Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 281
Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 281

Jang Muryang looked out onto the battlefield with a cold gaze.

The ground where Pyo Wol and Heukho stood was littered with countless arrows, resembling a hedgehog covered in thorns.

These were not ordinary arrows with just tips attached to them, but rather special arrows made entirely of solid iron from the tip to the shaft.

Naturally, their power far surpassed that of ordinary arrows.

With their terrifying piercing power, only the most skilled fighters could even think about deflecting them.

Furthermore, the exceptional archery skills of the Black Cloud Corps warriors added to the threat.

No matter how skilled a fighter was, they would be helpless against these arrows.

Jang Muryang raised his hand, and the Black Cloud Corps warriors cautiously advanced with their spears at the ready.

They had already fought Pyo Wol once before and knew how powerful his martial arts were, not to mention the impact he had when he moved freely.

They remained on high alert, still remembering their previous encounter.

Suddenly, something rose from the ground where the arrows were densely packed.

The figure with arrows tightly embedded in their back, like a hedgehog, was none other than Heukho, already lifeless.

Underneath Heukho's body was Pyo Wol

When the hail of arrows was fired, Pyo Wol used Heuk-Ho as a shield and avoided harm. Heuk-Ho's body was riddled with arrows, but thanks to him, Pyo Wol was able to survive the hail of arrows.


Pyo Wol pushed away Heuk-Ho's body and looked at Jang Muryang.

That's when Jang Muryang opened his mouth.

"Black Cloud Corps. hunt the reaper."

The Black Cloud Corps charged towards Pyo Wol

He didn't shout out any common war cries or battle shouts. He had already realized that such acts are not effective against someone like Pyo Wol, who cannot be intimidated.

To hunt someone like Pyo Wol, they had to attack with all their might rather than rely on those flashy tactics.

The Black Cloud Corps, who had lost countless comrades and were driven by their hatred, attacked Pyo Wol with all their might.

Pyo Wol dodged their attacks and the Black Cloud Corps pursued him.

One of the Black Cloud Corps's nameless warriors threw a spear.

The spear was aimed directly at Pyo Wol's back. However, Pyo Wol changed his direction slightly as if he had eyes on his back and avoided the flying spear.

The spear, strangely enough, hit a collapsing wall.




With a loud noise, the wall collapsed and screams erupted from inside.

For the people in the slums, it was a disaster in the middle of the night.

The silence of the night was broken by the screams of the impoverished people.

Ignoring their pitiful cries, the Black Cloud Corps relentlessly pursued Pyo Wol, leaving the slums completely destroyed in their wake.

Jang Muryang shouted, "Don't give him any chance to escape! If we let him go, there will be no end to our shame. We must finish him here today."

His eyes were bloodshot with rage.

His grand vision of establishing a powerful faction with the Black Cloud Corps was shattered by Pyo Wol's actions. 

He had already lost countless soldiers and his powerful allies, Go Do-sa and Heo Ranju, both lost their lives.

Their deaths had driven Jang Muryang insane with anger. He was blind to reason and saw nothing but Pyo Wol's back. 

The only thing on his mind was to kill Pyo Wol.

Since crossing paths with Pyo Wol, the Black Cloud Corps had suffered repeated setbacks and now they understood that Pyo Wol was their archenemy sent by the heavens.

Under such a sky, there was no tomorrow for the Black Cloud Corps.

No matter what sacrifices they had to make, they had to kill Pyo Wol.

Rebuilding the Black Cloud Corps was the next step.

Other members of the Black Cloud Corps had the same thoughts as Jang Muryang.

They chased Pyo Wol like they were possessed.


As they ran, walls collapsed and new paths were created.

The screams of the poor who were attacked in the middle of the night echoed through the sky, but Jang Muryang and the Black Cloud Corps did not hesitate and continued to pursue Pyo Wol.

Eventually, they arrived at a swamp that Pyo Wol had turned into his hideout.

As soon as they arrived at the swamp, Jang Muryang had a foreboding feeling.

He thought that this place seemed like a battlefield that Pyo Wol had prepared.

However, Jang Muryang tried to deny his thoughts.

"It's impossible to prepare a hideout in such a short time. We just happened to flee to this place by chance."

That's when it happened.

Pyo Wol, who was running away with all his might, disappeared from his sight.

Instead, screams rang out.



Even without seeing it with their own eyes, they knew that the ones screaming were their own subordinates.

Pyo Wol activated the traps they had set up around the swamp.

As soon as their foot touched the ground, people were impaled on the spear traps and others fell victim to the hidden traps.

The traps were simple, but their power was not to be underestimated.

Pyo Wol's traps were deadly.

"Come out, you bastard!"

"You dirty assassin!"

What made the Black Cloud Corps even more furious was that they couldn't even catch a glimpse of Pyo Wol, despite falling into his traps.

Although they didn't know where he was hiding, there was no sign of Pyo Wol, only a growing number of victims falling prey to his traps.

"Surely, he's not hiding in the swamp?"

"Damn it!"

Some quick-witted individuals thought that Pyo-Woll might be hiding in the swamp full of foul odor. But they didn't dare to enter.

The stench and poison were so intense that even approaching the swamp caused dizziness.

Of course, one could use their internal energy to a certain extent to resist the poison, but that was barely enough. Enduring any more than that was difficult.

Then Jang Muryang shouted, "Stab it with a spear!"


In response, the Black Cloud Corps stabbed their spears into the swamp.

Dozens of spears simultaneously pierced through the swamp.


At that moment, the soul reaping thread extended and coiled around the neck of a warriors who was jabbing his spear.


The Pyo Wol pulled the man into the swamp.

"Quick, grab him!"


The nearby men grabbed the man tangled in Pyo Wol's grasp, but before they could exert any force, Pyo Wol pulled him into the swamp with his supernatural power.

"Save me!"

The man who fell into the swamp struggled and shouted.

"Hurry, save him!"

"Damn it!"

The men stripped off their armor and jumped into the swamp.

"Don't do it!"

But Jang Muryang's shout was in vain.

Many had already jumped into the swamp to save their comrade.


In that moment, the expected hellish battlefield unfolded.

Pyo Wol mercilessly attacked the soldiers of the Black Cloud Corps in the swamp.

Like a snake, the soul reaping thread cut off the soldiers' breaths, while the stench of the swamp was now mixed with the smell of blood.

The soldiers who had jumped into the swamp to save their comrades stabbed their surroundings with their spears, but they could not stop Pyo Wol's attacks.

Pyo Wol swam through the swamp like an alligator, pulling its prey underwater and suffocating them once it caught them.

The soldiers' spears barely grazed his body.

While the swamp was an obstacle for the Black Cloud Corps soldiers, hindering their vision and movements, Pyo Wol could sense the swamp's movements through his skin, predicting their actions.

Furthermore, the soldiers of the Black Cloud Corps couldn't resist the swamp's poison, but Pyo Wol was immune to it.

"Phew phew phew!"

The warriors who had their foreheads pierced by the Soul Reaping Thread couldn't even scream before falling to the ground. Their corpses sank into the muck of the swamp.

Their bodies would never rise to the surface again.

"Hey, you son of a bitch!"

Jang Muryang could no longer contain his anger. He threw off his armor as if it were his own life and jumped into the air.

Reaching the apex, he landed on the swamp with his spear fully charged.


With a loud noise, the mud of the swamp splattered in all directions, and the ground was momentarily exposed.

At that moment, Pyo Wol, who had been crouching on the ground, jumped out at a terrifying speed.

"Shit! Shoo!"

A barrage of ghost blades was unleashed.

Jang Muryang swung his spear to deflect the ghost blades that were coming at him from different trajectories, but there were Soul Reaping Threads hidden among them.

With just a movement of Pyo Wol's fingertips, he changed the trajectory of the ghosts blades!

Ten ghost blades aimed at Jang Muryang's vital points, each taking a different trajectory.


"Attack him."

The warriors of the Black Cloud Corps jumped into the swamp to assist Jang Muryang.

They brandished their weapons towards the revealed Pyo Wol.

The swamp roiled as if a storm was raging, and the force aimed at Pyo Wol exploded.

Pyo Wol looked as precarious as leaves being blown away in a storm, but he didn't lose focus even amidst the concentrated attacks.

He spread out his senses and heightened his reaction speed by unleashing black lightning.

Not only did his physical reaction speed increase dramatically, but his thinking speed also skyrocketed.

The increased intelligence calculated the shortest distance to Jang Muryang.

Pyo Wol swung a ghostly blade to the side.

It was aimed at a young warrior who had yet to show his full potential.

The grip on his spear seemed too tight, indicating his lack of experience.

The young warrior's throat was cut.

A middle-aged warrior nearby screamed as he saw the young warrior bleeding and falling to the ground.

Although he was shouting, his voice was inaudible.

He was probably calling the young warrior's name.

The soul reaping thread grabbed his ankle.

His rage at the young warrior's death dulled his senses, and he failed to defend against soul reaping thread’s  attack.

With all his strength, he threw him away after catching him.


The middle-aged warrior took the attack that was raining down on Pyo Wol.

There was no scream.

His body was torn to shreds by the powerful attack.

The Black Cloud Corps cried out as they watched their comrades die from their own attacks.

The solid formation was scattered, and the shortest distance to Jang-Muryang was opened.

Pyo Wol had already seen the path in his mind.

He flew his body down the path that others couldn't see.


Jang-Muryang threw his spear at Pyo Wol

The spear turned into a meteor aimed at Pyo Wol's heart.


The meteor pierced Pyo Wol as it was.


Joy flashed across Jang-Muryang's face.

He finally killed that demon with his own hands.

However, his youthful joy didn't last long on his face.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Pyo Wol's appearance, pierced by the spear, disappeared like an illusion.

The spear that had pierced his body fell weakly into the swamp.

"This...... transfiguration?"

It was only then that Jang Muryang realized that the presence his spear had pierced was not Pyo Wol, but an illusion he had created.

Because he had moved too quickly, the illusion remained and appeared real.

Jang Muryang frantically searched for Pyo Wol around him. At that moment, he felt a cold sensation on his neck.

It was a ghost blade, the size of a child's palm.

Pyo Wol had taken over his back and was trying to strangle him with the ghostly dagger.

"You devilish bastard! You..."


At that moment, Pyo Wol strangled his neck.

A red bloodline appeared on Jang Muryang's neck.



The Black Cloud Corps's warriors ran over, screaming in horror. But it was already too late, Jang Muryang's neck had snapped like a fish gill.

Jang Muryang gathered his last bit of strength and cursed.

"You, you won't end up well either..."

But Pyo Wol had no intention of listening to him until the end. He pulled his body back and kicked Jang Muryang away.


"Jang Muryang fell into the swamp. The swamp that swallowed his body did not spit it out again.

Important Update: I am feeling unwell today so this will be the last chapter update. I will try to be back in 2-3 days with the new chapters. 

Also keep checking the website, I might try to upload new chapters if I feel healthy.  

Thanks and see you later in 2-3 days. Happy Reading:)