Reaper of the Drifting Chapter 262
Reaper of the Drifting Moon  Chapter 262

Lee Gu-Sam was a martial artist who specialized in the use of the spear.

Although it was somewhat inconvenient to carry around, the spear was an extremely effective weapon in terms of versatility and usefulness.

It was often said that it took one hundred days to become proficient with the spear, one thousand days to master the sword, and ten thousand days to become a true master of the sword.

People believed mastering the sword required more time and effort because it was considered the "king of all weapons." So martial arts were typically ranked in order of swordsmanship, spear fighting, and hand-to-hand combat.

However, this belief was only partially accurate.

While it was true that one could become proficient with the spear in a hundred days, truly mastering spear-fighting techniques would require even more time and effort than learning sword-fighting techniques.

This is because the power of the weapon itself is exceptional. It has a much longer reach and limitless versatility than a sword or knife.

After learning the spear technique from his master, Lee Gu-Sam traveled around Kangho to perfect his skills.

Through his training, he realized there were limits to what he could achieve through practice alone. To break through the barriers that were holding him back, he needed practical experience.

That's why Lee Gu-Sam searched for battlefields where he could freely wield his spear. However, the current times were peaceful, and there were no battlefields where he could fully unleash his spear.

Lee Gu-Sam lamented that he was born in the wrong era.

That was when he heard the news that Jin-Manor and Snow Sword Manor were engaged in a fierce battle.

Without hesitation, Lee Gu-Sam headed straight to the battlefield.

Although he had contemplated whether to join Snow Sword Manor or Jin Manor, he ultimately chose to side with Jin Manor.

While Snow Sword Manor had a valid claim, he believed standing with the disadvantaged Jin Manor would be more advantageous for his reputation.

For this reason, Lee Gu-Sam joined forces with Jin Manor and participated in several battles, earning the nickname "Gwi-hon-chang" (Ghost Spear) for his significant contributions to the fights.

Receiving a nickname was a sign of recognition from the people, indicating that they acknowledged his skills and achievements.

After wandering the Kangho with his spear for ten years, Lee Gu-Sam was finally acknowledged, and his spear techniques significantly improved through intense battles.

He realized how to maximize the power of his spear and overcame the obstacles that had previously blocked him.

"Gwi-hon-chang, huh? Sounds impressive," he thought, satisfied with his new nickname.

He gripped his spear tightly, which was nothing special, just a wooden shaft with an iron spearhead.

On the blade of the spear was the blood of the nameless men he killed and wounded that day. Lee Gu-sam carefully wiped the blood off with a dry cloth and sharpened the spear with concentration.

For a warrior, a weapon was as precious as a limb, requiring constant care and maintenance. His eyes and nerves were solely focused on the spear in his hand.

His concentration was interrupted when he noticed a small doll on a nearby table. The shabby doll was made of patched cloth and seemed to be frozen. Lee Gu-sam had been staying in this room for several days, but he had never seen the doll before.

He wondered what it was when suddenly the doll opened its mouth wide and laughed at him. It was no hallucination. Just then, something fell from the ceiling, revealing a man with a cruel look, thin as a crow.

He was Heuk-Ho.

He used puppetry to distract Lee Gu-Sam's attention and then ambushed him.

When Lee Gu-Sam noticed the attack, Heuk-Ho had already reached his proximity.


The deformed sword, like a iron snake pierced his side and stabbed his heart.

"Ke... ugh!"

Lee Gu-Sam's eyes widened in pain.

The spear he held in his hand fell to the ground, and his body collapsed like a fish pierced by a dart.

Heuk-Ho stared into Lee Gu-Sam's dying eyes.

Lee Gu-sam couldn't believe his death, but he had no strength to resist.


With the last spasm, Lee Gu-sam's breath stopped.

Heuk-Ho finally pulled out the deformed sword stuck in Lee Gu-sam's body.

Squish! Squish!

Blood poured out of the wound where the sword had been.


Heuk-Ho laughed wickedly.

"After tasting the blood of someone else for the first time in a while, it woke Heuk-Ho's senses as he murmured and got up

'Let's try it once, Pyo-Wol!'

Pyo-Wol turned Snow Sword Manor upside down, causing the atmosphere to become the worst it had ever been. This strained their relationship with the Golden Gate Manor to its breaking point.

It was a desperate moment when a change in the atmosphere was desperately needed. Lee-Yul assigned Heuk-Ho and Hongryeon to assassinate the Jin Manor warriors who had shown their prowess in the fight against Snow Sword Manor.

It was the moment they had been waiting for.

Heuk-Ho released the pent-up anger that had accumulated while tracking Pyo-Wol.

They failed to extract Pyo-Wol.

Heuk-Ho thought Pyo-Wol had escaped Snow Sword Manor. Otherwise, there was no reason why he couldn't find him.

Lee-Yul ordered Heuk-Ho to repay the damages Pyo-Wol inflicted on Snow Sword Manor with greater harm to Jin Manor.

By now, Hongryeon would also assassinate the warriors who had entered Jin Manor.


Heuk-Ho quietly retrieved the doll.

The doll had quite a lot to do tonight.

As a result, many people would die.


The next day, Jin Manor was thrown into chaos.

This was because as many as ten unarmed warriors were found dead in their residences.

They were all outsiders who had come to help in the fight against Snow Sword Manor.

Despite their great achievements in battle, these talented individuals had fallen victim to assassins overnight.

As a result, Jin Manor was put on high alert.

Jin Si-woo called together the leaders of Jin Manor and trustworthy outsiders, including Nam Gung-Wol, Oh Joo-Kang, and Un-Hae, the monk of Shaolin Temple.

Nam Gung-wol's eyes were deeply sunken. One of the warriors killed by the assassins overnight was his close friend.

Sung-Jeong, who had become friends with him after entering Jin Manor, was a man of integrity and justice, regardless of his status.

He had planned to deepen their friendship after the war with Snow Sword Manor ended. But he died, and Nam Gung-Wol felt a deep sense of loss.

Jin Si-woo opened his mouth, looking at the audience.

"As you know, there was a tragedy last night. The assassins went on a rampage and left. Judging from the scars, it seems that at least three or more assassins were involved."

Everyone was speechless. Even though three or more assassins were active within Jin Manor, no one had noticed.

"There are clearly hired assassins by Snow Sword Manor. If we don't catch them, the damage will only get worse. If anyone has an opinion on catching these assassins, please speak up without hesitation."

"We will thoroughly guard and be on alert for any suspicious activity."

"We will increase the number of patrols by more than double and provide thorough protection."

The warriors of Jin Manor presented their opinions.

Their opinions were general and could not be seen as a special plan.

Jin Si-Woo's gaze turned to the warriors outside.

"Do you have any other suggestions?"

"For now, it seems we can only be vigilant until the assassins are caught."

"We need to turn Jin Manor upside down to catch the assassins. They are surely hiding within the Jin Manor."

"Let's search for any places the assassins might be hiding."

Their opinions were no different from those of the warriors of Jin Manor.

Jin Si-Woo's expression became increasingly distorted.

His gaze suddenly turned to monk Un-Hae sitting quietly on one side.

Un-Hae's participation in the leadership meeting was not to support Jin Manor but to understand how the situation was developing.

However, the more people talked, the more uneasy he became.

It was because of the assassins who were operating within Snow Sword Manor.

Shaolin blamed Seong-Un's death on Pyo-Wol's misdeeds.

It was more accurate to say that Seongam led it, but monk Un-Hae facilitated it, and other monks sympathized with him.

After that day, Pyo Wol hid from sight in Jin Manor.

Although late, monk Un-Hae scolded Seongam for his rashness, but it was already too late for regret.

That was when it happened.

"Master Un-Hae!"

Suddenly, Nam Gung-Wol spoke to monk Un-Hae.

Nam Gung-Wol spoke to him in an official capacity for the first time.

"What can Shaolin say about this situation?"

"Amitabha! W-what do you mean?"

"What do you think about these assasins running rampant withinJin Manor?"

At that moment, everyone in the room held their breaths.

They felt a sharp thorn hidden within Nam Gung-Wol's words.

Monk Un-Hae looked embarrassed.

"Why are you asking me, a small monk?"

"Do you really not know?"


Monk Un-Hae closed his eyes tightly.

"Without any evidence, Shaolin Temple attacked Pyo-Wol for the responsibility of Seong-Un's death. It was because he was the only assassin present at that time."


"Now there are more suspects. What do you think about that?"

Nam Gung-Wol attacked Un-Hae without mercy.

Although he had been in Jin Manor for quite some time, he had never shown himself to slander or oppose others.

It was even more shocking to see Nam Gung-Wol lash out at Un-Hae.

"Master Nam Gung."

"He left Jin Manor because of Shaolin Temple. We would not have been helpless against the assassins if he had stayed. No matter what anyone says, assassins know the most about assassins."


"Since he left because of Shaolin Temple, shouldn't Shaolin Temple take responsibility?"

"What do you mean?"

"Shaolin Temple should call Pyo-Wol back or go out and catch the assassins himself."

"Amitabha! That's impossible."

"Then what's possible? How long will you continue to mediate under the guise of impartiality?"

"Master Namgung?"

"I'm tired of it. I'm tired of Shaolin temple's attitude. Wasn't Shaolin temple supposed to be the guide that everyone could rely on, not just another faction? But what is Shaolin doing now? They're not even mediating, they're just running back and forth between the two sides."

He wanted to make an excuse but couldn't open his mouth because what Nam Gung-Wol said was entirely true.

When had he, a senior monk of Shaolin Temple, ever been in such a predicament? Moreover, he had a gentle personality and disliked arguing with others.

Because of this, he was weak in verbal disputes like this.

Furthermore, he felt some remorse for what Seongam had done. This made it even harder for him to make excuses.

By this point, no one had intervened, as everyone had the same thoughts as Nam Gung-Wol.

Shaolin Temple's indecisive attitude disappointed many people. At least, the image of the Shaolin Temple that had been shown so far needed to be clearer.

That was when it happened.

"How dare you disrespect the sacred teachings."

A fierce voice was heard at the entrance.

Turning his head, he saw a large-bodied monk glaring at Nam Gung-Wol.

He was Seongam, Shaolin Temple's disciple.

"What are you doing here?"

Monk Un-Hae was surprised, and his eyes widened.

He had ordered Seongam to practice in isolation for a while, but Seongam had violated the order and appeared here.

Seongam's fierce gaze was fixed on Nam Gung-Wol.

His eyes were filled with anger.

"How dare you, a mere novice, disrespect Shaolin's elder."

"Who said anything disrespectful?" Nam Gung-Wol replied coldly.

"Your words."

"You speak with a loose mouth. Crazy Monk!"

"Heh! I'll show you why I'm called the Crazy Monk today. Come out, you coward."

"Fine! So-called troublemaker of Shaolin."

"What? Troublemaker?"

"At this point, your behavior can only be called as such."

"You insolent fool!"

"I will let you know that there is a heaven too besides the Shaolin temple."

Nam Gung-Wol moved towards the exit.

He could no longer endure the built-up anger.

The crazy monk also followed Nam Gung-Wol outside.

Although monk Un-Haetried to stop him from behind, the crazy monk was already consumed by rage and did not hear his voice.

Jin Si-Woo, who was watching the scene, sighed.

"What a mess."