Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 286
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 286

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

"Unsong looked straight at Han Yucheon and said, "Isn't it too hasty of you to judge?'

"Do you think it is too much?"

"After all, it ended with the victory of the Jin family."

"That's why you hear that some of you don't understand the world. Just because we won the battle, can we fix the divided public opinion? No, those who sided with Snow Sword Manor will harbor even greater resentment after today's defeat."

"But we can't just kill them all. We need to heal their emotional wounds..."

"Do you think they'll just accept that and laugh it off? They are proud people. Even as outcasts, they will dwell on today's defeat."

"We have to accept that, don't we?"


Han Yucheon sighed in frustration at Unsong's response.

Han Yucheon looked at Unsong with a pitiful expression.

Unsong's martial arts were similar to his own. In fact, in terms of pure martial prowess, Unsong was undoubtedly stronger.

The power accumulated by the Shaolin Temple over a thousand years was certainly remarkable, and Unsong inherited that essence fully.

Unsong's martial arts, which mastered twelve of the seventy-two divine techniques, were superior to Han Yucheon. However, regarding perspective on the world, Unsong fell far short of Han Yucheon.

It was a limit of living in seclusion and piling up knowledge without experiencing the world.

Because they have never experienced the world's cruel public opinion and intense struggles, they think that others will also follow righteousness like themselves.

"Now people will know. How selfish the large factions that dominate the current Kangho are. And how disconnected they are from reality. And they must have seen how pompous they are with their own eyes."

"And that's why they'll act as they please?"

"It means their psychological barrier has collapsed."

"But it's still useless. Do you think Shaolin will sit back and watch as the chaos unfolds? What about Mount Wudang? Mount Hua? And Heavenly Martial Gate? Impossible. As long as they are thriving, the chaos will never start."

The voice of monk Unsong was filled with a firm belief that never wavered.


Han Yucheon clicked his tongue while looking at the Unsong.

To those with a strong belief like Unsong, it was useless no matter how much one talked. It's because they thought their thoughts were right.

In fact, he thought that no matter what happened, the power of the Shaolin Temple would be enough to get him through.

If the Shaolin Temple wasn't enough, he could align himself with Mount Wudang and the Heavenly Martial Gate.

It wasn't baseless arrogance.

They had enough power to suppress the chaos. The problem was that the world's affairs were not solved simply by force.

The currents of the world sometimes create unexpected turning points, and if one doesn't respond properly at these times, it can quickly lead to the worst situation.

Han Yucheon thought this was such a turning point.

Unsong, who had spent his life in a peaceful temple, lacked the eyes to see the flow of the world. That's why he thought so comfortable even in the same situation.


Han Yucheon let out a sigh.

"Unsong asked him, 'Where is Jin Siwoo now?'

"If it's Jin Mnanor's little one, he would be by his grandfather's side."

"You mean Jin Wol-myeong?"

"That's right."

"What is his condition?"

"Go see for yourself. If there are any leftover medical supplies, take them."

'Is it that serious?'

'I told you to check for yourself. Jeez, you talk too much without any sense of awareness.'

Han Yucheon sheathed the sword he was holding in his hand and walked past Unsong.

'Where are you going?'

'I have someone to meet.'


'A cocky punk.'

'What for?'


"There is such a person. Then I'm off."

With that, Han Yucheon took off and disappeared.

Unsong watched the direction in which he disappeared for a while.

"Phew! Was I being too optimistic? No. Shaolin can handle any situation that comes his way."

Unsong rolled his eyes and walked into Jin Manor's territory.


Pyo Wol sat on a small rock and caught his breath.

His muscles convulsed due to the aftereffects of the intense fight that lasted all night.

This wasn't the first time he had fought in a battle like this, but today felt particularly difficult.

It felt like he was fighting a ghost with no substance.

Despite fighting fiercely, he couldn't catch Lee Yul and only killed the insignificant Baek Do-Gyeong.

Heuk-Ho or Black Cloud Corps were all just mercenaries unrelated to Lee Yul.

In the end, all Pyo Wol learned was the name "Guryongsalmak(Kowloon Assassins Guild)."

Considering the number of people he killed, the information he found was too trivial. But Pyo Wol was never disappointed.

Anything has a modest beginning.

The name "Guryongsalmak" itself was a big clue for Pyo Wol. Although it was daunting at the moment, he would be able to approach the truth with time and information gathering.


Pyo Wol suddenly stood up from the rock.

He thought he had lost all contact with Guryongsalmak, but one thing remained.

"Golden Mountain Manor."

Guryongsalmak and Lee Yul had thoroughly used others for their purposes. They put Snow Sword Manor in front and hired Heuk Ho and Black Cloud Corps with money, completely hiding Guryongsalmak's involvement by placing unrelated people in front of them.

And it was Lee Yul who brought Golden Mountain Manor to Snow Sword Manor.

Although Geum Shin-Chung gained little by helping Snow Sword Manor, he willingly became Snow Sword Manor's rear. Of course, Pyo Wol withdrew support by killing his daughter.

Geum Shin-Chung was more sensitive to profits than anyone else and would not help Snow Sword Manor for no reason.

"He surely knows something about Lee Yul and Guryongsalmak."

Snow Sword Manor was destroyed last night, but Golden Mountain Manor was still alive.

It was certain that Geum Shin-Chung would either run away or hide when he heard the news of Snow Sword Manor's destruction. He had to capture him and find out about Guryongsalmak before that happened.

Pyo Wol left Snow Sword Manor and headed towards Golden Mountain Manor.

Finding Golden Mountain Manor was relatively easy.

He just needed to find the largest mansion in the area.

Countless guards were standing guard around Golden Mountain Manor's outskirts. But avoiding their gaze was nothing to Pyo Wol.

Pyo Wol silently infiltrated Golden Mountain Manor And he searched for Geum Shin-Chung's residence.

It was easy to find Geum Shin-Chung's residence in Golden Mountain Manor. He just needed to find the most heavily guarded place within the mansion.

Pyo Wol looked at the huge hall that seemed to be Geum Shin-Chung's residence from the large tree.

There was a stern fence around the whole compound, but it wasn't enough to stop Pyo-Wol. He spread his stealth skills and infiltrated the compound quietly.

It was difficult to penetrate the compound in the first place, but once he was inside, it wasn't that hard.

Geum Shin-Chung hated the idea of someone entering his personal space, so he guarded the compound like a steel fortress, and no one had ever been able to enter.

Thanks to that, Pyo Wol walked through the compound as if in his own house.

As he got closer to Geum Shin-Chung's room, Pyo-wol's expression became stiff. It was because he had a strange feeling.


Pyo Wol hurriedly opened Geum Shin-Chung's door.

Thud! Thud!

Inside the room, a woman stood with a short sword dripping with blood.


The woman opened her eyes wide and looked at Pyo Wol.

Pyo Wol looked at the fat man lying on the floor before the woman. The man, who was bleeding and whose neck was twisted like a fat pig, was Geum Shin-Chung, the owner of Golden Mountain Manor.

He was killed by the woman in his own residence.

The problem was that the woman who had killed Geum Shin-Chung was someone Pyo Wol knew.

"How did you get here?"

The woman, Hong Ye-Seol, looked at Pyo Wol, puzzled.

Pyo Wol asked her, "Why did you kill him?"

"I was hired to do it."


"Yes, it's a request."

"Who is the client?"

"Hoho! Why do you ask? It's tacky. You know I can't reveal the client's name as long as the contract is in effect."

Hong Ye-Seol said it as if it were obvious.

"Didn't you terminate your contract with Lee Yul?"

"That was a previous contract."

"With whom?"

"I said I can't tell you."

Hong Ye-Seol grinned.

In contrast, Pyo Wol's expression became even colder.

"Did you receive a bundled request?"

"Sometimes it happens. When another request comes in, and coincidentally it's in the same area."

"Is that the case this time too?"

"It's possible."


Hong Ye-Seol wiped the poisoned sword that had cut off Gyeom Shin-chung's breath on his clothes before putting it away.

Pyo Wol watched Hong Ye-Seol silently.

She was a top-notch assassin.

No matter how much Pyo Wol tried to subdue and torture her, she would never open her mouth.

"Just tell me one thing."

"I already told you. I can't tell you anything about this request, even if I were your lover."

"Are you sure about what happened before?"

"I already told you."

"So it's for sure."

Pyo Wol's eyes sparkled.

Hong Ye-Seo tilted her head.

She couldn't understand why Pyo Wol reacted so sensitively to whether it happened before or after.

"I'll leave now. The guards will be patrolling soon."

Pyo Wol didn't respond to her words.

Hong Ye-Seol pouted her lips and jumped out the window.

Left alone, Pyo Wol muttered to himself.

"If it was me? Then I must have prepared for this situation."

There will be many people with grudges worldwide against the head of Golden Mountain Manor because it wasn't just one or two people who squeezed blood with the royal palace.

Someone among them could have commissioned Hong Ye-Seol. However, the probability was extremely low.

It took astronomical costs to move assassins like Hong Ye-Seol. Those who had drained their blood in the royal palace did not have such wealth. So, it was clear that someone else had made a separate request to Hong Ye-Seol in preparation for a possible situation.

Someone from the Guryongsalmark.

They were frighteningly meticulous people.

It had started as an effort to uncover the truth about Jin Geum-Woo's death, but now it was different.

He was interested in Guryongsalmark itself.

To be precise, it was the intent to kill.

The existence that evoked such a killing intent in him was truly the first.

Just thinking of that name made his stomach churn, and a strong sense of hostility arose.

Perhaps they also felt such emotions towards him.

Especially Lee Yul was sure to feel a stronger killing intent.

It is because his plan was completely blown away by one Pyo Wol.

No doubt he'd be watching Pyo Wol's every move and devising a plan to eliminate him.

He decided to wait it out.

Whenever they approach, he'll catch them off guard.

That was the only way to deal with the Guryongsalmak for now.

Pyo Wol searched the residence of Geum-Sin-Chung just in case, but there was no evidence linking Guryongsalmak to him.

At that moment, a voice outside called out, 'Lord Chung!' Pyo Wol opened the window and hurried out of the room.

Even after waiting for a long time, there was no response from Geum-Sin-Chung. The escort warriors cautiously entered Geum-Sin-Chung's room. What they found was his dead body.

'Master Chung has passed away. An intruder broke in.' An emergency signal was sent to Golden Mountain Manor. The servants and retainers rushed in, but all they saw was the giant body of Geum-Sin-Chung.

Those who had been claiming to be Geum-Sin-Chung's followers exchanged glances. Lady Geum Suryeon, who could have been his only successor, had also died not long ago.

A vast amount of gold, piled up like a mountain, awaited them in the underground storage. It was ownerless gold. The first to act would claim the gold mountain.

'Kill him!' 'I am the owner of 
Golden Mountain Manor.' 'Die!' An argument broke out over the golden mountain."

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