Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 273
Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 273

During the most challenging time of his life, Dokgo Hwang met Jang Mugak.

Jang Mugak was returning to Heavenly Armory after spending three years in Yeonam(Runan).

He could have returned faster by crossing the inland, but Jang Mugak took the longer route along the coast, planning to tour the southern part of Kangho and then return to Heavenly Armory.

Walking along the coast, he reached the Namhae region(south sea), which borders Henan, where he met Dokgo Hwang.

Dokgo Hwang, recovering from a severe wound, mistook Jang Mugak for a pursuer and attacked him. 

That was their first meeting, but it was so intense that they developed a deep affection for each other.

Jang Mugak stayed in Henan for another four months before returning to Heavenly Armory. 

Even after they parted, they continued to write to each other to ask about their well-being. Today, after several years, they met again in Yeonnam.

Although it was their first meeting in years, they greeted each other naturally, as if they had seen each other just yesterday.

Dokgo Hwang looked at Jang Mugak and nodded, "It seems you have achieved even greater success in the last few years."

Jang Mugak laughed and replied, "You're not doing too bad yourself. Have you been training all this time after we parted?"

Dokgo Hwang smiled and said, "Thanks to someone who gave me a good push."

Jang Mugak laughed out loud.

It's because he knew that he was the one who inspired Dokgo Hwang.

Jang Mugak recalled the first time he met Dokgo Hwang.

At that time, Dokgo Hwang looked like a wounded tiger, with a face and eyes full of despair.

The memory of that moment was still vivid in Jang Mugak's mind.

Compared to then, Dokgo Hwang's face now was gentle.

However, Jang Mugak knew that it was only an outward appearance.

"It's really good to see you like this."

Dokgo Hwang nodded at Jang Mugak's words.

It had been years since they last met, but there was no awkwardness between them.

Dokgo Hwang looked around the inn and asked, "Why are there no guests in the inn?"

"It's hard to find a decent place to stay, so I just bought it."

"Good move," Dokgo Hwang said, smiling as if pleased.

Jang Mugak also smiled.

Both of them were heirs to powerful factions that were highly regarded throughout the land.

Their lavish spending was fine for them.

Jang Mugak asked, "So, what do you think of Yeonnam?"

"I love it!"

"You love it?"

"I do. The atmosphere is so electric that it feels like it could explode at any moment..."

"Hehe! I thought you'd say that. That's partly why I brought you here."

"You didn't just bring me here to show me around, did you? What's the real reason?"

"I thought something interesting might happen. Is that not good enough?"

"No, that's more than enough."

Dokgo Hwang's smile deepened.

He was the only person who knew why Jang Mugak toured the entire land alone.

He also felt the thirst that Jang Mugak had felt for a long time.

Dokgo Hwang looked out the window and spoke.

"Snow Sword Manor and Jin Manor. Even if they fight, they are just small factions that are losers in the region. Who would have thought their fight would attract the attention of the whole region?"

"Someone is fanning the flames, isn't it?"

"Who is it?"

"I haven't figured that out yet. They're cunningly concealing their identity."

"Even though you utilized Heavenly Armory's intelligence network?"

"That's right."

"That's really surprising."

"The intelligence power of the Heavenly Armory is the best in the world, along with the Heavenly Martial Gate, but you still haven't found out. What about the Hao Clan?"

"They were quite impressive in the past, but now, aren't they fading away?"

"Yeah... They still act like they're impressive, but there are holes here and there, and they're not the same as before."

"That's right! So, we won't gain much from them."

"Even with the power of the Heavenly Armory, there are those who move so secretly that you can't find out?"

"That's why I came in person. To confirm it with my own eyes. To judge if it's the chance I've been waiting for."

"So, that's why you called me."

"Why? Are you angry about it?"

"No, I'm happy about it! I've met some interesting people because of it."

"Who is it?"

"Pyo Wol!"

When Dokgo Hwang's answer was heard, a gleam passed through Jang Mugak's eyes.

"Did you meet him by chance?"


"What kind of person is he?"

"I could smell the scent of blood from him. I almost couldn't resist swinging my sword at him."

"Is he really that bad?"

"Worse than that."

"Is that so? He must be beyond your calculation."

"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't met him in person."

Jang Mugak knew very well how stingy Dokgo Hwang was in evaluating people. ways wore a friendly smile like a cheerful man, his personality was icy and calculating. 

He was an icy person to those who did not meet his expectations. 

If he rated someone as high as this, it meant that Pyo Wol was even more remarkable than the rumors about him.

"I want to see him with my own eyes."

"I marked him first."

"Some things never change, always so greedy."

"Such a sword is never common. If one can wield it like a pair of limbs, it would surely be useful."

"I agree!"

Jang Mugak nodded his head.

Jang Mugak was born and raised in Heavenly Armory.

Heavenly Armory's military power was so strong that it was classified as one of the strongest in the world, along with the Heavenly Martial Gate.

They had various military and intelligence organizations perfectly equipped. 

Naturally, there were also organizations operating in the shadows within it.

Officially, they did not exist, but they were invisible, like a ghost.

They belonged to the same category as the hundred wraith union.

On the other hand, such organizations did not exist in the Mu-geom clan.

This is because, for some reason, Sa Yeon-hee, the then-leader of the Mu-geom clan after the Martial War, destroyed all such organizations.

As a result, there was no organization to carry out secret missions within the Mu-geom clan.

Dokgo Hwang regretted this fact deeply.

Jang Mugak smiled.

"This time, I should give way."

"But make sure to repay me."

"Of course not! He is a man called the Grim Reaper in the Sichuan Province. His usefulness is endless. It's natural to give a big reward for giving up such a man."

Only the existence of Pyo Wol has begun to surface on the surface of the Kangho, but the Heavenly Armory had already been aware of the fact of Pyo Wol long before.

It was just that the distance between where Heavenly Armory and where Pyo Wol was active was too far to make contact.

Pyo Wol was so attractive that even Heavenly Armory tried to recruit him.

Jang Mugak asked, "Was he really that handsome?

"Enough to make you pee your pants."

"I envy him."

"You'll be surprised if you see him in person."

"I should borrow him someday."


"I'm trying to attract an icy woman, but there's no room for a chance."

"So, are you going to use the pretty boy strategy?"

"Don't we have to try everything we can? If it works, great, if not, we can just throw it away."

"Who's to say who gets to throw him away?"

"I'll make sure to repay him properly."

Jang Mugak casually raised his glass and offered it to Dokgo Hwang.

Dokgo Hwang clinked his glass against Jang Mugak's.



So-ok sat with her head slightly bowed, looking at the man sitting beside her. 

He had a more beautiful and seductive appearance than any other beauty she had seen before. Even as a woman herself, she was jealous.

The man sitting in front of So-ok was none other than Pyo Wol.

After the meeting with Hong Yushin, he did not leave but stayed in the brothel. 

Hong Yushin caught him as he was about to leave and told him to stay for dinner since he was still in the brothel they ran.

Hong Yushin's intention was clear.

They were trying to capture Pyo Wol through the beauty scheme. 

Hong Yushin wasn't entirely convinced that the beauty scheme would work, but he thought it was better to try and fail than to do nothing.

Since she had been entrusted with a critical mission, So-ok had no choice but to steel herself.

She tried to pour Pyo Wol a glass of alcohol with a smile, but he didn't even take a sip of the alcohol she poured for him.

So-ok cautiously asked, "Do you not like me? Sir?"

Pyo Wol asked in turn, "Do you like me?"

"Yes!" So-ok answered without hesitation.

She looked innocent on the surface, but she was a woman who had been through a lot. 

She had received many guests, including many humans she didn't want to see again.

Pyo Wol had a good appearance and manners compared to those people. 

From So-ok's perspective, who had to deal with other guests if not Pyo Wol, there was no reason to shun him.

It would be the icing on the cake if she could keep Pyo Wol in her pocket. So-ok moved closer to Pyo Wol and sat down beside him.

After bathing in rose water, a faint scent of roses emanated from her body. 

Many men had smelled the scent of roses before but couldn't regain their composure.

Although So-ok couldn't completely mesmerize Pyo Wol, she believed she could at least make him feel a certain level of liking towards her.

However, even though So-ok sat very close to Pyo Wol, his expression remained unchanged.

'Is he made of stone?'

That's when So-ok thought that.

"Get away from him when he says nice things."

Suddenly, a raspy voice of a woman was heard.

So-ok was startled and moved away from Pyo Wol.

At that moment, a woman appeared in the room like a ghost.

She was a woman with torn clothes all over, and her hair was messy, as if she had gone through a great ordeal.

So-ok asked with a bewildered expression."

"Who are you? No, how did you get here?"

The brothel was guarded heavily by the Hao Clan warriors like a fortress. 

It was shocking that a woman suddenly appeared, breaking through their guard.


At that moment, a sharp blade touched So-ok's neck.

The woman had drawn a blade out of nowhere and pointed it at So-ok.

"A master!"

So-ok's pupils shook.

She was also a skilled martial artist, but she couldn't even detect how the woman drew the blade.

It meant that the woman was a far superior master to So-ok.

The woman spoke to So-ok.

"Get out!"


"I'm not in a good mood right now. So don't bother me and get out."

The woman's energy was real.

So-ok was so scared that she almost wet herself.

Terrified, she left the room without looking back.

When she had finished, she picked up the cup of wine in front of her.


Pyo Wol silently watched the woman drink.

The woman drank without paying any attention to Pyo-Wol.

After drinking three glasses, she finally put down the glass, having quenched her thirst somewhat.


"I'm going to kill you."

The woman glared at Pyo Wol with fierce intensity.

There was a thick killing intent on her face.

This was Hong Ye-Seol, who had just narrowly escaped from the Black Cloud Corps and their warriors.

They had attacked her persistently, and she had changed her appearance several times and changed hideouts, but they still managed to track her down.

In the end, Hong Ye-Seol had to reveal her true identity.

However, the Black Cloud Corps was not an easy adversary to deal with. 

After a fierce fight, she managed to break through their encirclement and escape, but not without being wounded.

Right after shaking off the Black Cloud Corps, Hong Ye-Seol traced Pyo Wol and followed her to this place.

Although she usually concealed her tracks carefully, she did not erase the trail Pyo Wol left leading to this place.

Hong Ye-Seol was now very angry with Pyo Wol.

"I'm going to kill you."

Editor's Note:- I need coffee to pull out some all nighters and bring you this translations. So help me edit more chapters by getting me a coffee here. Thanks and happy reading:)