Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 257

Reaper of The Drifting Moon Chapter 257

Someone was crouching on the large beam that crossed the ceiling of Geum Suryeon's room.

It was a human.

Even in the darkness where the light did not reach, his eyes shone distinctly.

"Who are you?"

Geum Woo-sin shouted and drew his sword.

At that moment, the man on the beam struck something lightning-fast.


Geum Woo-sin felt pain like being stabbed with fire on his right shoulder, and his mouth fell open.

The pain was too severe. He couldn't even scream.

That was the situation Geum Woo-sin was in right now.

He couldn't move, as if the intense pain paralyzed his nerves.

He barely turned his head and saw that a transparent spear had pierced his right shoulder.


The sword in his hand rolled weakly on the ground.


A groan came out belatedly.

At that moment, the man on the beam jumped onto his chest.


Geum Woo-sin fell with a dull thud under the man's feet.

The excruciating pain made it feel like his chest was caving in, and Geum Woo-sin only managed to open his mouth in shock.

He couldn't believe the current situation.

This was the guest room of Snow Sword Manor.

Snow Sword Manor's warriors were all around, and the warriors from Golden Mountain Manor surrounded them just outside.

There was no way he could believe that someone had come to Geum Suryeon's residence with an impenetrable net of warriors surrounding it.

"Who are you...?"


Geum Woo-sin's words still needed to be finished.

The man had struck his face with the transparent spear.

His teeth shattered, and flesh tore apart. But the most painful thing was the ringing in his head as his brain went into shock.

Even in his dazed state, he was worried about Geum Suryeon.


Geum Woo-sin struggled to get up somehow, but it was futile.


The transparent spear hit his head again.

Geum Woo-sin lost consciousness immediately.

Only then did the man who attacked him turn his gaze to Geum Suryeon.

Geum Suryeon looked at the man with terrified eyes.

"Who are you?"

The opponent was a master who had subdued Geum Woo-sin in an instant.

Although he was looked down upon by Geum Shin-Chung, he was a martial arts master who had studied at the Shaolin Temple.

He was not a man to be trifled with, but his opponent could defeat him so easily.

She looked around for someone to help, but even Jang-Ui-won, who knew when he had been subdued, had passed out.

Geum Suryeon's face was so pale that it was unbearable to look at.

"Do you know who I am? I'm Geum Suryeon, the daughter of Geum Shin-chung. Do you need money? I'll give you as much as you want. Please just spare my life."

Geum Soo-ryun begged on her knees.

The ruthless appearance of a moment ago, when he held Geum Woo-sin like that, had disappeared without a trace, and she was shedding tears and snot.

No matter how much money was piled up like a mountain, it was all over if she lost her life.

If she could save her life, Geum Suryeon could endure any humiliation.

"If you want my body, I'll give it to you. Just spare my life! Please."

Geum Soo-ryun crawled to the man, grabbed his leg, and begged.

The man casually watched the Geum Suryeon, and for a moment, the eyes of the Geum Suryeon trembled. It was because the man's gaze seemed familiar to her.

"You, you?" Geum Suryeon opened her eyes wide. It was the same gaze as the man who had given her the worst nightmare.

No one else could have the same gaze to such an extent except for the man who killed all her guards and injured her.

The man who had cursed her by stripping her of her clothes and sprinkling salt on her wounds just a moment ago was him.


Suddenly, the muscles on the man's face moved, revealing a different face, an ordinary face that could be seen anywhere on the street.

Geum Suryeon was amazed and forgot her situation, mesmerized by his face, which was more beautiful than a woman's.

The man was none other than Pyo-Wol, who looked down at Geum Suryeon with an emotionless face.

Geum Suryeon grabbed Pyo-Wol's leg and pleaded, "Please save me! I'll even be your dog if you spare me."

It was a pitiful sight that she would never have imagined herself doing under normal circumstances.

But Geum Suryeon was desperate. She was willing to do whatever it took to save her life. She thought, "I can always seek revenge after I've been saved. It's never too late for that."

Geum Suryeon was not the type of person to forget her grudges.

But she acted like a dog, hiding her true feelings and believing she could save her life that way.


Pyo-Wol stabbed her heart with his spear made of ice crystal.

Geum Suryeon looked up at Pyo-Wol in disbelief, asking, "Why...why?"

Pyo-Wol pulled out his spear that had pierced her heart and said, "No reason."

"What I need is not a dog, but a sacrifice."

"A... sacrifice?"

"A sacrifice that will provoke the anger of Geum Shin-chung."

Geum Suryeon couldn't believe her death until the moment her breath stopped.

Her body fell helpless like a stringless doll.


"A sacrifice that will provoke the wrath of the Golden Mountain Manor.

"Th... that's..."

Even as she took her last breath, Geum Suryeon couldn't believe she would die.

Her body collapsed weakly like a broken doll.

Pyo-Wol just watched her silently.

"There was a noise inside."

"Something must have happened!"

Voices from outside could be heard.

It was the sound of the Golden Mountain Manor's warriors rushing in after realizing that something had happened

Pyo-Wol leapt onto the roof.

By the time the warriors of the Golden Mountain Manor burst in through the door, Pyo-Wol had already disappeared.

"Miss! Daegu!"

The warriors of the Golden Mountain Manor quickly checked on the state of Geum Suryeon and Geum Woo-Sin.

"The...miss has passed away."


"Daegu is still breathing. Quick, call a doctor."

"Even the Snow Sword Manor doctor has collapsed. This is a disaster!"

As even the doctor who needed to treat them had lost consciousness and fallen, chaos and fear peaked.


"What does that mean? Geum Suryeon died?"

Lee-Yul stood up involuntarily, his face showing a bewildered emotion.

He was not someone who typically showed his emotions, but the news was shocking enough to make him forget to suppress his feelings.

His mind never stopped thinking, even when his brain demanded rest from excessive thinking.

He was always thinking and branching out his thoughts on a given topic, forming a large tree of ideas.

He could predict the outcome of any event, no matter how small, accurately including all the variables.

He believed that everything in the world unfolded in his hands.

However, all the events that had occurred in the last few days were far from his expectations, which was a confusing experience.

It was something he had never imagined experiencing before.

It had only been an hour since he and Heuk-Ho had met Geum Suryeon.

During that hour, Heuk-Ho and his Black Cloud Corps had scattered

throughout the Snow Sword Manor to search for the Assassin. But the Assassin had killed Geum Suryeon as if to mock him.

"It wasn't an impulsive killing," Lee Yul muttered.

Only now did he realize it.

The fact that Pyo-Wol never moves without thinking.

It means that every little action he does is thoroughly calculated.

He wouldn't have killed Geum Suryeon without thinking.

To accurately read Pyo-Wol's thoughts, he had to see the scene of the murder for himself. Lee Yul hurriedly led his men and ran to the guest house.

There, the Golden Mountain Manor attendants were taking care of Geum Suryeon's body.

"How could the lady die at the hands of an Assassin?"

The Golden Mountain Manor attendants loaded Geum Suryeon's body onto the carriage with grief-stricken faces.

Geum Woo-sin was leaning against the carriage's wall, pressing a wound tightly with his hand.

His subordinates had administered emergency treatment to barely bring him back to his senses.

However, he was looking at the body of Geum Geum Suryeon with unfocused eyes as if he had lost his mind.

Lee Yul approached Geum Woo-sin hastily and asked, "What happened?"

"I was attacked by a Spear Man...," Geum Woo-sin replied.

"A Spear Man?"

"He was a Spear Man who used a transparent crystal-like sword."

When Lee Yul heard Geum Woo-sin's answer, he almost bit his tongue.

There was only one Spear Man who used a transparent sword.

It was Ice Slayer.

He was the Assassin left behind to kill the high-ranking nobles of Jin Manor.

There was no reason for him to suddenly attack Geum Suryeon.

"It's him. He killed Ice Slayer and used his weapon."

And thus, Ice Slayer became the one who killed Geum Suryeon.

No matter how much they denied it, it was useless.

There was no one to explain or understand.

"Taking Geum Woo-sin's life was an easy task for him. But...," Lee Yul's pupils shook for a moment.

It was because he had realized Pyo-Wol's intentions.

"That damn devil!"

Geum Woo-sin ordered immediate departure as soon as Geum Suryeon's body was loaded.

Lee Yul couldn't stop Geum Woo-sin.

There was no justification, and most importantly, Geum Woo-sin had no intention of listening to him.

Before leaving, Geum Woo-sin said, "This happened within Snow Sword Manor Snow Sword Manor must take responsibility for this."


"When you tried to move Suryeon to Snow Sword Manor, what did they say?

"They said her condition was still critical and had to be kept in Snow Sword Manor. They also said not to worry about her safety because they would ensure no one would harm her. But what is this now?"

Geun Woo Shin directed his anger towards Lee Yul.

Lee Yul couldn't respond properly because what Geum Woo-sin said was true.

His measures to protect Geum Suryeon had become shackles around his ankles.

Geum Woo-sin and the servants of Golden Mountain Manor left with Geum Suryeon.

Lee Yul gritted his teeth as he watched the backs of the Golden Mountain Manor servants disappear into the distance.

His eyes were filled with blood as if blood could drip from them.

He said to his servant Baek Do-gyeong,

"Send the goods."

"Isn't it too early?"

"Don't you know? That idiot is snooping around inside."


"Stupid... I don't know when he'll find out."

For the first time, Lee Yul glared at Baek Do-gyeong with contempt. He felt Baek Do-gyeong, who couldn't see the future clearly, was foolish. "

Just call them already." 'Yes, Sir," Baek Do-gyeong replied hastily, bowing his head to the owner's anger."

"Lee-Yul's worry soon became a reality. Geum Shin-Chung, Upon seeing the corpse of her only daughter, Geum Suryeon, went crazy and demanded that Snow Sword Manor estate take responsibility for her death.

He also announced that all support and contracts with Snow Sword Manor estate would be terminated.

Snow Sword Manor estate had gained an advantage in their fight against Jin-Manor because of the large amount of gold that came from Geum Shin-Chung.

Using dirty tactics in a financial battle, they were able to overpower Jin Manor. However, that was now a thing of the past.

With the turning of Geum Shin-Chung, Snow Sword Manor estate's power became similar to that of Jin Manor, if not weaker. The foundation of the picture that Lee-Yul had painted had fallen apart.

"That's why I purposely didn't kill Geum Suryeon and brought her to the main house. To pass the responsibility for her death to the main house..."

Blood dripped between Lee-Yul's tightly clenched fists.

The real crisis had not even begun yet.

If it became known that Ice-slayer was the Assassin that Lee-Yul had hired, Geum Shin-chung's actions would not be limited to just cutting off their support.

If he were Pyo-Wol, he would definitely hand over the proof that he hired Ice-Slayer to the Golden Mountain Manor.

"Damn it!"