Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 283
Reaper of the Drifting Moon mtl, Chapter 283

Type- Light Novel, mtl

Manhwa- N/A

"Dokgo Hwang thought that Jang Mugak would be angry, but there was no significant commotion contrary to his expectations.

"Is that so? Is that your choice? You're choosing a rough path. The cost won't be small."

"Just because I choose an easy path doesn't mean I won't pay the price."

The path that others have smoothed out and the path that others lead may seem much easier. However, Pyo Wol knew that to enjoy comfort. One must pay a fair price.

Even if it was difficult, he had to blaze his trail.

To avoid being swayed by the fate of others.

That's why he flatly rejected the offer of the Jang Mugak.

He couldn't know how many people's blood he would have to spill to satisfy the ambition that Jang Mugak presented.

He knew that it was his destiny to shed a lot of blood and that he would shed a lot more. But that was his will.

He didn't want to be swept up in the will and intentions of others and have blood on his hands."

The gaze of Jang Mugak was directed toward Dokgo Hwang.

It was a look that said, "Do you still want to use Pyo Wol as a sword?"

Dokgo Hwang shrugged his shoulders.

It was a gesture acknowledging that his thoughts were mistaken.

Even with Jang Mugak's momentum, there was no way someone who did not bow down to him would willingly become his sword.

The problem now was how to establish a relationship with Pyo Wol.

Retreating like this was not acceptable for his pride.

As initially planned, subduing Pyo Wol to restore his pride was the course of action.

Dokgo Hwang's gaze was full of life.

Although Pyo Wol's martial arts were not to be underestimated, if it were just him and Jang Mugak, they could easily overpower him.

Moreover, Pyo Wol was currently very exhausted and had also sustained injuries.

It was as easy as flipping one's hand to subdue him.

When Pyo Wol met Dokgo Hwang's lively gaze, he realized he would not quickly get through today.

He tightened his grip on the ghost blade and asked, "You said you were a friend, but you changed your mind quickly. The hearts of people by the sea are cruel."

"Don't sea breezes always change unpredictably? You should understand that."

"Some people I know risk their lives to defend their beliefs, while others are as light as a breeze on their asses."

"Is that someone Jin Geumwoo? I feel sorry for what happened to that friend of mine. He wasted his time chasing after a non-existent illusion and ended up with nothing. That's why there's a saying that people should wait in line properly. Only then can they make the proper judgment."


Pyo Wol couldn't help but burst out in a cold laugh.

Jang Mugak and Dokgo Hwang frowned at his behavior.

They thought Pyo Wol was mocking them.

"What's so funny?"

"Just because it's amusing..."

"What's amusing about it?"

"Why did you come to Yeonam? You came to see if this will start the turbulence you want, but you don't know why it happened in Yeonam."

"What happened?"

"Jin Geumwoo wasn't like that. At the very least, he had doubts and moved to uncover the truth. You all may be stronger in martial arts, but his conviction is beyond comparison."

The sharp criticism from Pyo Wol made the two's faces freeze.

They didn't think highly of Jin Geumwoo until they came here.

Jin Geumwoo's talent was rare, and the world praised him for it, but they also had that level of talent. In fact, in terms of talent alone, Jin Geumwoo was inferior to them.

Especially Jang Mugak's talent was so impressive that there were almost no equals in the world.

Jin Geumwoo had come to see Jang Mugak once before. But their conversation lasted only a short time.

Their perspectives and interests were different.

Their conversation only scratched the surface, and eventually, Jin Geumwoo stayed for only one day before leaving.

After that, Jang Mugak didn't give much thought to Jin Geumwoo, and he faded from his memory. But today, Pyo Wol mentioned him and even implied that he was superior to them.

Jang Mugak asked, "Even though Jin Geumwoo is already dead, is he still better than us?"

"From my perspective, he is. At least he knew what he must do," Pyo Wol replied.

"Tch!" Jang Mugak clicked his tongue, his face full of anger.

Pyo Wol's words were dismissive of him.


Jang Mugak regained his momentum.

It wasn't subtly pressing down on Pyo Wol like a little while ago, but openly showing his strength.

The formidable pressure pressed down on Pyo Wol.

But Pyo Wol didn't falter like before.

Breathing became more manageable as he did the Four Hearts Method.

Pyo Wol observed Jang Mugak.

He took everything from his build, hand shape, strength, gaze, and even his small habits.

He didn't want to be entangled with Jang Mugak, but once it happened, he had to understand and analyze him as much as possible.

That was Pyo Wol's way of survival.

Now was the perfect opportunity to gauge Jang Mugak's power.


Jang Mugak also realized Pyo Wol's thoughts and frowned. His strength grew like a snowball.

The pressure on Pyo Wol increased along with it.

It was an instantaneous moment that wouldn't be strange if sparks flew at any moment.


A sharp whistle sound was heard.

It was the kind of sound that was so piercing and cold that an ordinary person couldn't hear it.

In an instant, Jang Mugak's complexion changed.

"Looks like our troublesome friend has arrived."

Dokgo Hwang asked with a sigh.

"Is that so?"

"That's him!"


"Anyway, he's a friend with a big personality."

Jang Mugak shook his head.

The pressure he was exerting suddenly disappeared as if the snow had melted, making it much easier for Pyo Wol to breathe.

Jang Mugak said to Pyo Wol.

"You got lucky."

"We'll see who's lucky when some time passes."

"I hope that your confidence will continue to remain. Then, we'll meet again later."

Jang Mugak flew his body into the darkness and disappeared.

Dokgo Hwang looked at Pyo Wol and said,

"I have to entertain another friend today. He's quite an annoying friend, so we have to do our best. See you soon, friend!"

"He seems stronger than you guys."

"Well, he comes from a family known for being the best with swords in the world. We'll see each other again."

Dokgo Hwang winked one eye at Pyo Wol and followed Jang Mugak by flying away.

After the two had disappeared entirely, Pyo Wol let out a faint sigh.


He didn't show it, but he was pretty tense.

The pressure he felt from Jang Mugak and Dokgo Hwang was not ordinary.

They had already surpassed the limit of advanced-level warriors.

Pyo Wol himself had also long surpassed the normal category.

The word "hidden dragon" seemed insufficient to describe them.

Especially, Jang Mugak's gaze was not easily forgotten.

Such an ambitious gaze was the first time for Pyo Wol.

"Maybe the chaos has already begun...."

Pyo Wol shook his head slightly and erased his contemplation.

That wasn't important right now.

It was clear that Jang Mugak and Dokgo Hwang considered the whistle very annoying, whatever his true identity was.

That meant the two wouldn't be able to move easily. At least not tonight.

Pyo Wol left the slums.

He didn't think Snow Sword Manor would only send troops to him. If they moved on such a large scale at this time, the whole region would have been in chaos.

If he considered the criticism that would pour on the Snow Sword Manor, it would not be easy to move troops like this again.

"Then the Snow Sword Manor will try to end it tonight."

Perhaps they had put all their troops into play in earnest.

He didn't know how Jin Manor would fare against the Snow Sword Manor because they didn't know how much power Snow Sword Manor possessed.

"But it certainly won't be easily destroyed."

Jin Manor's power was not to be ignored, but above all, there were still monks from Shaolin and Han Yucheon in Jin Manor.

They would try to remain neutral, but it wouldn't be easy to endure if they saw countless people dying before them.

Considering that even the monks from Shaolin Temple and Han Yucheon would participate in the battle, Jin Manor's power would be overwhelming.

It would never collapse overnight.

The direction that Pyo Wol's thoughts were heading toward was Snow Sword Manor.

Now that Snow Sword Manor's power had been drained, it was a golden opportunity.

The path to Lee Yul was open.

Pyo Wol did not hesitate and took a step forward.

As Snow Sword Manor approached, Pyo Wol's suspicions were confirmed as the place felt even more outdated than it should have been, with a musty and old-fashioned air.

Numerous forces have left to attack Jin Manor, leaving only a minimal number of troops to defend Snow Sword Manor.

Even when security was tight, Pyo Wol roamed Snow Sword Manor like it was his home. It was not difficult for him to penetrate Snow Sword Manor once the security barriers had been breached.

He quickly infiltrated Snow Sword Manor.

With many of the troops gone, the inside of the manor was quiet. Although occasional residents were seen, they did not notice Pyo Wol's presence.

He moved away from them to avoid being detected. No one could find him as he moved to corners where their sights could not be reached.

At that moment, Pyo Wol spotted a middle-aged man standing alone in the backyard, looking at the night sky.

He had a giant build with a protruding belly and looked like he was having trouble breathing due to his excessive weight.

The middle-aged man was Seol Kang-Yeon, the lord of Snow Sword Manor.

Seol Kang-Yeon murmured as he looked up at the sky.

"Still, he's my child, so I must get revenge."

Seol Kang-Yeon's eyes were bloodshot.

He was brooding over his anger.

In his heart, he also wanted to attack Jin Manor, but unfortunately, his body was unable to perform martial arts properly.

After hiring Lee Yul and leaving all the work to him, Seol Kang-Yeon neglected his martial arts training. As a result, it wasn't easy for him to move his swollen body. That's why he was stuck here, brooding over his anger instead of going to Jin Manor.

His anger was so terrifying that even his subordinates didn't dare to approach him. That's why he was alone.

But it was not safe for someone like him to be alone.

It was an opportunity that would never come again for Pyo Wol.

However, at that moment, Pyo Wol caught a scent.

It was a dangerous smell that could paralyze his sense of smell just by sniffing it.

When a strong wind blew, Pyo Wol could identify the identity of the smell he had caught.

"Is it a trap?"

Numerous hidden things could not be seen with the naked eye.

They had shamelessly used the lord of Snow Sword Manor as bait and were waiting for Pyo Wol like a fish caught on a hook.

As far as Pyo Wol knew, only one person would dare to attempt such a bold move in the Snow Sword Manor.

"Lee Yul!"

He was setting a trap and waiting for Pyo Wol.

He was a person who could not afford to let his guard down for a moment.

Not only did he mobilize Heuk-Ho and the Black Cloud Corps, but he also set up a trap using the lord of Snow Sword Manor, Seol Kang-Yeon.

He had prepared for the worst possible situation.

Pyo Wol had never encountered such a cautious person before.

Now Pyo Wol was feeling a sense of mental exhaustion. But he couldn't keep up with this tedious fight forever.

It was time to end it.

Seol Kang-Yeon was alone, burning with anger, without knowing that Pyo Wol was watching him.

Pyo Wol walked towards Seol Kang-Yeon.

Sensing his presence, Seol Kang-Yeon turned around and exploded in anger.

"Who are you?"


"I asked who you are."

"A fish bit the bait."


Seok Kang-Yeon frowned at the incomprehensible response from Pyo Wol.

Finally, he sensed that Pyo Wol's mood was not good.

Pyo Wol had a different atmosphere and a beautiful appearance compared to the other people in the village.

Suddenly, something came to his mind.

"You must be the infamous assassin lately."

Even though he left external affairs to Lee Yul, he still had ears.

Among the names, he heard the most was Pyo Wol.

An assassin with a more beautiful appearance than a woman.

As heard, Pyo Wol's appearance was indeed beautiful. At a glance, one could recognize him as Pyo Wol.

"How dare an assassin like you sneak into my territory? What is the commander doing? Catch this unwelcomed guest now!"