Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 271
Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 271


Jang Noya swallowed his dry saliva and looked at the man before him.

He was the owner of a beautiful appearance that was hard to believe that he was a man. His appearance was so unreal that if the violet guys had seen him, they would have foamed at the mouth and rushed toward him.

In fact, among Jang Noya's subordinates, there were also violet guys. However, none dared to rush toward the man in front of them.

The man in front of them was Pyo Wol, who had already turned over the gambling den where they were.

The memory of that time was still vividly remembered as a horror.

Pyo Wol was still frightening to Jang Noya, who remembered the incident vividly.

Jang Noya bowed his head and spoke. "I have already executed the order you gave me. The Black Cloud Corps is tracking down a warrior named Hong Ye-Seol."

"Good job."

Pyo Wol nodded his head.

Jang Noya spread the rumor that Hong Ye-Seol had killed Heo Ranju. He secretly spread the rumor through the guests at the gambling den and made it known to the Black Cloud Corps.

It was also his work to reveal the whereabouts of Hong Ye-Seol.

Thanks to Jang Noya, she was being chased by the Black Cloud Corps now.

No matter how skilled Hong Ye-Seol was at hiding her presence and concealing herself, it would require considerable effort to completely rid herself of the Black Cloud Corps's pursuit.

Moreover, in the future, people under Jang Noya's command will continue to track her whereabouts and inform the Black Cloud Corps. 

It was an unfortunate situation for Hong Ye-Seol, but by serving as bait, she prevented the Black Cloud Corps, one of Lee-Yul's main forces, from performing their role. It was like cutting off one of their limbs, and Lee-Yul would also be quite embarrassed about it.

Pyo Wol asked Jang Noya, "What is the current situation in Yeonnam(Runan)?"

"It's chaos. So many people have come in that it's even difficult to keep track of them. There are those who want to participate in the battle between the two factions, as well as those who simply want to watch. From commoners to martial artists, people from all walks of life have come, and there is no separate battlefield for them."

In the past few days, as Jang Noya had said, even more people had entered Yeonnam.

The guest rooms were full, and people even rented out private rooms to stay in.

All of the world's attention was focused on Yeonnam.

No one had expected that the battle between these two factions would garner such attention worldwide. Not even the parties involved, such as the warriors of Snow Sword Manor and Jin Manor.

The news that sparked interest was the announcement of the Shaolin Temple's participation in the conflict.

Rumors had spread that Un-Hae, angered by Bo-Kyung's death, had requested reinforcements from Shaolin.

The news of Shaolin's participation was a game-changer.

Shaolin, known as a sleeping giant due to its lack of movement, had always tended to stillness in action, refraining from any noticeable movements unless the realm was in turmoil. The rumor that they might finally move had an impact on other factions as well.

Even Lee Kang and Sampae were said to be carefully monitoring the situation in Yeonnam.

Pyo Wol knew that it was more than just a rumor. Nam Gung-Wol had already joined Jin Manor, and Pyo Wol had already met with the Mu-Geom clan's Dokgo Hwang.

A man like Dokgo Hwang wouldn't travel thousands of li to sightsee. Clearly, he intended to gain something from the conflict between the two factions.

Other factions were likely doing the same, weighing which side had the upper hand in the struggle between Jin Manor and Snow Sword Manor.

Jang Noya spoke cautiously.

"Because so many people are coming in, we are short of surveillance personnel."

"What about asking the Hao Clan for help?"

"They see us as if we were pigs."

"Hao Clan, aren't you one of them?"

"We certainly used to be, because Hao Clan was originally founded to protect lowly things like us."

"But now?"

"Too much time has passed. There are probably few who remember the purpose of the Hao Clan when it was first established. But, Hao Clan now is no different from other factions."

A deep shadow fell over Jang Noya's face.

There was a time when he collaborated with Hao Clan.

But Hao Clan treated them like servants and did not provide proper protection. So he withdrew from Hao Clan and operated his gambling den.

And that wasn't all.

Quite a few people have left Hao Clan. Yet Hao Clan did not impose any sanctions on them.

They had the largest number of members in the world.

According to rumors, even the head of the Hao Clan clan has yet to determine exactly how many members they have.

Due to this, Hao Clan allows for easy entry and exit, except for key members. They have confidence in being able to replace any lost members quickly.

As a result, those who feel isolated often choose to leave Hao Clan.

Jang Noya talked for a long time about this. After hearing everything, Pyo Wol asked, "Are there many people like that?"

"Yes! There has been an accelerated trend recently."

"As far as I know, the head of Hao Clan's surveillance unit is quite capable."

"You mean Lord Hong."

"Do you know him?"

"I've met him before in the past. He is undoubtedly a capable and respected person. However, even if he struggles, he cannot handle the entire Hao Clan. Additionally, his focus is more on the outside rather than inside of Hao Clan. Naturally, he is unaware of the internal situation."

"Is that so?"

Pyo Wol looked interested as it was a new story for him.

"I feel strange saying this, but Hao Clan also needs to undergo renewal. The water that does not flow and stagnates for too long will rot, and only the leadership is unaware of this fact."

"So, there are quite a few people like you who have left Hao Clan?"

"That's right."

Jang Noya nodded his head.

Pyo Wol stroked his chin with his hand.

Knowing this kind of information took work.

It might not be useful right now, but it could be utilized later.

Pyo Wol thought he had obtained valuable information.

Come to think of it. Pyo Wol needed to learn more about Jang Noya. He simply thought of him as the owner of a gambling den. However, it was clear that Jang Noya had risen to a high position in the Hao Clan, judging from what he was saying.

Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, Jang Noya spoke up.

"Speaking of Lord Hong, not long ago, he also entered the city of Yeonam(Runan)."

"Did he see you too?"

"No, only I saw him. He probably doesn't even know I exist."


Pyo Wol thought that their connection was quite strong in some way or another.

Jang Noya wasn't finished talking yet.

He hesitated several times before finally mustering up the courage to speak.

"And this is purely my opinion, but..."

"What is it?"

"I sense suspicious glances around Lord Hong."

"Explain in detail."

"I haven't confirmed it with my own eyes, but the children say that there are strange people wandering around master Hong. Their movements are so secretive that even master Hong himself may not have noticed."

Hong Yushin was the surveillance chief of the largest intelligence organization in the world.

Naturally, he was skilled in monitoring others. It was hard to believe that someone like him didn't notice the gaze of those watching him.

"Are you sure?"

"We wouldn't have known if we hadn't been watching Master Hong ourselves. They were that secretive."

"Their identities?"

"I don't know."

Jang Noya was honest.

Finding those who were watching Hong Yushin was almost coincidental. If they had approached those watching Hong Yushin, they would have been eliminated without anyone noticing.

"After that, we stopped showing any interest in Master Hong. We don't know where those people are watching him from, but if we get involved with them, weak beings like us will be killed in an instant."

Pyo Wol nodded silently.

Jang Noya looked terrified that Pyowol might let them watch, but Pyo Wol had no intention of asking for more.

There was always a proper boundary to everything.

Jang Noya had performed his duties sufficiently. It was not a good idea to demand more.

Pyo Wol got up and said, "I'll find out from now on."

"What about other orders?"

"I'll call you if necessary, so take care of yourself for a while."

"I was already thinking that way."

Jang Noya looked relieved.

With too many outsiders coming into Yeonnam, even external activities were frightening.

If weaker martial artists like them clashed with the outsiders who came to Yeonnam, they would be easily killed.

It was best to be cautious and care for oneself during these times.

Pyo Wol immediately left the gambling den.

Walking down the street, he thought, 'Who else could it be? Are they related to Lee Yul?'

That possibility could not be excluded.

Lee Yul had revealed nothing but his position as the manager of the Snow Sword Manor. His place of birth, age, martial arts school, and anything else was unknown.

Even the name "Lee Yul" that he was using could not be confirmed as his real name.

If the sole purpose was to kill Lee Yul, there was no need to agonize over it so much.

He could just infiltrate the Snow Sword Manor secretly and kill him. Of course, Lee Yul would also be on guard and prepared for attacks. But Pyo Wol had unyielding patience.

He would keep circling Lee Yul for a month, a year, and wait for the perfect opportunity. If he kept at it, he was sure to find the best opportunity and be able to take Lee Yul down.

But by doing so, he would not be able to expose anyone behind Lee Yul.

If they had not started the war, they would not have had to worry about uncovering their origins, but now that they had started, they had to pull out the roots and uncover their lineage.

Pyo Wol thought and thought again.

His thoughts spread like branches and continued to grow infinitely.

Like a tree that grows endlessly, his thoughts swelled in size. It was a tree that contained countless possibilities.

Pyo Wol now began the process of sorting through the branches.

He cut off the branches that he judged to be the worst first. Cut, and cut again.

As he continued to cut, only one branch was left.


Pyo Wol lifted his head.

The task at hand had become clear now.

Pyo  Wol changed direction.

He headed towards the red-light district, not far from the slums.

It was a place where gambling dens, inns, and brothels were concentrated.

Unlike Jin Manor and Snow Sword Manor, which were deteriorating day by day, the red-light district was at the peak of its prosperity.

The streets were full of people, and they wandered around the red-light district looking for a place to stay and women to hold for a night.

Even the air felt sticky here.

It was as if this place was a different world altogether.

As Pyo Wol entered the red-light district, many people's eyes were focused on him.

It was because of his inhuman appearance that he stood out.

"Who is that...?"


Most of them were only fixated on Pyo Wol's inhuman appearance, but a few people looked at him, and their eyes lit up.

Pyo Wol's features were too distinct, so people with little information could easily recognize him.

"That person is Pyo Wol..."

"The most dangerous person in Yeonnam."

Their eyes involuntarily showed a wary light toward Pyo Wol.

Pyo Wol also noticed the emotions of those people, but he didn't care.

He went into one of the inns, drawing everyone's attention.

Many people looked disappointed at his appearance.

"Even someone like him is looking for an inn?"

"Hmph! He's no different from any other man."

Especially the female innkeepers looked at Pyo Wol with contemptuous eyes.

On the other hand, the maidens welcomed him warmly.

"Oh my! Welcome, please come in."


The maidens competed with each other to receive Pyo Wol.

The final winner was a maiden named So-ok.

She was the most popular maiden in the inn with a petite figure and a cute face.

"My name is So-ok."

"No need for formalities."


"Call for Hong Yushin."


"I know you're a branch of the Hao Clan, so don't waste your time and call Hong Yushin."

So-ok's face lost its smile.


Editor's Note:- Keep supporting me guys:)