Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 261

Reaper of The Drifting Moon  Chapter 261

Pyo-Wol gathered the Soul reaping threads with a wave of his hand, and the illusion rippling according to his gesture dispersed silently like morning fog.

The members of the Ghost Warriors noticed that Pyo-Wol had collected the Qi thread.

They thought that his power was completely exhausted.

Maintaining just the sword energy alone consumes enormous power, but Pyo-Wol had produced ten Soul reaping threads.

Although the power might be extreme, the consumption of power would be equally severe. That's why they concluded he could no longer use the Soul reaping threads.

Their judgment was as cold-blooded as it was terrifying.

Unfortunately, Pyo-Wol differed from the type of person who could be easily categorized in their predictions.

He didn't collect the Soul reaping thread because he lacked inner strength.

He suspended using the Soul reaping threads because it was no longer efficient.

The Soul reaping threads was powerful during ambushes, but other martial arts were far more effective in battles involving multiple opponents.


The knee of the Ghost warrior crumpled under the force of Pyo-Wol's punch, which felt like a thunderbolt.

It was the destruction of an essential joint in the body, the knee.

This art of killing is unique to Aguido, which destroys the axis and rotation of the human body.

In addition, he added the Black Lightning.

The brain's power stimulates the nerves, surpassing the human body's reaction speed.

However, In the eyes of the soldiers of the Ghost Warriors, there was no visible movement from Pyo-Wol.

The moment they thought something had passed before their eyes, a joint in their body shattered, and a terrible pain shot through them.



Screams echoed continuously.

There was no complex footwork or movements involved in Pyo-Wol's attack. It was just a straight line connecting point to point, the shortest distance possible.

The simple attack was enough to kill the soldiers of the Ghost Warriors.


Finally, Mok-Han-Seong rushed in.

But by then, over half of the soldiers from the Ghost Warriors had already fallen.

Mok-Han-Seong's eyes burned with fierce determination.

He never expected to suffer so many losses in such a short time.

He had made a miscalculation.

Pyo-Wol was not just a simple assassin. He was a Demon (餓鬼) who possessed martial arts skills that transcended that of an assassin.

Pyo-Wol's movements, wielding the Black Lightning, were beyond anyone's imagination.

It was so exhilarating that even Mok-Han-Seong's strength was not enough to keep up.


Mok-Han-Seong's sword followed after Pyo-Wol with a sharp sound, but his sword did not touch Pyo-Wol's body.

It was just an inch away, less than a finger's length.

If he just reached a little further with his hand, he could have touched Pyo-Wol. However, that distance did not narrow.

The Flying Dragon Flash Sword was Mok-Han-Seong's life-long pursuit.

It contained the essence of a swift and powerful sword that flew through the sky like a dragon and flashed like lightning.

The Flying Dragon Flash Sword was a type of war sword, a killing sword that had been sharpened on the battlefield. Useless extravagance was cut away and reborn as an efficient killing sword.

After completing the Flying Dragon Flash Sword, there was no one that Mok Hansung intended to kill but could not. He could defeat anyone in just ten strikes.

But for the first time today, even after unleashing the Flying Dragon Flash Sword for more than ten strokes, it did not touch Pyo-Wol's body.

Now he finally felt the opponent's strength and realized how difficult his chosen fight was.

Mok-Han-Seong shouted to Jong-ri-gu, "Retreat with the mahwadan(magic pill)."

"What? But..."

"It's an order."

At the word "order," Jong-ri-gu hesitated. A conflicted look briefly appeared in his eyes.

Mok-Han-Seong had never used the word "retreat" in his life. His command to retreat meant that he judged the situation to be desperate.

Seeing Jong-ri-gu's hesitation, Mok-Han-Seong shouted again, "There's no time. Hurry up!"

"As you command!"

Jong-ri-gu did not hesitate any longer.

He ordered the remaining Ghost Warriors who could still move.

When Pyo-Wol attempted to pursue them, Mok-Han-Seong stood in the way.

"It may be difficult for me to defeat you, but you won't be able to get past me easily either."

Pyo-Wol furrowed his brow.

This was the first time he had seen a group like this.

Normally, when a comrade dies, one would be consumed by a desire for revenge and rush forward, disregarding their own life. But these warriors followed orders without even a hint of that anger.

It was a sight that could never be found in the prestigious martial arts circles of the Kangho.

Jong-ri-gu and the Ghost Warriors disappeared from the battlefield like a ghost.

There was something more important to them than their own lives.

What that was exactly, no one knew, but it was certainly abnormal.

Mok-Han-Seong spoke.

"I don't know how a person like you came to be, but since you've become our enemy, your life will surely become quite difficult."

"Are you referring to the Guryong (Nine Dragons) when you say 'our'?"



"It's surprising. To hear someone mention that name again."

The corner of Mok-Han-Seong's eye trembled.

He was so shocked that he couldn't deny what Pyo-Wol said.

From his reaction, Pyo-Wol confirmed that what Jin Geum-Woo was chasing was not a fantasy, but a real thing.

Pyo-Wol's gaze became firm.

He had finally caught the tail of the Nine Dragons.

But he had to subdue Mok-Han-Seong to approach the true form of the Nine Dragons.

"Damn it!"

Pyo-Wol charged at Mok-Han-Seongat a terrifying speed.


A thunderous explosion followed his stride.

Mok-Han-Seong's body flew back from the tremendous shock, even though he had blocked Pyo-Wol's attack with his sword.

Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

His internal organs had been shaken by the destructive power of Pyo-Wol's blow.

It was certain that he couldn't defeat Pyo-Wol with his sword alone.

He didn't know how Pyo-Wol possessed such power beyond common sense.

He himself had extraordinary strength, but compared to Pyo-Wol, he was nothing.

Pyo-Wol was a new type of warrior that had never existed before.

It was impossible to face such a person in a normal way.

Through several exchanges of blows, Mok-Han-Seongfelt it keenly.

He didn't hesitate to take out a wooden box from his pocket. Inside the box was a plain-looking pill with a dull colour.

The manhwadan magic pill was made at Snow Sword Manor's Bi Ji.

Mok Han-Seong put the magic pill in his mouth.

As the pill dissolved, Mok Hansung felt a burning pain in his dantian. In reality, the pill was igniting his accumulated inner energy, allowing him to unleash several times his usual strength.


Mok-Han-Seong unfolded his Flying Dragon Flash Sword.

In an instant, the sword qi extended to a whopping five strokes, reaching a distance almost as long as a regular staff.

Mok-Han-Seong attacked Pyo-Wol with all his might, disregarding his own life.

Over ten sword qi were completely under his control.

Pyo-Wol released his Ghostly Qi at Mok Hansung, but it was all in vain as it clashed against the sword swung by Mok Hansung.

At that moment, Pyo-Wol pulled out a strand of his Soul-Reaping Thread.


The Soul-Reaping Thread flew towards Mok Hansung's forehead.


Mok Hansung cried out as he unfolded the protective barrier of his Flying Dragon Flash Sword to shield his whole body.

Although momentary, his inner energy was amplified several times more than usual. Mok-Han-Seong was confident that he could cut through Soul reaping threads with ease.

His sword was just about to strike Soul reaping threads.

Suddenly, Soul reaping threads began to shake as if it was about to break. Then it became as sharp as a shooting star.


The Soul reaping threads pierced through Mok-Han-Seong's sword.

A line of energy that extended from Po Wol's finger pierced through the sword and reached Mong Hahn-sung's forehead.

It was not an ordinary Soul reaping thread.

It was a powerful energy called threaded serpent qi (絲蛇罡), created by Soul reaping threads.


Taking a shallow breath, Pyo-Wol lifted the Qi.

Because he had condensed the qi into a solid form, it consumed several times more energy than usual.

He was at the point of exhaustion after only using it once. Still, Pyo-Wol looked at Mok-Han-Seong without showing any sign of fatigue.

There was a small hole in Mok Hansung's forehead.

"Hmm! Where did a guy like you come from... Even so, I couldn't find out anything...."


Mok-Han-Seong fell backwards, and his breath stopped.

Pyo-Wol searched Mok-Han-Seong's body, but no evidence of his identity or any item related to Ghost Warriors was found.

That's when it happened.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, an explosion occurred in the Hut.

The Hut collapsed instantly, and the remaining debris was engulfed in flames and smoke.

Pyo-Wol frowned and looked at the Hut.


As the Hut exploded, the fog that had settled heavily over the entire island gradually dissipated.

The fog disappeared, and the island revealed its true appearance.

There was no sign of the Ghost Warriors anywhere on the island.

They had disappeared completely, leaving only Mok-Han-Seong's body behind.

Pyo-Wol searched the island, but there was no evidence that they had stayed anywhere.

No trace related to Ghost Warriors was found either.

They had truly evaporated completely.

Then a strange smell hit Pyo-Wol's nose.

Looking at the source of the smell, Mok-Han-Seong's body was melting rapidly.

Pyo Wol couldn't tell if it was a side effect of the Manhwadan or some kind of supreme power. What was important was that Mok-Han-Seong's body had melted away to the point where it was unrecognizable.

With this, all traces that Mok-Han-Seong and the Ghost Warriorshad been here were completely erased.

Pyo Wol let out a shallow sigh.


Days of effort had been in vain. The contact with 9 dragons had disappeared completely.

Still, Pyo Wol was not disappointed.

He had confirmed the fact that the 9 dragons existed.

Now that he knew 9 dragons existed, he might be able to find him someday.

Above all, contact with 9 dragons still existed.




Jong-ri-gu looked at the burning island in the distance.

They had buried explosive shells in the temporary shelter they were using in case of emergency. They had done so to erase all traces if anything went wrong. But they never thought that they would have to detonate the explosive shells.

Pyo-Wol's appearance was an unexpected event that they hadn't accounted for.

They didn't know how he had tracked them down to this place. But one thing was certain: Pyo-Wol was a threat to them.

He was an opponent they had never encountered before, abnormally strong and armed with various weapons that other warriors didn't have.

Pyo Wol was sure to pose a great threat to them.

They had already lost Mok-Han-Seong, a prominent warrior.

No one could fill the void they felt.

Jong-ri-gu looked at one of the warriors on the boat.

"From now on, you're in charge."

"I understand."

The nomad accepted Jong-ri-gu's order.

"Make a plan to evacuate if the investigation is in danger."

"Yes, sir!

The warrior replied, taking a defensive position.

Jong-ri-gu gritted his teeth and looked at the island, which was getting farther away.

"You may have won this time, but it won't last long."

Now that Mok-Han-Seong was dead, Jong-ri-gu was the leader of Ghost Warriors. And as the leader of Ghost Warriors, he had a duty to avenge the previous leader.