the Hao Clan Yeonam Branch suffered significant damage, and Hong Yushin had to stay up all night for several days to try to fix the situation.

Hong Yushin carried out the aftermath, shedding tears of blood. Many of those who lost their lives were people he knew.

As always, facing the death of someone you know caused great emotional pain.

In that terrible pain, Hong Yushin managed to repair the broken Hao Clan's Yeonam Branch and came here to find Pyo Wol.

Hong Yushin asked directly, "Who are those bastards?"


"You know it, don't you?"

"I warned you. There are people watching. It was you who ignored my warning and let your guard down. But why should I believe you or tell you anything?"

"That...was my mistake. It won't happen again."

Hong Yushin bit his lips.

It was clear that Pyo Wol had warned him before.

If he had appropriately responded at that time, such a disaster would not have happened again. That's why it was even more lamentable.

"I promise. If you tell me clues about them, I will investigate properly this time."


"And I promise full support for master Pyo. I will arrange for you to get the information you need no matter which branch you go to. How about it?"

It was undeniable that the Hao Clan had the most extensive information network in the world.

It may be uncertain, but quantitatively. No faction could match Hao Clan.

It was a good proposal for Pyo Wol too.

What he needed most now was information on the entire area of Kangho.

If he could obtain vast amounts of information, it was possible to analyze it with his own strength alone.



"They call themselves Guryongsalmak. Lee Yul, the general of Snow Sword Manor, is one of them."

"Guryongsalmak... Guryongsalmak."

Hong Yushin repeated the name several times.

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