Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 267
Reaper of The Drifting Moon  Chapter 267

It's called having your eyes rolled back in your head.

This is usually said when someone loses their rationality and can't properly judge a situation.

That was precisely the state of mind that Heo Ran-Ju was in.

Her anger had exploded, leaving her incapable of rational thought.

The object of her fury was none other than Pyo Wol.



Heo Ran-Ju's whip, like a venomous snake, aimed for Pyo Wol's neck, but she didn't manage to hit him.

That was because a woman in a red silk dress had stepped in to block the blow.

She was Hong Ye-Seol.

Having been attacked while with Pyo Wol, Hong Ye-Seol was also in a state where her eyes had rolled back.

"How dare you attack me?"

"Hmph! You ugly wretch...."

"You're nothing but a lowly servant girl. I'll tear that filthy mouth of yours apart.

"I'll grind your ugly face into dust with a millstone."

The two women exchanged insults and soon started fighting fiercely.

Crash! Clang!

The whip of Heo Ran-Ju stretched out horizontally and tore through the air with a sharp sound. Hong Ye-Seol narrowly avoided the membrane created by the whip and attempted to counterattack.

Confronting her opponent head-on like this was not Hong Ye-Seol's usual style.

She was mainly an ambusher. However, that didn't mean she was weak in this type of fighting.

She simply didn't prefer it, and her martial arts skills were no less than Heo Ran-Ju's.

In particular, her signature move, the Taiyin hand (太陰手), was as powerful a technique as the legendary White Lotus Hand (白蓮素手) that descended like a mythical creature from the heavens.

There was no reason for her to fall behind in combat skills.


The whip and the Taiyin hand collided, creating a loud explosion.

Their fight was indeed ruthless.

As if they were mortal enemies, they fought with all their might to strangle each other's breath.

"That crazy woman!"

Go Do-Sa cursed at the sight of Heo Ran-Ju.

Even if they all attacked Pyo-Wol together, they wouldn't have enough power because they were blinded by jealousy and left the formation.

Having already lost numerous colleagues in Chengdu, Go Do-Sa knew this fact better than anyone.

He had suffered a severe injury, losing one arm and spilling his intestines.

Recalling that day made him unable to breathe properly due to the horror.

Yet he had agreed with Heo Ran-Ju 's opinion and attacked Pyo Wol because he feared that he might never have another chance to kill him.

Pyo Wol's assassinations in the Snow Sword Manor greatly amplified Go Do-Sa's fear.

No matter how powerful the Black Cloud Corps were, they could only be hunted down one by one if a killer like Pyo Wol attacked them by surprise.

They were never meant to be on the same side anyway.

The Black Cloud Corps stayed in Snow Sword Manor while Pyo Wol joined the Jin-Manor.

They were in a situation where they had to fight to the end, whether to kill or to survive. If they were inevitably going to become enemies, it was better to eliminate them as quickly as possible, no matter what sacrifices they had to make.

Fortunately, there was no problem setting up a defensive perimeter even when Heo Ran-Ju was absent. The real problem was that Pyo Wol was stronger and faster than they had anticipated.


The defensive perimeter was meant to trap the enemy like a tiger, preventing them from moving even an inch.

But Pyo Wol's movements were too fast for the Black Cloud Corps to keep up with, and they couldn't complete their encirclement.

When pushed to the east, Pyo Wol moved to the west, and when they tried to narrow down their space from the west, Pyo Wol suddenly escaped to another location.

As a result, the defensive perimeter was utterly useless, and only the Black Cloud Corps suffered countless casualties.

Pyo Wol was attacking the unmanned soldiers of the Black Cloud Corps one by one with great speed and accuracy.

"Could it be that the poison isn't working?"

The poisonous smoke emanating from the vial hanging from the arrow was spreading thickly throughout the area.

Special preparation was required for the poison smoke, and even just one sip could cause the body's functions to weaken, while three sips could stop the heart. It was extremely toxic.

Naturally, it was challenging to obtain and required an enormous amount of money.

It was a sum that even the Black Cloud Corps found burdensome. However, believing there was no standard way to get it, they shed tears and bought it.

The Black Cloud Corps could take the detoxification pills and be fine, but he couldn't figure out why Pyo-Wol was so active.

Moreover, he had not taken the antidote like Hong Ye-Seol, nor was he holding his breath while moving.

His slightly open mouth indicated that he was breathing.

That meant that he was continuously inhaling The poison smoke. However, there were no signs of poisoning.

The next moment, Master Go's face turned pale.

"Then... is it poison immunity (萬毒不侵)?"

At this moment, there was nothing else that came to mind.

If his opponent had indeed reached poison immunity, then losing the most crucial weapon he had prepared today was no different from losing everything.

"It can't be, right? It must not be!"

Master Go denied his thoughts and ordered the Black Cloud Troops.

"Archers! Fire the Ghost Arrow (鬼號虄)."

Upon hearing his voice, the archers hung a strange cylinder on their bows.

The tube, resembling a bamboo split in half, was brought from the far east.

They hung the split bamboo on their quivers and shot arrows the size of a child's palm.

In the east, it was called "Demon's Howl Arrow," but they named it "ghost arrow" because its sound, when shot, sounded like a ghost's wailing.

Although the Black Cloud Corps did not consider changing the name to be important, they recognized the immense destructive power of the ghost arrow, which could pierce through walls made of steel when shot with internal energy.

"Shoot! Shoot!" The archers shot the ghost arrows.

By the time the sound of the ghost arrow was heard, a tiny arrow had already reached Pyo-wol's body.


Pyo Wol narrowly avoided the ghost arrow by twisting his body. The ghost arrow that grazed him left a long wound on his shoulder.

If it had hit him head-on, the ghost arrow would have pierced through his shoulder.

Pyo Wol's face stiffened for the first time because the speed of the ghost arrow surpassed his imagination.

It was only with his senses that he could barely detect it just before it hit.

Over ten archers could shoot such arrows, ready to fire at any time while watching Pyo-wol's movements carefully.

The mounted soldiers ride horses and attack with spears while archers fill the gaps.

Although the poison has lost its effectiveness, if it had still been potent, even the greatest master would have had a hard time surviving in front of their defences.

Go Do-Sa commanded the defence and spoke, "I have no personal grudge against you. We only attack because we cannot coexist. So please surrender your lives peacefully."

"It seems one arm was not enough. Today, I'll cut off the rest of your arms and legs."

Even in this urgent situation, Pyo Wol instead threatened Monk Go Do-Sa.

The sight of Pyo Wol astonished the Monk.

"The Great Tiger-Hunting Massacre!"

The final step of the defence was revealed.

The last stage of killing a captured tiger.

The mounted soldiers charged at Pyo Wol in a wedge formation.

It was not just a simple charge.


Their spears trembled and emitted a hazy aura.

Dozens of spears resonated, combining to form a massive spear-shaped object.

It was an impossible feat alone. It was only possible because dozens of people had mastered the same internal energy and amplified each other's external energy.

Its power was truly comparable to that of a siege weapon.

At the same time, dozens of ear-piercing arrows rained down on Pyo Wol.

The archers had shot arrows at him in rapid succession.

Ghost arrows poured down like rain, blocking any defence Pyo Wol could take. It was the Enveloping Blow, an all-out attack that ended the last breath of the trapped tiger.

Go Do-Sa looked at Pyo Wol with a tense gaze. Although he was worried that his poison was not effective, he still thought that the power of the poison was enough to kill Pyo Wol.

When Pyo Wol attacked them in Chengdu, they failed to take advantage of the cavalry's strengths and were swayed by Pyo Wol's will.

But now, everything was different. The flow followed the will of the Black Cloud Brigade from start to finish, and it was time to decorate the grand finale.

It was the moment when dozens of cavalry charged like a siege, and Ghost Arrows aimed at Pyo Wol simultaneously.

Pyo Wol drew ten strands of his Soul-reaping thread.

He could not stop the huge siege weapon made of spearheads with just ten strands of his Soul-reaping thread.

The siege weapon made of spearheads was perfect for offence and defence.

But things were different now."

"Damn it!

The strands of Pyo Wol's Soul Reaping Thread swept across the ground. The Soul Reaping Thread infused with Pyo Wol's internal energy was the sharpest weapon in the world. The sword passed through all the horses' ankles.



"Be careful!"

The horses with their ankles cut off screamed pitifully and fell forward all at once, crashing onto the ground with the same speed as they were galloping

The horses' necks were broken grotesquely, and the cavalry on top of them screamed as they were crushed under the horses' giant bodies.

The spearheads, which looked like siege weapons, were gone a long time ago. But their calamity was not over yet.

The fallen soldiers were showered with Ghost Arrows fired by their comrades.



The screams of the cavalry hit by Ghost Arrows echoed through the sky.

"Oh my god!"

Monk Go Do-Sa opened his eyes wide at the hellish sight.

I never dreamed that Pyo Wol would escape in this way.

The sight of the cavalry, which the Black Cloud Brigade had boasted about, writhing in agony along with their horses, was like a nightmare to him.

And then, it happened.

"Stop him!"

"Shoot the arrows..."

Suddenly, urgent voices of the archers were heard.

As Go Do-Sa turned his head. He saw Pyo Wol suddenly diving in between them. In each of his hands, he held the ghost blade.

Damn it!

That was when the massacre began.

The archers were vulnerable in close combat.

They had also learned martial arts but were no match for other warriors.

Pyo Wol ruthlessly carried out the slaughter.



Every time he swung his ghost blade, the archers died.

"Oh, no!"

Master Go rushed in with a scream after seeing him.

Although he had only one arm left, he had not lost his mastery of martial arts.



He unleashed the Wind and Fire Palm at Pyo Wol, but Pyo Wol easily dodged the attack with a casual stride and attacked the remaining archers.

"No! Stop!" cried the Monk, but Pyo Wol ignored him and killed the archers. The Monk Go Do-Sa followed him, but their distance did not narrow.

Pyo Wol seemed to be within reach but remained elusive, like a mirage.

Monk Go Do-Sa reached out with all his might, but he could not catch Pyo Wol.

Finally, when Pyo Wol stopped, there were no surviving archers left.

Pyo Wol looked at Go Do-Sa, covered in their blood.

"This devil... are you even human?"

"How many among the Kangho warriors can honestly say they are human? At the very least, it seems unlikely that the Black Cloud Corps would be included there. Don't you think?"

He could not respond.

"It's just a fight between beasts. Don't speak of human morals and romanticism that don't suit you."

Pyo Wol walked towards Go Do-Sa, moving like a cat without making a sound.

As Pyo Wol approached, Go Do Sa's face twisted in agony.

Dozens of the Black Cloud Corps warriors he confidently brought with him all lost their lives to Pyo Wol.

Thus, the Black Cloud Corp's strength was shattered to pieces, and the price paid for touching Pyo Wol was too high.

Only then did Go Do-Sa realized that there are beings in the world that should never be touched, including Pyo Wol, one of those beings.

A messenger of death.

The thread of death that takes away souls was drawn long in his hands.

"Who said they would willingly be taken away?"

The Monk rushed towards Pyo Wol in protest, but a Ghost blade flew towards him.