Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 274
Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 274

Despite Hong Ye-Seol's lively voice, Pyo Wol didn't even pay attention to her. That behavior stirred up even more emotions in Hong Ye-Seol.

She wouldn't have been so angry if Pyo Wol had just apologized. But Pyo Wol didn't even make an apologetic expression.

Even a rolling pebble on the road wouldn't have such a cold glare.

Hong Ye-Seol trembled with intense anger.

She gathered her qi in her hand.

She was about to use her Taiyin Hand technique.

"That's enough."


"I won't let it slide this time."


Hong Ye-Seol quickly understood what Pyo Wol's words meant.

It wasn't difficult to use Taiyin Hand.

All she had to do was swing it. But at that moment, she would become Pyo Wol's enemy.

People like Pyo Wol never look back once they consider someone an enemy. They will continue to run parallel as enemies until death.

And Pyo Wol had said he wouldn't let it slide.

Throughout the clashes with Pyo Wol so far, Hong Ye-Seol realized that she had no idea of the extent of his abilities.

She couldn't even guess the limits of his killing techniques, martial arts, and inner strength.

And yet she had to become a perfect enemy to him.

Many calculations raced through Hong Ye-Seol's mind.

"Screw you!"

She released the power she had silently gathered in her hands.

After taking another sip of alcohol, she glared at Pyo Wol.

"You're a real son of a bitch."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Son of a bitch."


Pyo Wol replied calmly, which only infuriated Hong Ye-Seol even more. But as a skilled assassin, she quickly regained her composure.

She began to express her anger calmly.

"Thanks to you, I went through a lot of trouble. I won't forget this favor." She said with her usual elegant expression.

Pyo Wol smirked. "Barely did anything..."

"Phew! This time, I'll let it go. But if you ever cross me again, I won't just sit still. Even if I have to use all the power of the Hundred Wraith Union, I'll kill you."

"Whatever you want."

"That's your bad luck."

Though she said that, it was clear that her anger had subsided.

"Is Jang Muryang really that angry?"

"What would you be like in his position? The person he loved the most and depended on mentally, like a father, died. Of course, he would be devastated."

"I see."

"He's probably searching desperately not just for me, but for you too. Yet, here you are, sitting idly by and smacking the maid's behind... If he found out, he'd probably be shocked and collapse."

"Well, that's even better."

"What are you thinking? Are you leaking my information to the Black Cloud Corps? Is it because you hate me? Or is it some kind of twisted affection?"

"Thanks to that, there's one less card that Lee-Yul can use."

"So, you put me in a corner just for that?"

"Perfectionists like Lee-Yul can't stand it if things don't go exactly as they want. They can't bear it if even one of the ten cards they can use doesn't work perfectly 

according to their intentions. They suffer from a sense of crisis. I noticed it when I first met him at Snow Sword Manor

"It's all about perfection".

From perfectly arranged hair that doesn't even let a strand fall out, to clothes without a single wrinkle, and a restrained expression and perfectly concealed emotions in his eyes.

Lee-Yul was like Pyo Wol himself in many ways.

So, it was certain that he was a perfectionist.

Knowing he was a perfectionist, Pyo Wol knew how to break down such people.

Hong Ye-Seol unconsciously made a disgusted expression. 

And for the first time, she felt sorry for Lee-Yul, who had become an enemy like this.

"What could he have done to turn you into an enemy?"

"He probably didn't expect me to become an enemy. But he was confident that he could easily eliminate anyone who became an enemy."

He was a figure who had shaken not only Yeonnam but the whole region using the Snow Sword Manor.

He was that capable.

In fact, until Pyo Wol appeared in Yeonnam, everything had gone according to his plan and actions. 

However, Pyo Wol's appearance ruined his perfect plan and movements.

It might be just a slight deviation for now, but as time passed, the crack would widen, and eventually, it would topple Lee-Yul's plan.

Hong Ye-Seol shook her head.

"Phew! You're more suited to be a schemer than an assassin. No, maybe you're a schemer who disguised yourself as an assassin...."

Who would have imagined?

Behind that beautiful face, there would be such a remarkable brain.

The Hundred Wraith Union was a sword that anyone could use.

Although it was relentlessly sharp, anyone could use it if they paid a fair price.

Assassins were originally such beings, and Hundred Wraith Union was a collection of those Assassins.

But Pyo Wol was different.

He was an Assassin, but he was not an Assassin at the same time.

It was too unfair for someone who possessed such a mind and power to be classified as the same Assassin as them.

Hong Ye-Seol couldn't believe that such a person existed in the same era as her.

"Maybe because of this, the end of the Hundred Wraith Union will come...."

She trembled with a sense of foreboding.

She hoped it would just stay as a mere imagination, but unfortunately, it felt like it might become a reality.

Hong Ye-Seol looked at Pyo Wol intently.

The effects of the alcohol had already disappeared, and she was clear-headed.

After a moment, she spoke.

"I think we need to redefine our relationship."

"What do you mean?"

"The main wife doesn't fit with me, and I hate being a mistress even more. Let's just be lovers. You and me!"


"Surely, you won't kill your lover just because we belong to slightly different factions and have differing opinions."

Hong Ye-Seol wrapped her white hand around Pyo Wol's neck, looking straight into his eyes.

Her face was flushed with a hint of red.

Pyo Wol wrapped his arms around Hong Ye-seol's slim waist like an ant.

"I don't know! I might even kill you tonight."

"Well, that's not too bad."

Hong Ye-Seol grinned.


Seol Kwang-Ho looked around.

It was a pitch-black night with no moon. 

Even so, the faces of the warriors following him were visible.

They were the shadow troops, his personal organization.

Initially, the shadow troops were not a large group. They were barely security guards for Seol Kwang-Ho. 

But the group had grown in size due to the intensifying conflict between Jin Manor and Snow Sword Manor, which led to an influx of warriors to the Snow Sword Manor.

Seol Kwang-Ho picked out young and bold newcomers and recruited them into the shadow troops.

 As a result, the group became the most potent fighting force in Snow Sword Manor.

After several battles, the shadow troops had become an elite force, and Seol Kwang-Ho's confidence was at its peak.

Over twenty of Jin Manor's Warriors had died by Seol Kwang-Ho's hand, and not a single one was a match for him.

Through these battles, Seol Kwang-Ho became even stronger.

He had already earned the title "Hell Blood," and many feared him.

Seol Kwang-Ho liked the title.

His father, Seol Kang-Yeon, ordered him to refrain from outside activities for now.

It was because the intervention of the Shaolin was becoming burdensome.

Rumors had spread that Shaolin had dispatched new warriors. 

Although it would take them a few days to arrive from Shaolin Mountain to Yeonnam, it was still a situation that Seol Kang-Yeon found very concerning.

That was why Seol Kang-Yeon ordered Seol Kwang-Ho to refrain from any activities for the time being and to observe the situation.

Seol Kwang-Ho did not understand his father's order.

Even if one were to call themselves a Shaolin Monk, it would be difficult to intervene in the fight between the two factions without a proper justification.

There was no evidence that Bo-kyung's death was the fault of Snow Sword Manor. It was merely circumstantial evidence. 

Therefore, the Shaolin Monks could not actively intervene for the time being.

Before that, they had to see who would win.

If the scales were tipped in Snow Sword Manor's favor, it would be too much for even the Shaolin Temple to bear.

"Now is the chance. We have to deal a big blow to Jin Manor before the Shaolin get involved and gain the upper hand."

Some might have assumed recklessly based on Seol Kwang-Ho's large stature, but the troops following him knew well how wrong that prejudice was.

Seol Kwang-Ho was a man with a bear-like physique but a cunning and sly mind like a fox.

He thought that now was the time to move.

No one would expect Snow Sword Manor to move now.

Therefore, he had to strike a significant blow now. That was why he led the troops toward Jin Manor.

Jin Manor had built a fortress-like defense system.

However, even the strongest fortress had holes where ants could enter.

There were gaps in the defense system that Jin Manor had built.

Through numerous battles, Seol Kwang-Ho found a hole in Jin Manor's defense system.

The path they were currently taking was that hole.

Splash! Splash!

Every time the troops took a step, the sound of splashing water echoed.

They were moving along a shallow stream where the water only reached their ankles.

It would come up to their chests in the summer, but now the water had receded and only covered their ankles.

If you follow the stream, you can easily reach Jin Manor.

If it were an ordinary stream, there would also have been heavily guarded forces here. 

However, since this is where the waste from Jin Manor is mixed and discharged, the smell was strong. 

So only minimal forces were guarding the area.

The smell became stronger as they got closer to Jin Manor.

Seol Kwang-Ho looked back at the troops and signaled. The troops nodded, ready to fight at any time.

Although the troops were strong, they couldn't defeat Jin Manor with only this force. 

But if they were to ambush, they could indeed cause significant damage.

Hit and run through the ambush.

That was the core of Seol Kwang-Ho's plan.

Seol Kwang-Ho's plan was based on the fact that he had sympathizers within the Jin family.

He'd recruited some of their warriors.

They were waiting for them to eliminate the warriors guarding the creek, and if they joined them, the fight would be a winnable one.

Seol Kwang-Ho strode forward, clutching the colossal axe he carried.

They arrived at the place guarded by the warriors of Jin Manor.

Seol Kwang-Ho wrinkled his nose.

It was because he could smell the stench of blood.

Soon a smile appeared on his lips.

It was because he thought the ones he had recruited had done their job.

"Let's go!"

He shouted towards the Shadow Troops.

They had to hit and run as quickly as possible.

It was when he and the Shadow Troops were trying to increase their speed.


Suddenly a sharp sword strike cut through the darkness.


"Who are you?"

Seol Kwang-Ho swung his axe and deflected the sword strike, shouting.

At that moment, a young man appeared in the darkness.

"I knew something was strange about your movements. So you were up to something."

The man murmured in a sharp voice. He was none other than Nam Gung-Wol.

Nam Gung-Wol had come out for a night walk and caught some suspicious movements.

It was the movement of the ones Seol Kwang-Ho had recruited.

He had chased them all the way here and found Seol Kwang-Ho and his soldiers.

The stench of blood that Seol Kwang-Ho had smelled earlier was from the people who were recruited.

It was Nam Gung-Wol who eliminated them.

Seol Kwang-Ho opened his eyes wide and glared at Nam Gung-Wol.

"Nam Goong-Wol! How dare you interfere with my business?"

"The word 'dare' doesn't really suit you."


Veins bulged on the back of Seol Kwang-Ho's hand as he grabbed the axe tightly.

Nam Gung-Wol was a formidable opponent, but he couldn't retreat without any gains after coming this far.

Seol Kwang-Ho shouted.

"You can't handle all of us alone."

"Who said I'm alone?"

At that moment, young warriors appeared one by one behind Nam Gung-Wol.

At the forefront was Oh Jugang.

Today, Oh Jugang was holding a sword instead of a bottle of alcohol.

Although he had been drunk with grief at the loss of Jin Geum-Woo, he was clear-headed now. For some reason, he didn't feel like drinking today.

Instead, his eyes were filled with cold determination.

"No one should think about leaving this place."

"Who are you to say that? Attack!"

Seol Kwang-Ho pointed ahead as he shouted.


"Kill them!"

The shadow troops charged forward.

Oh Jugang and the young warriors clashed with them with all their might.

Meanwhile, Nam Gung-Wol approached Seol Kwang-Ho with his sword drawn.

In the dark night, where not even a single moonlight shone, only his sword emitted a cold, silver light.

Although he had a bad feeling about this, Seol Kwang-Ho tried to laugh it off.

"What's the thousand kingdom's school? Let me show you the power of my Eight Wastelands Great Axe technique.

He swung his weapon with all his might toward Namgung Wol.

As Nam Gung-Wol met his blow with his sword, he murmured,

"Geum Woo! Are you watching? This will be a requiem for you."


Editor's Note:- Sorry for the delay.