Reaper of the Drifting Moon Chapter 263
Reaper of the Drifting Moon  Chapter 263

On that day, Nam Gung-Wol and Seongam engaged in a fierce battle, lasting over two hundred moves.

One was the third son of the leader of the thousand kingdoms school, and the other was a highly regarded scholar of the Shaolin Temple.

Both of them were known as prodigies from a young age.

Although the history of the Shaolin Temple may be long, the thousand kingdoms school was also a prestigious institution with a formidable tradition.

The origin of the thousand kingdoms school was the Odaemunpa or the Five Great Schools, which stood shoulder to shoulder with Shaolin Temple.

Nam Gung-Woll had mastered the imperial sword style, which was said to be the best swordsmanship in the world, and his technique was sharp and powerful, carrying the dignity of an emperor.

His martial arts skills were not inferior to Seongam's. In terms of sharpness, they surpassed Seongam's.

The two fought fiercely, unleashing all the techniques they had mastered over the years.

The result was a tie, and both of them were seriously injured.

If it weren't for the intervention of monk Un-Hae and Jin Si-Woo, one of them would surely have died.

The incident profoundly impacted Seongam, who had previously looked down on the thousand kingdom's school.

Like the saying "everything comes from Shaolin," Seongam believed that all martial arts originated from Shaolin. Therefore, he thought the thousand kingdom's martial arts were far inferior to Shaolin's.

However, his arrogance was shattered by Nam Gung-Wol.

Seongam began to doubt his own martial arts skills for the first time.

Monk Un-Hae apologized to Jin Si-woo for the incident.

He thought it was fortunate that the situation had been resolved to this extent, but he couldn't relax yet.

The fight with Snow Sword Manor was still ongoing.

Even as Seongam and Nam Gung-Wol were having an emotional confrontation, the warriors of Snow Sword Manor and Jin Manor clashed in the south and north.

"We've gained the upper hand. We should quickly reinforce our forces and finish them off."

A warrior from Jin Manor urgently reported.

Since the settlement with Geum Shin-Chung, Snow Sword Manor has shown a rapid decline.

The departure of the warriors who had joined Snow Sword Manor was happening more frequently than just a few days ago.

Jin Si-Woo thought for a moment and then gave an order.

"Send monk Geon-Gon Sang and master Lee Hee-so over there to finish this for good."

"Yes, sir."

The warrior from Jin Manor replied and ran off.

Jin Si-Woo let out a sigh.

The two people he mentioned were experts recognized even in Kangho.

In addition to possessing formidable military power, they were strongly motivated and always moved according to Jin Si-Woo's intentions.

As long as they moved, this local war would end in Jin Manor's victory.

If they move, this local war will end in a true victory.

"Fortunately for now..."

But the crisis is not yet over.

They must deal with the assassins who caused division within Jin Manor.

It would be fortunate if their actions ended with this one time, but if they continue, the division within Jin Manor will accelerate.

They had to identify the assassins before that.

"If only Hyungnim (older brother) were here at a time like this?"

Jin felt regret for the absence of Pyo-Wol.

This was especially true because he had heard from Jin-Geom-Woo what kind of abilities Pyo-Wol possessed.

"I should try to contact Hao-Clan. They may know the identity of the assassins."

Jin-Si-Woo sighed.

He was reluctant to be associated with Hao-Clan.

Working with them would mean giving up their internal information. But he had no choice now.

It was better to fight with a sword than to have no thoughts and swing it around. But leading a group required a tremendous consumption of mental strength.

It felt like his brain was melting.


Jin Si-Woo's deep sigh echoed once again throughout Jin Manor.


Master Lee Hee-So unfurled his swiftness skill and dashed forward, and monk Geon-Gon Sang matched his pace.

Before they joined forces, they were strangers to each other. However, as they participated in several missions together around the same time, they became quite close.

They trusted and relied on each other because they knew each other's abilities well.

Working on a mission together like this made them feel relieved. They could rely on each other and entrust their backs to one another.

"There it is."

Geon-Gon Sang pointed to the riverbank.

More precisely, it was the pier on the riverbank.

Jin Manor originally managed the pier. Since all the supplies coming into Jin Manor passed through here, it was a place that had to be guarded at all costs.

Because of this, the Snow Sword Manor had been eyeing the pier eagerly.

If they could secure the pier, they could block most of the supplies going into Jin Manor, giving them an advantage.

That was why Snow Sword Manor had deployed troops to seize the pier.

Naturally, Jin Manor had also stationed elites there and did everything they could to defend it.

So many people had died at the pier that the river was now called "Blood River."

The fight for the pier continued today, with over a hundred men clashing in various parts of the dock.

Instinctively, the men recognized those with similar strength and engaged with those of equal power, passing over weaker opponents.

As a result, the fighting only grew more intense, with many casualties.

When monk Geon-Gon Sang and master Lee Hee-Soo arrived at the pier, the tide had already turned in favor of the Jin Manor forces.

The guards' bodies from Snow Sword Manor were floating in the water, and the ground was soaked in blood.


"Let's go."

The two of them rushed into the battlefield.

Both Geon-Gon Sang and Lee Hee-Soo were highly skilled martial artists.

Geon-Gon-Sang used the Buddhist martial arts technique called Buddha's Celestial Fist, while Lee Hee-Soo used the martial arts technique called the Peacock Spirit Sword.



The sound of lightning and the noise of cutting through air echoed simultaneously.



The warriors from Snow Sword Manor were struck by the two martial artists and fell like rotten hay.

Although there were only two fighters, their power was as great as all the warriors from Jin Manor combined.

"The reinforcement has arrived."

"Monk Geon-Gon-Sang and master Lee Hee-Soo have came to help. Hold on a little longer."

The guards from Jin Manor became even more courageous and rushed toward the guards from Snow Sword Manor like a fierce wave.

"Ugh! Retreat!"

"Everyone, fall back!"

Eventually, the order to retreat was given.

The warriors of Jin Manor, who witnessed the scene of the workers of Snow Sword Manor fleeing like water, set out to pursue them.



Despite the objections of monk Geon-Gon Sang and master Lee Hee-Soo, it was useless.

Blinded by anger, the warriors of Jin Manor ran recklessly and attacked the warriors of Snow Sword Manor as they encountered them.


"Well, we can't just leave Jin Manor's warriors to track down the warriors of Snow Sword Manor alone."

The two sighed.

Ultimately, they had to join the pursuit of protecting Jin Manor's warriors.

The chase and pursuit battle continued for a while.

The first one to feel something strange was Lee-So-Hoo.

He noticed that the fleeing workers of Snow Sword Manor were constantly looking back.

Those running for their lives couldn't afford to turn back, as they had to save every second to keep running. But looking back meant that there was some trust in someone or something.

"Everyone be careful..."

That was the moment he warned them.



An arrow flew from somewhere and hit the forehead of one of Jin Manor's warriors.

"It's an ambush."

"They're hiding and shooting arrows. Find cover and hide."

Lee Hee-Soo and Geon-Gon Sang shouted simultaneously.



However, despite their warnings, arrows hit some warriors and they lost their lives.

Doo doo doo!

The sound of rough horseshoes could be heard.

It wasn't just the sound of one or two horses galloping. At least tens or hundreds of horses were galloping at the same time, and they could hear the sound.

"Did they mobilize the cavalry?"

Lee Hee-Soo's eyes widened.

Most factions did not have cavalry.

It was easy for a warrior who had mastered martial arts to learn horse riding. The problem was that horses were very sensitive and difficult to manage.

The cost of managing one horse for a year was more expensive than the cost of a family of four living.

Due to such enormous costs, most factions needed help to afford to train cavalry.

The same was true for the Snow Sword Manor Village.

In Jin Manor, they knew that there were collaborators who operated cavalry in Snow Sword Manor Village. But they should have devised a plan because they considered other matters more urgent.

That was a fatal mistake.



Black cavalry gathered like black clouds and broke into Jin Manor's martial artists.


"Help me!"

The huge horses themselves were weapons.

The martial artists who collided with the horse's bulky body were thrown far away, and those trampled by the horseshoes screamed miserably.

"Show the power of the Black Cloud Corps."

The man shouting at the cavalry's forefront was Jang Mu-Ryang, the leader of the Black Cloud Corps.

The martial artists of Snow Sword Manor lured the martial artists of Jin Manor to the open plains.

On the open plains, the Black Cloud Warriors' power is maximized.

They drove their horses wildly.

Thud, thud, thud!

The galloping of more than a hundred horses was spectacular. However, it was a disaster for the warriors of the Jin Family who had to deal with them.

"What should we do?"

"Run away."

The warriors tried to retreat, but no matter how fast a person's feet could move, they couldn't be faster than a racing horse.

"Amitabha Buddha"

"Damn It!"

Monk Geon Gon Sang and Lee Hee-Soo exchanged glances.

With one mind and one heart, they understood each other.

In the current situation, there was no one but them who could stop the rush of the Black Cloud Corps.

"Perhaps today will be our last day. Amitabha Buddha!"

"Haha! That's right. Still, we can end it beautifully. Is there a more heroic death than being born as a warrior and dying as a warrior?"

"Amitabha Buddha, I hope you can continue this relationship with this monk even in the afterlife."

"At that time, let's drink to our hearts' content without any worries."

"Even the Buddha will allow that much."

The two of them smiled at each other.

They raised all their strength and stopped the rushing Black Cloud Corps.



They unleashed their full power with the Buddha's Celestial Fist and the Peacock Spirit Sword.


As if the heavens were falling, a blast of raw power swept through the Black Cloud Legion.

"Cha-hat! No way."

Jang Mu-Ryang charged ahead with his spear.

Behind him, more than a hundred horsemen followed.

Together, they collided with a group of soldiers.


A huge boom and a wave of qi swept across the battlefield.

Not even a scream was heard.

The aftermath was a gruesome sight.

More than thirty horsemen lay scattered on the ground.

In just one collision, more than thirty members of the Black Cloud Corps had lost their lives.


Jang Mu-Ryang looked at the bodies of Geon-Gon-Sang and Lee-Hee-So, with bloodshot eyes.

The two bodies were so crushed by hooves that they were unrecognizable.

Although they were skilled warriors, they could not survive a direct collision with more than a hundred horsemen. Nevertheless, they died with smiles on their faces.

They were able to use thirty or more Black Cloud Corps warriors as stepping stones.

"Damn it!"

Jang Mu-Ryang's face twisted in disbelief as he realized the damage was far greater than expected.