Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 280
Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 280


The warriors of Snow Sword Manor rushed in without warning.

"What's going on?"

"It's a surprise attack. Sound the alarm."

At first, the guards of Jin-Manor were caught off guard, but they quickly regained their composure and didn't just stand around.

Ding ding ding!

The urgent sound of the bell echoed throughout Jin-Manor.

The warriors sleeping deeply at night rushed out in a panic.

"A surprise attack?"

"Is Snow Sword Manor really crazy?"

Their faces were full of confusion.

No matter how much the strong and powerful factions fought, a line had to be upheld, and Snow Sword Manor's actions had crossed that line.

The warriors of Jin-Manor quickly realized what this meant.

"Are they saying they aren't going to think about the consequences?"

"These people are crazy!"

In this way, even if Jin-Manor is defeated, Snow Sword Manor would incur the wrath of Kangho by doing so. Everyone knew how terrifying that would be.

"Block them from coming in."

"If the entrance is breached, it's over. Block them even if it means death!"

Jin-Manor's warriors fought viciously to block Snow Sword Manor's men.

With Seol Kwang-Ho's death, Snow Sword Manor's warriors were also fueled by rage. They rushed towards Jin-Manor's warriors as if they were invincible

"Break through!"


Those trying to break through and those trying to block them became entangled in a fierce battle, creating a scene of chaos and hell.

Bodies piled up at the entrance of Jin-Manor, and the blood they shed flowed like a river.

It was when the battle reached its climax.


Suddenly, a loud noise erupted.

At the same time, several warriors were thrown in all directions.

Like being swept away by the explosion of a bomb, the bodies of the warriors were lying miserably like pieces of meat.


Another loud noise echoed again.



With desperate screams, another half dozen warriors were thrown out.

Their condition was genuinely pitiful.

Their arms and legs were twisted, and their chests were deeply sunken as they breathed their last breath.

All the dead were Jin-Manor's fighters.

"What, what's going on?"

Finally, the fighters realized that they were facing a tremendous master who they couldn't dare to fight.

Everyone's attention was focused on the newly appeared master.

He wore a dark red robe, but his face and arms were covered with a white cloth.

The only things visible were his eyes, filled with blackness, making him look even more terrifying.

His two hands, covered with white cloth, were stained with thick blood.

It was the blood of the Jin-Manor fighters he had just killed.

"Who are you?"

Two of Jin-Manor's top fighters rushed towards him, demanding his identity.

They were all highly skilled martial artists who held significant positions within Jin-Manor.

In addition to their powerful martial arts skills, they gained considerable real-life combat experience by leading the fight against Snow Sword Manor, making them even stronger.


The air trembled with their strike, but the monster draped in white cloth did not even blink and struck back at them.

It was a simple punch.

But its power surpassed imagination.


With a loud bang, two of Jin-Manor's top martial artists were knocked back.



Both of them fell to the ground, bleeding.

Although they were lucky enough to survive because of their high martial arts skills, they still suffered severe injuries and needed several months to recover.

"What the heck?"

Fear filled the faces of the Jin-Manor clan's warriors.

Clearly, the monster's martial arts had reached an unimaginable level for them.

They had never heard of such a master existing in Snow Sword Manor.

The monster glanced around the room before launching himself towards the Jin-Manor.

"Stop him!"

"No way!"

Several warriors tried to stop the monster but were easily defeated with a simple wave of his hand.

In an instant, the monster broke through the Jin-Manor clan's defence line and entered the manor.

Once inside, the monster closed its pitch-black eyes.

After briefly examining the inside of Jin Manor with his senses, the monster ran towards a particular direction.

It was the deepest part of Jin Manor that he was heading towards.


The monster, who was running recklessly, stopped in his tracks.

It was because a young man blocked his way.

The young man holding a sword was Jin Siwoo.

Jin Siwoo glared at the monster and said, "You cannot enter here."

"Get out of my way!"

The monster spoke for the first time.

His voice was hoarse and difficult to hear as if boiling phlegm.

"That cannot be allowed."

"Hmph! Then I have no choice but to kill you...."

The monster snickered.


He rushed towards Jin Siwoo like an arrow.

The monster had reached Jin Siwoo's front in the blink of an eye.

His hand, covered in white cloth, struck Jin Siwoo's chest. However, Jin Siwoo didn't panic and swung his sword, striking the monster's hand.


The sword and hand collided, producing a metallic sound.


Jin Siwoo's face twisted in pain.

The hand that held the sword had been torn apart.

His hand was trained for a lifetime of wielding a sword, and it wasn't weak enough to be torn apart by a single strike. But the fact that it was torn meant that the force behind the strike was that powerful.

"Who on earth could he be?"

He couldn't even guess what the monster's true identity was.

At that moment, the monster struck again with a single blow.



With a frustrating groan, Jin Siwoo's body flew backwards.

He was already in a mess.

His neatly tied hair was dishevelled, and blood flowed through his torn clothes.

It felt like he had been hit with a giant hammer, causing his entire body to ache and his internal organs to shake.

Still, Jin Siwoo stood up forcibly.


"Wol-myeong has taught his grandson well."

The monster exclaimed with pure admiration.

He wasn't mocking Jin Siwoo but was amazed at his martial arts prowess.

Although he hid his true identity and participated in the war due to his debts, his martial arts still surpassed that of Jin Siwoo.

Despite Jin Siwoo's considerable martial arts skills, he was like a firefly in front of a full moon when compared to him.

However, the fact that he could block attacks containing his qi twice meant that Jin Siwoo's martial arts were exceptional.

Jin Siwoo asked, "Do you know my grandfather?"

"Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know him?"

He asked out of personal friendship, but the monster denied it. However, Jin Siwoo was sure the beast had a personal connection with his grandfather. 

He could tell just by how the monster's pupils shook when he asked earlier.

"Why is my grandfather's acquaintance attacking Jin Manor?"

"It's noisy."

The monster roared, ending the conversation.



With a scream, Jin Siwoo flew backwards.

Without hesitation, the monster, which had instantly incapacitated Jin Siwoo, moved forward.


He broke down the gate that Jin Siwoo had been guarding and entered.

About ten warriors were guarding the courtyard, but they could not withstand the monster's single strike and were all killed.

Now there was nothing to stop the monster.

He opened the door that the warriors had been guarding.

Then, with a strong medicinal smell that made him wrinkle his nose, he saw an old man lying on a bed.

The old man looked as if all his flesh and muscles had withered away, leaving only skin and bones.

At a glance, it was clear he had suffered from a severe illness for a long time.

Looking insignificant, the old man lying there was none other than Jin-Wolmyeong, one of the Eight Constellations, and his sword was the Sunset Divine Sword.

The monster looked down at  Jin-Wolmyeong and muttered to himself, "He said you wouldn't be able to move, and he was right. I didn't expect you to be lying here in such an unworthy state. Why did you fight against them? If you hadn't abandoned your grandson, you wouldn't be in this position."

The monster smirked at  Jin-Wolmyeong.

 Jin-Wolmyeong had suffered a deep internal injury and was completely 
defenceless, having also been poisoned with a highly toxic substance.

Killing him was easier than cutting a chicken's neck.

The monster decided to stop wasting time and chose to twist Jin-Wolmyeong's neck the moment his hand touched it.

"They... I want to hear their story."

A sudden cold voice was heard.

The monster was taken aback.

He could only sense the opponent's presence once the voice was heard.

When he turned his head after releasing his hand, he saw a middle-aged man with a sword.

The monster immediately recognized who he was.

Sword Saint

"ManSlaughter, you must have a lot of dirty tricks up your sleeve, judging by the way you've covered your face with that cloth."

Just as the monster recognized Han Yucheon's identity, Han Yucheon recognized the white-clothed monster's identity at a glance.

Manslaughter, one of the Eight constellations and an absolute master whose identity was utterly shrouded in mystery.

Very few people knew his true face because most of them had lost their lives.

Han Yucheon was one of the few who knew what he looked like, having already fought him once before.

The result was a tie.

That's why he could recognize the opponent's identity just by looking at his stance.


ManSlaughterclicked his tongue as he looked at Han Yucheon.

Han Yucheon was not an easy opponent.

"You came to see the fall of Jin Manor, didn't you?"

"Where did you hear that?"

"It's been rumored for a while now. If you came to watch, sit still and wait. Jin Manor will collapse today."

"Whether to watch or not is not for you to decide. I'll ask you again. Who do you mean by 'they'?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You clearly said it. Why did you resist 'them'? It doesn't seem like 'they' mean the government."

Han Yucheon's voice became low and husky.

When ManSlaughtersaw his determined gaze, he realized he couldn't persuade him.

"I'll explain later. Leave now."

"No, tell me now."

"You are making things very difficult for me. Do you know what consequences your actions may bring?"

"I never knew someone could have such a long tongue. What are you hiding?"

Han Yucheon took a step towards ManSlaughter.

Pyo Wol had said there was another black-robed figure involved in the death of Won Ga-young. 

Han Yucheon strongly felt that the "they" mentioned by ManSlaughter were the same black-robed figures mentioned by Pyo Wol.

The ManSlaughter he knew was not a man who hid his identity behind such heavenly disguises. 

It meant that there were many shady aspects to this incident. Enough that he couldn't reveal his face with pride.

Han Yucheon drew his sword and spoke.


"Are you also involved in the death of my disciple?"

"No! That was them..."

In an instant, ManSlaughter's expression changed to one of realization.

He had inadvertently admitted that his answer was related to them.

Han Yucheon's gaze became even colder.

"You won't leave here alive until everything is laid bare."

"You've put me in such a difficult position. You'll pay the price for blocking my path."


ManSlaughter tore the white robe covering his face. The expressionless face was revealed, like a doll's.

The expressionless face was marked with numerous scars like a branding iron.

The fact that he revealed his true appearance proved that he had decided to kill Han Yucheon.

The first to move was ManSlaughter.

He struck like lightning.

Against him, Han Yucheon swung his sword like a flash of lightning.


With a tearing sound, a sharp gust swept through the room.

The fight between the two was beginning.

With a roar, the Jin Manor trembled as if it could collapse.

Important Update:- Hey guys, I am thinking to work on another novel besides reaper of the drifting moon. So, can you please fill out this survey form. It has only two questions, so it won't take much of your time. Here is the link 

If I get good response from you guys, I will immdiately start working on it. 

Bye and Happy Reading:)