Reaper of The Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 285
Reaper of The Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 285

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

"Crazy bastard!"

Lee Yul shuddered uncontrollably.

As soon as Baek Do-Gyeong realized that Pyo Wol had infiltrated, he advised Lee Yul to flee. However, Lee Yul refused.

Until now, he had never shown his back to anyone.

He did not think Pyo Wol could harm him, no matter how great he was. But now he realized how careless he had been.

Pyo Wol was a presence beyond the categories he had defined.

Heuk Ho, Black Cloud Corps, Baek Do-Gyeong, and even the Dark Ghost.

The power of the beings Pyo Wol had killed today alone was enough to annihilate a formidable martial arts faction.

That meant Pyo Wol had the power to face a martial arts faction alone.

A man who held the power of a giant martial arts faction alone.

That man's target was him.

For the first time, Lee Yul felt a strong sense of crisis.

And he regretted not listening to Baek Do-Gyeong's advice. But he didn't have time to regret it.

Pyo Wol was still leaping over the high wall towards him, looking like he had just bathed in blood. It was eerie.

Lee Yul learned for the first time that a beautiful man could be so terrifying.
Lee Yul shuddered.

His plan was perfect.

The painting he had invested so much time and personnel in creating was so vast that no one could imagine its true form.

However, his plans were distorted, and even the reality was somewhat exposed to only one person, Pyo Wol.

"Wow, Pyo Wol, you're amazing! You're the only person who has ever made me admire you."

In his heart, Lee Yul wanted to applaud and sincerely tell him he was the best. But he couldn't.

Even at this moment, Pyo Wol was rapidly narrowing the distance between them.


Two sharp arrow sounds and arrows flew behind Lee Yul. The arrows grazed his cheeks and hit Pyo Wol with force.


With the sound of an explosion, Pyo Wol's body bounced back.

Pyo Wol looked at the ghost blade in his hands.

The hands which held the ghost blade were torn apart.

He had blocked the arrow with the ghost blade before it hit his body. But the power of the arrow was too strong and tore his hands.

Pyo Wol looked up and saw Lee Yul.

Two men suddenly appeared beside Lee Yul.

"We'll protect you."

"We've already secured the escape route."

They grabbed Lee Yul's arms and flew away.

Pyo Wol's eyebrows twitched.

It was because he recognized the faces of the men.

"The Ghost Warriors."

They were the Ghost Warriors that Pyo Wol had faced on the remote island.

Those who had retreated promptly upon the orders of their leader, Mok Han-Seong.

They have reappeared now.

The two men engaged in combat without looking back.

Pyo Wol immediately set out in pursuit.

If he lost Lee Yul now, he couldn't hope for such an opportunity again.

Sshick! Swish!

Once again, an arrow flew toward him.

It was from another Ghost Warrior.

Pyo Wol swiftly dodged the arrow with acrobatic movements. But the distance between him and Lee Yul had increased in the meantime.

Pyo Wol gritted his teeth and increased his speed. But he had to deal with the interference of the Ghost Warriors at every turn.

Firing an arrow to slow down his speed, they triggered a trap in the forest and caught Pyo Wol by the ankle.

They never clashed head-on with Pyo Wol because they knew how terrifying he was from their previous encounter.

Their goal was not to fight Pyo Wol or settle personal grudges but to rescue Lee Yul.

Despite losing their master Mok Han-Seong to Pyo Wol, they never let personal emotions cloud their judgment.

Their only focus was to rescue Lee Yul.

"Now is the time. Send them in."

Following the command of Jong-Ri-Gu, a new warrior under the command of the Ghost Warriors shouted.

At that moment, four new soldiers appeared and attacked Pyo Wol.

The blood demons.

They were assassins from the Hundred Wraith Union, hired by Lee Yul along with Heuk-Ho.


"That's enough."

The blood demons combined their powers to attack Pyo Wol.

Their abilities couldn't compare to Heuk-Ho, but their combined attacks were not to be underestimated.

As the Blood Demons caught Pyo Wol, the Ghost Warriors disappeared with Lee Yul in tow.

Pyo Wol clenched his teeth as he watched Lee Yul disappear into the darkness.

Unaware of this fact, Blood Demons continued their fierce attacks.

Their combination was truly fearsome, but Pyo Wol was not their match. They attacked for over a hundred seconds but eventually lost their lives to Pyo Wol.

However, by the time Pyo Wol killed all four of them, Lee Yul had already


Pyo Wol let out a rough breath.


When the day broke, Jin Manor's appearance was truly miserable.

The manor was destroyed miserably, and corpses overflowed in the streets.

The fight with Snow Sword Manor was truly intense.

The fight to kill and be killed continued overnight.

It was a midnight ambush.

Snow Sword Manor staked their destiny, and Jin Manor was enraged by the ambush.

The fight could only get more intense.

The warriors lost their reason when their comrades died right next to them.

The irrational warriors went even more berserk.

Both Snow Sword Manor and Jin Manor suffered significant losses.

The number of dead exceeded hundreds, and the number of wounded was several times more.

Jin Manor became a giant tomb overnight.

The energy of Tianzong mountain was no longer present in this place.

All that was left in Jin Manor were people's painful groans and deathly silence.

"Save me!"


Painful groans could be heard everywhere.

The dead were better off.

Because they wouldn't have to feel any pain.

The scene of the wounded was truly miserable.

Without proper doctors, they had to endure the pain with their full consciousness, without even receiving proper treatment.

The doctors prioritized treating the warriors of Jin Manor.

The warriors of Snow Sword Manor, who were injured, writhed in pain without receiving any treatment.

Not everyone had died or been injured.

Many warriors who stood by Snow Sword Manor's side escaped when the situation turned unfavorable. And then the warriors who stood by Jin Manor's side chased and assassinated them.

Their animosity towards each other had already reached the sky, but this incident only strengthened their grudges.

"We will never forget this misfortune."

"Just wait and see."

The fugitives vowed revenge.

To eliminate any traces of the incident, they needed to find and kill them all, but that was an impossible task from the beginning.

Jin Manor suffered so much damage that they could no longer move.

"Amitabha! What is this?"

That was when the martial artists from the Shaolin Temple arrived.

The disciples were horrified to see the hellish scene unfolding in Jin Manor.

It was their first time seeing so many people die or get injured.

"Are we too late?"

The old monk who led the disciples sighed.

The strong and tough-looking old monk was Unsong, and he was called the first monk of the Shaolin sect.

Unsong looked around with a furrowed brow.

The beautiful appearance of Jing Manor could no longer be found. 

Everything was shattered and soaked in blood. It was so miserable. It was to the point where one couldn't help but wonder if anyone could survive in a place like this.

"How can we resolve this, Amitabha Buddha?"

Although it happened in Yeonam, a thousand li away from the Shaolin Temple, it was clear that the repercussions would spread beyond Shaolin to the entire Jianghu(kangho).

Even a huge wall could crumble due to a small rat hole, let alone an incident that resulted in hundreds of deaths and even more injuries.

It was impossible to imagine how much public sentiment would deteriorate and how much it would divide because of this incident.

"Why are you coming now?"

"What do you want to do now?"

The voices blaming Shaolin Temple, who had nothing to do with it, could be heard. They resented Shaolin Temple for allowing the situation to escalate like this, even though they knew that Shaolin Temple was not responsible.

The Shaolin Monks could not hide their bewildered expressions. No matter how long they had been cultivating their minds and how strong-willed they were compared to the culprits, they were still human beings.

They didn't like hearing unpleasant things, and it made them uncomfortable to receive unjustified blame.

"Amitabha Buddha!"


The Monks tried to calm their minds while avoiding the crowd's gaze.

Unsong and the Shaolin martial artists passed by people and entered deep into the heart of the Jin Manor. Nonetheless, no one stopped them.

Since the fight was already over, they didn't want to confront the monks of Shaolin, so they were allowed to enter Jin Manor's inner sanctum.

Thanks to that, they could enter the innermost part of the Jin Manor comfortably.

Then, a middle-aged man sitting on a large rock caught the eye of Unsong.
When he saw the man leaning his upper body on a sword-turned-staff with a tired expression, monk Unsong's eyes shook.

"Amitabha Buddha! It's the Sword Saint."


The middle-aged man Han Yucheon recognized monk Unsong.

"I greet the Sword Saint."

"We greet Master Han Yucheon."

The martial artists who followed monk Unsong also greeted Han Yucheon at once. 

However, Han Yucheon did not even look at them and spoke to monk Unsong.

"You're late."

"I came as soon as possible."

"Hmph! You must have been calculating too much. Anyway, these monks are more calculating than commoners."

"Amitabha Buddha! It's okay to insult the small monks, but don't insult Shaolin.
The headquarters had their reasons."


"Where is monk Un-Hae?"

"He must be somewhere."


Monk Unsong sighed at Han Yucheon's cold attitude.

Then he saw blood on Han Yucheon's sword.

"Did the Sword Saint also fight?"

"And if I did?"

"Didn't you vow to see the fall of Jin Manor? Why would someone like you...?"

"The ManSlaughter had come."

"The Manin Sal? The killer of ten thousand men?"

Monk Unsong's eyes widened.

The infamous reputation of ManSlaughter even reached the Shaolin Temple.
Monk Unsong had also tried to catch him several times, but he was too elusive to even consider catching.

"Why was he in Jin Manor?"

"Do I need to explain everything to you?"

The disdain in Han Yucheon's voice silenced Unsong.

He knew that no matter how much he asked, Han Yucheon wouldn't answer.
Han Yucheon was known for his eccentric personality.

No matter how great the reputation of the Shaolin Temple was, Han Yucheon looked down on it. Therefore, he treated even the top martial artist of the Shaolin Temple, Unsong, with indifference.

Above all, Han Yucheon did not trust Shaolin. He confirmed that unknown individuals were involved in the death of his disciple.

Now he trusted no one. The only thing he could somewhat trust was Pyo Wol.
"These are the things that have brought Kangho to this point.," said Han Yucheon with a contemptuous expression.

Unsong asked cautiously, "What happened to ManSlaughter?"

"After fighting for about three hundred seconds, he felt disadvantaged and fled."

"He fled?"

"Yes! He was lucky to escape this time, but when we meet again, I will kill him."

The power of ManSlaughter and Han Yucheon was equal. They couldn't easily determine the winner. Eventually, ManSlaughter, who couldn't break through the wall named Han Yucheon, retreated.

Although they only fought for a little over three hundred seconds, both of them consumed a lot of energy, and Han Yucheon gave up on chasing him because of his injuries.

Han Yucheon stood up and said, "Unsong!"

"Yes, what do you want to say?"

"While Shaolin was floundering, the door to the chaos opened. Do you understand? It means that the chaos has begun."

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